We Wine Whenever's Podcast

The Last Supper: RHONJ Season Finale- S14 E13

Season 1 Episode 87

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 RHONJ S14 E13 

In this episode of RHONJ, the season finale delivers a dramatic and intense conclusion, leaving fans with more questions than answers about the future of the cast.

The episode kicks off with Jenn Fessler visiting Margaret’s house, where Margaret explains her absurd responses to absurd actions, all while enjoying cronuts and banana pudding with red wine. Margaret hints at dropping bombshells, setting the stage for the drama to unfold. Delores arrives, revealing Teresa's gossip, which leads to a heated debate about a supposed summit that was actually reunion prep. The tension escalates as Delores accuses Margaret of lying about inviting her, but they eventually calm down and apologize to each other, deciding to have one last group sit-down.

Meanwhile, Danielle and Melissa visit Rachel’s house. Rachel reveals that her husband John is not allergic to anything, and the conversation shifts to Teresa’s recent actions and Louis’s reputation. Melissa shares that people in Louis’s life have warned them about him, and Danielle expresses hope for reconciling with Jenn Aydin, though Melissa remains distant.

Danielle later decorates pumpkins with her kids and Nate, and she decides to reach out to her estranged father via text, receiving a loving response. The emotional moment contrasts sharply with the ongoing drama.

As Delores talks to Pauly about the upcoming sit-down, Luis and Teresa discuss their strategy regarding Margaret. Luis expresses intense hatred towards Margaret, hoping her family suffers as he feels he has. This conversation sets a dark tone for the upcoming dinner.

The final group dinner at Rails is where tensions explode. Delores aims for everyone to be heard, but the evening quickly descends into chaos. Danielle and Jenn Aydin have a heated exchange, with Danielle accusing Jenn of disappointing her as a friend, and Jenn firing back with insults about Danielle’s life. Melissa and Teresa’s argument escalates, with Melissa calling Teresa “white trash” and Teresa responding by calling Melissa a “whore.”

Danielle temporarily leaves the room, but returns after calming down. The most shocking revelation comes when Jackie admits to Teresa that she had hosted Vanessa at her house  in 2021, despite previously denying it. This admission causes Margaret to call Jackie a snake, highlighting the deep fractures within the group.

The episode ends without a clear resolution, leaving the cast’s future uncertain. The lack of a reunion adds to the suspense, making fans eager to see what happens next season.

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We Wine Whenever (00:01.166)
Hi, welcome to We Why Whenever, I'm Wendy. Tonight we are discussing Real Housewives of New Jersey, season 14, episode 13, the season finale. Long awaited is right.

Kelli (00:03.549)
I'm Kelly.

Kelli (00:12.354)
long awaited even though there were only 13 episodes it it felt like

We Wine Whenever (00:18.723)
I know, I know. So we start out with Jen Fessler goes over to Margaret's house and Marge shows Jen Fessler what she did with the funeral arrangement thing that she sent over to Teresa's house. That was so good. So then Margaret says, when someone does something absurd, you need to respond in an absurd way in response to, and I agree. You know

Kelli (00:30.08)
So good. Mm -hmm.

Kelli (00:41.014)
Totally agree.

We Wine Whenever (00:43.066)
They're having cronuts and banana pudding with red wine. So I guess this was breakfast time. That's what they're eating.

Kelli (00:49.046)
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, it, so it was the same morning that Teresa, it was the same day because when the, when the show opened, they show the, said later that day. So Dolores basically went from Teresa's house to Margaret's

We Wine Whenever (01:00.097)

We Wine Whenever (01:08.116)
Okay, that's what I was wondering like later that day of what okay, so all right, okay, so

Kelli (01:12.598)
Later that,

We Wine Whenever (01:16.92)
But it was morning time, wasn't it? Or no?

Kelli (01:19.234)
I mean, it said later that day, so maybe, you know, maybe they were at Teresa's at 9am and then she got to Marge's by 1130.

We Wine Whenever (01:21.9)
Maybe, yeah.

We Wine Whenever (01:27.328)
Yeah, okay. So then she, Margaret says that Jackie's dead to her and that she'll be dropping some bombs at the, the sit down. Yeah, the last supper. Exactly. And yeah, exactly. And then, like you said, Dolores shows up because she's on her way to Margaret's house. And Dolores tells Margaret that what Teresa was saying,

Kelli (01:40.534)
The Last Supper. And Fessler's like, I don't want to know any of it. I don't want to

We Wine Whenever (01:55.188)
Margaret says that she spoke to Vanessa via DMs three times. when Dolores gets there, she's like, Teresa was saying that you were speaking to Vanessa, to his ex, like, why were you doing that? And she says, listen, I talked to her via text, DMs three times, that's it. And it wasn't until

The tw - right, after New York. After the reunion, exactly. Right. Right.

Kelli (02:21.664)
New York, the reunion. That's what she tells Dolores while sitting on her couch. Because it changes when they get to the sit down.

We Wine Whenever (02:35.987)
Yes, it does change when they get to the sit

Kelli (02:38.476)
But in my opinion, that's okay because there was a subpoena involved. What Margaret did is okay. And after, well, we'll get there.

We Wine Whenever (02:49.341)
Yeah. So then, then Dolores brings up the summit before the reunion. That's what they were calling it, the summit before the reunion. And Margaret says it wasn't a summit. It was a reunion prep. Dolores.

Kelli (03:00.724)
Right. Which I'm sure, and we've heard other housewives say they do it on every franchise.

We Wine Whenever (03:05.842)
Absolutely, absolutely. And Dolores says, thanks for inviting me. Margaret said, I did invite you. And Dolores calls her a liar and she starts flipping out. Well, is that what the word was? It was bleeped

Kelli (03:17.716)
a lying c -word.

Yeah, she called her a lying C word. C -U -N -T. Yes. And so I watched it on Peacock and there wasn't more content from what I could tell. If there were and somebody out there knows it, please tell me, because I didn't catch it. But I just caught the F word over and over and obviously I can curse over and over and over again. But yeah, she called her a lying C word. I would

We Wine Whenever (03:26.802)

Kelli (03:49.876)
I would have told her to get the fuck out of my house.

