We Wine Whenever's Podcast

RHOC S18 E3 Recap: Flag Football Feuds and Emotional Breakdowns

Season 1 Episode 84

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RHOC S18 E3 Recap: Flag Football Feuds and Emotional Breakdowns

The episode kicks off with the conclusion of Gina and Jenn's argument. Gina vents to Emily in her car while Jenn calls Shannon, who sympathizes with both women. Gina's frustration centers around Jenn's focus on appearances, and Emily jokes about "Malibu Broke Barbie."

The cast gathers at the beach for flag football, with Tamara and Emily as team captains. Heather referees, and Katie reveals her figure skating past. Jenn discusses her clash with Gina, and Shannon learns about Alexis's gym drama.

Emily's team, "Team Destroyer," wins the game. Gina and Jenn have a tense conversation about their issues, with Gina revealing her struggles with Travis and their housing situation. Tamara defends Jenn, explaining her unsettled life post-divorce.

Emily and Shannon visit a photo studio for Emily's boudoir shoot, where they bond over the pressures of maintaining a fit image in Orange County. Shannon empathizes with Emily's struggles with weight gain.

Tamara, Jenn, and Alexis go for a walk, and drama surfaces regarding Alexis and John Jansen at Shannon's gym. Shannon's friendship with the gym owner Alex gets entangled in the conflict, with accusations flying about Christian values and inappropriate discussions.

Gina, Sutton, and Katie meet for lunch. Gina discusses her connection to Sutton through their ex-husbands. Katie shares her mixed experiences with Heather. Sutton advises Katie against confronting Heather, using a colorful metaphor about avoiding trouble.

Emily reflects on balancing a healthy lifestyle with Shane's less disciplined habits. She confronts him about his health, worrying about his refusal to see a doctor despite chest pains.

The episode ends with Gina struggling as Travis packs to move out. She worries she might have made a mistake but emphasizes the need for space due to Travis's unresolved past. Travis feels the decision isn't truly about the kids, leading to Gina feeling guilty and conflicted.


  • Gina's frustration with the situation is justified and she deserves support
  • Jen's actions have tarnished Gina's reputation and she needs to acknowledge the impact
  • Shannon plays devil's advocate and tries to understand both sides of the situation
  • The flag football game brings some light-hearted moments to the episode
  • The drama between Shannon and Alexis at the gym adds to the tension
  • Gina and Jen's financial issues are discussed and criticized Motivation and ambition vary among the cast members
  • Boudoir photoshoots can be a fun and empowering experience
  • Drama and conflicts between cast members continue to unfold
  • Connections and relationships between the cast members are explored
  • Guilt is a common feeling among women, especially when it comes to balancing multiple responsibilities
  • Setting a good example for children is important


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We Wine Whenever (00:01.326)
Hi, welcome to We Wine Whenever. I'm Wendy. Today we're talking about Real Housewives of Orange County, season 18, episode number three. And it starts out with the end of Gina and Jen's fight when they're in the little cafe. Gina goes out to her car and she calls Emily and Jen stays inside and she calls Shannon. And she expresses her frustration to Shannon

Kelli (00:03.953)

We Wine Whenever (00:29.099)
you know, Gina walking out and her complaining about her getting her hair done. And Shannon explains to her that she kind of understands what she's going through, but she's, know, cause she's been through a divorce, but she sees both sides of it. Like, you know, she sees Gina's side of it

Kelli (00:43.387)
Yeah, I thought Shannon did a nice job of kind of playing devil's advocate.

We Wine Whenever (00:46.615)
She did, she did. Especially because Gina put her career on the line. You know, and the funny thing is when we had talked about this last week, I saw a lot of comments that people thought that Gina was acting like Shannon did when she got the detail. I don't see that at all. They were not giving Gina any grace. And I think Gina, what she did was justified for being upset when it was out there. She put it out there publicly.


Kelli (01:17.413)
I mean, we always say it like, mess with my kids or my money. And you're messing with her money now.

We Wine Whenever (01:20.819)
Right, right. And that's to pay for her children.

Kelli (01:26.331)
Yeah, she's new to this industry and she's trying to make a name for herself and you've tarnished it. You know, not on purpose, but you, but you did. And you have to acknowledge that. Like, I don't think Jen's really acknowledging the fact that, you know, Gina did put her name on the line and she was embarrassed.

We Wine Whenever (01:32.939)
Right. Right.

