We Wine Whenever's Podcast

A Night Of Laughs And Memories With The Househusbands And Housewives Of NJ

We Wine Whenever Season 1 Episode 92

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We Wine Whenever discusses their visit to Atlantic City to see the House Husbands and the Joe Gorga Comedy Show. They started the night with dinner at Fred and Ethel's in Smithville. They then drove by James Leonard's office and took pictures from inside the car due to safety concerns. They valet parked at Harrah's and enjoyed cocktails at a lounge bar before the show. Joe Gorga performed his comedy routine, which was relatable and well-executed. The audience had a great time and appreciated his ability to engage with the crowd. During this part of the conversation, the hosts discuss a variety of topics, including a comment made on Instagram, the possibility of the house husbands getting their own show, and the meet and greet with the Real Housewives of New Jersey. They also mention Brittany, Frank's girlfriend, and her decision to turn down a spot on the show. The hosts express their dislike for Jennifer Aiden and discuss the potential for the house husbands to be on HGTV. They also mention the upcoming Netflix studio in New Jersey. The conversation covers the experience of meeting the Real Housewives of New Jersey cast members and their families at a live event. The hosts share their interactions with the cast, including taking pictures, chatting, and even having heartfelt conversations. They also discuss the importance of cherishing time with loved ones and not taking moments for granted. The conversation ends with a mention of a local business, Sea Isle Ice, and Cousin Gina express's gratitude for being guests on the podcast.

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We Wine Whenever (00:01.314)
Hi, welcome to We Wine Whenever, I'm Wendy.

Kelli (00:03.934)
I'm Kelly.

Gina (00:04.974)
and I'm cousin Gina.

We Wine Whenever (00:07.16)
Tonight we're talking about our visit to Atlantic City to see the House Husbands and the Joe Gorga Comedy Show that we went to this past Saturday. Great time. We had a great time.

Kelli (00:18.668)
Very good time.

Gina (00:20.472)
Best night in a long time.

Kelli (00:22.806)
We started the night at Fred and Ethel's in Smithville for dinner, which was delicious as usual. Always good there.

Gina (00:29.672)
Very good, very good.

Kelli (00:32.439)
And then.

We Wine Whenever (00:32.45)
And then we had on the schedule that we were going to go drive by James Leonard's office. We had the address. And I wanted to see where it was because we saw it on Google Maps. And I wanted to get out of the car and take a picture of me in front of it. And cousin Gina said, you're not getting out of the car. And Kelly's like, you're not getting out of the car.

Kelli (00:52.94)
Nope. Nope.

Gina (00:54.345)
I'm from Atlanta County. I get the news every day about what happens in Atlantic City. You ladies don't get that. It's not a safe place and where we were was even worse than most. Yeah.

Kelli (01:07.522)

We Wine Whenever (01:08.343)
So we took pictures from inside the car and check out our social media because I'll post some pictures of what's in the vicinity there of James Leonard's office. It is a rough neighborhood.

Gina (01:19.444)
And when Margaret was talking about, you know, her attorneys on Madison Avenue and this guy, and she's right. This is in, this is a really horrible place to have a law office. I would never go there to see an attorney. You know, it's in, it's, if you know Atlantic city, it's kind of near the resorts area up by, kind of by the courthouse. It's very close to the courthouse.

but it's in a really, really old building that used to sell fruits and vegetables. It's an old farmer's market. Yeah. And then I think it was the one of the big clubs back in the fifties or something. I think it was, it might've been it's next to the sewer authority. Yeah.

Kelli (01:51.434)
Kelli (01:58.296)
We think it was the 500 Club.

Kelli (02:02.932)
And it's next to the sewer authority, right?

We Wine Whenever (02:02.987)
So that... Yes. Yes it is. somebody's hair bizarre. There's a hair... hair slob.

Gina (02:11.545)
A lot of places to buy hair in Atlantic City.

Kelli (02:12.3)
That's right, there was a hair bazaar.

Kelli (02:17.858)
Yeah, it was next to a hair pizzeria.

We Wine Whenever (02:20.533)
So after we did our drive by, we headed over to Harrah's. We valet parked because, you know, we wanted to be safe.

Gina (02:28.223)
Well, we weren't gambling, so we had extra shmeckles.

We Wine Whenever (02:31.529)
Yeah. There you go. And then we walked around a little bit, found the theater and decided to get a couple cocktails before we went in. Yep. And a lounge bar. Yes. Yes. Yeah.

Kelli (02:41.964)
at a lounge bar, playing freestyle music. Amazing. Great music. Yep. Great music.

Gina (02:45.809)
Mm -hmm. It was great music, wasn't it? And then you could see everybody starting to dribble, dribble in.

Kelli (02:54.85)
So a couple of people walk up, I'm like, I think that's Melissa's cousin. Now I still don't know for sure if that was her cousin. You think it was? That's what I thought, but I wasn't positive. And then slowly more people started coming. So the one cute girl that was on this season, but we didn't get to see too much of her because of everything else that was going on. She was there. What was her name?

Gina (03:02.115)
no, it was. It was. That was him and his husband.

Kelli (03:24.376)
Tiffany? Yeah, so she was there with this group and then Melissa's sister showed up, her mom, and they were all like in this area right near us by the lounge bar.

We Wine Whenever (03:25.096)
Yeah, I think Tiffany, yes.

Gina (03:30.013)
Melissa's system.

Gina (03:36.457)
Her mom looks great. I don't know how old she is, but just basing upon how old her daughters are, she looks phenomenal. What? I thought she was younger than me. I'm 68. I thought she was like 60. Holy.

Kelli (03:38.219)
She really does.

We Wine Whenever (03:44.041)
I think she just turned 75, I think they said. I think so.

Kelli (03:44.428)

Wow, really?

Kelli (03:51.352)
Holy shit.

We Wine Whenever (03:52.349)
Didn't they say that? Like wasn't it her 75th birthday? Like wasn't?

Kelli (03:56.248)
Maybe you're 70th. Which, she still looks amazing for 70, but I couldn't, I have a hard time believing she's 75.

Gina (03:58.555)
Whatever, I thought she was around 65, yeah.

We Wine Whenever (03:58.823)
All right, listen.

Gina (04:04.326)

We Wine Whenever (04:04.839)
All right, I'm gonna have to look that up. Yeah, I'm not, like you said, she looks amazing either way. So then we get our tickets and we get our wristbands, because we have a meet and greet afterwards, and we go to our seats, and we are first row. Cousin Gina can put her feet on the stage.

Kelli (04:07.212)
We'll see you

Kelli (04:11.402)
Amazing, no matter what age.

Gina (04:19.204)

Kelli (04:21.312)

Gina (04:26.299)
And cousin Jean is not even five feet tall with really short legs.

Kelli (04:33.732)
First, when we go to show our tickets to get in, I knew the girl checking the tickets. It was Chloe Clark, who very good friend of the family, and she just got engaged. So congratulations to Chloe, but that was so nice to see her.