We Wine Whenever (03:53.718)
I I've never seen Dolores get that upset about anything. And she went from zero to a hundred.

Kelli (04:01.024)
And that's how you know she's lying. You ever catch your kid in a lie and see how he reacts? I know my kid's lying. As soon as he starts reacting like that, like a nut, yelling, screaming, cursing, I know you're lying. That's exactly what she did. She showed who she truly was. Or is.

We Wine Whenever (04:21.19)
Yeah, I mean, I was very surprised to see that because I did not expect that from

Kelli (04:27.094)
Her reaction was way out of line. was unwarranted. She's lying because she's scared to death of Teresa and Louie. Dolores is scared to death of Teresa and Louie. And we knew that last season when Frank Catania Sr. started talking about Frankie Jr. and not working with Louie anymore. You could see it in Dolores' eyes. She tries to play all godmother, godmother like tough girl. She's not. She's scared to death of them.

We Wine Whenever (04:55.176)
Do you think that she's scared of them or do you think you do? You really do. You think Bo Deedle dug up some dirt on Pauly that she doesn't want

Kelli (04:59.562)
I'm sorry, yeah, I cut you

Kelli (05:05.408)
I think, yeah, I think she, I think that just like what Melissa said later in the episode that one of his nieces said you should be afraid. I think that anybody who crosses this guy's path should be afraid and nobody wants to get on his bad

We Wine Whenever (05:20.808)
That's sad.

Kelli (05:21.74)
But I mean, my God, we're from Jersey. Doesn't anybody in this friend group have somebody to take care of this guy? Come on.

We Wine Whenever (05:28.569)
I would think so. I mean, I would think

surprised that it calmed down. Like she did finally calm down and

I don't know. just, that was, that scene totally blew me away. Actually, I thought that was the most surprising scene of the whole finale, to be honest with

Kelli (05:51.968)
I totally agree with you. was so, that reaction was so unwarranted unless you just got caught in a lie and now you're on national television and now you look to one friend as if you were, you know, involved in another friend's orchestration of something against her husband. And that's basically what she thinks. But I mean, does, listen, if

asked you to come over and you said no okay you said no just like Frank Catania senior did as somebody put that online today like come on Dolores you knew exactly what was going on Frank already said he was invited Frank Catania senior wouldn't be invited without Dolores being invited you did the right thing to be friends with both you said no but don't lie she's lying

We Wine Whenever (06:24.845)
Right, right.

We Wine Whenever (06:44.237)
Yeah, I mean even even Margaret said she's like, well, I said it in passing. Maybe I didn't say specifically, but you were definitely invited. So they get, you they get over that. Then Dolores says, OK, well, we should have one last sit down because she tells him about, you know, the place burning down, which, by the way, I've heard it was only the garage that burned down. It was.

Kelli (07:05.534)
It was well, according to Danielle at Rachel's house, it was where Teresa and Jennifer were supposed to

We Wine Whenever (07:11.266)
the second guest house. Guest house. Yeah.

Kelli (07:13.108)
Yeah, Danielle called it the outhouse.

Which with those two sleeping in it, it is. full of shit at least.

We Wine Whenever (07:21.538)
Yeah, that's for sure. Then Danielle and Melissa go to Rachel's house and Rachel gives us an update about what happened with John when he got back from the anaphylactic shock that she made him. She wanted him to go to the hospital, but he wouldn't. So she made him go to the allergist and they ran all these tests and he's not allergic to anything. I know. So they think maybe it was possibly a chip of the bone or something.

Kelli (07:45.698)

We Wine Whenever (07:50.87)
When they did the shot, I don't

Kelli (07:52.992)
Yeah, that was crazy. I mean, listen, I, you know, I, I never order shrimp when I'm out to dinner because once in a while doesn't happen all the time. I get an allergic reaction when I drink wine and eat shrimp. It doesn't happen all the time, but once in a while it does. So I don't ever eat shrimp out or shellfish in general. I just don't anymore because I don't want to get an allergic reaction like that. So maybe he just, maybe it was just a one -time fluke

We Wine Whenever (08:18.562)

We Wine Whenever (08:22.975)
Right, right. Maybe it was. Yeah. Who knows? What else happens next? So then they're talking about the house burning down and what Teresa did with Jim Leonard. Melissa said that everyone in Louis's life has reached out and warned them about Louis, everybody. And then she tells a story about the, you know, she ran into somebody. Yeah.

Kelli (08:24.959)
Yeah. Yeah.

Kelli (08:48.086)
Denise on his wife's, his first wife's side. And I wonder if that's the mother of his children, because he has two ex -wives, I

We Wine Whenever (08:52.586)

We Wine Whenever (08:57.91)
I think it is the mother of his children. I think it is. Then Danielle thinks she's going to be able to reconcile with Jen Aiden. I don't know why she thinks, I mean, I didn't think that she was going to be able to reconcile with Jen Aiden.

Kelli (09:17.622)
I didn't either. Just because of Jenny Aiden.

We Wine Whenever (09:18.793)
Melissa said, yeah, exactly. She's just so petty. And Melissa says she doesn't have anything to say. Like she doesn't have any last word to say to anybody. And I mean, yeah. Danielle's at home with her kids and Nate and they're decorating the pumpkins and Danielle and, it was cute. Danielle and Nate are talking

Kelli (09:29.502)
No. She said it all last reunion. She's good. She's solid.

Kelli (09:40.277)
That was cute.

We Wine Whenever (09:44.117)
you know, what has gone on with her dad and they're, you know, they're talking in front of the kids, but they're talking in code because, you know, they don't want the kids to know what's going on. And she reached out, she reaches out to him via text, which for her was a really big step. And I'm glad that she did it. Nate says

He was invited to both parties and he hasn't seen Bill since she called his wife the devil when they were at the Tulum party.