We Wine Whenever (01:48.148)
Right. I mean, and even when she was on Watch What Happens Live that night with Josh Flagg, who's a seasoned realtor, he's understood. He's understood what she did. You know,

Kelli (01:58.277)
Yeah, I mean, he's dealing with a different clientele, Josh Flagg, like he wouldn't probably have to require any kind of background check on his clients, but he basically said you should. You should.

We Wine Whenever (02:07.934)
No, I think he does though. You know what? Yeah.

We Wine Whenever (02:16.107)
And then when she's talking to, when Gina's talking to Emily on the phone, you know, she's like explaining to her her frustrations about her having her hair done. And Emily's response is, you know, we'll probably see her on the beach with full extensions and full glam. And Gina says that and Emily responds, we'll have Malibu broke Barbie, which was my favorite line of the whole Malibu broke Barbie. And it was true.

Kelli (02:40.837)
That was good. That was a good.

Yeah. Yeah. Emily's good with those.

We Wine Whenever (02:46.346)
Yeah, she is good with those and they meet up for flag football on the beach and we have team a seat so Tamara and Emily are captains and We find out I did not know this that Katie was a figure skater Right. Was that a surprise to you? Yes, exactly. So I didn't even know she had that in her when we knew about the golf from another episode, but I didn't know about figure skating

Kelli (03:03.567)
Yeah, up until what a sophomore in high school or something she said.

We Wine Whenever (03:17.47)
so then they get it. They have to name their teams. wait, before that Heather shows up with her, her referee shirt because they don't make them designer. I'm surprised she doesn't call up one of her designer friends and ask them to make her one. Yeah, I think so. I think you could call up Gucci or Louboutin and they would, they would make it happen.

Kelli (03:23.719)
polyester referrer.

Kelli (03:29.359)
I mean really Heather, get it together. You have some contacts, they couldn't throw something together for

Kelli (03:39.505)
Could you imagine if we cover Fashion Week again and we see like referee shirts on the runway? It could happen. Heather DeBrow could make it happen. Yeah.

We Wine Whenever (03:51.155)
She probably could. And it would be the HD referee shirt.

Kelli (03:55.515)
Yeah, for sure. For sure. A little monogram on

We Wine Whenever (04:00.193)
Right, right. I like, and you know, it's a perfect role for her. And then they have to name their teams after they pick their teams. And it worked out perfectly that the two that were fighting were not on the same team. I mean, I'm sure that they made it work out that way. So Emily's team comes up with the team destroyers and Tamar is the team of love. What? I know.

Kelli (04:15.909)

Kelli (04:22.437)
Which is such a joke, because she's the worst. Who was she making fun of?

We Wine Whenever (04:28.176)
I know, that's what I thought.

Kelli (04:32.867)
One note before I fell asleep the first time I was watching it. She was making fun of somebody. She was making fun of Shannon before the game. She was being such an asshole about Shannon making a costume or something. She was, she was really going

We Wine Whenever (04:48.621)
yes she did, she did. She said yes when they were getting ready to go she's like I'm sure Shannon will show up with some sort of costume.

Kelli (04:56.495)
Yeah, and then she started like mocking her, like how she sounds and...

We Wine Whenever (04:59.79)
Yes, yes, you're right, and that was not called for.

Kelli (05:02.777)
No, there's no reason other than to other than being on the show and making it a storyline for Tamra to be coming so hard at Shannon right now. Whatever Shannon's got going on with Alexis is between Shannon and Alexis. And we all know you don't give a shit if Shannon got treatment or not. So she's just coming in hard to make a storyline for herself on the

We Wine Whenever (05:22.958)
No, no.

We Wine Whenever (05:27.751)
Yes, I agree with that 100%. So when they get there, Jenna's talking about what happened with Gina, because she's on Tamara's team. And Shannon finds out that Alexis is going to the same gym that she took John Jansen to herself and using her trainer. Which I don't blame her for being pissed off about that. Like, come

Kelli (05:49.222)

I don't either. I don't either. And I don't believe that she hasn't been there. Like Alexis said, well, you haven't been there in three months. I don't believe that at all because although Shannon probably is on Ozempic and good for her, God bless her. She looks amazing and she's definitely working out. So I don't believe that for a second. And like, I think it was Emily said, like there's so many trainers and gyms in Orange County. Like, come on, go somewhere else. Even for John Jansen, why would he want to go

We Wine Whenever (06:04.249)
She looks amazing

Kelli (06:19.855)
If it was Shannon's trainer first and Shannon's gym first, go find another gym. Why would you go there with your new girlfriend other than to start trouble?

