We Wine Whenever's Podcast

La Quinta and Big Bear -RHOC Season 18, Episode 6

Season 1 Episode 91

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 RHOC Season 18, Episode 6

The episode begins with Heather and Emily discussing the previous night's events. Emily mentions how Jenn owes money yet flaunts a Rolex, and Heather reveals her ongoing disappointment with Gina.

Tamara and Jenn meet at the beach, where they discuss Emily's remarks about Jenn needing to pay her bills, while also criticizing Shannon for playing the victim. Meanwhile, Gina and Katie meet up, with Katie expressing her disappointment in Gina over her relationship with Heather. Shannon arrives, upset after receiving a letter about a lawsuit and feeling hurt by Tamara.

Gina invites Shannon and Katie to La Quinta, but Katie is already committed to a trip to Big Bear with Tamara, Jenn, and Alexis.

The group splits, with Emily, Shannon, Heather, and Gina heading to Elizabeth Vargas's house, while Tamara, Katie, Jenn, and Alexis travel to Big Bear. During the journey, Alexis annoys the others by talking excessively about her partner, JJ.

At Big Bear, Tamara gifts the women matching "Gals Weekend" bags, but the mood sours with Alexis's long preparation and constant communication with JJ. In La Quinta, Heather and Emily struggle with setting up a charcoal grill, leading to some mishaps. Gina second-guesses inviting the ladies to the house she has staged, especially after drink spills in the kitchen.

The tension escalates during dinner at both locations. In Big Bear, Tamara stirs the pot between the women, leading to heated discussions and accusations of betrayal, especially between Gina and Heather. At La Quinta, Emily confronts Gina about changes in their friendship, and Shannon tries to mediate.

The episode ends with more drama, including a bizarre moment where Tamara suggests Jenn could make money on OnlyFans by putting her foot in an apple pie, which she then licks off. The argument continues between Jenn and Alexis, with unresolved tension lingering.


  • Emily and Heather have a disagreement about Jen's Rolex
  • Heather is disappointed with Gina and the paparazzi situation
  • Tamra's behavior towards Shannon is criticized
  • Shannon receives a letter about a lawsuit
  • Gina and Katie express their disappointment with each other
  • The ladies go on separate trips to La Quinta and Big Bear The hosts discuss the concept of Asian flush and their personal experiences with it.
  • They express their dislike for cast members who come across as insincere and only interested in creating drama.
  • The hosts compare the behavior of cast members on different reality TV franchises and discuss the impact of their actions.
  • They share their thoughts on the cancellation of certain reality TV shows and the reasons behind it.
  • The hosts highlight the legal issues faced by some cast members and the potential consequences.
  • They discuss the role of social media in the lives of reality TV stars and the debates that arise from it.
  • The hosts express their excitement for upcoming seasons and spin-offs of their favorite reality TV shows.

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We Wine Whenever (00:01.103)
Hi, welcome to We Wine Whenever, I'm Wendy. Today we're talking about Real Housewives of Orange County, season 18, episode number six.

Kelli (00:03.617)
I'm Kelly.

Kelli (00:11.297)
Wow, episode 6 already? It is going fast. We'll hope we'll get more than 13 like Jersey. Yeah. But I'm surprised that there's been six already.

We Wine Whenever (00:13.003)
I know, it's going fast, right? Yeah.

Yeah, I hope so too. I hope so too.

We Wine Whenever (00:23.83)
So we start out with Heather and Emily and they meet up and they're talking about the night before, which was Gina's party. And you know, Heather says, look, you were really kind of hard on Jen. And Emily says, listen, it's not all about the money, but when she's owing people money and she's, you know, rolling up with a Rolex, which by the way, doesn't even work because I asked her what time it was.

Kelli (00:49.547)
Did you see Jen's response to that? Jen responded on Instagram and I forget technically what she wrote, but something like Rolexes, you have to wind them up. So hers wasn't wound up at the time. And that's why the time wasn't, I mean, I clearly, I don't have a Rolex. But you know, I was thinking about this. I think that Emily's coming in too hard. I don't know why she cares so much. And listen,

We Wine Whenever (00:51.722)
No, where did she respond?

We Wine Whenever (01:02.125)

We Wine Whenever (01:09.718)

Kelli (01:16.861)
I have a beautiful engagement ring. Doesn't fit me right now because I'm overweight, but you know, I could sell that and pay some bills, but I'm not gonna. Like just because you have something of worth doesn't mean you need to sell it because I mean, obviously this is a different situation. She owes back rent and car payments and it's different. have, you know, old little credit cards, but I'm just saying, I just feel like Emily and I love Emily, but I just think she's coming in a little strong.

We Wine Whenever (01:26.39)

We Wine Whenever (01:37.014)

Kelli (01:46.721)
Don't tell somebody else what to do with their stuff.

We Wine Whenever (01:49.516)
I agree, I agree 100%. She doesn't need to go so hard on Jen about the money. Then Heather shares with Emily that she still feels let down by Gina.

Kelli (01:54.145)
the world.

We Wine Whenever (02:01.598)
about Gina not having her back with the whole Katie situation and the paparazzi. just, cannot wait till we get to an episode where we don't mention the word paparazzi.

Kelli (02:11.265)
I'm so, I have it written down. I'm so over the paparazzi story. It's stupid. And you know what, Heather, you're on a show. So maybe you are the most sensitive. Your feelings shouldn't be that hurt. You're on a show. You know what went down and how it went down.

We Wine Whenever (02:14.472)
I really, it is so stupid.

We Wine Whenever (02:26.069)
Yep. Yep.

I agree. I agree. And then we see Tamar and Jen, they go to the beach and they're talking about Emily talking about her paying the bills. Emily also admits that she had too many espresso martinis and Tamar says that Shannon acts like a victim all the time. And where did I hear Shannon? I've seen, I've heard Shannon.