We Wine Whenever (04:45.926)
Yes, it was for you. We're going to take a picture and all of a sudden you're like, you're like, I have a picture of your face like that.

Kelli (04:55.328)
Yeah, that was great. I was so nice as they are.

We Wine Whenever (04:57.167)
It was good. It was good.

Gina (04:59.077)
And then I smashed my foot on the metal detector. If you ever need to sneak anything through a metal detector, just injure yourself. They kind of forget that the thing was going off. I had a bake pen in my pocket. Yeah. Now I just, no, I have medical. I'm medical. couldn't touch it. That set the metal thing off, but as I'm walking through my foot.

Kelli (05:08.671)
I didn't know that!

Kelli (05:14.424)
They have taken that.

Kelli (05:21.022)
but that set the thing off?

Gina (05:26.676)
jammed onto the wheel or something. Did you see my foot bleeding, Yeah, I was like...

We Wine Whenever (05:31.473)
I did, yes, and I totally forgot. Well, you were right behind us and then we were trying to do the picture and then you saw the girl, yes, and then it just like, and I in the back of my head said, I have a band -aid, I'm gonna get you a band -aid, but then we got inside and I totally forgot.

Kelli (05:32.514)
I didn't even know this! Where the hell was I?

Gina (05:34.996)

Kelli (05:40.568)

Gina (05:41.456)

Gina (05:47.558)
And the guys on the microphone go, we need first aid. I'm like, no, no, no, no, no, I'm just going inside. I'm going, I'm fine. I'll be fine. Yeah, it's fine. Listen, I bang myself up all the time. Old people always banging into stuff. But yeah, they forgot all about the metal thing going off.

Kelli (05:54.104)
were you alright?

I felt bad, I had no

Kelli (06:08.32)
Yeah, that was good. Good ploy.

We Wine Whenever (06:08.346)
Yeah. Yeah. So then we're sitting inside and we're waiting and Kelly decides she's going to go get a drink. And then what happens, Cal?

Kelli (06:18.018)
So right near the doors to go into the room was a bar set up and that had a very long line. So if you're looking at that bar, three steps up to the left was the lounge bar we had been sitting in for an hour before the show. So I'm like, well, fuck that. I'm not standing on that line. I'll go back to the lounge, which I did. It took me five minutes. I came back down the three steps.

Gina (06:33.242)

Kelli (06:44.758)
And I just happened to look at the last person in line at the long line bar. And I said, listen, just so you know, there's a bar right up those steps and there's no line. And the girl turns around and goes, really? And I look, I look and I'm like, that's Vanessa Riser, Louis X. For sure. And then, she's like, thank you so much. So she goes up there. I told a couple other people quite honestly too.

Gina (07:01.165)
Louis ex -fiance.

Kelli (07:11.926)
And then I go back in, I tell Wendy and cousin Gina my story, and then we'll get there, but as the show is progressing, she gets up and asks a question.

We Wine Whenever (07:21.122)
You can get there now.

Gina (07:21.203)

Kelli (07:22.996)
I just think it's a little odd that she was there. I'm not going to lie. asks, so the question she asks is, is there anyone on the cast that you wonder what they do for a living, that you don't know what they do for a living?

Gina (07:23.62)
She was not with

We Wine Whenever (07:26.445)
I think it is too.

Gina (07:35.031)
or that they have a job that you can't figure out what it is.

Kelli (07:39.914)
Right. And she's basically talking about Louie, and we all know she's talking about Louie, and Melissa shuts it down completely. Completely. She did.

Gina (07:46.318)
down. She shut a few things down. She told the line. She really did. And it didn't affect the show at all. But somebody on stage, I don't know who it was, said, are you Louis' ex -fiance? it was the guy with the microphone, the host. Right. That's who asked it.

We Wine Whenever (07:48.471)

We Wine Whenever (07:52.931)
But it's, no.

Kelli (08:03.628)
think it was the guy, right? The host?

We Wine Whenever (08:07.499)
Yes, because she announced her name. She said, my name is Vanessa. And they're like, are you Louise X? And that's when she asked the question and she didn't answer. And then Melissa shut it down and she sat down. She just sat down.

Kelli (08:11.97)
Mm -hmm.

Gina (08:16.077)
Mm -hmm.

Kelli (08:26.274)
She sat down quick because I turned around to see what the people on stage were going to say. Melissa shut it down. And when I turned around to see her reaction, she was gone. Gone. She sat down real quick. I just think it's a little bizarre that she was there.

Gina (08:27.543)

Gina (08:40.963)
didn't see her backstage either. You thought what?

Kelli (08:45.696)
I thought it was a little odd that she was there. I really think that they're just obsessed with each other.

Gina (08:49.164)
like that she was there.

We Wine Whenever (08:51.923)
I do too.

Gina (08:53.05)
I don't think Melissa and any of those people have anything to do with her. But I could understand her wanting to go there.

Kelli (08:57.492)
No, me neither! That's why I think it's very bizarre that she would go there, like...

We Wine Whenever (09:04.159)

Kelli (09:04.342)
Yeah, why though? Like, I don't know, I just think it's like adding fuel. And it doesn't make them look bad.

Gina (09:08.274)
This the same reason that yeah, the same reason that she is constantly, you know, contact or in the past, I've contacted everybody, you know, some people just, don't know whether they want the fame or they just can't get over it, but she is a therapist and her specialty is poison relationship. Yeah. Being, being in a relationship with the narcissist. So.

Kelli (09:31.114)
Narcissists. Yeah.

Kelli (09:36.15)

feeling she tapped into that specialty after she dated him.

Gina (09:43.647)
Yeah, she was a therapist before and then she realized how much experience she had in dealing with a narcissist so that she could, you know, listen, mental health workers, I give them a lot of kudos. They don't make a lot of money unless you're at the medical doctor level and they have to deal with the most depressing stuff. My nephew has a mental health practice.

Kelli (09:52.354)

Kelli (09:58.306)
for sure.

Kelli (10:12.183)

Gina (10:12.434)
and the stuff they have to deal with and come home with. God bless them.

We Wine Whenever (10:17.3)

Kelli (10:18.678)
Yeah, so that was the Vanessa Riser story. just, I couldn't believe it was her. And then I just thought it was odd. She got up and asked a question. I don't know the whole thing, but Melissa shut it down. It did not go any farther. And that was that.

We Wine Whenever (10:29.351)
I agree.

Gina (10:34.279)
Yeah, yeah. And Belissa shuts up. Well, we'll get there when we get there. We're kind of going out of order.

We Wine Whenever (10:36.147)

We Wine Whenever (10:40.447)
That's okay. So then the show starts with Frank. He was the MC of the show. Frank Catania comes out and he lets us know that

Kelli (10:40.492)

Gina (10:48.051)
Wait, no, he wasn't the emcee. That strange guy that came. Who was that guy? Who is that? He's running for governor. I never heard of the guy. Who is he?

Kelli (10:52.921)
Bill Spade.

We Wine Whenever (10:54.428)
Bill Spadia came out, right? Strange guy. So Bill...