We Wine Whenever (06:29.541)
That's it. The more this plays out, the more I think he is the biggest scumbag. He really is. I mean, he just, he's a predator. He's a predator. And I

Kelli (06:36.751)

Kelli (06:40.997)
Yes. Yep. This is Shannon's comeback season, though. Shannon looks great, like physically and just, you know, what's that word that they're all using right now? I'll think of it. All the housewives are using that this term optically. Optically, she looks good also. It's all about the optics and how things

We Wine Whenever (06:46.158)
She does look great. She does.

We Wine Whenever (07:01.657)

We Wine Whenever (07:08.94)
And then they're talking about how they went out to lunch with Alexis and Alexis divulged that she was having sex four times a

Kelli (07:19.906)
Ew, first of all, because he's fucking gross.

We Wine Whenever (07:22.186)
Right, right. Yeah, exactly.

And that gets back to the trainer, by the way, which Alexis thinks that got back to the trainer from Shannon, but you didn't tell Shannon. You told the girls at the luncheon, Shannon wasn't at that

Kelli (07:41.655)
Right. Well, well, she said it at Heather's luncheon, but Shannon wasn't with an

We Wine Whenever (07:49.803)
Right. I don't know. It's just I am not liking anything that Alexis was doing. I wanted to give her a chance because I know that her and Heather have been close because I'm not sure. I think Alexis has a transgender child also. Yes. And I believe that's one of the things that her and Heather have bonded over.

Kelli (08:11.381)
really? okay.

Kelli (08:18.631)
Okay, well that's nice because Heather was awful to her when they were on the show together.

We Wine Whenever (08:24.695)
Maybe I should look that up before we drop this. I'm almost positive.

Kelli (08:29.349)
I mean, listen, people, want to fact check us, fact check us. We're saying we think.

We Wine Whenever (08:33.066)
Yeah, because I think that that's the case. I was interested in that storyline and how they're supporting each other and how they're supporting the community.

Kelli (08:42.511)
Yeah, it would it would make sense because they weren't close before. So it would make sense if something like that created a bond between

We Wine Whenever (08:54.658)
Yes, yes. So that's what I think. I'm not 100 % sure, but I do not. And I wanted to believe that Alexis came back with good intentions, but I just, she, everything she's giving me right now is Tamara. She is just like Tamara.

Kelli (09:09.935)
And I think that that was the I think that's the point of her coming back. Like, and I think that that's why her and Tamra are acting as if they're BFFs, because she did come back to start trouble. And she obviously came back to start trouble with Shannon and Tamra's all over it. I really think Shannon thought that I mean, I'm sorry. I really think that Tamra thought that Shannon was going to get fired after the after the DUI. And she was scrambling to find her new BFF.

We Wine Whenever (09:41.193)
Yeah, because she wasn't announced yet, right? At that point, it wasn't announced. Yeah, it could be. I mean, it's very possible. So then they wind up playing the football game. And of course, the Destroyers win. I mean, that was really, I could have told you before they even picked up the ball who was going to win that game.

We Wine Whenever (10:06.234)
After the game, they're all sitting down and talking and Jen is sitting at the table and Gina sits down to try and talk to her about the whole situation that they really didn't get to talk about at the restaurant the day before, whenever that was, earlier in the week. And Gina tells Jen that, you know, the realtor won't even return her call. And this is a realtor that she was building a relationship with. And Jen's like, well, she returns my call. And she was like, yeah, because you represent the woman whose house you're squatting in.

And everyone's like, squatting, squatting. Like that's what everyone took offense to. And I was like, well, that is what she's doing if she's not paying rent.

Kelli (10:42.809)
If she's living there and not paying rent, then she is

We Wine Whenever (10:46.193)
Right. Right.

Kelli (10:48.091)
I mean, is she not paying anything or because she made it sound like only the ex husband wasn't paying his share. She was paying a little bit. Her father was paying some and the ex was paying some. If the ex isn't paying or is she and the father at least still paying something or are they just not paying anything? That's a squad.

We Wine Whenever (11:10.021)
know because then at some point and I don't know if it was on watch what happens live has Alexis been on watch what happens live yet I remember I don't I remember Alexis saying that her father had to bail her out her father had to pay the money yes Jen's father now if he paid the money then why was she kicked

Kelli (11:27.665)

Kelli (11:36.359)
Maybe she was kicked out and then he paid her back

We Wine Whenever (11:40.616)
Well, why would you pay the background if your daughter's kicked out? Give her that money to put towards something else.

