We Wine Whenever's Podcast

RHONJ S14 E12 Recap: Boys' Night and Gangster Moves

Season 1 Episode 85

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RHONJ S14 E12 Recap: Boys' Night  and Gangster Moves


In this episode, Joe plans a boys' night and calls out Pauly for being indecisive. Bill claims surgery as his excuse, but Joe doesn’t buy it. Rachel celebrates her daughter's post-surgery progress. Bill and Jenn discuss Joe's boys' night invite and their skepticism about Nate. Jenn mentions a ladies' retreat being planned, unsure about her stance with Danielle.

Jen Fessler calls Dolores about a house for the retreat, finding a place in the Berkshires, but tensions rise over Theresa and Margaret's feud. Margaret and Jen Fessler's diner meeting reveals Theresa's lawyer's involvement in discrediting Margaret, prompting Margaret to confront Dolores.

At Joe’s boys' night, John Fuda has an allergic reaction, leading to a chaotic scene with Joe Gorga trying to help while joking about Italians' reluctance to go to the hospital. The police and paramedics arrive, with Joe insisting on feeding them steaks.

Teresa's house hosts a gathering with her lawyer presenting evidence against Margaret. A dramatic flower delivery from Margaret mocks Teresa, causing an uproar. Danielle praises the bold move in her confessional. Dolores announces that their retreat house has burned down, seeing it as a sign.

"WWHL" where Melissa Gorga and John Owen Lowe discuss the events, with bartenders Nick Marco and his husband Mike. Melissa reflects on the flower prank, the Berkshire trip, and personal questions are posed to the housewives.


  • Taking care of pets can be expensive and time-consuming.
  • Meeting celebrities can be exciting and memorable.
  • Returning to work after a break can be both challenging and rewarding.
  • Personal preferences and choices vary from person to person. The hosts have different opinions on expensive restaurants and food choices.
  • They discuss the recent episode of the Real Housewives of New Jersey and share their thoughts on the cast members.
  • The dynamics between the husbands and their boys' night out are discussed.
  • The hosts express their opinions on plastic surgery and legal issues.
  • They also talk about the importance of communication and loyalty in relationships. The scene with Joe Gorga and the paramedics was hilarious and showed the funny side of the show.
  • Margaret's flower arrangement to Teresa was a mic drop moment and a clever way to address the ongoing drama.
  • Teresa's behavior and refusal to take responsibility for her actions is frustrating to watch.
  • The upcoming changes in the show indicate that the producers are aware of the need for a fresh start.
  • The hosts express their anticipation for the next episode and their hope for a more balanced and authentic portrayal of the cast members.

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We Wine Whenever (00:01.697)
Hi, welcome to We Why Whenever, I'm Wendy.

Kelli (00:04.194)
I'm Kelly.

Lori (00:05.132)
And I'm Lori.

We Wine Whenever (00:07.203)
So how was your week?

Kelli (00:10.456)
Lori, you want to go first?

Lori (00:12.953)
Sure, my dog had dental surgery today, so that was a good time. I've just had the past two weeks of never -ending vet bills and nursing, pet nursing. It's all right. No.

Kelli (00:19.29)
How is she feeling?

We Wine Whenever (00:27.672)
that's not good.

Kelli (00:29.432)
Yeah, I'm not down with that.

We Wine Whenever (00:31.242)
No, that's not good at

Lori (00:33.121)
No, you're non -pet people, so for you guys, it's just very foreign. Yeah, it's just very foreign for you guys. But she's all right.

We Wine Whenever (00:37.367)
Yeah, that is so that is very true that is very true

Kelli (00:39.022)
It is true. Very true.

We Wine Whenever (00:44.928)
Well Kelly, I'm glad she's okay. Kelly and I did something exciting this weekend. We got to go see Melissa Gorga and Danielle Cabral at the Ocean Resort restaurant and Seaside on the Boardwalk. Did a little meet and greet with them and there was a DJ party afterwards. They are two of the nicest ladies.

Lori (00:53.92)
We got to go see Melissa Gorgia and Danielle.

Resort restaurant and seaside on the boardwalk. Did a little meet and greet with them and there was a DJ party

Kelli (01:02.81)
Mm -hmm.

Kelli (01:12.154)
for sure. And let me just say, I went to the bathroom when we first got there and I had a shapewear on, which takes very long to get back together after you go to the bathroom. So I was taking my time in the stall and I hear two women enter the bathroom and I hear the one voice. I'm like, that sounds like Melissa. And then I hear the other one start talking and I'm like, that's definitely Danielle.

So it took me a while to get my shit together and then I washed my hands. But I did hang back a little bit because I was like, I gotta, if I go back to the table and tell Wendy that I was just in the bathroom, because I get very like starstruck, I get very quiet. If I go back to the table and tell Wendy that I was just in the bathroom with them and didn't say anything, she's gonna be like, what the fuck is wrong with you? Exactly. Yes.

We Wine Whenever (02:00.702)
Yes, get back in there. I actually I tried to send you back in actually.

Kelli (02:05.956)
So I did hang back and I did, and then afterwards, like I was thinking about it today, I'm like, it was kind of like weird. Like now I feel bad. Like these poor women were just trying to go to the bathroom and I was like, my God, hi, how are you? Like when they came out, but whatever, it was fine. They were lovely. And then I was, as I was walking out of the bathroom, I saw Nate, Danielle's husband, and I kind of smacked him on the arm and was like, hey, new number one guy in the group. How you doing?

Lori (02:10.745)
thinking about it today, like, it's kind of like weird, like now I feel bad, like these poor women were just trying to go to the bathroom and I was like, my


We Wine Whenever (02:33.995)
I didn't know you smacked him on the arm.

Kelli (02:35.62)
And then I kind of like, did, was, it was not, it was not a Jennifer. It was just a bam, hey, how you doing? But they were so lovely. Nate was super, super nice. And Joe Gorga, you can see from our social media was just, I mean, he's just amazing. Such a nice guy. He was.

Lori (02:36.186)
I didn't know you snatched them on the arm. tried to like... Eh, it's a jersey thing.

We Wine Whenever (02:40.991)
You got physical?

Lori (02:57.517)
Yeah, he was a sweetie.

We Wine Whenever (02:59.59)
He really was. I should show, we did like a couple videos, like there was some bloopers. Yeah, it's funny. He just was like, and it was his idea. We didn't even ask him to do it. He's like, all right, all right, I got this, I got this. Yeah.

Kelli (03:04.977)
you gotta show the blooper one.

Lori (03:07.519)
He just was like, and it was his idea, we didn't even.

Kelli (03:12.592)
100 % it was his idea to do the video to talk about the podcast. We told him that we had a podcast and he took it upon himself to say just all four of them were incredibly nice.

We Wine Whenever (03:16.285)
Yeah. And he was

Lori (03:17.391)

We Wine Whenever (03:25.95)
Yeah, and not only like, did we tell him about the podcast, but then he was engaging with us, like asking questions. Well, how are you doing? Is it growing? What do you talk about? Like, you know, like not, not just like blowing us off, like really.

Kelli (03:32.079)

Kelli (03:38.294)
No, and he was like, you have to give it time. Like he was like, how's it going? And we were like, it's, you know, it's going a little slow, slower than we thought. And he was like, you have to give it time. You just got to keep doing it. Like he don't know us. And, and he was just very motivating.

We Wine Whenever (03:51.111)

Yes. And then we met some people at our table. We met some very lovely ladies at our table and actually one of them is going to be a guest on this podcast. She wants to talk about New Jersey housewives. She lives in Fort Lee and she also has a house in Brick. Her name is Cristina and

Lori (03:54.135)
Yes. And then we met some people at our table. We met some very lovely ladies at our table. And actually one of them is going to be a guest on this podcast. wants to

Kelli (03:57.668)

Kelli (04:03.588)
Mm -hmm.

Lori (04:07.683)
She lives in Fort Lee and she also has a house in

This is scene.

Kelli (04:16.08)
Still lit, yeah. are we not saying the last name?

Lori (04:19.609)
Well, we are now.

We Wine Whenever (04:19.677)
Well, you just said it. No, it's actually Scala, but I don't know if we're saying it, so we're gonna cut that out.

Kelli (04:21.658)

Kelli (04:26.03)
Okay, the only reason I bring that up is, and we can cut this out too, but Lauren Manzo's ex -husband's parents were there and their last name is Scalia.