Kelli (10:58.712)
He apparently is a DJ on 101 .5.

We Wine Whenever (11:01.673)
Well -

Gina (11:02.986)
to be the governor.

We Wine Whenever (11:04.561)
It's talk radio. So he's a talk radio guy. So he came out in the beginning and got the crowd a little riled up and then he introduced Frank and he said that he's friends with the guys. He's with Joe Gorga, friends with Frank and he's known them a long time. And then Frank gets up and starts talking about how he found out about this comedy show.

Gina (11:10.619)

We Wine Whenever (11:33.436)
that he was going to be a part of is when he opened up his Instagram.

Kelli (11:38.954)
and saw the advertisement for the show.

We Wine Whenever (11:40.284)
saw the advertisement and he calls up Joe and he's like, what is this? He goes, yeah, it's gonna be a lot of fun. It's gonna be a lot of fun. He's like, well, do think you should have asked me? See if I'm available?

Kelli (11:47.778)
He's like, are we good? Yeah.

Gina (11:56.338)
to say that I don't, guess it's a commercial. It's hard to call something a commercial anymore, but it was running on their, you know, Instagram and Tik Tok. It was the advertisement with the guys doing the construction work, like the roll carry and talk that was, I don't know who's doing their marketing, but they, they hit it out of the park with that one.

Kelli (12:06.902)

Kelli (12:10.952)
so funny.

We Wine Whenever (12:16.773)
It was good. It was good.

Kelli (12:18.636)
Yep, yep, Wendy got up to ask a question. so then, so after Joe does his thing, which he was funny, he was funny.

We Wine Whenever (12:27.601)
He was funny. Now I've seen Joe before. Well, and Kelly and I saw him and the husbands a couple years ago at Hard Rock. And I saw Joe do his comedy with another comedian who opened for him in Princeton last fall. So the comedy that I saw him do last fall, he did repeat some of those jokes this time, but there was new material as well.

Kelli (12:33.814)
Yeah, hard rock.

Kelli (12:52.951)

We Wine Whenever (12:53.274)
and he added other stuff to it. So that was good. I think he's funny. He's very relatable. That's what I like about that whole crew is that they're very relatable. They really are friends. They really do enjoy each other's company. They would be hanging out if they weren't filming. They do hang out when they're not filming. It's kind of like us, to be quite honest with you. That's how this podcast came about is that we were

Kelli (13:05.804)

Kelli (13:14.24)

Gina (13:14.597)

Kelli (13:18.466)


We Wine Whenever (13:21.827)
We were hanging out anyway.

Kelli (13:23.394)
We were drinking together every Saturday night anyway. Yeah.

Gina (13:24.751)
Very fluid, very fluid.

We Wine Whenever (13:26.743)
Right. So I get it. Like I get their bond. I get their relationship because,

Kelli (13:31.831)

Gina (13:33.316)
used to travel with the killers of comedy years ago and I've been to a lot of comedy shows and I've seen a lot of the same comedy over and over. I've been to hundreds and hundreds of comedy shows. Seen a lot of comedians, most of them good, some of them not good. And I have to tell you Joe Gorga is pretty good. He really is. He knows how to put a joke together. He knows how to start it. He knows how to tie it together and he knows how to end it.

Kelli (13:53.996)
He's pretty funny.

Gina (14:01.537)
I don't know if you, they do have classes to do this, to teach you how to write jokes. I don't, don't know if he's ever done that, but the way he sets it up and the way he executes and finishes, he is really good. I didn't expect it. I didn't expect him.

Kelli (14:18.326)
And he brought a couple of people from the audience in too. know? One guy gets up to get his wife a drink in the middle of the skit. I'm like, what are you doing? How do you not think he's going to call you out for this? And he's like, buddy, where are going? Like, you don't get any... I'm like, like, like, like this. Like, I don't want, like, I don't want anybody to see, you know, I don't want any attention brought on me. Ever.

We Wine Whenever (14:23.288)

Gina (14:23.564)
Yes, yes, and...

Gina (14:34.862)
But he did the great, yeah.

Gina (14:44.206)
You're sitting in the front row, you don't get up. You pee your pants if you have to. You do not get up.

Kelli (14:47.682)

Right. Right.

We Wine Whenever (14:51.479)
He was actually sitting in the second row, the guy that got up.

Gina (14:54.14)

Kelli (14:54.606)
he was? I thought he was in the front row on the other side of us, but I thought he was in the front row too.

Gina (14:56.941)
On the other side of us, yeah.

We Wine Whenever (14:59.01)
Maybe he was, I mean, he was right there though, front second row, like he was right there. Joe did have a coach, because when I saw him in Princeton, the guy that like opened for him, they had done Melissa's podcast prior to it, and they were talking about it.

Kelli (15:01.676)

Kelli (15:16.756)
Is that the guy who does make a make make America Italian again? I love that skit. I love it.

We Wine Whenever (15:19.809)
I can't remember his name. It could be.

It could be. he's the one who kind of trained Joe on how to do standup and told him how to tell the stories and told him how to do it. Cause he talks about it. Like when I first met him, he was just like, this is not going to be good. And you know, he's been working with him. And like you said, he knows what he's doing. He knows how to start a joke, end a joke, call it, you know, do a call back. So yeah.

Gina (15:29.497)
I gotta Google that.

Kelli (15:47.276)

Gina (15:49.068)
Yeah, yeah. And he knows how to weave the audience into. Some of your best comedians are guys that do crowd work. I mean, that's a tough thing to do. And he's great with the crowd. I expected him to do all crowd work, even though that's one of the toughest ways of doing comedy. But because of who he is and who we are as an audience, I thought that's all he was going to do.

Kelli (16:14.622)
Right, he knew who he knew why most people were there to see him, obviously, because we're Howl's Wives fans.

Gina (16:19.219)
I was really, I was really pleasantly surprised at what a good comedian he was. And I can only see him getting better. And I would not hesitate to recommend someone to go see him, even if they weren't such a huge housewives fan, you know?

Kelli (16:24.117)

Kelli (16:36.18)
Right, right.

We Wine Whenever (16:38.679)
There was a point where all the guys came out behind him when he was telling a joke and they all had on their pajamas. Nono's pajamas.

Gina (16:44.887)
No, they had on his father's pajamas. Nono's pajamas.

Kelli (16:46.122)
No -nose pajamas. They wear no -nose pajamas.

We Wine Whenever (16:52.236)
And the crowd went wild.

Kelli (16:53.728)
Yes they did. Yes they did.

Gina (16:53.934)
because Joe at the time was telling a story about Louie. And I guess it was leading up to where Louie told him, because that's how Louie talked about the pajamas. Louie was telling Joe.

Kelli (17:08.02)
Yeah, but was he? I don't think he was talking about... I don't think he talked about Louis at all. He was talking about Teresa!

Gina (17:13.779)
No, he was talking about that one part about the pajamas, because he was saying that Louie told him that he was making the girls feel good by wearing the grandfather's pajamas.

Kelli (17:27.049)
I see I forget. I have such a bad memory.