Kelli (11:45.595)
Well, get maybe to not mess with her credit or your credit or somebody's

We Wine Whenever (11:49.264)
I yeah, I don't know. I don't know. It's just weird to me. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know the exact situation.

Kelli (11:56.495)
Maybe the landlord took it to court and there was a judgment that they had to pay the back rent.

We Wine Whenever (12:01.183)
that could be. That could be.

Kelli (12:03.333)
I mean, that shit gets tied up in court for years though, so it would be interesting if it was that quick. Maybe California moves quicker than Jersey.

We Wine Whenever (12:11.71)
Yeah. So today was my first day back at work. And one of the things I did today, I went through my emails and that pretty much took all day. And in the process of going through my emails, I had a landlord send me a copy of an eviction notice because they didn't, you know, they were trying to evict the tenant on May 30th. So I emailed them today on 729, just so you have a timeline. What's the status on this?

The tenant been evicted and is the premises vacated. And I will tell you what, that attorney got back to me like that and the tenants supposedly are out. So I will be driving by there tomorrow to make sure that the tenants are out, but that's pretty quick,

Kelli (12:54.662)

That is very quick, two months? Hell yeah!

We Wine Whenever (12:59.664)
Yeah. So I guess in Jersey things have, I was very surprised that it happened so quickly.

Kelli (13:06.459)
I think over COVID, during COVID, mean everything, trials, everything got put off, you know, put on hold, but hopefully they're catching up now slowly but surely.

We Wine Whenever (13:15.312)
Yeah. So when Gina is explaining about her squatting and then she really starts to break down, she's like, what you did, it burnt me bad. And she starts crying and starts telling them about what's going on with her and Travis and how Travis is moving out. And, you know, because they need a bigger house and she doesn't want to make a bad financial decision, which is what Jen did.

Kelli (13:43.814)

We Wine Whenever (13:44.739)
And the ladies are a little bit more empathetic to her, think, at this point, especially Heather, because Heather already knew something was going on. And Heather has always been close to Gina. Heather and Gina have always had the New York bond, right? Yeah. So I was glad to see that Heather was like, I like that bond that they have, because Heather is the seasoned pro,

Kelli (13:58.479)
Right, right, the East Coast,

We Wine Whenever (14:11.936)
And Gina's, even though she's been there a while, I still think she's like the young newbie, even though she's not. I like, right? But, I like the fact that Heather did kind of take her under her wing and she's kept her there. Like she hasn't, I mean, I don't know what happens when they're not filming, but when they're filming, they seem to be like that same, that same vibe. Because I can.

Kelli (14:16.613)
Yeah, yeah. yeah, she gives that vibe.

Kelli (14:33.979)
Yeah, you're just always rooting for Gina, feel like, because you know what she went through when she first came on the show. Like, that was rough. And that one reunion when she had to recap what happened with her husband when he got physical with her on the cut, thank God they're in such a good place now, but that was rough. So you're just rooting for Gina.

We Wine Whenever (14:53.497)

We Wine Whenever (14:59.558)
so then Tamar starts once again, sticking up for Jen when all this, you know, Gina's crying. Then Tamar starts sticking up for Jen because her, her ex took care of everything and nothing is settled. And you know, then she talks about the car because they're like, well, what about your car? Cause you can't make your car payment either. Has it been repoed?

Kelli (15:21.125)
Poor woman is like, it's like, why don't you just show her bank statements on national television? Like my God, just dragging

We Wine Whenever (15:28.577)
I know. I know. So we get, you know, we find out that Ryan gave her his car and he's turning in that car to pay it off and rolling it into his new loan. But if Ryan has all this money, I don't know. I guess we'll have to see how that turns

Kelli (15:47.067)
Her ex -husband must be so bitter. She must have really cheated on him with Ryan. That's pretty clear. And he must just be extremely bitter about the whole thing. And giving her a hard time about this divorce.

We Wine Whenever (16:06.689)
Yeah, but the fact is he still has these kids that he's responsible for. And how can how can they're not been financials taken care of? mean, I do remember that Lisa Hoxtain was going through the same thing. Like she was having problems to like the men control the money. And I don't think she had control over anything either. And I.

Kelli (16:09.755)
Yeah? Yeah.