We Wine Whenever (04:38.598)
Right. And so we, I mean, we can mention that, that Lauren's, Manzo's ex -husband's parents were there, Vito, Scalia and his wife. Yes, they were there. And it's funny, cause I watched them walk in the room and I watched them, right, him and his son, his son was there with him too, his other son, not Vito, but I watched him embrace Joe. He went right to Joe and I was

Lori (04:43.383)
Manzo's ex -husband's parents were there. Vito, Scalia, and his wife. Yes, they were there. it's funny because I watched them walk in the room. I watched them... Right. Him and his son. His son was there with him too. His other son, not Vito. But I watched him embrace Joe. went right to Joe. And I was like, get those guys to know each other. And then you put it together as to who they were. I was

Kelli (04:56.068)
Well, only he did, his wife was downstairs.

Kelli (05:02.084)

We Wine Whenever (05:06.747)
get those guys know each other. And then you put it together as to who they were. I was like, you're good. That's good. And then Cristina looked it up on her phone to see and she's like, yeah. So we met some good people. We had a good time and we went downstairs. We did leave Donna Marco. We left a little early.

Kelli (05:10.478)
Yep, I knew it was him.

Lori (05:13.933)
That's good. And then Cristina looked it up on her phone to see and she's like, yeah. So we met some good people, we had a good time and we went downstairs.

Kelli (05:14.84)
Yeah, and I

Kelli (05:28.164)
We saw Donna Marco, Melissa's mother.

Lori (05:31.949)
We left a little early, because I was watching that social media. We missed them singing. I don't know when that happened, but we were tired. Listen, we're old. just old. We can only do so much. We only do so much. But we had a good time. For sure. We got what we went there to do. We got to meet them. We got to talk to them.

We Wine Whenever (05:33.415)
Cause I was watching on social media, like we miss them singing. Like I think we miss them. I don't know when that happened, but we were tired. Listen, we're old. We're just old. But we had a good time. know, we got what we went there to do. We got to meet them. We got to talk to them. So that was great. I gave them, yes, yes I did.

Kelli (05:37.356)
I know.

Kelli (05:41.791)
Yeah, we can only do so much. We can only do so much.

for sure.

Kelli (05:57.186)
You gave them our cards?

Yeah, they were very sweet. All four of them were extremely nice, which I had no doubt that they would

Lori (06:06.492)
Yes, they did seem very they seem very gracious

We Wine Whenever (06:06.959)



Kelli (06:12.696)
Yeah, exactly.

Lori (06:16.823)
So Wendy, how was your day?

We Wine Whenever (06:20.006)
My, today was my first day back at work and it was very busy. The day flew by, it was 4 .30 and I was still working and I realized I didn't take lunch, but I know I got all my emails done. That was my goal was to get all my emails done. And then I, there was a lot, there was a lot. No, luckily there wasn't that many, but they didn't.

Lori (06:22.037)

Kelli (06:38.756)
That's a lot. How many were there? Could be over a thousand.

Lori (06:42.583)
No, luckily there wasn't that many, but they

We Wine Whenever (06:46.379)
stopped my emails until I was out for three weeks. So was really only three weeks worth of emails. And then they realized, we didn't stop her emails. So actually it was five weeks worth of emails because I went through three weeks. Anyway, it took me all day and because I had to like follow up with things and see what was going on, but it was so good to be back. I'm glad I'm back. Let's just put it that way. I didn't want to get out of bed this morning because I haven't been up that early in a while.

Lori (06:48.659)
So it was really only three weeks worth of emails and then they realized, we didn't stop with emails. So it actually was five weeks worth of emails because I went through three weeks. Anyway, it took me all day and because I had to like follow up with things and see what was going on, but it was so good to be

Kelli (07:05.232)

Lori (07:11.875)
I didn't want to get out of bed this morning because I haven't been up that early in a while. But as soon as I got to work, I'm like, I feel like I'm home again. And I know that sounds crazy. I know it does, but I enjoy what I do. And I enjoy the people I work with too. I really enjoy the people I

We Wine Whenever (07:15.801)
But as soon as I got to work, I'm like, I feel like I'm home again. And I know that sounds crazy. I know it does, but I enjoy what I do. I enjoy what I do. And I enjoy the people I work with too. I really enjoy the people I work

Kelli (07:24.109)
Not to me, it

Kelli (07:31.758)
and you enjoy being appreciated for something.

We Wine Whenever (07:34.144)
I do enjoy being appreciated. do. Some people take

Kelli (07:37.274)
That's why I like going to work. tell me I do a good job. It's the only place I get told that. I will go there every day. I was working last night because I knew I was taking a half day today. So I just wanted to get certain things done because I know they appreciate

We Wine Whenever (07:40.674)
Yeah, exactly.

I know. I know.

We Wine Whenever (07:55.435)
Yeah, and that goes a long way for me

Kelli (07:57.764)
Yes. Yes.

Lori (07:59.512)
Alright, I have some would you

Kelli (08:02.422)

Lori (08:03.575)
Alright, would you rather never be able to scratch an inch, itch, or never be able to pop a

We Wine Whenever (08:12.387)
I don't have to pop a pimple. I'll give up popping a pimple.

Kelli (08:15.854)
You neither. Me too. I don't pop pimples. You know what I do? I take a washcloth when I'm in the shower, I put the washcloth and I rub it now. There's a fine line. You can't rub too hard because then you look like you got like, you know, a scratch on your face, but you just rub it enough to just break it up a little bit. I don't pop pimples. That's gross.

Lori (08:17.581)
Yeah, me too.

We Wine Whenever (08:20.707)
I don't either. Warm compress.

Lori (08:23.637)
I know Kelly's trick.

We Wine Whenever (08:41.485)
That is gross. don't pop pimples either. I would just use a warm compress. But honestly, I don't even know. I don't really get pimples. gonna knock on wood.

Kelli (08:47.778)
I do, that time of the month, I do.

We Wine Whenever (08:50.404)
well, I don't have that, That's what you have to look forward to when you get older.

Kelli (08:52.432)

Lori (08:53.411)
There you go.

Kelli (08:57.006)
Yeah, I guess. Yeah, I'm like, consistent, man. Bunch of bullshit.

Lori (09:02.977)
All right, so would you rather spend a year entirely alone or a year without a

Kelli (09:11.233)

Lori (09:13.141)
I'd rather be alone.

Kelli (09:15.66)
I would like to be alone anyway. Without the other option.

Lori (09:18.073)

We Wine Whenever (09:20.514)
Alone in your own home or a year without a home. I mean, that doesn't mean I can't travel. I'm gonna get... Well, no, it doesn't say I'm broke. I freaking travel.

Lori (09:27.713)

Kelli (09:30.414)
well you're like, you're like couch surfing

Lori (09:38.829)
There you go. this your caveat? Yes.

Kelli (09:38.84)
This is your caveat.

We Wine Whenever (09:40.223)
Yeah! Does this say I'm homeless? It says without a home. Doesn't mean I'm homeless. I'm traveling for a

Lori (09:48.469)
Alright, well there you go.

Kelli (09:50.416)
I'm holin' up. I'm holin' up with a bottle of tequila and a pack of cigarettes.

We Wine Whenever (09:52.533)
I mean, I don't know that I would want to be in the house for an entire year alone. No, I would go a little stir crazy. I couldn't stay home for eight weeks and not go to work. No, no, I'm gonna be without a home for a year.

Lori (10:03.483)
Yeah, right

Kelli (10:03.534)
Yeah, that's true. You

Lori (10:10.411)
Okay, would you rather have x -ray vision but only on people you find unattractive or everyone else has x -ray vision but only of you?

Kelli (10:22.986)
No. I don't want either of those things.

We Wine Whenever (10:25.779)
Well, X -ray vision... But wait, does X -ray vision mean that they can see my bones?

Kelli (10:32.602)
They can see everything.

Lori (10:34.016)
I can see everything.

We Wine Whenever (10:34.035)
Well, no. In x -ray you just see your bones.

Lori (10:38.194)
Come on, for God's sake, X -ray vision like a comic thing, come on! Wendy's gotta pick it all apart!

Kelli (10:44.836)
Like they can see through your clothes.

Lori (10:47.489)
Yeah, X -ray vision!

We Wine Whenever (10:48.639)
Alright, I don't want anyone seeing through my clothes, so I'll have x -ray vision of ugly people. I don't have to look at

Kelli (10:54.308)
Me too. Me too. I'll just close my eyes. Yeah.