Gina (17:28.65)
But no, he didn't talk about Louie a whole lot, you know. But there were some audience members screaming out, Louie.

We Wine Whenever (17:29.855)
I do too. I don't remember either, to be honest with you.

Kelli (17:36.854)
Yes, there were.

We Wine Whenever (17:39.369)

Kelli (17:40.064)
and we were some of them.

Gina (17:43.945)
But they were,

We Wine Whenever (17:45.981)
wasn't I don't do that

Gina (17:47.751)
I do.

Kelli (17:47.915)
No, she doesn't.

She had to take down one of my comments on our Instagram today.

We Wine Whenever (17:55.079)
I did, I did. So I have a coworker who I've spoken about before. His name is Robert and Robert is a tree hugger. Yes, he loves Teresa and he loves...

Kelli (18:04.672)
Is that why he didn't like the comment? Well get over it Robert! I don't like Teresa and Jen!

Gina (18:11.305)
Wait, she had to take a comment down because it offended your coworker?

We Wine Whenever (18:11.506)

We Wine Whenever (18:15.056)
No, no, let me finish. Let me finish. I was talking to, I was talking to Robert.

Gina (18:17.018)
Alright. Excuse me. Sorry, my nose is running.

Kelli (18:17.13)
Alright, alright, alright.

Kelli (18:23.832)
Where'd she go?

Where'd go?

Gina (18:28.884)
I got poop on my nose.

We Wine Whenever (18:31.7)
I was talking to Robert today and he said, you posted something on Jen Aiden's and it was very nasty. I was like, I didn't post anything. And then I looked, it was on her post and I don't actually, I have it.

Kelli (18:51.446)
She was in Turkey in some religious area.

We Wine Whenever (18:53.201)
She was, okay, so she was in Turkey and I text Kelly a screenshot.

Gina (18:59.783)
That's real good posting that you're in Turkey last time your cards got stolen.

We Wine Whenever (19:05.629)
So the comment was on Jen Aiden's post. She was in Turkey at, I guess, some kind of a blessed mother place. Because I don't know exactly. Yes. And it said, you said, we wine men ever said, you should probably drink some of that holy water and pray for an exorcism. Good luck.

Kelli (19:09.76)
Well, gotta say where she was because that's why I personally

Kelli (19:18.838)
with holy water. There was holy water.

Gina (19:30.259)
didn't know the post but I didn't read the comments so that was great.

Kelli (19:30.648)
Good luck!

We Wine Whenever (19:32.988)
So it had a hundred and when I when I deleted it it had a hundred and thirty two likes It was it was I'm gonna tell you I'm gonna tell you I'm gonna tell you why because I don't believe in I don't believe in Hate posts. I don't believe in going on someone else's page

Kelli (19:38.23)
Yes it did!

Gina (19:38.418)
why? because you did it under the wee wine whenever.

Kelli (19:43.309)

Kelli (19:52.936)
just suggesting that maybe she wants to drink some holy water because she could use it!

Gina (19:59.152)
And you know where she was? remember now. She was at the last place that the Virgin Mother lived before she passed away. Yeah.

We Wine Whenever (20:06.865)
Okay. So I deleted the comment because I don't believe in going on people's posts that you don't like and putting hate comments. Now, if someone posts a hate comment on my post, that's okay. And I will deal with that how I want to, but I don't want to post hate on someone else's. I don't have to agree with them. It was.

Kelli (20:29.688)
think I was posting 8!

Gina (20:31.525)
Well, let me ask a question. Were you posting under We Wine Whenever or under your name? yeah, that's why. I get it. You should have gone back.

We Wine Whenever (20:35.139)

Kelli (20:35.328)

So sometimes I have a couple of cocktails and I forget to change my profile on Instagram and I think I'm posting as Kelly Witter and now I'm posting as WeWineWhatever.

We Wine Whenever (20:38.747)

Gina (20:48.387)
Now if she posted that as Kelly , would you have left it up?

We Wine Whenever (20:48.846)

We Wine Whenever (20:52.185)
Yes, absolutely. I don't care. 

Kelli (20:52.56)

We Wine Whenever (21:10.64)
Okay, so anyway, that's why I deleted it. Like I said, don't want to spread hate. I can not agree with somebody and dislike them. But remember when we were talking about, we were talking about Phaedra and you kept saying, I hate Phaedra, I hate Phaedra. And I said, listen, hate is a strong word. just don't, yes, it was you, it was you. I just don't like to, I don't like to put that in the universe, that's all.

Gina (21:30.35)
That was me that you were yelling at about that.

Kelli (21:37.58)
I think my point is, and listen, I teach CCD, but I don't, I'm not, yeah, like I should take my own advice, but I'm not. But Jennifer Aiden is the opposite of a Christian in my eyes of somebody who I think is a Christian. She does not, at least on the show where she's supposed to be being real, she's not exhibiting very Christian -like behavior.

Gina (21:38.544)
I'm on the opposite end.

We Wine Whenever (21:47.311)
Yes, sometimes you should.

Gina (21:57.709)
Yes, I agree.

Kelli (22:07.19)
So I find her to be hypocritical.

Gina (22:10.703)
Yes, I agree. And me, I'm the opposite end. I'm 68 years old, I'm retired. I worked in human resources management my whole career where I had to be careful what I said. No more, that's over with. And that's why don't ever be friends with me on Facebook, Right, Kel? It's bad. It's bad.

Kelli (22:23.618)

We Wine Whenever (22:28.236)
No I won't.

I'll have to block you. So I unfollow Jen Aiden on our rewind whenever Instagram so that you don't even see her stuff because if you're not following her, you won't see her stuff. And I don't know why we were following her to begin with. should, we shouldn't be following her and we shouldn't be following Teresa. If we don't like them, well, we need to stop doing that.

Kelli (22:44.29)
Beautiful, beautiful. Me neither.

Kelli (22:51.913)
And we all

Kelli (22:55.714)
taking it off right now.

Gina (22:55.72)
All right, I'll do it and I'll send you anything you need to know.

Kelli (22:59.544)
I'm taking it off right now. Because we are following her and I don't know who did that.

We Wine Whenever (23:04.615)
Okay, see

to be. We don't probably Lori. Let's just blame Lori.

Kelli (23:11.212)
Yeah, listen to this, Maury. Yeah, I'm unfollowing right now.

We Wine Whenever (23:15.726)
Griffin Lori.

Kelli (23:17.162)

Gina (23:18.358)
Now, and you know what? And they were being very politically, not, don't want to say politically correct, but they weren't, the show was not about bashing Teresa. I mean, there were, there were some things said, nothing really bad, you know, and there was some F. Louise in that most of it was from me. you know, when you're sitting in the front row, you could, you know, listen, I was, I was even.

Kelli (23:30.399)

We Wine Whenever (23:30.453)
No, absolutely not. No.

We Wine Whenever (23:41.559)

Kelli (23:46.228)
Yeah, you got it. You have to interact.