Kelli (16:25.891)
Right. And it doesn't even matter what stature you're at, like financially, because, you know, my girlfriend has been going through it for two years.

We Wine Whenever (16:35.957)

Kelli (16:37.497)
It's like when one party does it, if both parties aren't amicable and want resolution. It it gets jammed up and these guys, I mean, at least we know Lisa Hochstein's douchebag husband like that guy, he don't want to give her anything, which is disgusting with all the money he's got. He's living on Star Island in Miami for crying

We Wine Whenever (17:03.658)
Yeah, I know, I know. It's crazy, it's crazy. And Gina tells them that her and Travis aren't breaking up. just gonna switch up their living arrangements so that she doesn't feel so guilty and her kids have a little more space. And I can understand that. The internet was going crazy about that too. They're like, cause Tamra made that comment, I've never heard of somebody.

Kelli (17:05.698)

We Wine Whenever (17:31.369)
being together for four years and then moving out and then staying together. And then Andy asked her on Watch What Happens Live, are you and Travis still together? And she said yes. And I was listening to Jeff Lewis today, that one episode, and he had brought it up too. And he had said something like, I want to drive by Gina's house and see if Travis has moved back in. Because I think that was just a storyline. Travis is definitely still living there. I don't think he is. Well, that was her house. No,

Kelli (17:54.853)
Did she get a new house?

Right, so this is what I didn't understand. Did she want him to move out so she could sell her house and buy something bigger and only put it in her name?

We Wine Whenever (18:08.913)
No, that house that she has is fine for her and her three children. If there's going to be six children and him, the two of them, they need a bigger space. They're not in position to buy something together. She cannot afford it on her own, something bigger. And she's doing okay now financially.

Kelli (18:19.791)
they need something bigger and they're not in a position to buy something together.

Kelli (18:28.251)
Got it. Got

We Wine Whenever (18:35.813)
And she feels bad now. She doesn't like to do things for her kids that the other kids see. And now like she's like penalizing. And I get that. Like she can go on vacation. She could go on vacation with her kids and take them places. But that she can't afford to pay for his kids to go on vacation. And he can't afford, like things like that. Like they shouldn't have to. I think what she is doing makes sense. To me it does make sense.

Kelli (18:45.969)
for sure!

Kelli (19:04.177)
I agree. I was just confused. I thought she was buying a bigger house by herself and only wanted it in her

We Wine Whenever (19:08.858)
No. No, because she could do that, but she can't afford a bigger, she can't afford a house that can accommodate them all. Or she doesn't want to take.

Kelli (19:17.775)
unless they did it together and they're not in a position to do that because his divorce isn't final. Got

We Wine Whenever (19:22.288)
Right. Right. And I, I mean, we'd, right. Right. And maybe that's, you know, that's going to be his, Yep. That's going to be his motivation. Cause people are trashing her. Like he stood by her. Why can't she stand by him? I'm tired of people saying that when a woman stands on her own and is successful, why does she have to like, come on? Right.

Kelli (19:25.809)
Get your shit together, Trav, get your shit together, get that divorce finalized.

Kelli (19:32.475)
That was her kind of pushing him to do

Kelli (19:48.401)
Compromise. Yeah, no, I totally agree with you. Fuck that.

We Wine Whenever (19:54.091)
I if Jen could stand on her own, and that's what Gina said, I'm rooting for Jen to stand on her own. And I'm rooting for her too, but honestly, I don't think she can. I don't think Jen can.

Kelli (20:05.595)
I don't think Jen's as motivated as Gina was. And listen, Tamar can talk shit all she wants. She wasn't motivated either. She was living off of Simon and then she got with Eddie and they opened a gym together. She didn't do any of that on her

We Wine Whenever (20:09.382)
Well, cause she has people bailing her

We Wine Whenever (20:23.866)
No, she didn't do it on her own. No, she

Kelli (20:25.413)
So she can talk shit all she wants, but, cause she's, and it's so funny to me that she was sticking up for Jen because she talks so much shit behind her back. And we see towards the end of the season, they're going to go at it again.

We Wine Whenever (20:35.044)
I know.

Yeah, and we know how she treated her last season.

Kelli (20:42.295)

We Wine Whenever (20:45.041)
So then the next thing we see is Emily and Shannon go to the photo studio together for the boudoir photos. I loved that scene. like that. I think you should. Yeah. Why not? I encourage people to do it. And she was doing it for their anniversary. It's going to be their 15th anniversary.