Lori (10:54.669)
There you

There you go. Would you rather let your partner choose every movie you watch together or pick every restaurant that you go

We Wine Whenever (11:07.513)
he could pick every restaurant because I don't give a shit about food and he picks the worst movies

Lori (11:13.631)
there you

Kelli (11:14.052)
gonna say that too because wait Laura you haven't been no you have been answering and Eric and I like the same food so he could pick the restaurants

Lori (11:19.929)
I'm gonna pick the restaurants.

Kelli (11:26.776)
Jamie's gonna pick the movies.

Lori (11:28.887)
That's fine.

Kelli (11:30.308)
You're going to be watching a lot of Hawaii Five Out Friend.

Lori (11:32.825)
I do anyway. Yes. We watch nothing that's not like 20 or 30 years old in my house. So I'm so used to it now.

Kelli (11:40.688)
I love that, because I could sit there and watch it

Lori (11:45.315)
So I'm used to it already.

Kelli (11:46.328)
I love that.

We Wine Whenever (11:49.98)
Is that, is that it?

Lori (11:50.071)
All right, I have one more.

Kelli (11:53.464)
Awesome. These are good ones, Laura. Thank you for doing

Lori (11:55.619)
Would you rather date someone with their ex's name tattooed on their chest or date someone whose ex lives next

Kelli (12:06.942)
name on the chest.

We Wine Whenever (12:07.057)
Lives next door.

not dictating anyone with a tattoo on their chest.

Lori (12:12.71)
I'll date somebody with a tattoo

Kelli (12:14.62)
Yeah, Wendy's anti tattoo. I'll take the name on the chest. I don't

We Wine Whenever (12:14.983)
Nah, I'm not anti, I just, I don't care if they live next door, why I care? I'd probably be friends with

Kelli (12:22.98)
I don't want them next door. That's just trouble.

Lori (12:25.919)
Okay. Yeah, I'll do the chest.

We Wine Whenever (12:26.333)
So you're doing the chest, Lori?

Yeah, I

Kelli (12:30.499)
Yeah, who the fuck wants your ex next door?

We Wine Whenever (12:33.501)
I mean, you want lay your head on his chest and it's got someone else's name on

Kelli (12:38.724)
You could do what my dad did and just put a big ass eagle over it.

Lori (12:41.965)
There you go. There you go. Wear a t -shirt. Give a shit.

We Wine Whenever (12:42.161)
so you're covering it up. so there's your caveat. Okay. Okay. She can live next door. mean, listen, I don't care. He's mine now. Well, he's not mine. He's mine now. I mean, if she wants him back and you know, whatever, there's a door. You know I mean? Like that's just who I am.

Kelli (12:43.992)
My caveat. My caveat!

Kelli (12:53.25)
You're just not doing tattoos, period.

Kelli (13:00.324)
Yeah, right. Right, right, Yeah.

Lori (13:04.969)
All right, I have one more quick one. Would you rather have to... I know, well, I lied. Would you rather have to hunt and gather all your food or only McDonald's for every meal?

We Wine Whenever (13:07.517)
You already said this was the last

Kelli (13:10.296)
Yeah, but this is

We Wine Whenever (13:18.268)
Now I'll eat McDonald's, because I'm not hunting. That was an easy

Kelli (13:19.276)
Mickey D's. yeah.

We Wine Whenever (13:24.454)
I mean, there's zero nutritional value. Mickey D's.

Lori (13:24.467)
What would you do Cal? not me.

Kelli (13:32.025)
I'm not hunting my own food. What is this, Hunger Games?

Lori (13:35.001)
I'm not cutting my own food. Who's this? Hoverdine?

We Wine Whenever (13:39.343)
my own food. You want me to go out and kill it? Seriously.

Lori (13:40.265)
Yeah, yeah, Wendy.

Kelli (13:44.506)
Cook it, but I ain't finding it unless they sell it in shop, right?

Lori (13:48.889)
There you go.

Kelli (13:50.328)
Yeah, Mickey D's. I'll figure it out. I'll stay away from those chicken nuggets though after what Lori told us about

We Wine Whenever (13:56.879)
Yeah, yeah, I stay away from chicken nuggets

Kelli (13:59.376)
I like them. We went to Shake Shack on our way home from Montclair. We went to visit Montclair State University today for Tessie Pooh and we went to Shake Shack on the way home. it's stupid expensive. We were starving though. we, Eric and I ordered the shroom burger. You know, you walk up and you can't talk to anybody. You got to order everything off of a

Lori (14:02.019)

Lori (14:12.13)
I've never been to one.

We Wine Whenever (14:12.186)
place is ridiculous expensive. It's disgusting.

I know. We've been there too.

Kelli (14:28.107)
And we see shroom burger and we're thinking that it's a burger with mushrooms on it. No, it's a portobello mushroom burger. So Eric's like, what the fuck is this? Anyway. It was, I gotta be honest with you, it wasn't bad. Thankfully we both like portobello mushrooms and it was so crispy. Like they're friars good. But I don't even know why I brought that up. cause we were talking about McDonald's.

Lori (14:38.841)
That sounds good though, I love portobello mushrooms.

We Wine Whenever (14:39.354)
That's gross. that sounds disgusting.

Lori (14:49.325)

Kelli (14:57.296)
So Shake Shack was

Lori (14:59.651)
So I just want to say this new episode of Housewives of New Jersey.

We Wine Whenever (15:07.865)
Season 14, episode 12.

Lori (15:09.773)
Yeah, very anti -climatic with Teresa and her big announcement. Stop it.

We Wine Whenever (15:16.665)
Okay, you do this, you always start from the end.

Lori (15:19.875)

Kelli (15:19.876)
We're gonna get there, because I have so much to say. If this guy... If this guy doesn't get disbarred, seriously, the New Jersey Bar Association better get their shit together.

Lori (15:23.778)
I'm sure you do.

We Wine Whenever (15:25.539)

Lori (15:33.914)
And listen, I'm gonna tell you something. There can be no Brill cream left in Atlantic City, because it's all on his head. His hair all slicked back. Remember the old guys used to use a Brill cream on their hair?

Kelli (15:49.88)

We Wine Whenever (15:50.516)
Yeah, I mean now it's called hair gel.

Lori (15:52.781)
No, brokering. was all slick, but I was like, ew, ew, ew, ew.

Kelli (15:58.808)
He is a wannabe gangster. He is not the attorney on the case. He should not, unless you are an expert in a case, you should not be giving an opinion. You should not be opining on anything to do with the matter. And he is. He should be disbarred. On national television! On national television!

Lori (16:02.135)
Yeah, it was very slimy.

Kelli (16:30.488)
I can't even. Alright, let's get there though. Let's do it!

We Wine Whenever (16:33.464)
Alright, let's start from the beginning, where Joe is planning the boys night and Melissa's asking him, is Paulie going? And he said, well, he's being wishy washy. He says he invited Bill and he says he has surgery and they both agree that, well, no, Joe says that's bullshit. It's a Friday night. Well, Melissa's like, well, maybe he does. And I've been saying this forever.

Kelli (16:55.406)
Yes, you have. Yes, you

We Wine Whenever (16:57.151)
like enough already with the surgery. We know you have your own plastic surgery center. You schedule them when you want to, and you are not working on the weekends or Friday night. Who are you kidding? Who are you kidding? then Rachel is talking about the progress with her daughter that she's made since her surgery. I, I know.

Kelli (17:05.764)
Friday nights.

Lori (17:10.635)
then Rachel is talking about the progress with her daughter that she's made since her surgery.

Kelli (17:15.802)
cute was it with her older son? you know, he's just so cute, Jayden.

We Wine Whenever (17:20.501)
He is so cute. And then Bill and Jen are talking about the pajama party. And Bill says that he just got out of a six hour surgery. Okay. I'm thinking, what is a six hour surgery? Like, what do think that person had done? Think like breasts, liposuction.

Lori (17:21.377)
Kelli (17:38.)
I've been like a mommy makeover.

We Wine Whenever (17:39.648)
I mean, six hours seems like a long freaking time, doesn't

Kelli (17:41.912)
It seem like a long time, but if you're going in, like, he's probably the, you know, the plastic surgeon that's like, listen, if we're gonna do it, let's do it. We're just gonna put you under and we're gonna get as much done as we can.

We Wine Whenever (17:49.566)
No, I get

I get it, I mean, seriously, six hours, that seems to me to be so extreme. Like, what can you be having done?

Kelli (17:59.044)
Yeah, like what you said, like breast, tummy tuck, liposuction.

We Wine Whenever (18:01.502)
Okay, a breast job, a tummy tuck, liposuction.

Lori (18:01.837)
Okay, a fresh job.