Gina (23:48.691)
I was, you know what question I was gonna ask? I was gonna ask him for a shot of that Tito's.

We Wine Whenever (23:54.189)
I thought about that to be quite honest with you.

Kelli (23:54.464)

Gina (23:56.117)
Yeah, because that was a big bottle and they had extra glasses.

Kelli (23:57.686)
Yeah, they did.

We Wine Whenever (23:59.838)
It was a big bottle. So I did ask a question, because then they went to the audience for questions. it was a question that, you know, why don't the house husbands get their own show on HGTV where they're flipping houses or doing remodels? And their response was, they're working on it. It's something that's in the works. And we did see that Frank had mentioned that there's something that they are working on.

Gina (24:01.399)

Gina (24:05.793)
Best question of the night.

Kelli (24:27.436)
Do you know that there was something they were working on? And then when Louie launched his investigation, it got pulled.

Gina (24:29.291)
that in an article.

We Wine Whenever (24:31.53)

We Wine Whenever (24:36.275)
and they hired the PR company to smear them for their smear campaign. he, Frank said that it was a conservative channel. What channel is a conservative channel? Yeah, it was a conservative network. So it wasn't, he said specifically, it wasn't Bravo. I mean, not Fox News.

Kelli (24:48.098)
that they were gonna be on.

Kelli (24:52.109)

Fox News.

Gina (24:56.725)
This itself is not conservative, just Fox News is. Christian Broadcasting Network, I don't know. But if they want somebody to watch them, they should get on,

We Wine Whenever (25:02.855)
No, I can't imagine. No, he just said a conservative network. whatever cons

Kelli (25:04.044)
I couldn't imagine that.

Kelli (25:08.918)
I mean, Fox Fox is the only one, you that comes to mind, but I don't, I don't really get into that, you know? I don't really care who's running for president. I'm just, I'm just more concerned with who's coming back to Real Housewives of New Jersey, Melissa or Teresa. That is my priority, admittedly.

We Wine Whenever (25:13.589)

Gina (25:15.595)
But regardless, even if it's HD -

We Wine Whenever (25:21.916)
Listen, we have our priorities.

Gina (25:22.463)
But don't say even if it's HGTV, have to be conservative because all of those shows are rated G.

Kelli (25:33.665)
Gina (25:34.802)
You can turn that channel on any time of day or night and everything is G rated on things like HGTV. Yeah, that would be great. Hey, listen, Netflix just canceled Mauricio's show. They got room, put them on Netflix. Then they don't have to be. Then they could do what they want.

Kelli (25:42.028)
Maybe it is them. That would be awesome.

We Wine Whenever (25:42.218)
So make, yeah.

Kelli (25:53.312)
Yeah, yeah. And there is going to be a Netflix studio in Jersey. Yep.

We Wine Whenever (26:00.104)
Yes, tit and false.

Gina (26:00.276)
Fort Monmouth. And guess what? Harbor's getting one too.

Kelli (26:05.996)
Really? That's exciting!

Gina (26:09.458)
Yeah, it is. We don't know what kind of movies are going to make there though. Just some, yeah, it could. yeah, it's going to bring jobs. That's all I care about. Yeah.

Kelli (26:12.684)
Yeah, but who cares? That's just gonna bring more industry to the area.

Yeah, exactly. That's great. That's great news. All right.

Gina (26:22.868)
But yeah, Netflix is gonna be in the old Fort Monmouth. would be, how great would that be? Listen, I'll volunteer and they could come in and do my living room, because I'm about to get that done. I'd love to, how great would it be to have those guys at your house?

Kelli (26:27.383)

We Wine Whenever (26:28.019)
That would be.

Kelli (26:36.066)
Well, that's why I said to Wendy they could start with my house. I need the outside of my house done. I need siding, a roof, windows. And then if they want to finish my basement and throw a bathroom in down there, that'd be great too. So.

We Wine Whenever (26:46.419)
Maybe just give you a whole house lift to give you another floor.

Gina (26:48.893)
You know, you have to pay for that when they do that, you know. You have to pay for that. They don't do that for free. No, they don't.

Kelli (26:49.386)
No, I don't want to do that. I don't want to do that.

We Wine Whenever (26:51.111)
Why not?

We Wine Whenever (26:56.263)
No, they do it for free. You have to pay, you have, yes they do, you have to pay the taxes for the improvements.

Kelli (26:56.32)
well fuck that, i'm looking for free!

Gina (27:02.408)
materials read up on some of those You know which one I'm talking about who's the one where they would cover the house and you'd have to leave and then they take the house off That one people were people were saying that they went had to sell the house speak of quite a few No, it was they had to pay for the materials I'll look it up later I could be wrong. Yeah

We Wine Whenever (27:10.557)

Kelli (27:10.721)
the Makeover, Makeover show?

We Wine Whenever (27:17.379)
No, that was because of the taxes.

Kelli (27:23.361)

We Wine Whenever (27:23.395)
Okay, okay. So then after the show, they tell us that we can wait around and then we're gonna go in the back and do the meet and greet. Okay, yep.

Gina (27:34.962)
Wait, before that, excuse me, it was the guys that were up there. And then they brought all the wives up on stage.

Kelli (27:42.24)
Yes, yes.

Gina (27:44.187)
Melissa, Danielle, Rachel, and Brittany. Great, that was it, just the four of them. Brittany, look, Brittany's hair. my God. I wanted to look at, just look at her hair and check it. She had the most beautiful hairdo. It was just phenomenal. Gorgeous, gorgeous.

Kelli (27:49.357)
Mm -hmm.


Kelli (28:00.856)
She's so cute. She's just so sweet. And we did read in that article today that Frank said she was offered a spot and she turned it down. So I'm happy to know that she was actually offered the spot because I mean, why wouldn't they at this point? Especially since she and Dolores have such a good relationship with each other. But if it's not her gig, it's not her gig and I get it. Frank and Ketania don't need the money and so neither does Brittany now.

Gina (28:09.242)
Good for her.

Gina (28:22.512)
She said...

I agree. Yeah, no.

We Wine Whenever (28:29.435)
Mm -hmm.

Kelli (28:30.828)
Yeah, and I don't blame her. This is, you know, she's just starting out with a new marriage and yeah, see, you know, I don't blame her at all.

Gina (28:37.414)
not worth what do they pay like 70 grand or something the first year it's it's not it's not f you money that's right yeah what does she do for a living

Kelli (28:41.558)
I don't, but yeah, they don't need it. They got those dispensaries now. They don't need it.

Kelli (28:51.808)
I know. The only thing I knew was that she was friends with Rachel. Frank trained she and Rachel in a fitness competition years ago. I'm assuming that's how Frank met her.

Gina (29:04.001)
No, Frank was John Food his attorney.


Kelli (29:09.24)
That's right, you said that. Yeah, Rachel did it. Yeah.

We Wine Whenever (29:09.444)
Yeah, I don't think Rachel did a fitness thing. she did. Okay.

Gina (29:11.949)
Yeah, she did. She did it with Britney years ago.

