We Wine Whenever's Podcast

Tamra's Tears and Shannon's Fears

Season 1 Episode 93

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RHOC Season 18, Episode 7

The episode begins with the aftermath of a party at Big Bear, where the house is trashed, and Alexis, Tamra, and Jenn discuss their fondness for Katie and their hopes of getting Heather to like her. Meanwhile, in La Quinta, Shannon accidentally burns her hand twice while handling hot pans, setting the tone for a chaotic day.

Shannon opens up to the group about her legal issues with JJ, explaining the financial strain it's caused. The other women rally around her, offering emotional support, which leads Shannon to become emotional, feeling more supported than ever.

Jenn shares her struggles with co-parenting with her ex, Will, and seeing her kids in a video at his house. This prompts Tamra to reflect on her own estranged relationship with her daughter, Sydney.

Emily and Gina have a tense conversation during a pickleball game, with Gina expressing frustration over feeling isolated and attacked by her friends. The two eventually reconcile, with Emily assuring Gina of their strong friendship.

As the group prepares to leave Big Bear, Alexis attempts to mediate between Katie and Heather, while Jenn and Tamra discuss their improving friendship. Later, Shannon and Tamra have a heated exchange about Shannon's drinking habits and her ongoing lawsuit, leading to a tearful confrontation. The episode ends with Tamra extending an olive branch to Shannon, inviting her and Vicky over to her house.


  • Shannon didn't plan on bringing up the issue of John Jansen at Gina's dinner
  • Gina and Emily have a sincere friendship
  • Tamra continues to antagonize Shannon
  • Alexis talks to Jen about her issues with John Jansen
  • Emily meets up with Katie to discuss the release of the Ring camera footage The hosts express their support for one of the cast members and criticize another.
  • They discuss the interactions between the cast members and analyze their behavior.
  • They mention rumors and news about other reality TV shows.
  • The hosts have strong opinions about the cast members and their actions.

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We Wine Whenever (00:01.39)
Hi, welcome to We Wine Whenever. I'm Wendy. Today we're talking about Real Housewives of Orange County, season 18, episode number seven. And it is the next morning for the girls' trips, the two separate girls' trips. In the Big Bear house, they kind of show you like the house, and the house is really trashed, because they just had a fun night, and there's bear costumes everywhere, and there's food and garbage.

Kelli (00:03.873)
I'm Kelly.

Kelli (00:11.504)
Mm -hmm.

We Wine Whenever (00:31.212)
Jen and Katie are talking, no, and Jen are talking about how Alexis, Tamara and Jen are talking about how they like Katie and how they're gonna try and figure out how to make it right between her and Heather, which...

Kelli (00:46.2)
I wonder how that's going to turn out quite honestly. That'll be interesting to me.

We Wine Whenever (00:48.491)
Yeah, it will be interesting. And then we see Jen is drinking coffee in the morning and Alexis has her Red Bull and Jen asks her, you a Red Bull person or a coffee person? And Alexis goes into this tangent about her period. I don't even know what she was talking about. It was.

Kelli (01:06.493)
my god.

Kelli (01:11.918)
mean either, but it was not relevant. It went on way too long and she never answered the question.

We Wine Whenever (01:18.581)
Right. And it was only, she was only talking about herself. Like that's all, that's all she does is talk about herself and Johnny J. Like that's the only, that's all she talks about. And Shannon, which is, it's ridiculous. It's ridiculous. And then we, we switched over to the Laquinta house the next morning and the ladies are in the kitchen and they're making breakfast and they have all these fruits and

Kelli (01:22.498)
I mean.

Kelli (01:26.362)
Johnny J.

Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm. Right. Mm -hmm.

We Wine Whenever (01:44.384)
you know, they're cutting up the pineapple and the strawberries. And then Shannon comes in with these two, I don't even know what was in those pans. I think it was something she maybe cooked outside, but she puts them on the counter and she says, can't touch these pans. I just burnt my hand on them, they're really hot. And she's got a potholder and she puts the one down. And then someone says, well, can they be on the counter? And she's like, I don't know. And then she grabs the hot pan again. I was like, my God, poor Shannon. And honestly, I could.

Kelli (02:12.662)
it can't be on the counter like what come on

We Wine Whenever (02:14.272)
I know, I know.

Kelli (02:19.016)
It looked like the bread they bring you at like an Indian restaurant. Is it naan? Yes, that to me that's what it looked like.

We Wine Whenever (02:22.953)
Yeah, like a naan, a naan, yeah. It did look like something like that, but we never, like we never saw them eat it. Like I don't even see it make it to the table. So maybe she was taking them out of the oven. I don't even know where she was taking them out of. I don't know why she, right. Right.

Kelli (02:28.644)

Kelli (02:39.29)
But no, they don't go on the counter. Morons, like come on.