Kelli (02:46.358)

We Wine Whenever (02:56.54)
on so many podcasts lately and I can't remember which one. But listen, I am team Shannon all the way. I do not think she acts like a victim. I think Alexis Bellino is a bully and she's thirsty AF. And same for John Jansen.

Kelli (03:02.689)

Kelli (03:13.771)
Mm -hmm.

Kelli (03:17.631)
Yes, I agree with all that. And Tamara said she goes hard because she cares. No, you go hard because you're on a show and you are so desperate to keep that spot because you got fired once and you will get fired again.

We Wine Whenever (03:19.859)

We Wine Whenever (03:24.018)

We Wine Whenever (03:32.51)
Yep. Yep.

Then we see Gina and Katie meet up and Katie admits that she's hung over from last night. I didn't even know that she had drank, like she didn't appear to me, but I guess we didn't really see her interact that much.

Kelli (03:48.297)
we didn't we didn't see a lot of that dinner other than the you know back and forth between.

We Wine Whenever (03:52.189)
The Heather, the Shannon and the Tamra and yeah. Yeah.

Kelli (03:55.935)
Cameron, Vicki, yeah. Because we didn't even see the Rolex conversation until this episode.

We Wine Whenever (04:02.257)
Right, right. And Katie says she still feels let down by Gina about the Heather situation. So Heather feels let down about it. Katie feels let down about it. And honestly, like, I really don't think Gina did anything that was so horrible. I really don't. I don't really think that either one of them should be let down. I think she tried, you know, she told Katie not to say anything.

Now Katie's saying that she didn't tell me till a couple months later and then now Emily's jumping on that bandwagon that Katie said that and it's like, again, who cares? It is about a paparazzi picture. Who cares? Right.

Kelli (04:40.897)
It's so stupid! Yeah!

Kelli (04:46.313)
way they all do it so we all do it Lisa Vanderpump was doing that back in the day like nobody really cares that much Heather you know this is one of the things I struggle with with Heather she wants to put this persona out there of who they she thinks people want her to be they just be yourself like you know maybe you don't want to admit that you're that you call the paparazzi but

Continuously talking about how Gina let you down. You're continuing to bring light to it. Let it go. End it. Just end it.

We Wine Whenever (05:22.203)
Yeah, I agree. I'm so over it. The only thing I can think of is at the end, I'm jumping to this just because it's kind of relevant. At the end, when Heather starts crying about it with Gina again, she says, listen, know, you, this affects my, these rumors affect my children. So the whole paparazzi story started because there was rumors that Heather, that Terry was cheating on Heather.

Kelli (05:50.805)

We Wine Whenever (05:51.109)
So in order for them to put those rumors to rest, they called the paparazzi to take the picture of them at Disney looking happy that there's no cheating rumors going on. So then when they are accused of doing that, it goes back to what started it to begin with, which was the rumors that Terry was cheating on.

Kelli (06:10.913)
But Gina's not responsible for those rumors. And Katie's not responsible for debunking those rumors. Like, I think that's a reach by Heather.

We Wine Whenever (06:13.255)
I 100 % agree, but then when...

We Wine Whenever (06:18.274)
Right. And that's exactly what Heather was doing because then she's saying to Gina, remember how upset you were when Shannon Madure said that, you know, CPS was going to take your children. And, you know, even in her confessional, Gina's like, I think those are two totally different things. listen, right. And I feel bad for Gina because she's really trying. I mean, she's trying to appease everybody. And I don't, I personally don't think she's doing anything wrong. I don't.

Kelli (06:35.137)
100%, not even close.

Kelli (06:46.079)
No, and I think that Heather is such a self -centered person, she actually probably in her head thinks that this is comparable to what Gina said her children, even though the rest of the world would not, because that's crazy talk. Not even close, apples and oranges.

We Wine Whenever (06:54.638)

We Wine Whenever (07:02.861)
Right, and even if you think about it, at the end, when they were having this conversation, Emily was trying to talk to Gina because she was upset. And Heather hijacked that whole conversation.

Kelli (07:10.773)

I literally have those words written down, Heather hijacked that conversation.

We Wine Whenever (07:16.908)
Yeah, I do too. I mean, I know it's at the end, you know, we're kind of talking about the same situation. So it's like, Emily was trying to talk to her best friend, Gina, because she had just heard something from Shannon and she wanted, you could see she was visibly upset. Yep. And Heather jumps in and hijacks the whole conversation. Again, like you said, like making it all about her that hers is so important. mean,

Kelli (07:20.425)

Kelli (07:30.079)
Entire demeanor changed.

Kelli (07:35.935)

We Wine Whenever (07:41.974)
If I hear from her about this one more time since she broke down and cried at the end and she said that she was going to let it go, if she doesn't let it go, I'm gonna be done because I'm done with it already. Right, right, we don't need to hear about it anymore.

Kelli (07:51.679)
Yeah. Yeah, like enough. Enough.

No, good. We're all set.

We Wine Whenever (08:00.075)
Okay, good. Then Shannon shows up and says that she didn't sleep last night and she tells them about the letter that she received about the lawsuit. And she says, she's telling this to Gina and Katie and how she really feels hurt by Tamra. Now, she didn't tell them about the letter. She only told Vicki about it, but then it got brought up by Alexis at the dinner the night before.

Kelli (08:10.762)

Kelli (08:26.528)

We Wine Whenever (08:27.711)
And listen, Tamara was coming hard for her. Tamara has no compassion. Tamara is not doing it to help her. She's not being a good friend. She's being evil and vindictive. The fact that she keeps calling her an alcoholic is ridiculous.

Kelli (08:30.219)
Mm -hmm.

Kelli (08:42.987)
yeah, did you hear the, did you hear, I forget which one is in recovery, but the broad bros, Steele, his, his response to this was like that this is a journey. And he's like, I'm not saying Shannon's an alcoholic, but when you come to the G, you know, come to Jesus moment that you need to stop drinking or stop using whatever it is, your DOC, it's a journey.