Kelli (10:14.57)
Yeah, he did say he would have gone to Louie's though. He would have gone to Louie's Boys Night.

We Wine Whenever (10:19.2)
Yes, he did. Yes, he did say that. He did say that. If he wasn't working, he said he was working. And then as they're sitting there, then Danielle's dad does text back, which was good. He sent her some words of encouragement and that he loved her. So I was glad to see that little bit of wrap up. I I'm hoping by now she's actually got to see

Kelli (10:48.66)
Yeah, I'm hoping at the watch party maybe somebody brings it up and asks and she says whether or not they're speaking and hopefully it's a

We Wine Whenever (10:49.288)
and talk to

We Wine Whenever (10:55.453)
Yeah, yeah, I hope so too, because I really want to see them happy. I want to see her get reconciled with her dad.

Kelli (11:03.36)
especially because anything can happen at any time. know that. you

We Wine Whenever (11:06.831)
I know, I know. Then we see Delores talking to Polly about the sit down. She says she's going to have the people that have a beef against each other sitting across from each other so they can look each other in the eye. I'm like, I don't know if you really thought this through when you came up with that idea.

Kelli (11:22.23)
So stupid.

Kelli (11:26.142)
Exactly. Exactly.

We Wine Whenever (11:30.993)
The next I have, Louis is asking Teresa what her strategy is with Margaret. Teresa says, I don't really have a strategy. I'm not a strategic person. Really? Come on. And then Louis laughs and says, I know.

Kelli (11:40.756)
Right, right.

Kelli (11:47.392)
And then he says he wishes harm on Margaret and her effing son on Peacock. He said, and her effing son. wish harm on him too, or whatever he says.

We Wine Whenever (11:55.198)
Yeah. said, Louis says, hope Margaret's family suffers. I hope her son suffers the way I suffer and the other people in our families have suffered. She's a disgusting, vile human being. She's a piece of garbage. If she doesn't apologize to you, then she's not worth sitting in front of you. I wrote it down word for word.

Kelli (12:13.666)
So Gabriella was on, I think she was on Behind the Velvet Rope and she talked about this scene and she said that Teresa called her after that scene that night and was panicking and was asking producers to cut it and they didn't. She didn't know if they were going to, she wanted them to and they didn't. They're not gonna cut that. He's a fucking lunatic, you're married to a lunatic.

We Wine Whenever (12:32.922)
Yeah. Yeah. No.

Kelli (12:40.704)
I mean, I can't even believe they let this guy film. He's so, he's such a liability, but you know, Bravo made their

We Wine Whenever (12:47.076)
I know. was, I mean, to say that after he's already threatened her son is just crazy. It's crazy.

Kelli (12:56.072)
Exactly, Yep.

We Wine Whenever (12:59.997)
I don't know. And then Louis says, Rachel is like her husband. She's a bottom feeder. And he also says, your sister -in -law is not worth anything. Again, he doesn't ever call her Melissa, just like she doesn't ever name her. They always refer to her as the sister -in -law. My brother, yep. Margaret says, I have a few final things to say to Teresa.

Kelli (13:17.386)
Yeah, and my brother, my brother.

We Wine Whenever (13:25.36)
But I'm going to say to Jackie Judas Goldschneider, if you have one opportunity to tell Teresa what you've been doing behind her back. I don't think she actually got a chance to do that, but she did. She did put it out

Kelli (13:36.67)
No. Yeah, she dropped the bomb at least.

We Wine Whenever (13:40.877)
Yeah. And then we see Joe getting, talking to Melissa and he's wearing his dad's watch. And then we flash back to a bunch of scenes with his dad. I really liked those scenes. You know, those were, you know, those were touching, you

Kelli (13:55.594)
Yeah. You know, I heard a clip of Teresa on Kelly Ripa's podcast and she said that her father never watched the show because she knew that Joey and Melissa came on to hurt her. He knew that Joey and Melissa came on to hurt her. So her father would never watch the show. Okay. Exactly. She's such a loser.

We Wine Whenever (14:11.799)
please, come

Then Melissa tells Joe what happened at Teresa's house from Danielle. She got the information from Danielle, so she lets Joe know. Melissa then says to Joe, you happy now? Which, you know, I think that was telling, you know? And he's like, yeah, I am. You know, he's done at this point everything he can do.

Kelli (14:39.518)
It is interesting though his response. I wish her no harm. She's my sister. I want her to be happy. What a difference compared to what her and Louie say about them. What a difference. He's just truly a nice guy.

We Wine Whenever (14:50.254)
Yeah. Yeah, it's true. And it's

Yeah. And honestly, I think this is my just my opinion, but I think that when this shit finally does hit the fan and, you know, Louie does get indicted or go away. Right. I think Teresa will finally wake up and Joe will be there for

Kelli (15:10.796)
Whatever's coming to him.

Kelli (15:17.908)
I do. I agree with you. And I think that's going to be very hard on their marriage. But I think they'll be fine. But I think Teresa will fuck it up again. Maybe not if they're not on TV. If they're still on TV, she's going to fuck that up again. But I do think that I do think that she is eventually going to see the light with Louie. I think she's going to play victim again because she's so good at

We Wine Whenever (15:21.465)
And so will Melissa.

Kelli (15:44.522)
And I think her brother's gonna be there for

We Wine Whenever (15:47.245)
I definitely think Joe will be, I mean, he says it, he told his dad that he would be there for Teresa and he would watch out for her. And he's tried to, she's the one who pushed him away. It wasn't the other way around. She stands on the platform that he didn't go to her wedding. Well, I mean, he really wasn't welcome at the wedding after everything that had happened and the whole, before the wedding incident. right.

Kelli (16:00.66)
Right. absolutely.

Kelli (16:10.474)
No, he

Kelli (16:15.265)

We Wine Whenever (16:17.25)
There was no way that he could went to that wedding and not ruined

Kelli (16:20.222)
No, and why would there was no reason for them to be at that wedding. That wedding was a circus. I mean, I didn't even watch it and I won't. If I see my DVR taping that I cancel the recording.