Kelli (29:15.894)
Yeah. So maybe that's how Rachel got into that gig by John having Frank as his attorney and knowing that he was a personal trainer. Yeah. Who knows?

We Wine Whenever (29:27.652)
Who knows?

Gina (29:29.135)
But that was a real relationship prior to the show. So when the girls came on the stage, everybody went crazy. And they all spoke, like I said, Melissa was very, you she didn't, she said a few things, but nothing that Bravo would have frowned upon. None of them did. And Danielle was great. I loved it. I'm yelling at her. Say it, yeah.

Kelli (29:35.585)

Kelli (29:46.56)

None of them.

Kelli (29:53.644)
Wendy got her to say, you're dirty.

Gina (29:56.387)
You're dirty. You're dirty. I loved it.

We Wine Whenever (29:56.45)
Yes, yes, yes. I love that. Somebody asked her, I think the question was like, what made you, how did it feel to hit Jen upside the head with the plastic glass?

Kelli (29:59.192)
That was good. That was good.

Kelli (30:14.164)
She said it was even better watching it back with my friends. Yeah.

We Wine Whenever (30:16.292)
It was even better watching it back.

Gina (30:16.683)
watching it. And then she was saying stuff like, can you just imagine going through that and there's a camera in your face? And and Rachel looks good. I mean, she doesn't she's really not showing yet.

Kelli (30:31.478)
I Tess, I showed Tess the picture, I said she's pregnant. She was like, come on. I said, she's pregnant. I still look three times the size of her, but yes, she's pregnant. I hate every picture of myself. I have such a problem. I hate.

Gina (30:35.052)

We Wine Whenever (30:40.995)

Gina (30:45.571)
hate every picture of myself. There's only one good one. And I told Danielle, said, Danielle stand in front of me, hide my fat. And she's like, but my poofy things gonna, I said, no, let the poofy thing cover me. Go ahead.

We Wine Whenever (30:57.687)

Kelli (30:58.058)
Yeah, see, I need to I need to learn how to position these housewives when I take photos with them from now on.

We Wine Whenever (31:02.797)

Gina (31:03.785)
I have to tell you something, those wives were the most sweet and gracious ladies because we got to spend time with them.

Kelli (31:05.666)

Kelli (31:10.572)
They are. Yes. So after the show, we had the meet and greet. We were first in line because of where our seats were. And we took pictures with the guys, Joe, Joe, Frank, and John. Wendy stayed back with Joe. I'll let you tell that story. But Gina and I just started walking. And where we walked, we walked right into all the housewives.

We Wine Whenever (31:23.265)
Yes, we did.

We Wine Whenever (31:26.925)
Mm -hmm.

Gina (31:39.584)
Yeah, I mean, well, before that.

Kelli (31:39.958)
and their families and friends, like as if we had every right to be there with them.

Gina (31:47.33)
I mean, I knew where I was. I had been backstage there before. But Danielle, when they were done, they were walking off the stage. And to walk off the stage, I walked right next to us. So we got a chance to chat with her. And then she got bombarded with pictures because it really was a little disorganized at that point because I don't think security knew what to do.

We Wine Whenever (32:08.65)

Kelli (32:11.138)

Gina (32:12.073)
And then they got it all together and the security guard, just told me we were right there because we were in the front row. got, we were the first ones to go back there. So while Wendy has this light on her camera phone, on her phone, she had beautiful pictures, beautiful pictures. beautiful obnoxious. This thing was so bright. I still can't see out of my right eye, but every one of those guys.

Kelli (32:26.888)
Did say beautiful? I said obnoxious. Beautiful, obnoxious.

Gina (32:40.52)
because we were the first ones to get our every one of them came up and hugged me before I left thanked me for coming. Yeah, except for Joe Benino and because Joe is sick. It was really smart of him not to do that. He has to be careful. Yeah. Well, I didn't I mean, I was concerned because of his health. Yeah. No, I mean, I think that I was just a little concerned because

Kelli (32:46.06)
Yes. Yeah.

Kelli (32:56.197)
I think I actually kissed Joe Booney now.

We Wine Whenever (32:59.839)

Kelli (33:01.154)
I'm worst. I'm like, come here. Give me a kiss. I wasn't even thinking the poor guy's sick.

Gina (33:08.766)
I don't think he's getting chemo from the way he talked, he's got to stay healthy. He's got to stay healthy.

Kelli (33:13.312)
yeah he looks good he looks great they all looked good they're all

We Wine Whenever (33:14.451)
Yeah, he does look great.

Gina (33:19.112)
I've never seen so many short guys in one spot in my life. John food is the tallest at all.

Kelli (33:25.828)
John Foote is the tallest, And the women, they're just so tiny. They're just so tiny. Even Melissa's sisters. Tiny, tiny. But very, very nice. Very nice.

Gina (33:27.168)
And he's like 5 '7".

Gina (33:32.928)
Yes! Yes!

Gina (33:40.105)
So while Wendy is talking to Joe Gorga, we didn't know where, I mean, it was very unorganized. So Kelly and I, we headed over to where the wives were. And then after we did that, security didn't let anybody else over there. We were the only fans that got to spend time with the wives. And they were so welcoming. And we didn't overdo it.

Kelli (34:02.316)
and they literally spent time with us. Yes. They were probably like, what the fuck are you doing over here?

Gina (34:11.646)
Who knew when to leave? No, no, they, no, not our

We Wine Whenever (34:11.647)
I don't think so. I don't think so.

Kelli (34:14.156)
But then Gina had a heart -to -heart with Melissa. You want to tell them what you talked about?

Gina (34:19.517)

My husband passed away six years ago and we were together my whole life. I mean, he was my everything. We were together for 47 years. Anyway, he, Joe Gorga does a routine. Did you see that Mike? Yeah. Yeah.

Kelli (34:36.268)
That was a sign from Joe. Yes, that was Joe!

Gina (34:44.421)
Joe does a routine where he talks about Melissa's getting all hootie hootie with him and she's gonna give everything to him when he gets home and he's all excited. And the second she steps out of the car, she's got cramps or something. And talking about how that happens. Well, I don't know, was thinking, I thought so much about it watching the show, thinking about every time that happened to me.

You know, it's like, you know, you get your husband all excited and then all of a sudden it's like, I gotta watch this Real Housewives on or something, you know? And I don't know what, I'm just, just Melissa and I, I don't know what happened, how it was just Melissa and I talking. And I said, Melissa, I just have to tell you this. And all of sudden tears start pouring down my, because I'm missing my husband. And I'm telling her about, you have to remember every time you tell him no,

Kelli (35:17.42)
That's right. That's right. Beat it.

We Wine Whenever (35:19.367)

Kelli (35:33.016)

Gina (35:39.568)
When he's gone, you're not going to get that back. You, you, you, I'm not saying don't ever say no, but you really have to just remember that every, everything that you're going to lose and everything you're going to miss out and I'm crying and she's like, my God, why did I make her cry? She's holding me. She's like, and we were just having this and I'm telling her, you know, we're having this conversation. And then I, know, and then I said something to make her laugh.

which was good. I to tell her how much I was telling her about. I don't know if I want to go into it.