We Wine Whenever (08:50.356)
A steel, steel is in recovery. Yep.

Kelli (09:10.963)
and you stumble its ebbs its flows like like Tamra needs to shut up and he said how about you talk about your own alcohol issues Tamra and he's right she's a sloppy ass drunk Tamra sloppy and nasty she's yeah she's not making any friends with anybody who's in recovery right now the way she's behaving

We Wine Whenever (09:22.453)
Mm -hmm.

We Wine Whenever (09:26.837)
Yes, she is.

Mm -hmm. And she's nasty when she's sober, too.

We Wine Whenever (09:38.677)
No, I agree. I agree. And then we see Gina invites Shannon and Katie to La Quinta and Katie says she's already going to Big Bear with Tamara. And we find out that, let's see. So then Shannon says, I guess Alexis will be there. So it's Emily, Shannon, Heather and Gina are all going to La Quinta.

Kelli (09:59.393)
So none of them were invited to Big Bear, basically. I mean, I'm sure the producers, you know.

We Wine Whenever (10:07.113)
Yeah, I mean, it was a good split up the way they split it up, right?

Kelli (10:09.973)
I Yeah, I would have went to La Cinta.

We Wine Whenever (10:13.908)
Yeah, me too. Me too.

Kelli (10:15.723)
That house was gorgeous. I know, we'll get them.

We Wine Whenever (10:17.896)
Yes. No, we're, mean, we're pretty much there. mean, you know, we, we, you know, they get in the cars and they're driving up and Shane says to Emily, don't eat in the car. And she gets out in the driveway and she's yelling to, to Gina, don't, don't, don't eat in the car. I'm just saying it so Shane can hear me. it was so fun.

Kelli (10:32.127)
Alexa, yeah, Gina.

Kelli (10:37.722)
So funny. I haven't written down a shame watching this episode right now with everybody eating in the car.

We Wine Whenever (10:42.0)
my God. He knows her. He must know her. He must know her. then they go to the drive -through with Jack in the box. And then they're all eating in the car.

Kelli (10:45.665)

Kelli (10:54.385)
But before that, when Heather and Emily were in the store together and Emily's like, I still got my makeup on from last night. I could not believe that because from, mean, I know they all have filters on these TVs, but on these cameras, but her skin looks so good. You know how I am. I take my makeup off when I wear it every night. I would stumble in

We Wine Whenever (11:03.922)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Kelli (11:21.537)
from seaside at 3 a drunk off my ass in my early 20s and I would take my makeup off and put my eye cream on my neck cream and my moisturizer. Yes! Yes! I couldn't believe that Emily said I still have I'm like my god I'm sure she doesn't do it every night.

We Wine Whenever (11:32.496)
Okay, Heather. You're Heather. You're Heather Dubrow. Because that's what Heather is saying.

We Wine Whenever (11:42.8)
No, I'm sure she doesn't either, but that's...

Kelli (11:46.773)
Holy shit! That - that floored me.

We Wine Whenever (11:47.487)
That, yeah. And then when they get over to Shannon's house to pick her up and she's got the big crock pot full of chili and then Heather says she's bringing a charcoal grill. I was like, what are they doing?

Kelli (12:04.289)
She's like, we don't want dirty to grow with the house you're supposed to be trying to sell.

We Wine Whenever (12:09.118)
Yeah. And as soon as, as soon as, Gina like gets in the car and she's, she's like, I really shouldn't have done this. Like I put all this work into staging this house. This is a really big deal for me. You know, the house is almost $9 million and now I've invited these women. Yeah. I've invited these women.

Kelli (12:25.333)
Gorgeous house. Gorgeous, gorgeous house.


We Wine Whenever (12:31.766)
Alexis spends the whole ride up talking about John Jansen.

Kelli (12:35.275)
didn't shut up. mean, thank God I wasn't in the car. But from what I could tell, she didn't shut up about him. I don't think she shuts up to begin with. Remember her first season when Vicky went, when she was talking at the dinner table? Like that, they all should have done that in that car ride, by the way. She goes on and on about nonsense. Like talk about a narcissist. Nobody cares, Alexis. You're all, you're off the show after this. I'm convinced she's not coming.

We Wine Whenever (12:38.182)
I know.

We Wine Whenever (12:47.514)
Yep, yep.

We Wine Whenever (12:52.385)

We Wine Whenever (12:57.936)
Yeah. I know.

We Wine Whenever (13:04.955)
I hope so. I hope that's the case because I can't stand her.

Kelli (13:09.429)
Somebody said on Instagram, you brought Alexis back on to go after Shannon. How about next season? We get Gretchen back on to go after Tamara. And I thought, now that's a plan. If that's the case, you can keep Alexis on.

We Wine Whenever (13:23.856)
Well, Andy did ask Tamara on Watch What Happens Live, what do you think about Gretchen coming back?

Kelli (13:30.804)
he did. I wouldn't I don't why don't watch watch what happens live when Tamra's on nauseates me.

We Wine Whenever (13:31.621)

Yeah, yeah, yeah, he did say that. She's like, bring it.

Kelli (13:39.417)
I would love it because I think that you know how I feel. think that Tamra befriended Gretchen to get her off the show. I really think that and I think Gretchen knows it.

We Wine Whenever (13:47.215)
that's where I heard it. So Shannon, now it just hit me. Shannon Bedor was on Sheena Shay's Shenanigans. And Sheena is actually friends with Gretchen. They've been friends for a very long time. It was her first Bravo friend. And she was talking to Shannon and she's totally team Shannon. And she's like, what do you think? And Shannon's like, yeah, I think that would be great. Like bring Gretchen on. I agree.

Kelli (13:59.359)

Kelli (14:13.833)
Yeah, I think that would be great.

We Wine Whenever (14:16.728)
I think that would be great too.

Kelli (14:18.163)
I did see a poll results on Instagram today where people asked, know, Andy asked, who side are you on Shannon or Tamra and Shannon won by a landslide.