We Wine Whenever (16:26.336)
Yeah, it really was.

We Wine Whenever (16:35.832)
You're so funny.

Kelli (16:37.11)
hardcore against that wedding, that circus.

We Wine Whenever (16:40.888)
Melissa says, it's okay to finally say it's over. And I agree with that. Like, you know, have to just say enough is enough. Dolores is the first one to arrive at Rails and they're having their last supper upstairs. I did like the way that all the ladies were picking out their outfits for their last supper.

Kelli (17:03.134)
It was very reminiscent. I don't know if you watched Mob Wives, but it was very that last, you know, sit down with all of them. When they all rolled up, I mean, they were they were rolling up to a warehouse, the back of a warehouse and being escorted in. But so a little different, but it was it was reminiscent of

We Wine Whenever (17:06.391)

Yes, yes.

We Wine Whenever (17:21.398)
Yeah, I 100 % agree.

Dolores says that she wants everyone to be heard. And Teresa is the last one to arrive. And Teresa gets there and she has her sitting across from Margaret. And the first thing Teresa says is, I don't want to sit across from her or that. I don't know if she said her or

I was like, so much for that idea.

Kelli (17:48.778)
Right. She is so scarily thin, Teresa, because I was watching Danielle and we met Danielle in person and we know she's a she's tiny. She and Melissa were tiny, tiny. And but on camera, she looks a little like curvy, not. And I'm you know, I hope I'm stating this right, where it would be no offense to Danielle because she's beautiful.

We Wine Whenever (17:56.118)
she is.

We Wine Whenever (18:00.095)

We Wine Whenever (18:11.239)
Right, right. I know. No.

Kelli (18:18.816)
And I'm not saying she looked heavy. She just looks curvier than she looks in person. We just saw her last week. Teresa on camera looks like a...

Like a post. There's nothing to her. There is nothing to

We Wine Whenever (18:34.197)
She does, she's too thin. No, she doesn't look good.

We Wine Whenever (18:41.916)
And I'm sure it is stress. think it is stress. mean, somebody said ozempic, but I don't, it's not ozempic. I think it's Well, I don't think so. I don't think it's ozempic. She was always, she was thin to be, she was never heavy.

Kelli (18:42.196)
It's scary.

Kelli (18:47.188)
I'm sure she's on Ozempic. She's got Ozempic face. She's gaunt. I do think stress has something to do with it, but she's definitely on Ozempic judging by her face. She looks like a skeleton, her face. I do. I think it's a combination of both, but she's got Ozempic. If she is not on Ozempic, she better figure something out because her face looks like she's on Ozempic. She looks like a skeleton.

We Wine Whenever (19:00.442)
No, I don't think so. I don't think it's so zempic. really don't. I think it's stress. I think it's stress.

Kelli (19:16.555)

We Wine Whenever (19:17.81)
Yeah, I mean, except for her hot dog lips.

Kelli (19:21.78)
Exactly. But I think that's why her lips look so big. Because the rest of her is sunken in. She better figure that out,

We Wine Whenever (19:25.156)
It's cuz...

We Wine Whenever (19:33.523)
So they're all sitting down and Delores says to Danielle, and Jen Aiden can go first. so Danielle says, when you question somebody like me, look at yourself first. For the charity event, my husband and I gave $2 ,500 to get it to the $25 ,000. She's like, you were slandering me. You're slandering me.

Jen says, know you hustle everything for free because you can't afford it. I get it. I mean, come on, really? You really had to go there? Danielle says to Jen, you completely disappointed me as a friend. I feel so sorry for you. Jen Aiden says, you want my life. And that honestly, I think in her delusional mind, she thinks

Kelli (20:10.092)
Bitch, complete bitch. Right? Right?

Kelli (20:26.152)
I think she thinks we all want her life. I really think she thinks we all want her life. I mean, what a materialistic bitch. I don't I don't want a husband that cheats on me. I'd rather have a husband like Nate or the one I have for the record. Yeah, he works to Eric works. Yeah, yeah,

We Wine Whenever (20:28.836)
Yes, I do too.

I do too. I really do.

We Wine Whenever (20:37.65)
Danielle says, right, right. then Dan, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That one will work too. Danielle says to Jen, I don't want anything you have. You have 18 bathrooms, but your house is empty. And it's true. Danielle says to Jen, know you're sad and I know you cry alone at home because you couldn't touch what I have with a 10 foot pole.

Kelli (20:57.602)

We Wine Whenever (21:07.087)
And she was referring to her relationship. yeah. And then Danielle says, know when I get home, my husband's waiting for me to walk in the door. Jen says, yeah, your husband with his man boobs. you, what did she say? He has the boobs and you have the bra? Yeah, he has the boobs and you have the bra.

Kelli (21:09.097)
Absolutely, and she should.

Kelli (21:25.024)
Yeah, something like

Meanwhile, did you see on TikTok today that, Lindsay, the housewife historian posted a video of Bill Aiden at his plastic surgery office talking about his surgery.

We Wine Whenever (21:41.944)
Yeah, I didn't see that, but I did hear about it, that he... Yes, yes, yes.

Kelli (21:45.13)
He had the same surgery.

I mean, Jennifer, she can't be any more of an asshole if she tried.

We Wine Whenever (21:56.963)
I know. I

Kelli (21:59.796)
I didn't see, did Danielle throw something at her? Cause I don't remember seeing her throw something at

We Wine Whenever (22:04.693)
Well, that's what everyone says is they cut it out. They cut it out. They cut out. She picked up a pitcher, a plastic pitcher of water and supposedly it had condensation on it and it slipped out of her hand and it landed on the table in front of Jen and it knocked all the stuff that was on the table in front of her on her, onto Jen.

Kelli (22:07.906)
that's what they're saying was cut

Kelli (22:29.202)
on to Jen. so just like what Teresa did in Nashville to Margaret, the same thing, the same thing.

We Wine Whenever (22:34.636)
Yeah. So, but they cut that portion of it out. Like we don't, we didn't see that. And I got that. Yeah, you did.