We Wine Whenever (02:46.443)
And then what happened? Then Shannon tells the ladies that she didn't have the intention of bringing up the whole John Jansen thing at Gina's dinner. She didn't plan on telling them that John was coming after her for money. She wasn't gonna bring that conversation up. Shannon, yes.

Kelli (03:05.271)
Shannon, Shannon. I was going to say bullshit, but I thought we were talking about Alexis. No, Shannon. You're right. You're right.

We Wine Whenever (03:08.978)
No, no, Shannon tells, tells the ladies that and she says, you know, I'm already paying my attorney to deal with this because you know, the ladies are trying to give her an advice. Like, why don't you just offer him a settlement?

Kelli (03:16.922)
Yeah. And what Emily said, like try to use a mediator, which I mean, you know, I know people who've gotten divorced through mediators without paying an attorney, which is great.

We Wine Whenever (03:21.852)
Right, right.

We Wine Whenever (03:25.787)
Right. Right. Exactly. But, you know, we find out later in the episode, I'll just jump to this part because we're talking about it. So when she's talking to Tamara at the end, she says that her attorney did offer a settlement and he said he's not going to take it if it's one cent less than the seventy five thousand. And he wants her to come up with a payment plan. And, you know, that's crazy.

Kelli (03:55.01)
So it's awful. Yeah. Yeah.

We Wine Whenever (03:55.111)
It's just crazy. It really is. It really is. And then we also see in the coming attractions that something is gonna happen where Shannon says that he wanted her to sign something and she's not lying. I don't know what that's all about. I don't know what that's all

Kelli (04:13.242)
I don't know. What was the one thing we knew he... she wanted him to sign?

We Wine Whenever (04:18.125)
non -dispersion agreement that he wouldn't talk bad about her. He won't sign that. So he wanted her to sign something that she refused to sign because if she did she would be lying. So I don't know. guess hopefully we'll find out what that's about.

Kelli (04:20.492)
Right. And he won't sign it. I mean...

Kelli (04:29.157)

Kelli (04:33.38)
And we know now who did they say in the episode or is this something that's just online that the videos they have is of her trying to run over his daughter? Supposedly, allegedly. Okay.

We Wine Whenever (04:41.766)
No, they said that in the episode. It's the Ring Doorbell video.

I don't, yeah, I don't know. And Alexis keeps going on. No. No. I don't either. I don't either. I don't. No, I hope it's not true either. And then we see them when she's talking to the ladies, Heather and Gina and Emily. You know, she's very vulnerable. She's going through a lot and the ladies really embrace her. You know, they...

Kelli (04:52.868)
I don't believe that. I don't believe that.

Kelli (05:01.72)
I just hope it's not true.

We Wine Whenever (05:16.955)
They let her know that they're gonna be there for her. could see that they, you know, they're gonna support her no matter what happens with this. And I was really happy to see that because she even said like she's never felt this supported before. And she needs it. She needs a friend. She needs a break. And I think that she's really handling herself very well. I really do.

Kelli (05:19.694)

Kelli (05:29.872)

Kelli (05:37.688)
Yeah. I totally agree. I think this is a redemption season. I think that she turned a bad situation into, you know, like a self -improvement. Like she's really working on herself. And the best part is that she's gotten herself to a healthy place where she's so done with him. Because I think in the past, they broke it up, got back together, broken up, got back together. Like it does seem like she's so healthy now that she'll

We Wine Whenever (05:42.298)

We Wine Whenever (05:51.749)

We Wine Whenever (06:00.88)

Kelli (06:07.044)
Well, obviously she'll never get back together with him now because of the whole Lexus thing. you know, even that aside, I think she's healthy enough to be like, you know what? This is not good for me. Yeah.

We Wine Whenever (06:10.745)

We Wine Whenever (06:19.27)
I 100 % agree with that. And then we see Jenna's talking about her relationship with Will and Will her ex or ex, I don't know, are they divorced yet? Her ex.

Kelli (06:33.486)
Well, I think just recently, but not at the time she's right.

We Wine Whenever (06:36.545)
not when they're talking about it, but yeah. And he's with this girl, Laura, who he's, they've been together for three years. We find out and Laura used to be her friend and her interior designer, which I think is interesting because everyone was trying to paint the picture that she was the one that was cheating.

Kelli (06:53.71)
Well, I think she was. I don't - why did they intimate that maybe he was seeing her before?

We Wine Whenever (07:01.314)
Well, I mean, they've been together three years, which is, isn't that how long they, at that point had been broken up?

Kelli (07:08.452)
I know. Right, like if it wasn't going on before, it was going on shortly thereafter. Yeah, it didn't take long for him to bounce back, which proves her point that we weren't happily married. If you can move on that quickly, then we weren't happy.

We Wine Whenever (07:11.884)
Right. Right. Right.

We Wine Whenever (07:21.388)
Right, exactly.