We Wine Whenever (14:29.722)
yes, yes she did. And Shannon also reveals on Sheena's podcast at BravoCon when all the OC ladies were up there, when Vicki was getting that lifetime housewife award or whatever housewife, whatever it was, Alexis said, guess, I think I'm the only one up here who hasn't slept with Slade. And Sheena like laughed at it at first because she thought that that's what was on the teleprompter.

but Shannon confirmed it that that was not on the teleprompter. Alexis was really upset about it. That was, mean, Gretchen was really upset about what Alexis said. She just went, yes, she was up there too. She just went rogue to slam her. For what? Why? Right. Right.

Kelli (15:08.587)
Gretchen was upset.

Was Gretchen there too?

Kelli (15:19.795)
That's what I mean. Bring her back, Bravo. Bring her back and let her go after her and Tamra. Because I think Gretchen knows everything now. And I think Gretchen will come in hard. And hopefully she's got Shannon and Vicki to back her up.

We Wine Whenever (15:35.585)
Yeah. Yeah. And also, one of the questions on Watch What Happens Live was, you think that you, Tamar and Shannon will be friends again? And Tamar said no. And the audience, the audience, I, I don't think she'll, I don't think she'll be friends with her again. There's no reason for it. There's really not. Not after, not after everything she's done to her.

Kelli (15:50.067)
I hope not for Sam and T.

Kelli (15:55.745)
No. Nope.

Kelli (16:00.607)
No way. And sad? I mean, nasty, yeah. Yep, nasty, nasty.

We Wine Whenever (16:02.57)
Yeah, it's just mean stuff, mean girl stuff.

Did you notice when they got up to the house in Big Bear, when they all went to their rooms, they had the bags that said, Gals Weekend. It was the same bag as our We Wine Whenever bag. I was like, they copied us.

Kelli (16:17.949)
I did notice that! That's our band! They did! Tamra. Copycat Tamra.

We Wine Whenever (16:27.564)
Yeah, exactly. then Tamar's, you know, showing them the house and how they did the, you know, they redid the whole house and all of a sudden there's a leak.

Kelli (16:34.005)
my god, there was like...

We Wine Whenever (16:36.76)
Yeah, I did too. And then we see Gina's crew, pull up to Elizabeth Vargas' house. I did too. Listen, I don't know why they got rid of her. I guess she didn't have enough going on.

Kelli (16:38.155)
That was awful. I felt bad about that.

Kelli (16:46.985)
I was like Elizabeth.

Kelli (16:53.589)
I guess not, and I feel like she got a bad rap that season that she was on because, you know, she's going through her divorce, she has the boyfriend, even though he was a little eccentric, he was a little whatever you want to call it, you know, their sex life for some reason becomes a storyline. And of course she can't admit that she's having sex with him. She's going through a divorce with like a, you know, a billionaire. Like she can't, she can't admit to that. So it was that, I feel like she got a raw deal her first season.

We Wine Whenever (17:01.196)

We Wine Whenever (17:13.022)
Right. Right.

We Wine Whenever (17:21.984)
She didn't, if I'm not mistaken, that boyfriend wound up like holding her hostage or something. yeah, no, it was, yeah, no, it was a big deal. Yeah, yeah, yeah, he was like crazy. Yeah, yeah, he like went off the rails, yep.

Kelli (17:27.793)
shit, I didn't hear that.

Kelli (17:37.397)
Well, hopefully she wasn't having sex with him.

Kelli (17:42.689)
But the house was beautiful, so I hope Gina sells it. It makes a lot of money.

We Wine Whenever (17:44.628)
Yes, yes. I hope she does too. I guess we could probably check and see if it did get sold because this is probably what a year ago now at this point.

Kelli (17:52.959)
Yeah. Yeah.

We Wine Whenever (17:54.645)
And then back at Big Bear, the ladies are getting ready to go tubing and Jen says she thinks that her, she has two left feet for her boots. And then the ladies are like, well, they're moon boots. There's, you know, they're not different feet. Right.

Kelli (18:08.043)
with no designated foot, which I didn't know, but I'm not a skier, you know, it's not my game.

We Wine Whenever (18:12.595)
Right. But then Tamar has to say in her confessional, like, I wouldn't even, why would I take her skiing? She doesn't even know like what her right and her left foot is. Like, why does she have to say that? Like, why do you have to say that?

Kelli (18:22.429)
She's stupid.

That's because that's Tamra's gig. She's just going to talk shit on everyone because she has nothing going on in her life. She brings nothing to the show except her snarky one liners, which are nasty because Emily has them and they're funny. Tamra is just nasty and mean and insulting.

We Wine Whenever (18:38.27)
Mm -hmm.

We Wine Whenever (18:42.47)
Right. Yes, she is. I agree. And then we go back to the other house and Emily and Heather are trying to figure out the charcoal grill and they're reading the directions, the lighter fluid. I know, I know, I know. And then Gina gets the ladies the girls trip sweatshirts and they all take off their shirts and change in the kitchen and Shannon's looks at them like, we're doing this. So she changed.

Kelli (18:54.529)
And there's an overhang over them. I'm like, my God.

Kelli (19:10.037)
Right here, right now. I'm out everyone.

We Wine Whenever (19:12.285)
changes hers. And then all of a sudden Heather winds up dropping the drink on the floor.

Kelli (19:19.221)
many things spilled so many things spilled on that rug holy cow

We Wine Whenever (19:20.719)
was so bad. It was so bad.

And she's just like, my God, what am I doing? I think Heather hates me. Like, what is going on? And then Emily's like, okay, and then she spills it. my God.

Kelli (19:39.263)
my god, that was so bad. was so bad. I was low key hoping Alexis would flip in that tube. Was that what they were doing? Tubing?