Kelli (22:44.02)
You do see a skip in the video. You do see like a like a bloop.

We Wine Whenever (22:48.684)
Yeah, that's why I wanted to watch it on Peacock. It wasn't any different on

Kelli (22:52.66)
I don't think so now that you're saying it, I don't think so, but I might have to rewatch it too.

We Wine Whenever (22:58.082)
Yeah. So then Danielle leaves the room with Dolores and Rachel. And meanwhile, Jen is in the other room still sitting there going on about man boobs. She's still talking about it. And Danielle was really upset. I mean, she was crying. She was upset because listen, she was worried about her husband. You had to go mention her husband's name. Like, come on. No, no.

Kelli (23:21.034)
And he didn't sign up for that. You know what I mean? And I know we always say, I just think the husbands and the kids, stuff like that, a normal person wouldn't bring that up. A kind person wouldn't

We Wine Whenever (23:33.621)
Right. Right, exactly.

Right. Well, there's nothing kind to... mean, Jen is evil.

Kelli (23:42.818)
Absolutely. Yep. Yeah. Yeah.

We Wine Whenever (23:45.495)
She's the devil, like Daniel, she's the devil.

Then Jen Fessler leaves. She's like, I can't, I can't do this. Like I can't, I can't do this anymore. So she like gets up and leaves. I don't blame her. Honestly, I don't blame her. Although she was hosting it.

Kelli (24:04.022)
Blamer. She was hosting it and I hope she doesn't think she's being asked back after leaving. I mean, let's see who who really is asked back, but I think that that kind of like if you can't handle that, Fessler, you should not be

We Wine Whenever (24:22.988)
I don't know. I don't think it should have gotten to that. It should have gotten to that.

Kelli (24:26.12)
No, but it does. It's Jersey. It always gets to that. But normally it's Teresa doing it and she just gets away with it and gets away with it and gets away with it. So when somebody else does it, why is it such a big fucking deal that somebody else did it? Teresa's been doing this since the first season. She's been behaving this

We Wine Whenever (24:41.95)
Yeah. No, she definitely has. She definitely has.

Kelli (24:49.578)
I mean the second reunion she pushed Andy

Come on!

We Wine Whenever (24:54.432)
And the first reunion she flipped, or the first season she flipped the table. I, yeah.

Kelli (24:58.602)
Right. Then she pushed Andy down. I mean, come on.

We Wine Whenever (25:05.131)
And then meanwhile, they're all like yelling back and forth at each other too at this

Kelli (25:10.191)
yeah, Teresa and Melissa start going at

We Wine Whenever (25:12.413)
Yeah. And Melissa says she learned from the best of them. And white trash, right? She called her white trash. And then Theresa keeps calling her a whore. I mean, come on, really?

Kelli (25:16.79)
White trash.

Kelli (25:26.188)
That's when you know, that's when you know, Teresa's too stupid to hold any kind of conversation at this point. She just starts repeating herself and repeating herself. Like, so she did it there, whore, whore, whore. My brother married a whore, whore, whore. And then later on she does it with Margaret, where she's like, liar, liar, liar. It's like, you're just too stupid to carry on a conversation. So you just keep repeating yourself over and over

We Wine Whenever (25:50.857)
Yeah, it's true. It's true that she does

So then Dolores goes over to Jen and asks if she's okay if Daniel comes back to the table and sits

Kelli (26:04.14)
I know, I hate that she even gave her that much control over the situation.

We Wine Whenever (26:07.408)
I know Jen says, yes, she's welcome, but she's not seeing a cross for her anymore. She's down the other end because now there's an open spot since Jen Fessler left.

Kelli (26:17.108)

We Wine Whenever (26:22.313)
The next is, I guess, of 2022. do I have next? March of 2022 after you spoke to Laura. Okay, so the next, yeah. Margaret starts with Teresa telling her what happened. March of 2022 after you spoke to Laura, I spoke to the ex. I got

Kelli (26:34.718)
so this is when

We Wine Whenever (26:49.629)
Jackie is saying that going to Margaret's before the reunion was a takedown of Louie. That's what Jackie is sitting there saying when like, no, that's not what it was. It was the reunion prep. And that's just because Jackie decided that she's going to jump sides because that's what Jim Leonard told her to do. If you want a spot on this show, this is what you're going to have to do.

Kelli (27:07.072)
Right. Right.

We Wine Whenever (27:18.44)
Hold on, my next notes don't make sense. The next I have, Rachel and Teresa are yelling about, keep my husband's name out of your mouth. So how did that come up next?

Kelli (27:24.666)
Well, yeah, because because when Margaret was trying to explain her timeline, Teresa keeps yelling that she's the one who, you know, kept dropping, you know, putting stuff out into the media, just like you told Rachel and John that Louie investigated them. And Rachel was like, wait, what are you talking about? And Rachel said it was a family friend who doesn't even know Margaret.

and maybe your husband is not that forthcoming with you and then Teresa gets nasty with her. Well, your husband's not forthcoming about his past and listen, I don't even know why, I'm glad Rachel reacted the way she did, but I don't even know why she did. who, like she's already said the stuff about the past. Nobody even cares. He sold weed and then the other thing. Okay, we're good. We're all, you know, we get

We Wine Whenever (28:13.614)
Right. Right.

know if there was more into that that we didn't get to see because then she really that's when she kind of threw at her about the hot dog lips.

Kelli (28:20.982)

Kelli (28:24.694)
hot dog lips. Yeah, which is great. And then, and then Rachel's like, you're obsessed. You're obsessed, which was amazing. Cause she kind of is. Yeah. Yeah. Well, she's obsessed with anybody who's happily married, whose husband legitimately makes a good living and provides a lifestyle for them. Like, you know, Nate Danielle, Joe Melissa, you

We Wine Whenever (28:31.706)
Yeah. Yes. Yes. Absolutely. Yes, she is.