Lori (18:09.549)

We Wine Whenever (18:10.055)
maybe a facelift, I don't know. I'm going to have to look this up to see what you can get done in six hours.

Kelli (18:15.696)
Can you imagine how shitty you feel after that?

Lori (18:19.074)
That's why they make good drugs.

We Wine Whenever (18:19.219)
And how many six hour, yeah, and how many six hour surgeries a day does he do?

Kelli (18:24.738)
I would imagine he can only do one.

We Wine Whenever (18:27.125)
I think that, but you see these doctors in the hospitals when they're doing like these serious like life -saving surgeries and they're like, but this is elective. You're right. Yeah, this is elective, right? I would think six hours should be a good.

Kelli (18:34.864)
Yeah, that's different. This is elective. Yeah. And listen, if you're in surgery for six hours, it's substantial enough where it's probably like 12 to 15 grand for that surgery.

We Wine Whenever (18:50.37)
I bet it's more than

Kelli (18:52.016)
Well, that's what I'm saying, at minimum. So you don't need to do more than one of those a day. If you did five of those a week, that's at least 60 grand a week you're making.

Lori (18:56.79)
No, and listen.

Lori (19:00.985)
And this is a thing, he said he was in surgery for six hours, but that's definitely a 10, 11 hour day because that's only the surgery. You have the prep, you have the post -op stuff. So that would definitely be the only surgery he did.

Kelli (19:12.235)


We Wine Whenever (19:16.401)
yeah, for sure.

Kelli (19:21.016)
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. You can't do more than one of those a day. Yeah.

We Wine Whenever (19:24.87)
Right. All right. So I digress anyway.

Kelli (19:27.984)
I take it back. take it all

We Wine Whenever (19:29.811)
So then Jennifer brings up about Joe Gorgers trying to plan a boys night and if he reached out to Bill and Bill says, yeah, he was a part of a group text, but he said he had surgery, but he already had plans with Louie and Pauly and possibly me.

Kelli (19:46.52)
So he says everybody's on the group text except Louie. So I told him I had surgery, but really I'm going to Louie's house. So we lied. Like, Bill Aiden.

We Wine Whenever (19:54.929)
Yeah. And he announced it on national TV.

Kelli (19:59.15)
Right, not a good look Bill Aiden. Not a very good look.

We Wine Whenever (20:01.853)
I mean, he's not been looking good lately. And then Jen says, Nate has been a little bitch boy.

I mean, what is that? Like, what is wrong with her?

Kelli (20:15.276)
She's saying that because he came in and got his wife when he saw what happened at Teresa's stupid party. And that's not a bitch boy, that's a good husband. Your husband doesn't do that for you. So you have to call this guy out. You gotta call the name because you're mad because your husband doesn't do that for

Lori (20:20.53)
white when he saw what happened at

We Wine Whenever (20:39.46)
He's checked out. Her husband is checked

Kelli (20:41.52)
100 % 100 % and that that that made Nate the new number one guy in the group Joe Gorgas is the old school number one guy in the group which is what I told you Saturday night because when I called Nate the number one guy in the group he pointed to Gorgas and he said no him I said listen he's he's the OG number one guy in the group but you are the new number listen John Fuda took it last year gave it to John Fuda last year

We Wine Whenever (20:55.195)
He said

Lori (20:55.723)
said no, he said no, can't. said listen, he's the OG.

We Wine Whenever (21:04.965)
We gave it to John food. We gave it to, I mean, we change it up. We change it up every now and then. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Or we can call them a VIP maybe.

Lori (21:05.401)
I love how he wore

Kelli (21:09.432)
Listen, it's a rolling progress, you know?

Kelli (21:18.325)
my God, those pajamas.

Lori (21:18.531)

We Wine Whenever (21:21.416)
my God, John Fuda, when he showed up. Okay, you're jumping. We didn't get there yet. So Jen doesn't feel like she has anything to say to Danielle unless it's something, unless Danielle has something to say to her. So she's maintaining that, you know, she's not gonna have a relationship with Danielle, which is fine, because they shouldn't have a relationship.

Lori (21:21.483)
The pajamas. That was great.

Kelli (21:26.701)
So good.

Kelli (21:42.478)
Here, let's just put it this way. That pajama party went off without a hitch, right? That pajama party was perfect. Jen didn't fuck with Danielle. Danielle didn't fuck with Jen. Teresa wasn't there. That's all we need to know. Yep. And everything was totally fine. Get to Dolores talking to Pauly, because I have something to say.

We Wine Whenever (21:48.56)
Mm -hmm.

We Wine Whenever (21:54.5)
Right, the only one missing,

Mm -hmm.

We Wine Whenever (22:03.906)
All right, wait. Okay, so the next Jen Fessler's on the phone with the Dolores to see if she's found a house. And she says she found the perfect place in the Berkshires. It's got seven bedrooms and a separate guest house with two bedrooms, which is perfect. Cause then Teresa and Jen Aiden can stay in the guest house and everyone else could stay in the main house, which I do think that that would have been a perfect situation if ever there was going to be one. And then Margaret and Jen Fessler, they meet at the

Lori (22:04.417)
All right, wait. Okay, so the next Jen Fessler's on the phone with the Dolores to see if she's found a house. And she says she found the perfect place in the Berkshires. It's got seven bedrooms and a separate guest house with two bedrooms, which is perfect because then Theresa and Jen Avery could stay in the guest house and everyone else could stay in the main house. But I do think that that would have been a perfect situation if ever there was going to be one. And then Margaret and Jen Fessler, they meet at the diner.

Kelli (22:08.01)
that's what it is.

Kelli (22:24.74)
For sure, for sure.

Kelli (22:32.174)
Wait, can we just talk about Delora saying everything will be Goombaya instead of Kumbaya?

We Wine Whenever (22:37.648)
my God, that was so funny. And then Jen Fessler had her repeat it. She's like, what did you just say? And she, and she did it again. And then she did it in her conf, I was like, my God, that was hysterical. She's like, I love my Italians. I love my Italians. Goomba. So then Margaret and Jen Fessler, meet at that

Kelli (22:43.214)
And she did it again. I love that.

Lori (22:49.377)
I'm not my Italian.

Kelli (22:49.536)
So good. Yep. So good. So good.

Lori (22:57.945)
So then Margaret and Jen Fester, meet at that diner and they're talking about the whole bee thing because Jen Fester got stung by a bee last time they were out. Margaret's like, just sit down. She's like, you

We Wine Whenever (23:00.61)
And they're talking about the whole B thing because Jen Fessler got stung by a bee last time they were out. Margaret's like, just sit down. She's like, you weren't the one that was stung. And then she divulges that she was invited by Teresa to go over to her house on Thursday with a couple of the girls because Jim Leonard is going to show her court documents that what Margaret did, the allegations that Margaret

Lori (23:11.979)
she divulges that she was invited by Teresa to go over to her house on Thursday with a couple of the girls because Jim Lettter is going to show her court documents that what Margaret did, the allegations that Margaret was tampering with Louis X. Well,

We Wine Whenever (23:29.803)
tampering with Louis X. Well, Margaret being Margaret, and I think what she did was absolutely right. okay. Well, I'm going to call it Laura. Well, no, don't do it right now. No, I'm calling her right now. So she calls Dolores and Dolores is Dolores and she's like, well, I'm going to, I'm to hear Teresa out. I'm going to go. I don't think she's going to tap, you know, I'm going to go hear Teresa out. And she calls up Danielle

Lori (23:34.929)
I'm gonna go. I don't think she's gonna. You know, I'm gonna go hear Teresa out.

Kelli (23:38.084)

We Wine Whenever (23:57.601)
Danielle's like, well, I don't even know what I'm going for. And I believe that. I don't think Danielle had really any idea what she was going for. And Danielle and Teresa weren't really on the outs at that point.

Lori (24:01.419)
I Danielle had really any idea what she was going for. And Danielle and Teresa weren't really on the outs at that point. Yeah, I think Danielle was trying to like, genvassal her life at that point.

Kelli (24:07.662)
Yeah, I think Danielle was trying to like Jen Fessler ride the fence at that point, at that point. But other other than the flower arrangement, which clearly we'll get to and goes down in Bravo fucking history of being the best ever.

Lori (24:17.913)
And Danielle was

We Wine Whenever (24:20.435)
Mm -mm.

that's better than a table flip. I'm going to tell you that right now.

Kelli (24:26.388)
Way better than the table flip. Totally trumped the table flip. But Margaret saying that Jim Leonard's office is an AC next to a meth lab and her attorney's office is on Madison Avenue. Nothing could be truer. Because that is where his office is.