We Wine Whenever (19:46.495)
that would have been nice. They were tubing, they were tubing. Then we go back to the big bear girl's house and the girls are getting ready. And of course, Alexis is taking the longest. comes, she really is. She comes down the stairs and Tamara's like, you're gonna be freezing. And she's like, is what I have on okay? And she's looking for the girls. Meanwhile, they're standing right there, which is like.

Kelli (19:57.499)
She's so annoying.

Kelli (20:09.813)
Talk about not being able to see past yourself. Like, literally! Holy cow.

We Wine Whenever (20:12.048)
Right, exactly, exactly. And then she has to FaceTime John before they leave? Come on.

Kelli (20:21.222)
And Tamra's like, hi Tom, wow, you look great! Fuck you, Tamra.

We Wine Whenever (20:26.032)

Then Gina goes we'll go back to the other house and Gina goes to put the hot dogs on the grill and Heather's like well Don't you have to slice them first and Gina's like well, no when they pop that's when they're done I think and Heather's like well, you're asking me like as if she doesn't cook hot dogs, but they're her favorite food. I Don't know. I thought that was weird

Kelli (20:38.069)

Kelli (20:47.754)

We Wine Whenever (20:49.423)
So then Shannon's talking to Emily and they agree that they're both in a good place. And then Shannon tells Emily that Gina said that she thought that she was up Tamra's ass and she's becoming more like a mean girl now that she's friends. No, she should not have. I honestly, I think she regretted it as soon as she walked back in the kitchen and she saw Emily's reaction.

Kelli (21:01.387)
I don't think Shannon should have done that.

Kelli (21:12.619)
think it's her whole demeanor changed. Like, Emily's fun when Emily's with her people and having a cocktail and she's fun. Her whole demeanor changed.

We Wine Whenever (21:14.735)

We Wine Whenever (21:19.302)

We Wine Whenever (21:22.83)
Yes. Yes, it did. It really did change. And so they go outside and they try to eat and, you know, then Emily starts the conversation and then Heather hijacks it. Like she didn't even get her resolution. She didn't get to have her conversation with Gina because Heather hijacked that conversation.

Kelli (21:44.617)
And she said it right in her confessional, Emily.

We Wine Whenever (21:47.629)
Yes, she did. Yeah.

Kelli (21:49.535)
So hopefully she and Gina can have a separate conversation where Heather is not around and they can actually come to some kind of resolution.

We Wine Whenever (21:53.997)
Mm -hmm.

We Wine Whenever (21:57.55)
Yeah. I mean, after that, after Heather says, I'm going to believe you and try and move past this, Gina's like, I'm pissing everyone off. Like Emily's pissed at me, Heather's pissed at me, and Shannon's like, well, I'm okay with you. And she's like, And then back at the big bear house, the ladies are going to the Italian restaurant. And then Katie makes this crazy comment that says, if I drink sugar,

Kelli (22:09.639)
I know. She's like, what a change in direction we have here.

Kelli (22:27.775)
of the Asian...

We Wine Whenever (22:27.905)
I turn red? It's called Asian rash? Like, and she's... Was it... I didn't know... Red, okay. I didn't know if she said rash or flush. So whatever it was, she was like explaining it to the ladies. And then in her confessional, she's like, I guess I don't know a lot of Asian people. What?

Kelli (22:32.949)
I thought she said Asian flush, like you get flushed in the face. Flush means you get red.

Kelli (22:48.243)
I I mean, I - I - I had never heard of that. I'm sure I'm sure it's a thing!

We Wine Whenever (22:52.547)
I have not either. Yeah, I mean, you know, but listen, when I drink red wine, I get flushed. And it's because of something that's in it. It's not, there's something in it that I'm allergic to. I don't think it's sugar. I mean, I don't know.

Kelli (23:00.423)
Yeah, I don't - Right.


Right, it's the tannins, right?

We Wine Whenever (23:12.422)
There's there's something, some kind of preservative or something. I don't know what it is. Whatever. It's just, you know what it is, I just don't like Katie. I don't really like anything she says because I don't think anything she says is genuine and I don't think she's trying to build real friendships or relationships. I think that she's trying to...

Kelli (23:15.839)
Yeah. Yeah.

Kelli (23:31.253)
Make a mark.

We Wine Whenever (23:32.194)
Yes. And I don't like that. I don't like people that come in hot. I don't like it. I don't like it. Right.

Kelli (23:35.037)
Nah, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, because it doesn't stick. Like people liked Rachel and Danielle on Jersey. I think Danielle had a rough first season because we all kind of saw how Teresa and Jennifer were manipulating her to get that story out about Melissa. But she redeemed herself like, but I think they both left that first season not trying too hard and that's why people like them.

We Wine Whenever (23:51.01)
Mm -hmm.

We Wine Whenever (23:57.931)
Right. Right.

Kelli (23:58.961)
Anne Marie, Anne Marie, whatever, on Beverly Hills tried way too hard. No, remember Noella on OC? I mean, talk about trying too hard, you know, and Katie's definitely I don't think she's as bad as either one of them, but I think she's coming in too hot. She needs to slow it down.

We Wine Whenever (24:03.137)
Yep. Yes. Yes.

We Wine Whenever (24:14.944)
I do too.

And then we see Tamar's trying to stir the pot with Katie and Gina because Gina's, Katie's still saying that, know, Gina really let her down and Heather's, yeah. And she, yeah, that's what she said. That's what she said.

Kelli (24:32.186)
Tamara's definitely starting that part. She left you out to dry, she said.

We Wine Whenever (24:42.141)
It's sad. It's sad. Then they... Yes, and the apple pie? I mean, I don't even know. I've never heard of such a thing. And then Tamar sucks her toes with the apple pie on it? Ew.

Kelli (24:44.053)
Yeah. Yeah. And then Tamra gets Jen to do OnlyFans.

Kelli (24:59.881)
Yeah, I think Tamara wants to be on OnlyFans. And this was her introduction. Yeah. mean, listen, that's not my gig, but I'm sure it's somebody's and have at it. But I think Tamara orchestrated that so that she could be on OnlyFans.