We Wine Whenever (07:26.53)
Right, exactly. I, know, then when Tamar pulls up his Instagram and shows her that video, like, again, it's like Tamar sticking her nose where it doesn't belong. You could say she was upset.

Kelli (07:28.621)

Kelli (07:42.776)
And could you imagine if somebody had done that to her like what Simon like back in the day when that first all, you know, she wouldn't have liked that very much.

We Wine Whenever (07:53.354)
No, no, she wouldn't. She wouldn't. know, Gina, for whatever reason, it just recently came out online, like what her settlement was with Matt. I have no idea why it came out came out online. But she fought hard for her relationship with Matt. You know, they went to counseling together so that they could co -parent. You know, it didn't come easy. It did not come easy. So I, I

Kelli (08:06.916)

Kelli (08:18.359)
Right. Right.

We Wine Whenever (08:21.449)
I think that Gina is going to hopefully kind of try and like guide Jen to, you know, get that that relationship with her ex so that they can co -parent peacefully and that it's not so tense, you know?

Kelli (08:31.555)

Kelli (08:35.873)
Right. Right.

We Wine Whenever (08:38.533)
then what else happens? Once again, when Jen starts crying about what's going on when she sees the video, then Tamar starts crying and brings it back around to her about her relationship with her daughter.

Kelli (08:52.292)
Tam are crying with no tears. Never saw, never once saw a teardrop from her eyes. She's so phony. It's so phony. As soon as she starts crying, I'm like, I just want to turn the channel. It's not real.

We Wine Whenever (08:54.412)
I mean.

We Wine Whenever (08:59.814)
I don't

We Wine Whenever (09:07.456)
and she just has to bring it back to her. Always, it has to go back to her. It's very frustrating to watch her. Then we see Emily and Gina, they're going out to play pickleball and they never had their conversation the night before, cause Heather kind of hijacked it. So Gina says to Emily, you know, like we need to talk. And Gina says like, I was upset, you know.

Kelli (09:12.592)
For sure. For sure.

Mm -hmm.

We Wine Whenever (09:34.293)
I know you're upset with me and Emily's like, yeah, because I heard you were talking bad about me. Like you were talking about me. If you have a problem with me, like I'm your best friend, come to me about it. And you know, listen, I think that Gina and Emily have a real sincere friendship. I think that that's for sure. I think that Gina was overwhelmed with the situation, the Heather situation, Emily getting closer to Tamara. Tamara never ever really being nice to Gina ever.

Kelli (09:42.853)

We Wine Whenever (10:03.432)
Not that she was as mean as she is to Shannon, but she was never like, you know, embracing her ever. no, no, she was not. No, she wasn't. So I could see where Gina would be a little bit insecure about that relationship. She was having a hard time with Heather. This new girl, Katie, came in who she wasn't really friends with. mean, she kind of knew her and she was the one introducing her, but it just wasn't going well.

Kelli (10:03.653)
Mm -mm.

Kelli (10:08.406)
No. No. And she wasn't to Emily either in the beginning. At all.

Kelli (10:32.945)

We Wine Whenever (10:33.596)
and coupled with everything that was going on with her and Travis, it just was too much. It was too much. So, you know, they kind of hug it out, which is good. I'm glad that they could, you know, they were able to figure it out. But there's a couple of things that were said and I just started laughing. Like, Emily said to her on the totem pole friendship, you're on the top, which I thought was, you know, like letting Gina know that, you know.

Kelli (10:38.618)
Yeah. Yeah.

Kelli (10:56.335)

We Wine Whenever (11:00.231)
You're always, I'm always gonna be there. Like you are my friend and you know, they were crying and then you see cut to Heather and Shannon are inside and they're like, they're yelling actually. They're outside at this point cause she leaves the court and the sprinklers are on and she's trying to get in the house and there's no way to get in the house. It's like, it's like this.

Kelli (11:00.345)

Kelli (11:19.48)
Yeah, yeah. And they're like, should we go out there? Should we go out there? Heather's like, should I go hijack another conversation?

We Wine Whenever (11:23.441)
Right. And they're like,

Yeah, exactly.

Kelli (11:28.868)
Are they talking about me? Because if not, let me go out there and make sure they are.

We Wine Whenever (11:31.423)
And then Gina's when she's crying she's like, you know, I see like what happened with Tamara and Shannon and Emily's like, listen, that's not us. They're two dysfunctional nut jobs. And she does like, you're right, they're fucked up.

Kelli (11:45.038)

Kelli (11:51.681)
And I love when they were walking back in and they're like, are you coming back out? Emily's like, yeah, we'll be back out. She's like, we can.

We Wine Whenever (11:57.532)
And Heather's like, why do I not believe you? yeah, yeah, we'll be back out. No, we're not coming back out. But that's the stuff about Emily I like, you know, that's the stuff about Emily I like. Then Alexis is on the phone again with John Jansen. I actually, I'm calling, or heard.