We Wine Whenever (24:28.073)

We Wine Whenever (24:44.598)

Yep. And, and she also said my attorney would never hold court to discredit someone. And that's what he was doing.

Kelli (24:52.952)
No, because it's unethical and he should lose his license for

We Wine Whenever (24:57.834)

Kelli (25:00.644)
But Lord

Lori (25:01.209)
I love Danielle's reaction to the flower range of getting sent.

Kelli (25:09.681)

We Wine Whenever (25:10.635)
We didn't get there yet. We didn't get there yet.

We Wine Whenever (25:18.399)
Lori, I'm sorry. I know you don't want to be on camera, but next time we do this, you have to let me see you so I can see your faces, because you can see my faces and we'll just cut you

Lori (25:23.925)
So I can see your faces because you can see my faces and we'll just cut you out. And we don't know what Laurie wants to say something.

Kelli (25:28.59)
And we don't know when Lori wants to say something. We need a signal.

We Wine Whenever (25:30.683)
No, we don't. We don't. So next time I need to see

Kelli (25:35.15)
You what we need, Lord? We need you to have like one of those horns where when you want to say something, you like play the horn. Yeah. And then we're like, okay, we want to say something.

Lori (25:35.426)

Lori (25:41.458)
I squeeze the horn. I probably have.

We Wine Whenever (25:44.051)
No, no, no. No, that would annoy the shit out of me. No. No horn, just need

Lori (25:48.535)
I probably have a bike horn upstairs.

Kelli (25:51.246)
Yeah, we need something. A bell? Ring, ring!

Lori (25:53.965)
Yeah, a bell.

We Wine Whenever (25:55.125)
I want to see her face because I... She needs to... She can see my face.

Kelli (26:01.25)
Can't we do that? Throw her a face and then turn it off for

We Wine Whenever (26:04.144)
Yes, we can when we when we put it up we can shut that track down just like we do. Yeah, I want to see you. All right, Margaret asks who else is invited? Okay, she says, okay, it is disgusting. Yeah, she.

Lori (26:09.145)
Alright, we'll figure it out. Okay.

Kelli (26:11.04)
Alright, alright.

Kelli (26:20.132)
She Danielle, she called Dolores. And then Jen Vessler sent the text saying she's not going and I was really happy that she did

We Wine Whenever (26:27.875)
No, I am too. I am too. I am too. So the next, Joe's Guys Night Out. my God. my God. I never laughed so hard. So he's got Frank Catania, Joe Benigno, John Fuda, Jeff Fessler. Like Lori said, John Fuda shows up in the pajamas, hysterical. Hysterical. And while they're there,

Lori (26:40.067)
He's got Frank Catania, Joe

Kelli (26:49.594)
Classic, classic.

We Wine Whenever (26:54.875)
Margaret calls Joe Benigno and she's on speaker and tells them what just happened with Jen Fessler, which I'm glad she did. I'm glad that they got to, you know, hear that whole interaction. Then we cut over to Louie's guys night and we have Louie's dad, Bill Aiden, Paulie and Louie's son. He brings them down into

Lori (27:14.539)
Look like the most boring time ever

We Wine Whenever (27:18.796)
He, he brings, it was so lame. He brings them into the man cave and they're going to do, do devotionals. I was like, what are you thinking? And did you see Paulie's look on his face and

Lori (27:18.999)
It was so lame.

Lori (27:24.931)
So cringy.

Kelli (27:34.244)
Yeah, like he thought it was a joke, I

We Wine Whenever (27:37.264)
And then Bill Adens? I mean, was Bill Adens

Lori (27:42.391)

Kelli (27:42.554)
Bill Aiden's devotional was the creepiest thing I've ever heard in my life. And if I were Jen and heard that, I'd be like, thank God we don't have a prenup. Cause I'm out. I'm out. That was so creepy. Yes. Cringe. Cringe.

Lori (27:49.83)
that and be like, thank God.

We Wine Whenever (27:57.328)
It was weird, right? It was so weird. It was so weird.

Lori (28:02.322)
So hopefully he was high because that's the only good time to be had at that party because it was so cringy and lame. I was like,

Kelli (28:09.73)
It was bad. It was

We Wine Whenever (28:12.305)
And then, and then Louie gives Paulie a skinny girl pizza oven. What was it called? Was it skinny girl? No. Skinny Italian, a skinny Italian pizza oven and says, there's no, it's no returns or no money back guarantee or something. I mean, what, what was the purpose of

Kelli (28:20.656)
The skinny Italian.

Kelli (28:29.902)
Yeah. Weird. Weird. And it's just he's so stupid because this was part of the problem with them. They were supposed to go into the business together and it was supposed to be called no no something. And he took it and made it skinny Italian to cut Joe out and make it all Teresa's and you're bringing it up on the show and you're showing the box just proving that Joe Gorgia was right.

We Wine Whenever (28:35.674)
So weird. He really is.

We Wine Whenever (28:46.084)
known as pizza oven. was known as pizza.

That's it, skinny Italian.

Kelli (29:00.09)
with his allegations of what he said about you. This guy could not be more stupid. He just couldn't. Yes.

Lori (29:05.145)

We Wine Whenever (29:08.934)
Sorry about that. Then Frank says he got an invite to Louie's house.

Lori (29:12.195)
Then Frank says he got an invite to Louie's house.

We Wine Whenever (29:16.922)
Then they're back at Joe Gorgas' house and they're doing the bone marrow shots. I've never heard of this.

Kelli (29:22.188)
me either. I like that we're getting to see Jeff Fessler at a boys night though and not sitting at a table at some random in some random room in Teresa's house with Bill Aiden on the other end and they're not even talking to each other.

Lori (29:22.48)
No. Gross.

We Wine Whenever (29:23.716)
Have you? Yes.

Lori (29:27.309)
Yes. And I'm sitting at the

We Wine Whenever (29:39.279)
So they do the bone marrow shots, which none of us have ever heard of. And he's got all this steak there and all this meat and he's got this big spread of all this food. And then they go to sit down at the table to play cars and all of a sudden John food is having this allergic reaction. And he's like, you know, he starts coughing, gets them in the bathroom and he's rubbing them down with ice. I'm just laughing. And then,

Lori (29:59.009)
Joe gets in the bathroom and he's rubbing him down with ice. I'm just laughing. then Joe Benigno comes in.

We Wine Whenever (30:06.341)
Joe Benigno comes in, we got to call 9 -1 -9. We got to call, you got to get to the hospital.

Kelli (30:09.424)
He's anaphylactic and everybody's like, what's that? How do all these people with kids with all the peanut allergies out there and dairy allergies, how did none of these people know what anaphylactic is?

Lori (30:11.393)
And everybody's like, what is that?

We Wine Whenever (30:16.387)
Right. I know.

I know. We gotta call Melissa.

Lori (30:23.533)
The best was when Joe Gorgug just took a piss right there.

We Wine Whenever (30:30.698)
hysterical I have that written down too. He's like well we're on the bathroom I gotta pee I mean all right

Kelli (30:39.248)
I'm sure these guys have seen him take a piss before. They all work on the same job sites. They've seen it. It's all good, people. Because people online are going crazy about that. Like, relax.

Lori (30:42.05)
yes. Yes. yeah.

We Wine Whenever (30:44.79)
Yeah, I'm sure.

Lori (30:49.47)

We Wine Whenever (30:50.029)
my God, stop it. It's hysterical. It is so hysterical. Listen, that whole scene, I laughed so hard. Not that he was having the allergic reaction, but how they were all reacting. Joe Benigno's like explaining to them what's going on. He's got to get to the hospital. Joe's like, what do you mean? What does that mean? All right, call Melissa, get the Benadryl. And they're just like going crazy.

Kelli (30:52.152)
Right. Yes.

Kelli (30:57.327)

Kelli (31:11.098)
best part was when he goes, me some Vicks because that is an Italian thing. Vicks fixes everything.

We Wine Whenever (31:14.779)

Lori (31:20.602)
It's like my big fat Greek wedding where the Windex fixes everything.

Kelli (31:24.226)
With the Windex, absolutely. VIX fixes everything. Exactly. Give me the VIX. That was the best.

We Wine Whenever (31:24.769)
Windex, yes, yes.

I'm Italian, I don't go to the hospital. Get me the Vicks, just get me the Vicks. What? It was so funny. And then they come, the paramedics come, the cops come. They're like, all right, well, you took the Benadryl. If it gets worse, they could see he was getting better. Joe's like, well, we gotta feed you guys. I mean, these are the horrors. We gotta feed you guys. So then we see the guys. Yep.