Kelli (28:53.312)
John and Rachel, Margaret and Joe. Like you can call you can call Joe Benigno the plumber all day long. They live a nice lifestyle. Whoever's the breadwinner is the breadwinner. Who gives a shit? They got a nice lifestyle and they truly love each other. It's two things you don't have. You have a borrowed lifestyle until the until it blows up, which hopefully will be

We Wine Whenever (28:53.391)

We Wine Whenever (29:07.056)

We Wine Whenever (29:14.086)
Yeah, it's true. Then Margaret says, let me say something and see if this makes sense. After the warrior video came out in 2021, Jackie had them at her house.

Kelli (29:27.766)
I think she implied that Jackie had her at her house prior to the warrior warrior video coming out. Like as if, yeah, like Jackie got her hands on the video at that meeting. That's yeah, that's how I saw

We Wine Whenever (29:33.861)
She did. She did. As if Jackie put the warrior. Yes. Yes. And, and what I've been hearing, the word is Jackie had both Vanessa's at her house. Cause that warrior video was from the other Vanessa, the other Vanessa.

Kelli (29:51.638)
Was to the other one. Yes, yes. But I think that maybe I mean, I didn't hear that I I knew that it was about the other Vanessa, but I thought that the this Vanessa, the lawsuit Vanessa had had it. Had it in her hands for some reason. And Jackie did get it from her, but who knows?

We Wine Whenever (30:10.244)
heard, I don't know if it's true or not, I've heard that Jackie had both Vanessa's at her house and then Jackie keeps, you know, denying it and Delores says, listen, if it's true, you better admit to it because I'm sure she has proof. And you could, and you could see Jackie's face. She's like, all right, you know, I did. It was at my house. It was before we were friends and you came after my husband. That's why I did

Kelli (30:24.746)
Yeah, Melissa said it

Kelli (30:31.531)
I met with

Kelli (30:38.054)
And she did you hear what she said? She goes, and I don't know if I heard that maybe I heard this on peacock. She goes, and I didn't want you. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to fuck this up. That's what Jackie said to Teresa.

We Wine Whenever (30:47.615)
I didn't know. No, didn't hear that. I didn't hear that. Then Margaret says, everything that came out was from Jackie. Jackie let it all fall on me because that's what she was saying. That warrior video.

Kelli (30:51.19)
Mm -hmm. Yep.

Kelli (31:00.33)
Yeah, you're coming. You subpoenaed the wrong bitch. Like really legit. Yeah. And here's my thing with Jackie. If your husband wasn't cheating, why? Like, cause they flash back to the scene of them sitting on the couch at Margaret's house before she makes the analogy about G and she's like, I need you to say this wasn't true. Why? Why do you need Teresa Judice?

We Wine Whenever (31:04.395)
Right. That's exactly what she said. You subpoenaed the wrong bitch. Exactly.

Kelli (31:29.056)
to say that your husband wasn't cheating on you and it was a lie. If he's not cheating on you, why are you reacting this way? I think where there's smoke, there is fire in this situation. And I think, you know, he's got a big time job. Maybe this really was gonna affect his job, you know? I don't know.

We Wine Whenever (31:51.745)
Well, maybe it was gonna affect his job. mean, I don't know if it means that he was cheating.

Kelli (31:58.795)
Yeah, I don't know.

We Wine Whenever (31:59.073)
I don't know. I don't know. I mean, I definitely think it could affect his job for sure. You know, like his reputation as, you

Kelli (32:08.148)
Yeah, he might want to get his wife off reality TV because it's not a good look for

We Wine Whenever (32:09.301)
I don't

We Wine Whenever (32:14.379)
Well, I would be surprised if they kept her on. I don't think he'll have to do anything. I think she's kind of done that herself at this point,

Kelli (32:18.484)
No. Yeah. And again, Danielle's response to Margaret saying that it was Jackie all along was great. She was like...

We Wine Whenever (32:29.761)
Those faces. Everyone's face at the table. You're just looking at them

Kelli (32:35.467)
Yeah, Melissa's like, you didn't tell me that. Which was perfect, which was good that none of them went in there knowing that. I think Fessler did know. I think where Fessler was saying to Margaret, I don't want to know, I don't want to know. It's because she already knew. So they didn't show Margaret telling her on camera. I think Fessler knew already.

We Wine Whenever (32:43.113)
Right, Margaret kept it all to herself.

We Wine Whenever (32:56.414)
And maybe that's why she left, because she knew what was still to come, because that didn't even happen yet. She's like, shit, I'm out of here.

Kelli (33:03.938)
She's like, if a picture's already been thrown and this hasn't even come out yet, I'm out. I'm out. Did you notice that they, and Tess was watching it with me. Margaret's like, I swear on my kids. I said to Tess, you count how many times these people swear on their kids. These New Jersey women swear on their kids all the time. And I don't care if you're lying or not. Don't swear on your kids, man.

We Wine Whenever (33:26.528)
I know. I don't like

Right, exactly. Don't sweat, like listen, don't do that. Yeah, don't do that. Don't do that. I don't like that. I don't like when they do

Kelli (33:33.954)
I'm not sparing anybody's life. No!

Yeah. No, and they all do it over and over.

We Wine Whenever (33:46.043)
So then Margaret says to Jackie, you're a snake and you are a lawyer. Dolores says to Teresa, Jackie just admitted something to you. Are you okay with this? And it's true. It's like Teresa's just sitting there and she's like, yeah. She says, yes. Melissa says, and you can't get over the sprinkle cookies, but you're okay with this. was like, that's so funny. It's true. It's so true.

Kelli (33:58.518)

Kelli (34:07.424)
Right, right, right. She's so stupid, she doesn't know how to respond. So she just automatically says, yeah, I'm okay with it. Just to not acknowledge the fact that Margaret was not guilty.

We Wine Whenever (34:22.94)
No, she still wants Margaret to be guilty.

Kelli (34:25.046)
Yep. And she just proved that she

We Wine Whenever (34:32.826)
I don't know. I don't know. It's like nothing she's going to do, Margaret's going to do is going to make Teresa change her mind.