Kelli (12:02.106)
We're not coming.

Absolutely. Yes.

Kelli (12:17.656)
We've seen more of John Jansen, who doesn't want the spotlight this season than we did the three years he was with Shannon or four or five, however, the hell long they were together.

We Wine Whenever (12:28.017)
Yep. And she's saying that she's going to lose it. And then she starts crying and she's another one like laying on the bed, crying how it's so much for her. What is so much for you?

Kelli (12:33.835)
my god.

Kelli (12:40.822)
Yeah, what is it for you? It's got nothing to do with you except that you're making it about you, which is Shannon's point, which is probably why he's suing her.

We Wine Whenever (12:50.193)

I just can't handle Alexis. Alexis and Tamara, like give them their own show. Let those two go off and do what they want to do. Cause honestly, the two of them are driving me crazy. They're both, they really are. They really are.

Kelli (13:01.754)
They're awful. Yeah. They're making the show not fun and unwatchable. you know, like the other one we all know. Like it's just not fun to watch them. It's and you know, Tamara's big thing is, she's a good housewife because she moves storylines along. That's what Tamra's that's what Tamra's job is to move storylines along. That's why she's pulling up Jen's ex -husband's Instagram because she wants to

We Wine Whenever (13:12.699)
Mm -hmm.

Kelli (13:28.464)
Push that storyline along. Get your own fucking storyline! If your kids talk to you, maybe you can have them on, but they don't want, they don't, they want nothing to do with you. Only the one.

We Wine Whenever (13:38.063)
Yeah. So then they're back from their vacations and Tamara goes over to Gina's house and we see Gina's in the middle of remodeling the kids' bedrooms and she's kind of got like a construction scene over at her house.

Kelli (13:56.208)
What is she doing? She took the wall down between the two bedrooms to make it one big bedroom?

We Wine Whenever (14:00.101)
think so. think she was putting in built in bunk beds before they had like free standing bunk beds. I think she was building like, like a nook bunk. I don't know. I mean, the kid, like I said, the kids are getting older, so I would not be putting something permanent and that's just me, but.

Kelli (14:06.487)


Kelli (14:16.13)
Right. Well, it seems like it's a three bedroom condo, right? So she's got one bedroom and then I guess her oldest wanted his old his own room and then the two younger ones are going to share. So.

We Wine Whenever (14:24.716)
Right. Right.

And I guess before it was three in one room and three in the other room, which is a lot. It's a lot. It really is. It is.

Kelli (14:35.344)
a lot. That's a lot.

I mean, that's like having three kids in one of my kids' My kids' aren't big. You know, it's okay because they have their own bedrooms. the, I mean, Tess's is now what we did with the kitchen, but you know, Joe's room's not that big, but it's his room and it's just him in there. But I can't imagine three kids trying to share that room. Yeah. But I mean, don't get me wrong. You do what you gotta do. You do what you gotta do. But I understand her making the choice she made.

We Wine Whenever (14:45.177)

We Wine Whenever (14:55.02)
Right, right, right.

I know, I can't either. I can't either.

We Wine Whenever (15:05.537)
Right. Right.

I do too. And I know it wasn't an easy choice for her to make. I give her credit. I do.

Kelli (15:12.512)
now. Especially on the kids, because they do seem like they're very, very close those kids. You know, like truly like step siblings.

We Wine Whenever (15:18.061)
Yeah, they do. They definitely do.

Yeah. And I mean, he moved right down the street. So that's good. They're still going to see each other. Like they're in the same neighborhood, which is good. So the whole reason that she came over is so that they can talk about what happened on each other's trips. And, when Gina first starts talking, she says, she starts talking about, Shannon and how upset she was. And Tamara's first question, was she drinking?

Kelli (15:27.375)

Yeah. Yeah.

We Wine Whenever (15:52.108)
Like, come on.

Kelli (15:53.86)
Get like get off of it, Tamara. Seriously, get off of it. It's stupid. It's stupid. You're looking you look stupid now.

We Wine Whenever (15:57.593)
And then, yep. And then Gina says, yes. And then Tamara gets back on her high horse and says, she's an alcoholic. She calls her an alcoholic again. And Gina says, listen, I didn't stop drinking when I got my DUI. And then Tamara says, well, you didn't have a drinking problem. And she said, no, I did have a drinking problem. I did. Right. Yes.

Kelli (16:17.124)
She said, I'm not an alcoholic, but I had a problem with drinking. two can be, what is that saying? Like, right, both can be true, right.

We Wine Whenever (16:25.602)
Two can be true, both can be true. Right. And you know, she's saying that she's gotta stop like doing that. Like that's just antagonizing Shannon by saying something to her every time she has, you're not her mother. Stop, just stop pushing this storyline.