Lori (31:43.085)
you took the Benadryl, if it gets worse, you know, they could see he was, you know, he was getting better.

Kelli (31:52.718)
I love that these guys are all on call and they're just sitting in Joe Gorgas house eating a big fat steak. As they should be. For sure. Hopefully somebody else was covering

We Wine Whenever (31:58.409)
As they should be. You know what? They need a dinner break. Why not? They could call out. Yeah, you could call and take your dinner break. Listen, we're on a dinner break. We're clear from this scene and now we're on dinner. Yeah, absolutely. And honestly, perfect because that way if something does happen, they're right there. Right? my God, I love that scene. I just, never laughed so hard. Like you said, him peeing in the bathroom, the Vicks thing.

Lori (31:58.691)

Kelli (32:11.118)
Right. Well, you know, you did it. You were a dispatcher.

Kelli (32:19.254)
Right, that's true, that's true. Yes.

Lori (32:20.469)

We Wine Whenever (32:28.031)
them feeding the cops, Melissa coming downstairs.

Kelli (32:31.202)
She's like, do I call? And listen, I felt for her in that moment. Like you could tell like that was genuine. She's like, should I call Rachel? Like, cause I would have been the same way. Like, you know, my best friend's husband's down here, you know, like do I call? But it was all okay.

We Wine Whenever (32:42.769)
Right. Right.

We Wine Whenever (32:50.793)
No, it was totally okay. Then Dolores gets the word that the house that they're supposed to be going to has burnt to the ground.

Lori (32:59.277)
Well, that's not nice.

Kelli (33:02.904)
Is this when she's talking to Pauly? Because why is she not pronouncing her TH's as th and she's pronouncing them as t?

We Wine Whenever (33:12.746)
Cause that's how he does it. She's making fun of him. She's making, she's making fun of, no, no, no. She's making fun of his Irish accent. She's totally making fun of him.

Kelli (33:15.278)
I can't stand it. Is she making fun of him or is she just talking like him

my god. It doesn't bother me when he does it, it bothers me when she Exactly!

We Wine Whenever (33:29.128)
No, she's totally making fun of him. I think it's funny.

Kelli (33:34.069)
drives me crazy when she does it. don't know

We Wine Whenever (33:37.864)
you know what? forgot this before we go to that Dolores thing for after everything happens, after they feed the cops, Frank Catania pertains, pretends to get on the phone and calling Louie and said, Hey, we just had John almost die here. Can you beat that? Cause he said he was invited to Louie's house.

Lori (33:42.935)
Everything happens after they the cops. Frank Catania pretends to get on the phone and calling Louie and said, hey, we just had John almost die here. you beat that? Because he said he was invited to Louie's house.

Kelli (33:57.668)
That's so good. That's so good.

We Wine Whenever (34:00.005)
my God, I love it. I wanna hang out with Frank and Joe and John and Joe. That's who I wanna hang out with. I know we are.

Kelli (34:06.57)
we're gonna on August 17th, I mean, we're not going to hang out with them, but we are going to see them. We are going to the house husbands thing in AC with cousin Gina.

Lori (34:09.251)
We are going to House Husbands thing and they say with cousin Gina and we have VIP seats so we will and we have VIP backstage. we'll get to see them again. I wish Nate was going to be there with them too. I know. Maybe maybe he will be there or maybe they're going on vacation and they couldn't make it but I'm looking forward to

We Wine Whenever (34:16.316)
And we have VIP seats, so we will, and we have VIP backstage.

Kelli (34:20.472)
Yeah, so we'll get to see them again. I mean, listen, I'm all four of them. love, I wish Nate was going to be there with them too. Maybe he'll be

We Wine Whenever (34:22.896)
We can, yeah, I can't wait.

We Wine Whenever (34:30.148)
I know. Maybe, maybe he will be

Kelli (34:33.326)
Or maybe they're going on vacation and they couldn't make it. But I'm looking forward to that. And you know, I don't know why, but John Fuda is getting, well, I do know why because it's the tree stumps, but he's getting so much hate. Like when they advertise that, people are like, I would go if John Fuda wasn't going to be

We Wine Whenever (34:37.779)
I am

Lori (34:42.131)
I don't know why, but John Fuda's getting so much heat. When they advertise that, people are like, would go if John Fuda wasn't going be there. Why? John Fuda's funny as hell. Exactly. And cool. I hang out with cool. It's the tree stumps. It's all the tree stumps.

We Wine Whenever (34:53.522)
Why? John food is funny as hell. And cool. Like I'd hang out with cool.

Kelli (34:53.636)
Like exactly. It's, yeah. It's, the tree stumps. It's all the tree

We Wine Whenever (35:03.742)
what's next?

Lori (35:06.935)
What's next? The douchebag Jim Leonard is wait, wait, OK, hold on, wait. So.

Kelli (35:08.462)
The douchebag Jim Leonard is next.

We Wine Whenever (35:11.828)
wait, wait, wait. Okay, hold on, wait.

We Wine Whenever (35:20.251)
All right, Dolores, yeah, Dolores gets, okay, so then they're at Teresa's house. Yep, that is what's next. Then they're at Teresa's house and Jim Leonard is there and it's Danielle, Jackie, Gia and Teresa. And Jim says, I've known Teresa and her family since before she went to jail and she was not this nervous when she went into jail. Okay. Yeah. Okay. What?

Lori (35:21.634)
Okay, then they're at Teresa's house. Yep, that is what's next. Then they're at Teresa's house. And Jim Leonard is there. And it's Danielle, Jackie, Gia, and Teresa. And Jim says, I've known Teresa and her family since before she went to jail. And she was not this nervous when she went into jail.

Kelli (35:46.34)
Well, there's something wrong there.

We Wine Whenever (35:51.756)
And while they're talking, yeah, while they're talking, someone's ringing the doorbell and Teresa's acting like a lunatic. Cause there's someone at the door. Like, I mean, when my doorbell rings, I don't run around like a lunatic like that. They're like, well, who's there? Well, that guy looks weird. Just answer the door or don't like answer the door or don't. You know what I mean?

Lori (35:51.954)
It's all the brocream.

Kelli (36:10.564)
Right. Yeah, I'm sure you have an intercom system. Just answer through the intercom if you don't want to open the door.

We Wine Whenever (36:16.604)
Right, right. So she gets to the door and the guy is there delivering the flowers and she's like, what are these? You know, with her big squeaky voice and she reads the card. says, dear Teresa and James, sorry for the loss of your dignity. Love, love, love Marge. I, I died. I was like this. 100 % 100 % and

Lori (36:18.777)
So she gets to the door and the guy is there delivering the flowers and she's like, what are these? You know, with her big squeaky voice and she reads the card. says, dear Theresa and James, sorry for the loss of your dignity. Love,

Kelli (36:40.324)
I mean, mic drop.

We Wine Whenever (36:46.566)
Danielle said, what did she say in her confessional, Laura?

Lori (36:50.86)
I don't remember what she said, but she she knew it was a mic drop moment. She was just like.

We Wine Whenever (36:54.435)
I'll tell you what she said. She said, that is the most gangster move I've ever seen. And I agree. That is the most gangster move I've ever seen.

Kelli (37:06.148)
Yep. Because the table flip was a moment of weakness in Teresa. This is not a moment of weakness. then and then Teresa says that Margaret is spinning. I'm so happy she's spinning. She's not spinning, sweetheart. She don't give an F. She doesn't care because and I didn't hear them say that she was subpoenaed and didn't show up. Did you hear them say

We Wine Whenever (37:26.07)
No. Right?

Lori (37:36.073)
Yes. Yes.

Kelli (37:36.324)
People are saying that online. That people are saying that Margaret was subpoenaed to go to court and she didn't show up. You can't do that. She couldn't have been subpoenaed. unless there's two types of subpoenas actually.

We Wine Whenever (37:38.176)
Margaret was

We Wine Whenever (37:50.744)
Maybe it was a deposition subpoena.

Kelli (37:52.89)
There's one in person and one on paper.

We Wine Whenever (37:57.326)
What? Well, wouldn't that be like a deposition or

Kelli (37:57.328)
So maybe she had to give a statement.

Kelli (38:03.608)
Well, no, because deposition's in person.

Maybe she had to give a statement. I'm gonna look into that more. But you can't just ignore a subpoena. But I didn't hear them say that she was subpoenaed and didn't show up. I saw it online.