Kelli (36:14.277)
You made her laugh and then her sister walked over with her husband and his reaction was so fucking funny. I think I, I don't, I think his name is Scott, Lisa's husband. I think, I don't, I don't know, but his reaction, Melissa's like, she's telling me how much she misses her husband and how she regrets not fucking him as much as he wanted to. And he was like, Whoa.

Gina (36:24.804)
He was so sweet. The two of them were so sweet.

Gina (36:35.835)
And then I'm telling her about how beautiful his penis was and I miss his penis. What is going on?

Kelli (36:37.8)
is reaction danielle walked up and she's like what's going on i'm like i know jina misses her husband i know that she was crying and then all of sudden i heard something about dick so i'm not sure how we made the transition but the transition has been made

Gina (36:48.505)
I don't know. I just, you know.

Gina (36:54.403)
just lost it when I'm trying just to tell her just to think about every time you say no how you're going to miss that when he's gone because and you and I said to her I said the next time you say no to him you think about me

Kelli (37:02.712)
Listen, I went home thinking about it. I'm like, my God, poor Eric.

We Wine Whenever (37:12.996)

Gina (37:15.067)
And she goes, there's no way I'm ever not gonna think about you.

We Wine Whenever (37:19.172)
I didn't know she said...

Kelli (37:22.786)
So funny. So funny. This is why they don't let fans near these women. This is why security really, really fucked up. They really dropped the ball this time.

Gina (37:23.163)
And then her sister comes over and I have to tell her sister everything. Yeah.

We Wine Whenever (37:25.85)
She said...

Gina (37:36.613)
She wasn't trying to get away. knew, like I said, I'd been in that environment before, you know when not to be overbearing. But when her sister, brother -in -law, and I realized, spent time with her, talking to her sister about everything, but her husband.

Kelli (37:49.014)
His reaction was so funny.

We Wine Whenever (37:51.0)
His reaction, he's like, I like her. I like what she's got to say.

Kelli (37:53.304)
After the initial, whoa, that's like, I like her. I like her. She could stay. The other two gotta go. Cousin Gina can stay. Yeah, no, I did. went home thinking about that too.

Gina (37:54.423)

We Wine Whenever (37:56.622)
Whoa, I like this lady.

Gina (37:59.766)
Think about it. You know what?

Gina (38:05.036)
You know what? You don't get those times back. You don't get that time back. You know, and there's other things too. Like he wanted to go to Niagara Falls. I don't want to go, you know, just stuff like that, that you regret the rest of your life. Regret not going to Niagara Falls.

Kelli (38:17.758)
Right, right, right.

We Wine Whenever (38:20.855)
Melissa even said, where's Donna Marco? We got to tell Donna Marco this. She wasn't around at the time.

Kelli (38:24.823)

Gina (38:28.14)

Kelli (38:28.266)
I did not realize that her mother was widowed twice.

Gina (38:31.458)
That's tough.

We Wine Whenever (38:31.5)
I didn't either until recently, until this year when she had mentioned it. I didn't know that.

Gina (38:35.32)
Well, they were very young when a dead, what was 40s when he died, like 48. He was young. Yeah.

Kelli (38:39.512)
He must have been young because I think Melissa was 17 or something like that. I don't think she was at a high school or she just graduated. I don't know. It was very sad though. So what else? What else?

We Wine Whenever (38:43.83)

We Wine Whenever (38:47.424)
Yeah, yeah.

Gina (38:48.476)
And then, yeah, but then we, then Danielle and Rachel were there. And I have to tell you something.

Kelli (38:53.27)
Yeah, we talked to Rachel. Rachel stood around talking to us.

Gina (38:57.76)
I did not feel that we were imposing on them because they were just, I think they were hanging out there thinking all the fans were coming over and they just got stuck with us three for like a half hour.

Kelli (39:10.124)
They were probably like this when we weren't looking.

Gina (39:12.214)
Yeah, security. No, but listen, if they wanted to say if they wanted to say listen, out of there, we would have been out. Security would have taken us out. Okay.

Kelli (39:15.746)

Kelli (39:21.577)
I agree, I agree, I agree. Now they were super, super nice, all of them. I forgot, yeah, Rachel talked to us too.

Gina (39:29.632)
But none of us were - Yeah.

We Wine Whenever (39:29.816)
We were talking about our son going to college. Danielle was giving us words of encouragement to keep, you know, keep doing what we're doing and you know.

Kelli (39:32.597)

Kelli (39:38.526)
Yeah, yeah, very sweet. They were all very sweet. Listen, let's just pray and hope that this is our cast for next season, because they deserve it and they're fun.

Gina (39:46.654)
You know what was nice about it? We had conversations, private conversations with all of them, and we didn't talk about the show at all with any of them. Not one bit. Melissa and I were talking about Dick. Danielle was talking about, yeah, and Rachel, the kids and you know.

Kelli (39:55.444)
No, not at all. Not at all.

We Wine Whenever (39:57.322)

Kelli (40:02.06)
Correct. Correct.

I'm pretty sure I said something to Danielle about when your kids become teenagers and they become douchebags, I'm pretty sure. But that's just the way I talk. And that's why other moms who can call their kids douchebags, but also put their lives on their line for them, are my kind of people.

We Wine Whenever (40:12.446)

Gina (40:15.612)
They were very...

We Wine Whenever (40:20.938)
That's right.

Gina (40:22.09)
You know what? Every one of those housewives was asking us questions. Like Rachel was asking you a lot of questions, Kel, about your kids and how old and where they're going. You know, it's like she was really, she was asking questions. You know, she's a young mother.

We Wine Whenever (40:34.314)

Kelli (40:35.978)
I must have been tipsy. Was I answering okay?

Gina (40:38.602)
did. You did. You didn't tell them the truth. You didn't tell them how you really feel. You you were being... You put good Mom Kelly face on. Yeah.

We Wine Whenever (40:39.23)
You were fine! You were fine.

Kelli (40:40.608)
Alright, because I don't remember I got such a bad memory.

We Wine Whenever (40:48.5)
Yeah, yeah, you were good. You were good. So I stayed back because I was talking to Joe because the guy that was running the pictures was trying to like, four pictures, you gotta go, I gotta move it along. And I was like, Joe, he's like, you got enough? He goes, show me what you got. Let's look and see it. And I was talking to him about the podcast. And then I wanted to give them all the business cards, all the guys, the business card for the podcast. And they were all so nice. And then I was like, okay, yeah, now we're moving over here. We're go mingle with these people.

Kelli (40:49.876)
All right. All right, good.

Gina (41:18.642)
was really smart that you ladies have those cards.

We Wine Whenever (41:18.698)
It was a good


Kelli (41:21.804)
Yeah. Good thing Wendy remembered that we had the cards because I'm a loser.

We Wine Whenever (41:26.42)
And I take my Wee Wine Whenever bag everywhere I go. So I'm going to post those pictures. I didn't post those yet, but...