Kelli (16:41.498)


We Wine Whenever (16:46.549)
I don't know. I was very upset with Tamara this whole episode.

Kelli (16:51.308)
She's just, she's just mean. She's just mean. And you know she's only doing it for the show. And that makes it even worse. Like you're not doing it because you truly care about Shannon. You're just not. Stop saying it.

We Wine Whenever (16:53.815)
She really is mean.


We Wine Whenever (17:03.765)
No, you're, no, right. She doesn't care about Shannon because if she did, she wouldn't be doing this. She wouldn't.

Kelli (17:09.836)
No, she keeps saying it's coming from a good place, it's coming from a good place. No, it's not.

We Wine Whenever (17:13.929)
No, it's not. And then we see Emily meets up with Katie and Emily brings her twins to be Katie's son. And they start, that was cute. That was cute. So that they could catch up on their version of, you know, what happened. Emily's, Katie tells Emily about Alexis saying that, I'm just calling him JJ from now on, cause I really don't even, I, that, I mean, you can, I'm going to call him JJ.

Kelli (17:21.749)
yeah, that was cute.

Kelli (17:28.003)

Kelli (17:35.916)
Yeah, how about Jerkoff? Can we call him that? You don't want to say that, you? All right, I'm going to call him J .O.

We Wine Whenever (17:44.638)
Okay, there you go. And they'll know who we're talking about. Is fed up and he's gonna release the video footage. And that's where we find out that it is from the Ring camera and what it is. And listen, that's disturbing. That's very disturbing. Stop making threats. you know, stop making threats. If you're gonna release it, release it. I mean, enough already, like enough.

Kelli (17:47.113)
They will. They will.

Kelli (18:12.069)

Right, stop. Right.

We Wine Whenever (18:14.867)
And what are you gonna get? What are you gonna get from this? Like what are you gonna get from this? Has nothing to do with your lawsuit. She was already arrested for a DUI. So what is it you're gonna get from this? You're gonna have a video?

Kelli (18:22.49)

Right. Right. But like, honestly, you want her to go to jail? Because she might if you release it. it truly shows like intent to harm. I she could, I don't know if she'll go to jail, but she'll get in trouble. But she was under, she was under the influence. She was heavily under the influence. I would believe that she has learned her lesson and that will never happen again.

We Wine Whenever (18:31.231)

We Wine Whenever (18:49.16)
Yeah, I believe so too. I believe so too. And then we see Jen and Ryan going in the spa together and she's, you know, they're getting their manicure, their pedicures, which I think is hysterical. I can't imagine. I just can't.

Kelli (19:04.792)
I know Eric would never do that with me and that's okay, but I think it was cute that he did that with her. Yeah, I mean some guys would and that's awesome.

We Wine Whenever (19:09.67)
Mm -hmm. yeah, absolutely.

Yeah, I agree. agree. And she's telling him about the OnlyFans. How he's like, no, you're not doing that. You're not doing that. Mm -hmm. And good. Yeah, she doesn't need to do that. I mean, that's ridiculous.

Kelli (19:24.715)
and he did not like that.

She said, you're putting your foot down.

I don't blame them.

Kelli (19:36.272)
That only fans is a very slippery slope. It's a very slippery slope. You might be licking apple pie off of your friend's foot one day and the next day it could be a whole different ball game.

We Wine Whenever (19:44.273)

We Wine Whenever (19:48.615)
Yeah, it's true. It's true. And then what happens? Then Tamar calls Jen and she's on her way to meet Shannon because Jen is the one who encouraged her to go talk to Shannon and not be so hard on her because before they left Big Bear, Jen sat down with her and said, listen, I'm glad that you and I are in a good place now. I'm glad that we're there, but I see what you're doing to Shannon and maybe you need to just talk to her.

So when she's on her way to talk to her, you know, calls up Jen to let her know that, you know, she's going to do it because she suggested it, which I'm glad that that happened. But.

Kelli (20:27.694)
Yeah, I think it was good effort on Jen's part.

We Wine Whenever (20:30.298)
Yes, absolutely. And then we see Tamara. Who does Tamara call? Tamara calls somebody.

Kelli (20:37.53)
H -Heather?

We Wine Whenever (20:39.792)
Is it Heather?

I don't remember. Maybe I don't remember, but she did call somebody to say that she was on her way to meet Shannon. I honestly, I don't remember who it was now.

Kelli (20:42.455)
or Emily.

Kelli (20:50.084)
I remember either. tuned Tamra out.

We Wine Whenever (20:53.916)
So she also says while she's talking to Jen that she kind of has animosity towards Shannon because she expected Shannon to reach out to her to have this conversation. And Shannon, yeah, while she was talking to Jen on the phone. And as soon as Shannon got there, she started with that. You know, I was really hurt because I expected you to reach out to me.

Kelli (21:03.194)
Tamar said that.

Kelli (21:14.596)
Why would she reach out to you? You've been nothing but awful to her. Horrid!