Lori (38:08.537)
Yeah, I remember I remember him saying that

We Wine Whenever (38:20.633)
I don't know, I don't remember to be honest with

We Wine Whenever (38:26.671)
he said that Jim Leonard? Okay.

Kelli (38:29.476)
Yeah, but how unethical of this guy to sit there and talk about a case on national television that he's I mean it obviously it would be worse if he were like the attorney on record and he was talking about it Maybe he maybe he thinks that's why he could sit there and talk about it but either way it's unethical to do that on national television and

We Wine Whenever (38:54.296)
Who's the attorney on record?

Kelli (38:56.288)
He did Louie and Bo Deedle have separate attorneys. I mean different attorneys than Jim Leonard. Like Jim Leonard's Teresa's attorney. I don't think he represents Louie in

Lori (39:00.793)
I think he does. Does he? I think he does, yes. Not in this though. How do know he wasn't the attorney for I don't think he was the attorney.

We Wine Whenever (39:07.426)
I think he does. I think he does, yes. How do you know he wasn't the attorney for this?

Kelli (39:08.836)
Does he? Not in this though. I don't think he was the attorney of record on this. think he, think Louie and Bo Diddle had different. I'm going to look it up because I could, you're right. I could be wrong. I didn't think Jim Leonard represented

We Wine Whenever (39:21.458)
Yeah, I mean, I got the impression I got the impression that he did he absolutely I know for a fact he does.

Lori (39:21.973)
Yeah. I got the impression that he did. He absolutely.

Kelli (39:28.112)
it represented them and he sat there at that table on national television and talked about it like that.

Lori (39:32.099)
there at that table on national television and talk about it like that. Well, he kept saying, I can't even say the name. Right. then was a gag order that Louie couldn't say her name. She couldn't say his name. Yes. But then he can't go on national TV and say, I can't say the name. then people at the table are like the X and Teresa shaking her head. Right. mean, that's the same thing. That's the same thing as saying the name is

We Wine Whenever (39:35.64)
Well, he kept saying, I can't even say the name. And

Kelli (39:38.946)
Right, because there was a gag order that Louie couldn't say her name and she couldn't say his

We Wine Whenever (39:43.861)
Yes, but then he can't go on national TV and say, I can't say the name. And then people at the table are like the X and Teresa's shaking her head. I mean, that's the same thing. That's the same thing as saying the name.

Kelli (39:54.51)
Right, right, that's what I mean. The whole, the whole thing is crazy. The whole thing is crazy. And Bravo, what are you doing? Like you're this, they are Teresa and Louie are such a huge, and Jim Leonard now, they are such a huge liability to you. What are you doing? It's crazy to me. She can't make you that much money off of her bullshit

Lori (39:59.673)
Crazy the whole thing is crazy and Bravo. What are you doing? you're this is theirs Teresa and Louie are such a Jim Leonard now if they are such a huge liability

We Wine Whenever (40:16.192)
I don't get it. I don't get it. really

Kelli (40:23.268)
books and whatever, pizza ovens. She just

We Wine Whenever (40:27.286)
I think they're negative in the Peace Oven department.

Lori (40:28.761)
I think they're negative in a piece of art. Yeah. And there was nothing that Mr. Leonard had to say that Teresa couldn't have said herself. I was like, what was this big buildup of this big thing? And it was nothing. It was nothing.

Kelli (40:30.394)
They have to be.

We Wine Whenever (40:42.934)
And we'd already known all that. She'd already made those accusations. Those accusations had been made a year prior.

Kelli (40:49.996)
And Vanessa's, the ex, her attorneys came out and said, yes, we spoke to Margaret Joseph's because when we were trying to obtain this restraining order, we needed to speak to everyone who was who was dealing with Louie at the time. So, yes, we reached out to her and apparently Joe Gorgas spoke to them. Jackie.

We Wine Whenever (41:13.652)
Right. But more importantly, Jackie had her over her house, which we're going to find

Kelli (41:20.43)
Jackie had Vanessa at her house?

We Wine Whenever (41:22.835)
Vanessa was at her house and we're going to find that out next

Kelli (41:27.394)
my God.

We Wine Whenever (41:28.338)
Yep. And Melissa's assistant, who is still her assistant, Carrie Anne. Teresa's assistant. Yes, Teresa's assistant, Carrie Anne, also spoke. And it's not like she was friends with Margaret. So why is she so upset that Margaret spoke when all these other people?

Kelli (41:32.144)
Theresa, Theresa's assistant. Yep, yep.

Lori (41:32.349)
I was watching the reruns too.

Kelli (41:46.05)
because she's just been trying to come from Margaret. I was watching the reruns too. Even when Siggy was on, Teresa was trying to come from Margaret. Not the first season, but the second. As soon as Danielle Staub got back on the show, they were coming from Margaret.

I don't know. Teresa, they're talking about how stressed Teresa is. Why are you so stressed if your husband's not doing anything wrong? Why are you so stressed if your husband's not doing anything wrong and he's this namaste guy? You shouldn't be so stressed out. You shouldn't be, you know, 55 pounds and your face pulled back like her face looks messed

Lori (42:06.541)

We Wine Whenever (42:33.94)
It doesn't look

Kelli (42:34.2)
She's... She does not look

Lori (42:38.474)
And if I was invited to her house and dragged all the way there for that bullshit, I'd been like, why am I fucking here? Why am I here? Because you've said nothing. So what, Marguerite got the piece. So what? And you're not pulling out any receipts?

Kelli (42:58.276)
Yep. Yep.

We Wine Whenever (42:58.386)
Right. Who cares?

Lori (43:02.733)
There's no documentation that she spoke to this chick. Just stop. You know what it

We Wine Whenever (43:08.242)
She's already admitted. She's already admitted. She spoke to her. Yeah. Yeah, she's admitted it.

Kelli (43:08.248)
No, but she came out and said it. Yeah, I talked to her. But then the woman's attorneys came out and said, we contacted Margaret. She didn't contact us. She didn't contact Vanessa. We contacted her because we're trying to get... This guy's crazy.

Lori (43:12.875)
It's all deflection. It's deflection.

We Wine Whenever (43:27.068)
because Bo Deedle hired two fake clients to go into her practice and try and get her to lose her license and to talk about Louis.

Kelli (43:38.372)
Right. Right.

We Wine Whenever (43:39.824)
And you don't think you need a restraining order? I mean, who does that?

Lori (43:40.353)
You don't think you need a restraining order? mean, who does that? He's a crook and he needs to be in jail. Jim Leonard needs to be disbarred and

Kelli (43:44.832)
He's he's a crook and he needs to be in jail. Jim Leonard needs to be disbarred. And Teresa, get the get off of reality TV. Take your daughters. Go live your life because it has messed you up. And you know what? May God rest their souls. Her parents raised her this way. Her parents raised her to not think she did anything wrong ever.

Lori (44:00.57)

Kelli (44:12.91)
It's everybody else's problem, not hers.

Lori (44:18.071)
And this is what you get.

Kelli (44:19.834)
This is what you get. This is what you get.

Lori (44:22.496)
It's sad.

We Wine Whenever (44:24.432)
It is said.

Kelli (44:25.858)
It's sad to a point.

We Wine Whenever (44:28.772)
No, I still feel bad for her because I don't even think she knows what's in store for her. I mean, I think she's, I think I heard she's in Greece for three weeks with Louis. Like she's off in her love bubble and she has no idea. She really is clueless. I'm glad she's in Greece for three weeks. Go enjoy your life in Greece for three weeks. Enjoy your vacation. Cause guess what? By the time you get back, the shit's going to be hitting the fan. It's going to be hitting the fan.

Lori (44:36.233)
think I heard she's in Greece for three weeks with Louie. Like she's off in her love bubble. And she has no idea. She really is cool. I'm glad she's in Greece for three weeks. Go enjoy your life in Greece for three weeks. Enjoy your vacation. Because guess what? By the time you get back, she's going to be hitting the fan. She's going be the fan. Yep. Because there's nothing. I mean, next week is going to be.

Kelli (44:53.294)
Yep. Yep. Because there's nothing. mean, next week is going to be horrible. It's not going to be. It's not even going to be interesting. I'm not I'm not looking forward to it. I haven't looked forward to an episode of Real Housewives of New Jersey for years because of Louie, honestly.

Lori (45:07.545)
to an episode of Real Housewives of New Jersey for years because of Louie, honestly.

We Wine Whenever (45:14.413)
Yeah. I guess we're to have to wait and see.