We Wine Whenever (25:03.923)
I do too. I think so too.

Kelli (25:20.545)
because she knows how much money can be generated from it.

We Wine Whenever (25:20.555)
I'm surprised Jen did it.

Yeah, I don't know.

Kelli (25:26.822)
Yeah, especially because I mean Jen's got kids like our kids ages and younger. You know, like my kids would be like, you did what like? the hell are you doing?

We Wine Whenever (25:31.379)

We Wine Whenever (25:39.147)
Exactly. And you know, on Watch What Happens Live, Shannon did say, because Andy asked her about Jen's settlement. So I guess Jen finally got her settlement. Yeah. And she said, I think she said 350. And yeah. And I guess that's because they owned a house together and it was a half of the house. I don't know. That doesn't really seem like that much, especially, I mean, I would imagine there's child support involved too, but I don't know.

Kelli (25:48.04)
divorce settlement? Okay.

Kelli (26:02.219)
That doesn't sound like a lot for that.

Kelli (26:08.577)
Yeah, like is it $3 .50 a year?

We Wine Whenever (26:11.08)
I don't know.

Kelli (26:13.257)
I don't believe a thing that comes out of Tamra's mouth anyway.

We Wine Whenever (26:15.698)
I really don't either. And then Alexis says, they say something and Alexis says, don't bring up the S word meaning Shannon and Jen says, when are going to get over this? Like Alexis says,

Kelli (26:17.791)

Kelli (26:26.271)

We Wine Whenever (26:29.064)
Yeah, it will stop. She goes, does she want me to pull out the videos? And Jen's like, why are you doing this? She's like, I have videos. Does she want me to pull out the videos? I'm tired of her bad mouthing, you know, John.

Kelli (26:42.325)
So basically John took a video of Shannon the night she got her DUI. So clearly she was very drunk and she made a mistake and she's paying for it but he's holding videos hostage. Fuck him. If I were Shannon I'd be like, post the videos. I was drunk. I've admit to being drunk. I drove, I got arrested. I'm my dues. Show the damn video.

We Wine Whenever (26:48.818)

We Wine Whenever (27:05.116)

We Wine Whenever (27:10.088)
Yeah, I'll tell you, that's another thing she talked about on Sheena's podcast is that she really is, she is remorseful. She is still remorseful to this day. She said, you know, at the time I was almost 60 years old and you know, I'd never done this before. I'd never broken a bone. I'd never been in a car accident. And you know, I don't want my kids to see, she goes, I'm humiliated. I'm still humiliated. You know, she's very humbled about this experience. She doesn't take it lightly.

Kelli (27:37.885)
I totally think she is. Yeah, like, I totally agree.

We Wine Whenever (27:40.007)
She doesn't take it lightly. And, you know, she brings up again about on the podcast about the lawsuit with John Jansen. And the reason he refused to take the money is because part of that was as signing an agreement, a non -disparagement agreement. And he wouldn't do that. It's like it's saying that you're not going to say disparaging things about the other person.

Kelli (27:59.713)
What does that mean?

Kelli (28:06.707)
and he wouldn't sign that. That's very telling, isn't it?

We Wine Whenever (28:08.347)
That's what he wouldn't sign.

And he's also now added fraud to his claim and is looking for punitive damages.

Kelli (28:18.398)
Fraud for what?

We Wine Whenever (28:19.835)
for, guess, saying that she was gonna pay him back and she didn't.

Kelli (28:25.461)
This guy's a piece of shit, man.

We Wine Whenever (28:27.769)
And like she brought up on a podcast, which makes sense. She's like, you know, if he lent me money the first time and I didn't pay him back, then why would he lend me more money? She goes, it really wasn't, she goes, it was a gift, but if he wants the money, I'll give it back to him. You know, that's why she offered it back to him because she didn't want to have to go through the court. But he refused to sign the document that he wouldn't say disparaging comments about her.

Kelli (28:46.463)
Right. Right.

Kelli (28:53.301)
This guy is really something. He'll get what's coming to him though. He will.

We Wine Whenever (28:59.556)
And I think that Heather's gonna, not Heather, Shannon has the document from the first lawsuit with Jim Bolino that has Alexis's name on it. Because she said originally, that's why I'm mad at you. And she said, my name's not on the lawsuit. And Shannon said, well, your name is on the letter. And I believe she's gonna come up with that letter. I think we're gonna see that.

Kelli (29:19.879)
amazing to me think about the difference i know i'm sorry i always bring it back to jersey but jim bolino sued shannon and tamra for what they said about him right

We Wine Whenever (29:30.672)

Kelli (29:32.711)
Look at what Teresa and Louie are doing to the people on the Jersey cast. And nobody's suing them. Nobody's. I mean that's no, we don't. I was just going to say that's no, we don't. We don't. No, we don't. We don't. No, you're right. You're absolutely right. Just amazing. The difference, right?

We Wine Whenever (29:36.614)

We Wine Whenever (29:40.752)
Jersey doesn't roll that way. Jersey does not roll that way.

We don't take it to the court. That's not how we roll.

We Wine Whenever (29:57.398)
It is amazing. It is amazing.

Kelli (29:59.765)
Yeah. Did you have anything else about OC?

We Wine Whenever (30:03.885)
I did not.

Kelli (30:06.173)
I did just read literally scrolling through my phone before we started this, buying Beverly Hills got canceled after the second season and people are very upset. Now I watched the first season. I thought it was very staged, but whatever it was, you know, it was, it was a knockoff selling sunset, but it's fine. but people are very upset that it got, canceled, especially, and people said like, this seemed a little bit more real than selling sunset because selling sunsets a little.

We Wine Whenever (30:24.888)
Mm -hmm.

We Wine Whenever (30:35.864)
Fake, yeah. It is so fake.