We Wine Whenever (21:17.602)
And that's exactly what Shannon said. She's like, what? That's surprising because you've been doing nothing but slandering me for the last several weeks. Like, why would I, why would I reach out to you? You were horrible. You were horrible to me yelling at me at Gina's party. But again, it's Tamra bringing it back to her because then Shannon goes on to, no, this is actually after she gets up because, all right, I have these notes here. So.

Kelli (21:27.119)


Kelli (21:39.589)

We Wine Whenever (21:47.856)
Shannon says to her, I don't have a drinking problem. I am aware. And Tamara says, you're aware of what? She's like, I'm aware that when I'm in difficult situations, I use alcohol for coping, but I'm not doing that anymore. I'm aware. That's what I was doing. I'm not doing it. If I find it to be a problem, then I will address it, but that's not what's happening now. And then she goes on to say, you know, listen,

Kelli (22:10.521)
Right, right.

We Wine Whenever (22:16.73)
Tamar, I've seen you in compromising situations in the past and Tamar's comeback is, did I drive my car through a house?

Kelli (22:20.996)

Kelli (22:28.176)
Like what an asshole.

We Wine Whenever (22:29.799)
And I give Shannon a lot of credit for getting up, for getting up and walking away. I give her a lot of credit for that.

Kelli (22:33.134)
Me too. Me too.

Kelli (22:38.916)
I might have lunged across the table. I might have lunged.

We Wine Whenever (22:41.388)
Yeah. You know what, if it was the opposite, Tamara would have.

Kelli (22:45.968)
100 %! For sure! For sure! She would have started screaming and gotten right in our face!

We Wine Whenever (22:48.216)
hammer definitely would have.

But when she came at her like that, there's no need to come at her. That's all you keep doing is coming at her. And then she, Tamar asked the producers, know, meanwhile, Shannon's in the bathroom crying to one producer, talking to one producer. And then Tamar's still sitting at the table and she's asked the one producer like, where is she? Is she coming back? And he's like, well, she's in the restroom. And Tamar again says, well, is she getting a drink?

Kelli (23:21.71)
Yeah, I can't believe she said that. She's just such an asshole. Like, what are you doing? That's all you got on her. You can't have a mature intellectual conversation because that's all you got.

We Wine Whenever (23:26.327)

We Wine Whenever (23:30.251)

We Wine Whenever (23:34.711)
Yep. Yep.

We Wine Whenever (23:41.067)
No, she can't, she can't. So then Shannon comes back to the table and the class act that she is apologizes for getting up and walking away, but explains that this is what she's learned to do to cope, to remove herself from the situation and take a minute. And that now she's surrounded herself with a small circle of people who really support her. And once again, Tamar makes it about herself.

Kelli (23:56.314)
Mm -hmm.

We Wine Whenever (24:08.845)
Well, I'm insulted. What about the 10 years I spent with you? What? That's not what she was saying. Again, how?

Kelli (24:12.624)
Right, right. That didn't mean anything to you? Like, it's not, it had nothing to do with that. That was so out of left field. And look at the way you're treating her now. Quite honestly, if I had a friend for 10 years who was there for me for 10 years, but then turned around and started treating me the way Tam is treating Shannon, no, it doesn't mean anything now because now you're acting like a complete asshole.

We Wine Whenever (24:38.86)
Yep. But again, she's making it about her. What? No, she's telling you what's going on in her life and how she's coping with this horrible situation that she's been through. And you, you only, the only thing you hear is not the words that she said about herself. You hear, what about the 10 years I was there for you? No.

Kelli (24:42.254)

Kelli (24:50.51)
Right. Right!

Kelli (25:01.954)
Yeah, Tamara is not looking good this season at all. It's not a good season for her and Alexis, she's just useless.

We Wine Whenever (25:09.225)
Yeah. So then Shannon says to her, you know, it really hurt me when you were backing up Alexis at the dinner. And she's like, you mean about the money? And she's like, yeah. And I guess that's when, but I don't think so, because I think Tamar knew already. That's when Tamar appears to find out that she's actually being sued. And then all of a sudden,

Kelli (25:34.552)
Right. And almost seems like she feels bad, which I don't believe either.

We Wine Whenever (25:38.323)
Well, she, yeah, she does seem remorseful. mean, I feel, I know that's like, as soon as she heard that, I did see a change in her face. I did see a change in her face. Like, I, cause I mean, she kind of, she wears it on her face. Like she's doesn't usually hide it. I did see that she was surprised and I did think that she felt bad for her. I did. And then,

Kelli (25:49.518)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

We Wine Whenever (26:05.418)
In the confessional, she tells us how she went through the same thing, her and Shannon, and they trauma bonded back in 2018 when Alexis's ex Jim Bolino sued them. And all the stress, yes, and all the stress that is for three years that they went through. And she couldn't imagine having to go through that again with the same person, Alexis, with the same person, right? So then she says, well, I'm having this thing at my house and I would like to invite you and Vicki.