Lori (45:14.829)
Yeah, I watch it because that's what I do and I like certain people but as soon as they come on the screen, I either turn the TV off or if I'm not watching the DVR, I fast forward.

Kelli (45:15.204)
I watch it because that's what I do and I like certain people, but as soon as they come on the screen, I either turn the TV off or if I'm watching the DVR, fast

We Wine Whenever (45:31.151)
So next, Dolores tells the ladies about the house that they were supposed to go to burned to the ground. And they all decide that that is divine intervention. And I couldn't agree more to be quite honest with you. I mean, I feel bad for the people. Hopefully they had good insurance. And no, I mean, we do know nobody was injured.

Lori (45:32.023)
Next, Dolores tells the ladies about the house that they were supposed to go to burn to the ground. And they all decide that that is divine intervention. And I couldn't agree more to be quite honest with you. I mean, I feel bad for the people, hopefully they have good insurance. I mean, we do know nobody was injured,

Kelli (45:46.754)
Yeah, I hope

We Wine Whenever (45:52.023)
And next week is the final, the final episode. I'm glad we're not missing it because of the Olympics. There was rumors that we were going to be missing it. I'm glad, I'm glad we're not. And then on Watch What Happens Live, it was Melissa and John Owen Lowe and the bartenders were Nick Marco and his husband, Mike.

Lori (45:52.369)
And next week is the final episode. I'm glad we're not missing it because of the Olympics. There was rumors that we were going to be missing it. I'm glad we're not. And then I'm watching what happens live. was Melissa and John Owen Lowe. And the bartenders were Nick Marco and his husband Mike.

Kelli (45:59.652)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Kelli (46:10.448)

We Wine Whenever (46:13.398)
they asked, Andy asked, Melissa a couple of questions. she asked, he asked, what were the reaction to the flowers that Marge sent? Melissa said, that's how you do housewives. That's, that's how you do housewives. yep. Yep.

Lori (46:14.637)
They asked, Andy asked Melissa a couple questions.

She asked, he asked what were the reactions to the flowers that Marge sent. Melissa said that's how you do housewives. That's right, that's how you play housewives. That's how you do housewives. Marge wins, Teresa loses, your table flip means nothing now. Yep. Thing of the past. And that's what I was gonna say. If this doesn't become, you know how Andy will replay the table flip in different scenarios? If this doesn't get replayed.

Kelli (46:26.04)
That's right. That's how you play Housewife. Marge wins, Teresa loses. Sorry. Your table flip means nothing now. of the past. And that's what I was going to say. If this doesn't become you know how Andy like will like will replay the table flip in different scenarios. If this doesn't get replayed over and over and over again, it just proves that he

We Wine Whenever (46:45.43)

Kelli (46:56.152)
blindly loyal to Teresa. Because this was epic. It was way more epic than a table

We Wine Whenever (47:00.077)
No, it was good. I agree. I 100 % agree.

Lori (47:04.623)
That table flip was just kooky told you guys about that just kooky kooky

Kelli (47:08.304)
Listen, she lost her shit. She lost her temper. Which, listen, I'm guilty of doing it myself, but that's all that was. That wasn't cleverly thought out like Marge. That was just the heat of the moment. She lost her temper and couldn't control herself. Because that's who she is. Right.

We Wine Whenever (47:16.639)
No, no, no, no, no.

Lori (47:17.665)

We Wine Whenever (47:22.807)
Yep, that's exactly right.

Lori (47:23.371)
over something stupid that wasn't even aimed to her. just stupid.

Kelli (47:30.541)

We Wine Whenever (47:32.615)
And Andy also asked Melissa about how she felt about the Berkshire trip being canceled. And she said she thought it would have been pointless anyway, so she was fine with that. And I agree. Based on everything we've seen, what would have been the point of the... I mean, I get it that Dolores was trying to get them, but it wouldn't have worked. I mean, it's too far gone. And then he asked her what she'd have to say to Jen Aiden if she had one thing to say. She said, why are you such an asshole?

Kelli (47:47.992)
Yeah, no, no.

Lori (47:53.539)
She asked her what she had to say to Jen P. She said, why are you such an asshole?

We Wine Whenever (48:03.252)
And then Jackie, why are you such a traitor? Those were the two that I wrote down and I couldn't agree more with those because, wait, no, I wrote more down. flipped it over. Margaret, you should have bought two flowers, one for each of the morons in the room. yes, she did. yeah, after she said that, she's like, you know what? She did that. That's fine. Then Teresa, why do you blame everyone else for your sorrows or your life?

Lori (48:15.607)
should have bought two flowers one for each the morons in the room. But she did address them both to, you know, she did. Yeah. After she said that, she's like, you know what? She did that. That's fine. Then Teresa, why do you blame everyone else for your sorrows for your life? It's so true. She doesn't own anything. Nothing. Nothing. To Jen Fessler, why do you say one thing on the phone and something else when you're in person? Because she's messy, Fessy. That's why.

Kelli (48:18.926)
Right. But she did address them both to, you know, she did address it to both of

We Wine Whenever (48:32.595)
It's so true. She doesn't own anything. To Jen Fessler, why do you say one thing on the phone and something else when you're in person? Because she's messy fessy, that's why. And Danielle Cabral, very proud of her, no question. Rachel Fuda, are you annoyed that you joined this crazy group of ladies?

Kelli (48:35.096)
Nothing. Nothing.

Kelli (48:55.268)
Hopefully not because she's got a good support system with Margaret and Melissa and now Danielle. Hopefully those four stay.

We Wine Whenever (49:04.617)
Yeah, but I don't know. We're going to have to wait and see. And then to Dolores Catania, when are you going to stop going, going to stop playing Switzerland? Which is true.

Kelli (49:12.528)
I couldn't agree with this more, honestly. It's enough now. And if you want to stay friends with both sides, okay. But you never call Teresa out on her shit and you have no problem calling Margaret, Melissa, and Joe out on their shit. Call her out on her shit. She's not porcelain, she's not gonna break. You say she's so tough, then fucking tell her when she's wrong and she should be able to take

Lori (49:40.804)
Yeah, it be equal.

Kelli (49:42.789)

We Wine Whenever (49:43.569)
It should be equal. It should be equal. mean, I don't know. I don't know what's going to happen. I guess we just have to wait and see. None of us know.

Lori (49:51.706)
Now I did hear Andy on a live call that he was doing someone called in to complain about Melissa and He said well, you know, we are gonna change things up on the show So it was an admission that there are going to be changes. So it'll be interesting to see what they

We Wine Whenever (50:16.4)
Yeah, that's kind of what we said. It's they've they've already said that they're going to make changes. We don't know if it's going to be a complete reboot, if they're going to keep some members of the cast and then recast other members. We don't know what it's going to be. It's not going to be the same, though. That's all we

Lori (50:23.083)

Kelli (50:31.726)
You know, I kept thinking, why did they rush this season? Because honestly, they should have for this season done what they're going to do for next season. Like really take their time and think about what they're going to do and blah, blah, blah. But after seeing the delivery of the flower arrangement, now I know why we needed this season.

Lori (50:32.153)
You know, I kept thinking why did they rush this season? Because honestly, they should have, for this season, done what they're going to do for next season. Like, really take their time and think about

Kelli (50:51.864)
We needed the flower arrangement. I'm sorry for the loss of your dignity. Because I don't understand why people still defend Teresa, but I'll never understand it. But the saddest part is that Teresa still thinks that people believe what she says.

Lori (50:52.217)
I saddest is that Teresa herself believes what she says.

We Wine Whenever (50:55.9)
Yeah, we definitely did. It was epic.

We Wine Whenever (51:17.128)
Well, that's

Kelli (51:17.44)
Yeah, yeah, you're right. You're right. It is sad because it's delusional.

Lori (51:21.265)
That's the saddest thing. And I don't, and I don't, you know, I'm new to the game. I don't even know, you know, the half of it. Yeah, I don't, you know, I've only watched, you know, season one, maybe a couple episodes of season two, and then this season. And even I can look at it and be like, boy.

Kelli (51:29.412)
Yeah, you haven't even seen what's gone on. Season three on since Melissa joined the show. You haven't even seen

Kelli (51:46.5)
Yeah, Louie's crazy.

Lori (51:49.483)
and creepy. He's very creepy. He's creepy.

Kelli (51:51.386)
Creepy, crazy, the whole bit. Yep.

We Wine Whenever (51:57.014)
I think that's it until next time. Thank you for watching and listening to We Wine Whenever. I'm Wendy.

Kelli (52:04.356)

Lori (52:05.099)
And I'm Lori.

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