Kelli (20:51.19)
that was cute.

Maybe I'll do that for my 50th.

I think I should.

I know.

Kelli (21:06.512)
See ya!

We Wine Whenever (21:12.204)
And I get it, you she has worked hard on this body that she's got. She's been honest about how she got it. She's a big girl. She's got a big bone. She's a big bone girl. She's just got a large frame. It is what it is. And she's always had insecurities because even as a child, she was larger than other kids her age.

Kelli (21:22.139)
Yeah. Yeah.

We Wine Whenever (21:33.55)
Be proud of your body, put it out there. And I'm glad that she's doing it. I'm glad that she's doing that for her. And I like that bonding moment between her and Shannon.

Kelli (21:42.821)
Yeah, I love that. I love that with our

We Wine Whenever (21:46.447)
Because Shannon understands. She understands getting heavy and loose. I mean, if anybody under, you know, she's put it all out there too.

Kelli (21:51.995)
Yeah. Yeah. And Emily is like the type of person and I would probably be the same way that you're so used to not liking the way you look that no matter, cause Emily looks amazing. Like we could sit here and say it all day. She probably just can just looks at herself and never feels that way, which sucks, but I'm, the same

We Wine Whenever (22:14.447)
I'll tell you, I did the boudoir shots when I was 49. I did, I did. Yep, I may show them. I do, glamour shots in the Freehold Mall.

Kelli (22:18.321)
Did you really?

Where did you go for it? Do you remember?

is that still there?

We Wine Whenever (22:28.205)
I don't, that I don't know.

Kelli (22:30.459)

We Wine Whenever (22:32.643)
I'll show

Kelli (22:32.817)
I mean, I'm sure I can find a place, but that's amazing that you did

We Wine Whenever (22:35.63)
Yeah, I did it because I said, you know what? I wasn't the thinnest. was, I was like, you know what though? I'm 49 and I don't know if it's going to get better than this. So I'm going to do these. And I think, I think I'm going to do it again. Maybe for 59 right before, right, right before I turned 60, right? Why

Kelli (22:46.491)
That's amazing!

Kelli (22:52.048)

Yeah. Yeah, I'm gonna look into a place.

We Wine Whenever (23:01.654)
Okay, so yeah, I did do it. Maybe I'll show some of my pictures. I don't know, we'll see.

Kelli (23:03.813)
That's amazing that you did

Kelli (23:11.665)
Bill might have them hidden somewhere.

We Wine Whenever (23:13.584)
no, I know exactly where they are. He probably doesn't even know where they are. I mean, I got them for him, but I'm sure he doesn't even know where they are. Yeah, no, I'm sure he doesn't know. you know, whatever. So then what happens? Okay, so then Tamra and Jen and Alexis all meet to go walk their dogs. And Alexis shows up with Biscuit who looks exactly like Archie, Shannon's dog. I mean, talk about, yes.

Kelli (23:17.733)
I was gonna say one thing for him.

Kelli (23:38.115)
What the fuck? Single white female? Sorry, I gotta stop cursing. But seriously, this is a single white female situation. This is a stage five clinger we got going on.

We Wine Whenever (23:50.933)
Yeah, how crazy was that?

Kelli (23:52.934)
my god!

We Wine Whenever (23:55.981)
So while they're walking the dogs, comes up about the drama again about, you know, John Jansen in the gym and Alexis gives her side of the story that, you know, Shannon hadn't been there for three months. And then we find out that the gym owner goes up to John and says, listen, I don't want any drama here. And John flips out and because Alexis says to him,

Kelli (24:22.887)
See where we don't have that on camera.

We Wine Whenever (24:24.734)
I know, Alexis says to the gym owner, listen, I'm a Christian woman. And the gym owner says, well, I don't think a Christian woman talks about her sex life. And that's when John like flipped out at him and walked out and said, I'm never coming back here again. Exactly, and Alexis blames that on Shannon. No, it's what you did. I can't stand people that do that. Well, I'm a Christian woman. Well then act

Kelli (24:39.099)
Good! You shouldn't have been there in the first place!

We Wine Whenever (24:53.426)
If you're a Christian woman, you don't say you're a Christian woman.

Kelli (24:56.113)
And that's the thing. So what exactly does that mean? You're a Christian woman that you're holier than thou? No, that's not what it means. It means the exact opposite. It means that you you have faults and you make mistakes and you you pray and yep, you be humble

We Wine Whenever (25:02.57)
Right, right,

We Wine Whenever (25:10.601)
and you're humble?