Kelli (26:15.598)
Yes, yes, both of them.

Kelli (26:24.09)
Mm -hmm.

Right. Partner. Right.

We Wine Whenever (26:36.027)
And Shannon is like, my God, thank you. And she gets up and she hugs her. And I thought, poor Shannon. Like Shannon really thinks that Tamar's gonna be there for her, but.

Kelli (26:47.768)
Not only that, I don't think I would have gone if I were Shannon and I know they're filming a show together, but I would have thought like, fuck that, that's going to be an ambush. Cause if Alexis is there, I don't know if I would have gone. I definitely wouldn't have gone if she didn't put the invite out there to Vicky too, but she did.

We Wine Whenever (27:01.288)

We Wine Whenever (27:12.329)
yeah, I don't know. I, I feel bad for Shannon. I think we're just seeing the tip of the iceberg with what's going to continue to happen this season, but I'm hoping, I'm hoping she comes out on top. really am. I'm team Shannon all the way. I'm team Shannon all the way. I want her to win this one. Right.

Kelli (27:21.988)

Kelli (27:27.524)
Me too.

Kelli (27:32.066)
Me too. Me too. Yeah. And I do, I love that she has the support of, Emily, Gina and Heather. And I'm sure Katie too, but Katie's just not really in the mix yet. But I love that she's got the support of, of them because I think that, she really is showing, like you said, a vulnerable side of herself. And I think that up until now she never really has. And I think that that's what Gina and Emily would get annoyed at.

We Wine Whenever (27:42.332)

We Wine Whenever (27:46.105)
No, she's not.


We Wine Whenever (28:01.639)

Kelli (28:02.828)
And now they're seeing that and they're like, all right, this is a Shannon we can get down with. Yeah.

We Wine Whenever (28:07.291)
Yes, exactly. So I'm team Shannon. I'm rooting for her till the end. And I hope that I hope that we see some good things. On a side note, did you see that they changed the name of Jax's bar to Brits?

Kelli (28:14.479)
Me too.


Kelli (28:24.292)
Now, but was that a joke though? I thought that was a joke that she did with her friends.

We Wine Whenever (28:28.742)
I don't know if it was a joke. really don't because I saw the big lights. I mean, they had the shirts that said Brits. I don't know if it's joke. I really don't. I'll be honest with you.

Kelli (28:38.596)
I did see he checked himself out to resume filming.

We Wine Whenever (28:41.506)
I saw that too, but I also read that according to production, it's up to Brittany whether or not he can come back. So that leads me to believe that something, no, that leads me to believe that something very bad happened and Brittany's holding the cards.

Kelli (28:51.982)
You're kidding.

Kelli (28:58.49)
For sure.

Kelli (29:03.298)
I really hope he didn't get physical with her. I think we would have heard about that by now.

We Wine Whenever (29:08.133)
Maybe not.

Kelli (29:10.798)
That's interesting.

We Wine Whenever (29:12.346)
Mm -hmm. Yeah. Yeah.

Kelli (29:14.458)
That's very interesting.

I know if this is true or not. I literally just saw I was not on my phone a lot today at all because I was at the salon and then took a nap. Which is why I reapply my makeup. But I very quickly saw an article that Melissa Melissa Melissa and Teresa agreed to squash their beef so that they can resume filming together.

We Wine Whenever (29:24.752)
Mm -hmm.

We Wine Whenever (29:43.327)
No. Where? What? What? come on. I don't believe it.

Kelli (29:45.23)
It was on Facebook. I thought there's no way. There's no way. I mean, we just we just heard Melissa on. Did she say it on two T's or did she or was it Andy? She she said it somewhere like it's done. It's over. It's done. And she basically said, I it's not worth it to me to continue filming if she comes back. And I don't blame her at all. Like.

We Wine Whenever (29:50.616)

We Wine Whenever (29:59.555)
Yeah, it was on two teeth.

Kelli (30:13.166)
You guys got a good thing, you and Joe. Your kids are beautiful, healthy. You know, I would miss her. I wouldn't. First of all, if Melissa doesn't come back, I don't want to watch the show. But. You the show is not worth it. The show is not worth it, I don't think they got a beautiful family. Go on, you know, live your life.

We Wine Whenever (30:31.404)
No, I don't think it's worth it either. Yeah, I don't think it's worth it either. don't, no, there's no way. Yeah, I don't believe that for a second. But I would like to know about the Brittany and Jack's name change. And it sounds like it is gonna be a very good season. It sounds like there is a lot.

Kelli (30:36.92)
I didn't believe it either, but I saw it. I'll show you. I'll show you.

Kelli (30:48.244)
for sure.

Kelli (30:53.978)
Well now Lala and Sheena are confirmed to be on the show, right?