Kelli (30:36.91)
It's so fake. Very entertaining, but so fake. But yeah, it got canceled. with the real estate market the way it is, especially, I mean, we're watching million dollar listing LA and all they keep talking about is the market, the market, the market. But quite honestly around here, houses are going for way more than what we think they're worth. So it's interesting that that side of the country is

We Wine Whenever (30:59.648)

Kelli (31:04.094)
Unless this was, you unless it has bounced back since then, but I feel like since COVID around here has been booming.

We Wine Whenever (31:10.999)
Well, think the difference is the houses in LA are high -end second houses, and we're talking about multiple million dollar homes. The houses around here are people's everyday homes, you know? And it's a lot of people that moved from up north to down south, and up north is more expensive than down south, which is driving up the prices down south. And when I say north and south, I'm just referring to New Jersey.

Kelli (31:20.64)

Yeah. Yeah.

Kelli (31:29.974)

Kelli (31:35.808)

We Wine Whenever (31:39.84)
North Jersey and South Jersey. So I think that's maybe what the difference is. I do have other Bravo news. So I didn't watch it, but the Vanderpump show that she had on Hulu, what was it called? Yes, so Bravo's raved about it. So that was renewed for, they raved about it. was renewed.

Kelli (31:39.881)
Right. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Kelli (31:46.227)
Yeah, but that got cancelled. Yeah.

Kelli (31:58.379)
villas, Vanderpump villas.

because Tammarus... Teddy said she couldn't get through it.

We Wine Whenever (32:07.937)
I think I'm going to try it because one, the Bravos raved about it and not that I, you know, take their word for it, but I figured out you will try it, but two, because it got renewed for a second season and Stassi's going to be on it and Stassi's getting a spinoff and she's getting her own show. So not only is she going to be on Vanderpump Villa, she's going to get her own show. Something like Stassi says or something like that. Yep.

Kelli (32:28.267)

Kelli (32:31.905)
okay. I'm surprised Vanderpump Villa got a second season, but maybe this is why, because Stassi will be on it. I'll watch the Stassi show for sure.

We Wine Whenever (32:39.808)

We Wine Whenever (32:43.797)
Yeah, and I feel like you got to watch first season to see what happened so we know what the premise is of it.

Kelli (32:49.225)
Yeah. Yeah.

We Wine Whenever (32:51.393)
And also, I'm sure you heard about the dating show for, who is it? Dorinda, Shannon, Luann, who else?

Kelli (33:00.129)
Shannon, Luanne. There was one more.

We Wine Whenever (33:07.265)
Brenda Shannon Luan.

Why can't I think of the other one? No, Ramona has a boyfriend and she's very happy with him, yeah. Anyway, whoever the other one is, there's gonna be a dating show and also Dorinda is getting a Blue Stone Manor show, right?

Kelli (33:12.671)
Not Ramona, right? Bravo's done with her. good for her. Good for her.

Kelli (33:26.901)
That's all that's to. Let's hope she's not drinking on either one of these shows. Yeah, she needs to, she, you know, though not accusing her of anything, but she's better on TV when not drinking.

We Wine Whenever (33:31.527)
gosh, I hope not.

We Wine Whenever (33:43.443)
Yes, and she was at the baseball game, the softball game, the Mamadi's softball game that Dolores had the other day.

Kelli (33:47.605)
Yes. Yeah. Yeah, everybody was there except Teresa and Melissa. And I was wondering why Melissa wasn't there because I knew they were back from Italy, but they were going to Boston that night. And I guess Teresa and Louie are still in Greece or they're I mean, they're still on vacation, from what I understand.

We Wine Whenever (34:00.157)

We Wine Whenever (34:06.557)
I think they might be in Turkey. And Jen Aiden. Jen Aiden is in Turkey also.

Kelli (34:08.649)
Yeah, so they're still away. Jen Eden wasn't there. See, I've already forgot about her.

We Wine Whenever (34:14.367)
Yeah, she was in Turkey with Teresa and Louis. Yep.

Kelli (34:20.504)
she was? They're saying that she got fired.

We Wine Whenever (34:24.359)
Yep, that's what they're saying. We'll find out soon enough.

Kelli (34:27.403)
Did you see Frank Catania said that? He heard that Teresa was asked to leave. So I think he's probably right. I also, well, Gina sent us, cousin Gina sent us that clip of somebody asking Gia, okay, Crystal Ball, are you gonna be a housewife one day? And she says, yeah.

We Wine Whenever (34:33.021)

We Wine Whenever (34:48.423)
Mm -hmm.

Kelli (34:50.303)
So I won't be watching.

We Wine Whenever (34:52.925)
We'll have to just wait and see. Well, we know that she has that other show that's coming out, Making It, Making It in Manhattan.

Kelli (34:57.215)
Yep, made in Manhattan. Good. is that what it is? Making it in Manhattan? Well, that's better because most of them weren't made in Manhattan. That's a better title. I don't want her on Housewives though. I really, really don't want her on Housewives.

We Wine Whenever (35:02.928)

Right, right. Yeah. Yes, it is. I agree. And what

We Wine Whenever (35:15.025)
I don't either.

Kelli (35:18.569)
I did listen to Melissa and Joe, Melissa's podcast. That was a great podcast. Marge on two tees in a pod was great and Marge on Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald was great.

We Wine Whenever (35:20.806)
I did too.

We Wine Whenever (35:28.999)

Yes, yes.

Kelli (35:33.867)
She was very forthcoming, very honest. You can tell. Listen, she's got grown kids who have careers. She does not want to talk about them and she doesn't have to.

We Wine Whenever (35:49.073)
She doesn't mention their names and she doesn't need to. And like she said, she has all the proof. Everyone's like, I haven't seen the police report. Well, you're not going to see the police report.

Kelli (35:49.28)

Kelli (35:57.769)
Yeah, I mean, that was interesting to me that the police report was filed. And I mean, obviously, you know, famous people can have that done. Or we know a lot more about people, obviously, you know, so that was good. And yeah, I just. I think she was very forthcoming about everything. And I don't think she needs to talk about her kids. They're adults. mean, I don't think anybody needs to, you know, like I agree, like with.