Yeah. But I've always said there's certain things that people say, like, this is classy or I have class. Like, if you have to say the word, it doesn't apply. If you have to identify yourself as a Christian woman, you are not a Christian woman. You don't have to put a label on yourself. You just have to act the way a Christian acts. It just amazes me when people speak that

Kelli (25:32.39)

Kelli (25:43.376)
Yep, absolutely.

We Wine Whenever (25:45.547)
then what happens? Gina and Katie all meet up for lunch and Sutton. So Sutton, yes. So Sutton, Gina.

Kelli (25:54.055)
yes. Her dog and her dog just followed her right in there. I'm thinking, isn't she worried like that the dog's going to like run off? No dog just followed her right in there. I mean, that dog probably knows like shit, man. Sutton's my owner. I'm sticking close by her. I'm going to get the royal treatment. I ain't going nowhere. I'm not a runner.

We Wine Whenever (26:13.341)
Yeah, it doesn't get better than this. Yep, yep. But I was very surprised to hear how Gina knows Sutton. So Gina's ex Matt used to work for Sutton's ex -husband in a mutual fund company. So she's known her for quite some time. And as she said in her confessional, she did not make out as well in the divorce settlement as Sutton did.

Kelli (26:24.92)

We Wine Whenever (26:41.533)
But I like that Sutton and her have still remained close, you

Kelli (26:46.169)
Isn't it amazing how much it just goes to show you how much money are in those fucking hedge funds. Like Sutton owned a baseball team and didn't even know it. That's how much money is involved there. my kids all the time go into finance.

We Wine Whenever (26:51.428)
for sure.

We Wine Whenever (26:59.143)

We Wine Whenever (27:03.802)
They don't listen. Our kids never listen to us. None of them. Not even the ones you think are listening. They're not listening

Kelli (27:04.933)
No, they don't listen. Nope. Nope. Nope, exactly.

We Wine Whenever (27:11.977)
So then Gina asks how she knows Katie.

We Wine Whenever (27:20.732)
Gina asked Sutton. cause Sutton knows Katie, right. Cause Katie, yes. Okay. So Katie is from the South and Sutton is from the South, right? And they met at a golf. Yeah. Right. Yes. I think that's it. Yes. So I guess they met at that golf and she was a sportscaster.

Kelli (27:34.075)
Right, and there's a golf tournament that's always in Augusta, Georgia. Is it the US Open?

We Wine Whenever (27:47.888)
And that's for golf. And that's how she met her current husband also, Katie,

Kelli (27:51.823)
Right, right, Katie, yeah. She doesn't play, but that was what she covered.

We Wine Whenever (27:56.333)
Right. So then Sutton asked Katie if she's met Heather yet. And she's like, yeah, I met her once at your Christmas party and she looked at her and didn't say a word. So I believe it too, but kind of the way Sutton explained it, like she probably didn't realize it was you.

Kelli (28:13.541)
I could totally say it. I totally believe Katie.

We Wine Whenever (28:27.12)
Sutton told her all about her friend Katie, and then she's at a Christmas party and didn't put two and two together when Sutton said, this is Katie. Do you know what I'm saying?

Kelli (28:38.907)
I think that when Heather DeBrile walks into a room, especially a party, she scans the room to see who is the upper echelon of guests and who she wants to spend her time speaking to. And that's who she's going to give her attention to. And I don't think Katie was on that list.

We Wine Whenever (28:53.158)
Okay. Well, I mean, I'm giving her the benefit of doubt because I like her more than you do. I do, I do. And then about her tagging her in a photo.

Kelli (28:58.599)
I know you like fancy pants, I know you do.

We Wine Whenever (29:09.676)
So, right, so we got an explanation for that as well. Because on Watch What Happens Live, Andy asked Sutton about those two things.

Kelli (29:10.712)
yeah, that was weird. That was very strange.

Kelli (29:23.191)
I did not see

We Wine Whenever (29:24.611)
Yeah, that's what Sutton explained that like, it was Sutton that was on watch. Yeah, it was Sutton. That's what Sutton explained. Like she...

We Wine Whenever (29:35.439)
probably didn't put two and two together of who she was. she had just met her and Sutton was on the phone with her and she was posting a picture and she hit the wrong person. Cause she said, look her up, you know who she is. And she went to look her up and as she was posting the picture, she tagged her. was like, she, mean, I, listen, I think that's plausible. Be quite honest with you. That's something I might do by mistake. Like,

Kelli (30:03.335)
Well, it's definitely something Lori would do.