We Wine Whenever (30:57.227)
Yeah, but they came on when Jax was in his facility and he didn't want them on the show. So, you know, that's going to be.

Kelli (31:00.601)

Kelli (31:04.366)
Maybe that's why Britney's holding the cards. You know? No. We knew they were gonna join. We knew they were gonna join. They both bought houses in the Valley.

We Wine Whenever (31:07.381)
No, I don't think so. I don't think so.

We Wine Whenever (31:17.258)
know, Lala has get in her own show.

Kelli (31:20.048)
I saw that.

We Wine Whenever (31:21.003)
Yeah, mama something something

Kelli (31:24.932)

By the way, Tess and I settled on Lala for when she has kids. That's what they're going to call me instead. Cause I said I wanted Kiki and no offense to anyone out there named Kiki. Cause I absolutely love that shout, that name. But Tess said that it's a stripper's name and she doesn't want her kids call me that. I love it. But so we settled on Lala.

We Wine Whenever (31:43.915)

We Wine Whenever (31:48.809)
Lala. Yeah. Okay. I'm glad you've got that worked out.

Kelli (31:49.773)
I do too.

yeah, I mean, listen, you know, priorities, people, priorities. but, I wonder, so what is this show that Lala's getting about?

We Wine Whenever (32:00.789)
Ha ha ha ha.

We Wine Whenever (32:07.903)
I think it's about her being a mom.

Kelli (32:09.872)
so it's like a reality show about her?

We Wine Whenever (32:13.153)
I think it's about being a single mom. I don't know exactly, I'll be quite honest with you, but it is her own show. She is getting her own show. And I don't actually even know if it's gonna be on Bravo.

Kelli (32:22.896)
was going to say, I don't think it's on Bravo because from the little bit I read about it, I didn't think it was. Well, we'll see. I wish her nothing but the best. like, I like Lala. I like Sheena, you know, I like Ariana. I don't like Katie. I could do without Katie. Like, you know, Tracy Tudor. I love Stassi. She's getting her own show, right? Tracy Tudor was interviewed and said that she agreed with Lala about Ariana. You know, you.

We Wine Whenever (32:24.691)
I don't know.

Yeah, I don't think it's... Me too.

We Wine Whenever (32:35.357)
Mm -hmm.

I like Stassi.

Mm -hmm. Yep.

Kelli (32:52.662)
signed up to do a show, you're on a reality show, you have to participate in the reality show. You have to put it all out there. She agreed with Lala and her breaking the fourth wall at the end of the last episode. So that was like on a post somewhere. And Katie commented and wrote, shut up.

We Wine Whenever (33:08.308)
Mm -hmm.

We Wine Whenever (33:13.919)

Kelli (33:14.51)
And then Ariana commented and put Queen in the hands up to Katie's comment. You know, it's like people can have an opinion, Katie. You're not the only one who can have an opinion. It's probably why your marriage didn't work out. Well, not really.

We Wine Whenever (33:24.766)
Right. Right.

We Wine Whenever (33:31.552)
that's the other thing I heard. Schwartz is going to be on next season of Summer House.

We Wine Whenever (33:39.092)
Yeah, I thought so too. I don't think I do. I mean, I kind of like him. I mean, yeah, he could be entertaining. I feel like he might be too old though. And then what, like they work in the city and then they stay there on the weekends. What is he gonna, right, exactly. Where is he gonna be? Is he gonna fly out every weekend? I don't know.

Kelli (33:39.268)
That's interesting. I don't know if I like that.

Kelli (33:45.71)
No, I like Schwartz. I don't

Kelli (33:51.481)
I think he's too.

Kelli (33:57.412)
Yeah, what's he doing during the week?


Kelli (34:05.496)
Yeah, I feel like there was something else with Summerhouse and I can't remember.

We Wine Whenever (34:11.517)
Well, they did the, they're filming now and they did the like soft open of Carl's sober. So that's good. I'm looking forward to seeing that.

Kelli (34:19.29)


Yeah, me too. I don't know what it was. I feel like there was something else at Summerhouse. But from what I understand, they're all coming back. Jesse West, except Danielle.

which is okay.

We Wine Whenever (34:40.914)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. That's fine. That's fine.

Kelli (34:44.154)
But I wonder who Lindsay's gonna have as her, you know, wing person.

We Wine Whenever (34:47.486)
It look, well, does she need one? She's pregnant.

Kelli (34:52.602)
think Lindsay always needs one. don't think, I don't know. Yeah. Yeah.

We Wine Whenever (34:54.918)
I... We'll have to wait and see.

We Wine Whenever (35:00.944)
All right, I guess until next time. Thank you for watching and listening to We Why Whenever. I'm Wendy. Bye.

Kelli (35:03.172)

Kelli (35:07.35)
I'm Kelly. Bye.

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