Gina (41:35.41)
When you walked into the restaurant, I'm like, why is she carrying a big bag like that? I'm like, know, I thought maybe you're gonna leave it in the car. You know, it's like, you know, the last thing you do is want to carry anything. And then I saw it was your swag. Do you sell those online?

We Wine Whenever (41:47.593)
yeah, I hear you.

Kelli (41:47.765)

We Wine Whenever (41:50.418)

Kelli (41:52.62)
Yeah. Well, not online, but we sell them. Yeah. We're working. We're getting our website up.

We Wine Whenever (41:53.275)
Not online, but we do sell them. You just gotta DM us.

Yeah, we haven't figured that part of it out yet, but we do have them to sell.

Kelli (42:02.378)
Yeah, yes we do have this.

Gina (42:03.796)
That looked like a really well made bag.

We Wine Whenever (42:07.879)
Yeah, they're embroidered.

Kelli (42:08.01)
It's the same bag that Tamara gave the girls in her Big Bear girls trip.

We Wine Whenever (42:14.449)
Yep. Yep. But it said gals trip or something and ours says we wine whenever it's all embroidered. It is a nice bag.

Kelli (42:18.955)

Kelli (42:23.202)
It's a nice bag.

Gina (42:23.25)
Very nice. But I have to tell you, that was such a fun, fun, fun night.

We Wine Whenever (42:26.024)

Kelli (42:30.273)
It was.

We Wine Whenever (42:30.383)
It w it was a fun night. And then we go out and we're waiting for our valet. And then.

Kelli (42:35.67)
Right? Right?

Gina (42:36.367)
I'm sorry guys, we should have self -ported.

Kelli (42:40.084)
No, because look what happened! This was good!

We Wine Whenever (42:41.779)
Well, who do we meet when we were waiting for the valet?

Gina (42:42.362)

Gina (42:46.842)
Well, what happened was, he doesn't own CIO City, he CIO Lice, which is just as big. But what happened was, Wendy said,

Kelli (42:47.07)
owner of CLC.

We Wine Whenever (42:48.828)
See ya.

Kelli (42:52.557)

Kelli (42:56.433)
You literally can't take me anywhere.

Gina (42:59.72)
The guy came over to us. He saw us in the front row talking to everybody and he came over. Yeah.

Kelli (43:05.43)
He said, what's your podcast? said, how do you know we have a podcast? He said, they said it. I was like, my God.

We Wine Whenever (43:07.462)

Gina (43:10.67)
Yeah. So he said, where are you? You know, that's, where are from? And he said, see, said, 38th and pleasure. Cause I had a condo there up until a couple of years ago. So we're sitting there talking about C isle and then he mentioned to you on C isle ice. Now, you know, it's like, I mean, that's, that's a big company. worked in Woodbine. They were right across the street. That's. Yeah. And C isle, there's not a lot of people that are from C isle.

Kelli (43:20.546)

Kelli (43:33.496)
That's big time.

Gina (43:38.77)
There's people that have houses in Sea Isle, but Sea Isle doesn't have any, you know, it doesn't have any more, it doesn't even have a grammar school. So I don't think they attract a whole lot of, no, that's why the taxes are so cheap. I told you my taxes there was like maybe a little over a thousand, maybe 1500 a year. The kids go Ocean City High School.

Kelli (43:48.472)
They don't even have a grammar school? What school do the kids go to?

Kelli (44:01.485)

Gina (44:02.918)
they go to like Ocean View, you know, like right over the bridge to go to the lower grades. Yeah. But afterwards, I went on his Facebook page because I didn't realize they sell.

Kelli (44:08.525)

Gina (44:18.847)
like a spiked iced tea with the vodka in it. Yeah. And he was telling us about it. So I went on his TikTok page or whatever. looks like it's run by his son. But once I saw it, I said, I know this guy. I used to see him at the plunge. Because CIL Ice would have a big polar bear seat made out of ice. And you could go up and get a picture taken on it. And they didn't charge you like, you know, everywhere else you go.

Kelli (44:20.842)
spike beverage yeah that's the card they gave us yeah

Kelli (44:44.638)
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right.

Gina (44:47.972)
But they do a lot for the town of Sea Isle. They did a lot of sponsorships.

Gina (44:56.16)
The plunge in CIO city brings in more people than 4th of July. It's huge. It's in February and they take, they wear costumes. Everybody gets dressed up and stuff and they, know, with the Pope outfits and the nun outfits and the penguin outfits and they go running in and then they run out and they're freezing in there. Freezing. I don't know how anybody jumps in that ocean. God bless them.

Kelli (45:11.757)

We Wine Whenever (45:19.693)

Gina (45:25.341)
I got a lot of photos, so I learned how to use my Nikon.

Kelli (45:25.463)

We Wine Whenever (45:28.821)
So we met someone while we were waiting. was, you know, an, an, yes, another adventure.

Kelli (45:32.182)
Yeah, that was nice.

Yep, exactly. Super nice. Yes, and his wife. They were lovely, lovely.

Gina (45:36.075)
It was very, very nice and so was his wife. I don't remember their names, but they were really sweet.

We Wine Whenever (45:39.118)

Kelli (45:43.306)
Yeah, so they have a spiked beverage out now. So is it C .I .L.? I have the card, but it's behind me.

Gina (45:47.248)
CIO Ace, right? CIO Two?

We Wine Whenever (45:49.687)
No, I think it's a hard iced tea, isn't it? Spiked tea or something? I don't know.

Kelli (45:52.222)
Yeah, something. But if you go to, I'm sure if you go to CIL, yeah. Yeah.

We Wine Whenever (45:57.559)
Yeah, you'll see it.

Gina (45:58.174)
it. I'm not a big drinker, when I do drink that's the kind of things I like. You know the seltzer with the vodka in it. So everybody go out buy CIL iced tea.

Kelli (46:03.415)

Kelli (46:06.978)

We Wine Whenever (46:07.001)
Mm -hmm.

Kelli (46:10.86)
Yeah, there you go.

We Wine Whenever (46:11.939)
That's it.

Kelli (46:14.914)
So that's it, right?

Gina (46:15.573)
And ladies, I have to tell you, I really thank you for having me on multiple times to be a guest during our New Jersey season. I had a lot of fun. It was so much fun. And you guys, this podcast is going to do really well. Really well. I'm so proud of you two.

We Wine Whenever (46:16.174)

Kelli (46:24.758)
Yeah, we'd love to have a new one.

We Wine Whenever (46:26.955)
We love cousin Gina.

Kelli (46:28.514)
We do.

Kelli (46:34.128)
We hope so. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, we'll have you on again for sure. This is fun.

We Wine Whenever (46:35.085)
Thank you. Thank you.

Yes, definitely. And if anyone is watching, please check out all our social media and follow us. And we're on YouTube. You can watch our videos on YouTube. have TikTok. You can listen to our podcast anywhere you get podcasts, Apple podcasts, anywhere. So until next time, bye.

Gina (47:03.991)

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