Kelli (30:08.423)
She was looking at a picture yesterday on Tess's phone of somebody affiliated with Joe and I'm like, just hold the phone out here, please. Do not touch

We Wine Whenever (30:13.379)
Why does, why?

We Wine Whenever (30:17.624)
Don't let her touch it. Don't let Lori touch the phone. But we do see it's coming up that Katie has some receipts that Heather lied. And I'm very curious to see what that's about because she is standing strong with

Kelli (30:34.703)
Yeah, that's gonna be very

We Wine Whenever (30:37.379)
And like Sutton said, she wouldn't go after Heather. I don't

Kelli (30:44.119)
doesn't like to be told that she's done anything wrong. you know she's she's not quick to take accountability. So we'll see we'll see what

We Wine Whenever (30:49.141)
No, she

We Wine Whenever (30:53.985)
Yeah, we will see what happens. I can't wait to see what she's got the receipts on her lying about though. I'm very curious. Sutton's big quote on that one is, a pig walks into the kitchen, you turned it into bacon and you said, I'm going to get eight. So don't be the pig walking into the kitchen. I was like, what the hell does that mean? Sometimes those Southern phrases just don't translate.

Kelli (31:00.473)
I know.


Kelli (31:16.709)
Yeah, I didn't get that.

Kelli (31:21.199)
No, not to us Yankees.

We Wine Whenever (31:24.61)
Next scene we see Emily talking to Shane about her kids and how she, you know, wants them, like they are working out with her and they see that she's like, you know, doing a healthy lifestyle and eating well and working out and getting a 7 -Eleven big gulp every day, leaving it all around the house, you know,

Kelli (31:41.583)
and Shane's eating In -N -Out Burger.

We Wine Whenever (31:52.627)
she wants to set a better example for the kids. And I think that's a valid point. I think that's a valid point. And she's not saying that you can't have these things, just maybe if you're gonna do it, do it while you're at the office. Like you wanna set a better... my God, so funny.

Kelli (31:58.318)

Kelli (32:07.395)
Right. But his response was so great when she was like, you hear these stories about guys just dropping dead on the golf course? He's like, I don't golf.

We Wine Whenever (32:14.923)
Golf Course.

I don't golf. know. I love that. I love that answer. That's why I like them together too. That they have, they have a really good banter together and they work well together. And even like he said, like the reason you can go to the gym is cause I'm back here with the kids. You know, like he's

Kelli (32:22.799)
Me too.

Kelli (32:31.131)
I agree.

Kelli (32:35.333)
Right. Right. When, she was like, cause I can't do this without you. And he was like, I know. I

We Wine Whenever (32:41.171)

Kelli (32:44.775)
That was good.

We Wine Whenever (32:48.553)
so then after that we see Gina's having a tough day cause Travis is packing up and getting ready to move out and you know, she's trying to talk to him. It was a very awkward scene.

Kelli (33:00.045)
he clearly does not want to be doing this on camera, just like that dinner when they were sitting down talking about it. The guy was tearing up, literally tearing up. He don't want to do that on national television. Me neither.

We Wine Whenever (33:02.791)

We Wine Whenever (33:09.445)
No, I don't blame him. I don't blame him. I don't blame him.

Kelli (33:15.323)
And she's like, what if this is a mistake? He's like, well, people make mistakes.

We Wine Whenever (33:18.708)
Yeah, we'll figure it out. Which it was a good answer. You know, it was a good answer.

We Wine Whenever (33:31.22)
And then my last note on this is that Gina has a lot of guilt. And I think we do that as women. We guilt ourselves no matter what decision we make, no matter what is going on in our lives, whether it's to do with the children or to do with our own personal time or whatever. I mean, that's what we do as women. We guilt ourselves. We think that we are supposed to do it all. And when it's not humanly possible for one person to do everything.

Kelli (33:37.732)
for sure.

Kelli (33:57.719)
No, it's not. But you know what? We do a pretty damn good job of doing it all.

We Wine Whenever (34:02.9)
Yeah, we certainly do.

I can't think of anything else about this one. All right, until next time. Thank you for watching and listening to We Why Whenever. I'm Wendy. Bye.

Kelli (34:08.421)
No, me neither. No, I think that's good on OC.

Kelli (34:16.6)
I'm Kelly. Bye.

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