Kelli (34:41.802)
No, it's just like Melissa. But Melissa was so funny when she when she was talking to Jen across the table. She's like, you heard that, right? Like you heard that she's not bothered by this. And Jen's like, yeah. And Melissa's like, and you know, that's wrong. And Jen's like, yeah, she's like, all right, I'm just checking in to make sure you're still a normal person down

We Wine Whenever (35:02.31)
And also Jen is like, I think maybe she's going to have a delayed reaction. Like it didn't sink in yet. I'm like, well, something didn't sink in.

Kelli (35:10.882)
And Melissa's like, yeah, she's going to have a delayed reaction. She's going have a delayed reaction. But Margaret was 100 % vindicated. And Bravo, if you don't fire Teresa over making this season a shit show, shame on you. She, she has single -handedly ruined this show, while her and Jen Aiden and Louie and Jim Leonard

But she has ruined this show. She's trying to bury Margaret for something she didn't do. She just proved she didn't do

We Wine Whenever (35:48.03)
Meanwhile, I mean, how many seasons ago was it when she told Danielle Stout to pull Margaret's

Kelli (35:54.978)
Yeah, that was before Louie came in the picture. think that was, yeah, she wasn't with Louie yet. So I think that was season. I think that was season 11. Cause that was the last season that her Joe and Melissa were really on good terms. And I think at that. No, no, no. It was the season before

We Wine Whenever (36:01.042)
I know, but she's,

Kelli (36:19.202)
I think it was season 11, but I'm not positive.

We Wine Whenever (36:23.678)
But even when that happened and it came out that Teresa was the one that told Danielle, Teresa's like, well, we can't air this. She tried to cover that up too on camera. They showed that. And Melissa's like, they're going to air it. What are you talking about?

Kelli (36:32.832)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Kelli (36:42.058)
Right. I don't understand why they keep like, I just don't, it's like, it's just rewarding bad behavior. And that doesn't work at any job in any capacity.

We Wine Whenever (36:52.94)
No, it doesn't. It really doesn't. It doesn't. And then at the end, I guess we, you know, we see Delores still sitting there and everyone is left.

Kelli (36:57.004)

Kelli (37:04.31)
You see Teresa walking out with her flower arrangement, right? That bitch never leaves empty handed. Never leaves empty handed.

We Wine Whenever (37:06.958)
I did see that. I did like those flowers. No, she doesn't. She took her gift bag thing and her flowers. And then I saw that Margaret was talking to Melissa and Rachel and Jackie was coming down. And all of a sudden, Margaret's like, here comes Jackie. She won't turn. And she didn't. She didn't turn the corner.

Kelli (37:28.266)
Nope, she went and hid and Dolores is like she needs a diaper right now. She's shitting her pants and she was she was. my gosh. But somebody did put online like Teresa must not be bothered. They're still taking pictures with each other. mean, her and Louie and Evan and Jackie were just out to dinner together.

We Wine Whenever (37:49.634)

Kelli (37:50.55)
So she's still keeping up the front. She's still trying to bury Margaret. I think she's just trying to get her off the show, but it's like, your quest to get her off the show, you have now almost eliminated everybody from the show. But I do think that Teresa thinks that she's safe. I think that Teresa thinks that there's no way they're gonna get rid

We Wine Whenever (37:52.74)

We Wine Whenever (38:14.645)
we'll just have to wait and see. Then Dolores at the end says she looks at this sit down as a death. And I mean honestly I think that after we saw that there was no need for a reunion. What would they you

Kelli (38:30.472)
No, I totally agree. I was very sad at the end of this episode. Like I was really sad because I don't think I don't think we're ever, you know, I don't know. I don't know who's going to come back, who's not going to come back or what they're going to do. And that makes me sad because other than Teresa and Jennifer and Jackie, I'd like to see them all come

We Wine Whenever (38:54.646)
Yeah, I guess we're just gonna have to wait and see what happens. I don't know. I really don't know.

Kelli (38:59.362)
I mean, they announced that they weren't doing anything until 2025, but it's like, yeah, obviously we're in August and 2025 is four months away. So obviously you're not doing anything. Like, please take four months to think it over. They would do that anyway.

We Wine Whenever (39:13.654)
Yeah, exactly. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Then we go to Watch What Happens Live and Dolores is on Watch What Happens Live with Danny Pellegrino.

Kelli (39:23.446)
Mm -hmm. First question came from cousin Gina in Ag Harbor City, Ag Harbor Township. Yep, it was cousin Gina. I knew it. Why does Dolores still ride or something about Dolores riding the fence

We Wine Whenever (39:29.088)
I love that. I love that. And what was the question?

We Wine Whenever (39:41.397)
Right. And what she said was her response was basically, I don't ride the fence. just, anything I say, riding the fence would be that I was saying things behind people's backs. I don't agree with everything that they do, but I say it to their face when

Kelli (39:57.184)
She doesn't call Teresa out the way she calls Margaret out though. She's full of shit.

We Wine Whenever (40:02.1)
She says she gets a lot of shit for it off camera.

Kelli (40:05.47)
She doesn't she's not she doesn't tell Teresa what she needs to tell Teresa as a friend. She is she is a Teresa soldier. She's she's a good friend. She's a friend of Margaret. I don't I don't know how good of a friend after this episode. My feelings on Dolores quite honestly have completely changed. But she's a she's a friend to Margaret and she'll obviously tell Margaret how she feels. She called her the seaward. But.

We Wine Whenever (40:22.795)

Kelli (40:32.488)
She does not tell Teresa what Teresa needs to hear. And that's not being a good friend, that's being a soldier.

We Wine Whenever (40:39.478)
No, you're right. You're 100 % right. They also had behind the bar, Andrea Lopez, the comedian. my God. She is the best Teresa impersonator I've ever

Kelli (40:50.826)
Yeah, as much as I can't stand Teresa, I don't need two of them. But she did a really good impression. Really

We Wine Whenever (40:57.383)
I actually, I think she should open up for the husbands in Atlantic City. How good would that be? Joe Gorga, I think you guys should see if you can get Andrea Lopez to open up for you in AC on August 17th, because that would be so, yeah, definitely on SNL. She's so good. She was so good. Like if I close my eyes, I would think it was Teresa.