We Wine Whenever (36:08.868)
Right. Right. Right.

We Wine Whenever (36:17.947)
I do too.

Kelli (36:26.21)
when Simon and Tamar got divorced and Simon didn't want his kids on TV. Like I think you have that right.

We Wine Whenever (36:31.558)

Kelli (36:33.296)
You you're choosing to do this show, the kids didn't choose to do the show. You know, like Melissa and Joe were lucky. Teresa was lucky. Their kids wanted to be a part of it. And you know, if your kids want to be a part of it it's a family decision, fine. But, you know.

We Wine Whenever (36:48.176)
Well, Teresa's one daughter, Gabriella, didn't want to be a part of it and she still doesn't want to be a part of it. And, you know, she's really not a part of it. She agreed to let them, you know, show her packing up, but she specifically said, I don't want them at my school. I don't want this for, you know, and she has all of her social media private. And honestly, I really feel like her mother should respect those wishes a little bit more and not even ask her to show that stuff because she doesn't want to do it.

Kelli (36:51.701)
Yeah, but... Yeah.

Kelli (37:04.063)
Right. Right.

Kelli (37:12.214)
I do too.

Kelli (37:16.394)
I do too.

We Wine Whenever (37:17.231)
Like, why are you asking her to do that? Like, she doesn't want to do it.

Kelli (37:19.371)
Right. That's the one scene last season where she was in and she was talking, you know, when they were talking about how Joe and Melissa said they put food on their table, which we all knew what they really meant. But she seemed very anxious during that scene. She seemed very uncomfortable during.

We Wine Whenever (37:30.948)

We Wine Whenever (37:37.763)

Kelli (37:39.905)
But I believe Margaret, that NBC and Bravo were 100 % aware of the police report and she did provide proof to them. And the other thing that Melissa said, because cousin Gina or you brought this up the other night, why didn't they discuss at the reunion, pseudo reunion, that Teresa and Jennifer were feeding the blogs with screeners and storylines? And Melissa addressed that on her podcast and said, we did.

We Wine Whenever (37:47.662)
Mm -hmm.

We Wine Whenever (38:04.078)

Kelli (38:08.297)
It just wound up on the cutting floor. They didn't show it. And my personal opinion is they didn't show it because if they had, that's really forcing their hand to fire Teresa and Jennifer. Because if you show proof of that and don't get rid of her, don't get rid of Teresa, you're setting a precedent for the other franchises for people to keep doing this.

Like they'd be forced to, they would have to get rid of her if they provided the proof on camera.

We Wine Whenever (38:40.664)
I mean, I also feel like, and I even said that when we discussed it, I said, I bet you they did discuss it and the producers cut it. Melissa also said there was a lot of other things that they talked about that we never got to see, know, like reactions to stuff. Like she's like, I wish I would have seen the reaction in the other room to certain things, but she didn't get to see it either because she wasn't in the other room, you know?

Kelli (39:02.425)
she said, I wanted to see Jackie's reaction to her walking backwards.

We Wine Whenever (39:06.357)

Kelli (39:10.133)
That was so funny. we didn't see no. And when Teresa's room asked for espresso martinis and they were like, no, alcohol. I did not realize, but on Melissa's podcast, she says she's like, I was drinking a martini. I was drinking a Cosmo. She's like, every time you see me, I'm taking a sip of a drink. I did not realize that I heard them say no to the alcohol. I think I said it on when we were talking about cousin, you knew the other night that.

We Wine Whenever (39:10.519)
We didn't see it either. We didn't see it either.

We Wine Whenever (39:21.003)

We Wine Whenever (39:25.43)



We Wine Whenever (39:36.054)

Kelli (39:39.157)
They weren't allowed to drink, but the one room was. Hmm, that speaks volumes.

We Wine Whenever (39:42.347)
That's hysterical.

It sure does. It sure does.

Kelli (39:48.0)

We Wine Whenever (39:49.911)
So we'll have to wait and see what happens. We do. So I think what we're going to do is since we don't have any more New Jersey, I think next week you and I will start with season one and we'll recap old Jersey from the beginning. Yeah, right from the beginning. Since there's so many episodes, maybe we'll do like two episodes, an episode, you know what I mean? Like we'll recap two episodes at a time.

Kelli (39:50.561)
Always wind up talking about Jersey, sorry.

Kelli (40:05.385)
Yeah, and Lori, because Lori's watching it too.


Kelli (40:17.865)
Yeah, we can probably like watch a couple and then go, you know, run through them. Laurie has already been through season one and she's into season two. Yeah.

We Wine Whenever (40:20.96)

Yeah, I think that's a good idea.

We Wine Whenever (40:28.116)
Okay, good. I'm just gonna start again because it's been so long since I've watched them.

Kelli (40:34.537)
I watch them on the wrong reruns all the time. I really got to stop. It's so funny because my nephew wrote on Facebook yesterday, I can't think of a bigger useless way to spend your time than to argue on social media about politics. And I was talking to Tess about it today. I'm like, I can, cannot agree more. And I'm like, I should probably take that advice about Bravo. Like I really got to stop commenting on everything.

We Wine Whenever (40:54.984)
So true.

We Wine Whenever (41:02.63)
Kelli (41:06.377)
I really have to stop debating people on Bravo subjects. Kind of a useless waste of my time.

We Wine Whenever (41:15.306)
It is, it is, it is, it is.

Kelli (41:17.013)
Yes, yes it is. I can just keep scrolling as people say.

We Wine Whenever (41:20.798)
Yes, yes, it's true.

Kelli (41:23.251)
Yeah. All right.

We Wine Whenever (41:24.99)
All right, until next time, thank you for watching and listening to We Wine Whenever. I'm Wendy. Bye.

Kelli (41:30.121)
I'm Kelly. Bye.

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