Kelli (41:03.509)
She should.

Kelli (41:11.914)
Yeah, I like Dandy's idea. Get her on SNL. Yeah. Yeah, she really nails

Kelli (41:25.01)
Absolutely. Absolutely.

We Wine Whenever (41:30.26)
Andy does say to Dolores, I've never seen you get so mad as when you were flipping out at Margaret. And she says, I don't play both sides of the fence. I try to keep the peace. Come on. Yeah.

Kelli (41:43.008)
Yeah, but you were lying. You were lying. You were so clearly lying. And that fucking Danny Pellegrino saying at the end when, when, Andy's like, well, who would you like to see back? And he's like, you know, he says, of course, Dolores and Jen Fessler, which no thanks. But, he's like, and you know, I do like watching Teresa. It's like, come on people. You like to watching Teresa. What do what? Try to take down people. Like, what do you like watching about her?

We Wine Whenever (42:12.582)
Yeah. mean, the Teresa soldiers like Teresa, the tree stumps, they, it doesn't matter what she does. They just, it is amazing. It is. It's amazing to me too.

Kelli (42:21.058)
It's amazing to me.

She's a bad person. She's a bad sister. Terrible sister. Like she's just a bad person and she's married to a scumbag. Why do we, I don't want to watch them. I'm gonna have a really hard time, you know, if they get rid of Melissa and keep Teresa. I'm not

We Wine Whenever (42:44.968)
Or does this have to wait and see what happens?

Kelli (42:47.252)
Alright, I'm just saying I don't know if I can watch it. I don't know if I can do this with Jersey again, but we'll see. Nobody's making any decisions right

We Wine Whenever (42:54.386)
We'll wait and see what happens. No, because they're not making any decisions, so we can't make any.

Kelli (42:58.494)
Right, so I'm not going to make any decisions.

We Wine Whenever (43:01.774)
Okay. So then Andy asks Margaret, no, excuse me. Andy asked Dolores to say one word about each of her castmates. So for Margaret, she says friend. For Jen Aiden, she says funny. For Danielle, she says sweet girl. For Melissa, she says fun and she's the best ass grabber.

Kelli (43:15.884)
Good friend,

Kelli (43:32.562)
That's great.

We Wine Whenever (43:32.796)
For Rachel, she says she's an amazing mom. For Teresa, she says resilient. Jen Fessler, she says funny and self -deprecating. Jackie, she says amazing writer and smart. I'm like, God. Danielle, sweet girl. Sweet girl, yeah.

Kelli (43:51.934)
Right. What'd she say about Danielle?

that's right. That's right. Okay. Yeah, I don't I mean, listen, if you can't even if you can't even get up there and say that that Jackie is is, you know, flip flopper, like, come

We Wine Whenever (44:12.75)
I I know, I know. I agree, like enough already. Like, I don't know. In other Bravo news, I don't know if we mentioned this, but we saw last week, Jax checked himself into a rehab, mental health rehab.

Kelli (44:13.63)
Like stop.

Kelli (44:32.992)
Yeah. Yeah, I think it was like a mental health facility.

We Wine Whenever (44:37.857)
Yeah, and they are filming the valley currently are still filming. So I guess

Kelli (44:42.604)
That's I was kind of surprised that he did it at this point, but...

We Wine Whenever (44:46.967)
I guess it's going to be part of the storyline. guess we're going to see it play

Kelli (44:50.57)
Yeah, they're not going to let cameras into a place like that

We Wine Whenever (44:53.239)
Well, no, but we're going to see maybe what led for him to go into it. You know, and because I've heard people commenting about I didn't I did check it out, though. Britney's like Britney's just living her life as if nothing is going on. Like she's doing her parties at Jack's still and she's like not making any mention of it, which you know what? Yeah, listen. Yeah, I listen.

Kelli (44:57.007)
Right, right. Yes.

Kelli (45:14.218)
She should though. This is what she should be doing because... Yeah, go ahead.

We Wine Whenever (45:21.131)
I agree. mean, I agree. She's, she has been very good to Jax for many, many years. And yes, yes. So this is her time to shine. You know what? She needs to take care of their son and live her best life right now.

Kelli (45:27.562)
and codependent.

Kelli (45:33.172)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm. Yeah. Right. Right. She's a good mom. She's not gonna, you know, she's definitely gonna prioritize her son over anything, but go, go out and have fun. You've been with a narcissist for how long now? Like go, go do your thing.

We Wine Whenever (45:54.817)

Kelli (45:56.724)
And if, if because what it comes down to is if he really wants to change and be a better person, he's got to do that for himself anyway, not for her. So her sitting home waiting for him isn't going to help either one of them.

We Wine Whenever (46:07.374)

We Wine Whenever (46:13.568)
Yeah, that's true. That's true. I think that was it. Anything else you wanted to touch

Kelli (46:20.214)
No, no, I'm good.

We Wine Whenever (46:24.245)
Okay, guess until we do the OC, will be our next episode.

Kelli (46:28.694)
and then Gypsy Rose.

We Wine Whenever (46:30.239)
And then Gypsy Rose, we're delving into the whole Gypsy Rose Blanchard.

Kelli (46:36.588)
Yeah, I'm gonna go watch. I'm gonna go. I think I'm on episode six of the lifetime thing. So I should only have two more episodes left, right? There's

We Wine Whenever (46:41.491)
Okay, of the...

Is that the life after lockup one? Because then there's another lifetime one that is behind, like while she's still in jail. And that one's got some information too. Yeah. All right. It is not almost done. All right. Until next time, thank you for watching and listening to We Wine Whenever. I'm Wendy.

Kelli (46:46.784)

Kelli (46:55.415)
I hope.

Kelli (46:59.107)
Okay. All right. So my job is not almost done. Jesus. All

Kelli (47:12.764)
I'm Kelly. Bye.

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