We Wine Whenever's Podcast

Traitors, Tears, and Tan Lines

Season 1 Episode 95

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Traitors, Tears, and Tan Lines

RHOC Season 18, Episode 8

In this episode, the housewives are navigating their personal struggles and relationships while attending social events. Heather, Emily, and Tamra discuss their recent trip, and Tamra invites them to a Scottish-themed "Traitors" party but excludes Alexis. Shannon, dealing with the aftermath of her DUI, decides to install a breathalyzer in her car and reflects on how the incident has impacted her life and business.

Jenn shares a yoga session with Katie, where they discuss Katie's strained relationship with Heather and the challenges from her first marriage. Emily and Shane bond over a spray tan session, during which Emily expresses guilt over her recent behavior and opens up about her tough upbringing, which she feels has made her hard.

Tamra helps her daughter, Sophia, with driving practice, supporting Sophia's decision to take a gap year despite her anxiety. Katie's daughter Kylie wants to change her name, reflecting the lack of connection with her father. The episode culminates at Tamra’s "Traitors" party, where tensions rise, apologies are made, and Heather is revealed as the party’s traitor.


  • Tamra invites Heather, Emily, and Tamara to her party and excludes Alexis
  • Shannon gets a breathalyzer installed in her car and discusses the impact of her DUI on her life and business
  • Katie's daughter wants to change her last name and Katie discusses the challenges of co-parenting
  • Emily and Shane get a spray tan and Emily opens up about her upbringing
  • Heather invites Katie to her event in Sonoma
  • Katie's shady comments about Heather in her confessionals make Wendy and Kelli like Heather more Heather's conversation with Katie brings relief to Gina
  • Emily apologizes to Jen and is seen as a strong woman
  • Shane and Emily worked through their issues
  • Shannon installs a breathalyzer and Tamra mentions clearing John's name
  • The hosts express their dislike for Tamra and discuss the dynamics of the Real Housewives shows
  • They appreciate the drama-free dynamics on Million Dollar Listing

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We Wine Whenever (00:01.166)
Hi, welcome to We Wine Whenever. I'm Wendy. And we are talking about Real Housewives of Orange County, season 18, episode number eight. And we start out with Heather, Emily, and Tamara. They meet up to discuss kind of the trip, but really it turns into Tamara inviting them to the party and letting them know that Alexis is not gonna be invited to the party that she's having at her house, which is the...

Kelli (00:03.687)
I'm Kelly.

We Wine Whenever (00:30.412)
traitors party.

Kelli (00:33.992)
Yes, if I learned anything from this episode is that I have absolutely zero interest in that show, Traders. That was boring, hard to watch. And I knew Heather was the trader the whole time.

We Wine Whenever (00:39.342)
I agree, 100%.

We Wine Whenever (00:44.493)

Yeah, it was. All those things you just said I 100 % agree with. I don't know why people like it so much.

Kelli (00:55.41)
I don't know, mean maybe there's more to it than what we saw. But from what I saw, I'm good.

We Wine Whenever (01:01.291)
Yeah. Yeah. So then we also see Shannon, she's going to get the breathalyzer installed in her car. And I thought it was interesting that the options for her for driving were to have her license suspended for six months, or she could have the breathalyzer installed and drive now, but she would want to say she hasn't driven for six months. So she could have just had her license suspended anyway.

Kelli (01:27.986)
I thought the same thing. I was confused. But then I thought maybe she lost her license for six months right away. And then the next option was you can go another six months without your license or you can have a breathalyzer installed in your car.

We Wine Whenever (01:38.443)

We Wine Whenever (01:47.073)
Okay, that would make sense.

Kelli (01:48.638)
That's what I'm thinking. I could totally be wrong because I was confused just as you are.

We Wine Whenever (01:53.067)
Yeah, yeah, that, I mean, that would make, that would make more sense.

Kelli (01:56.808)
I mean, I think whenever you get a DUI, you have to lose your license for a certain amount of time. I thought first time offenders were three months, but maybe that's New Jersey and this is California. is it?

We Wine Whenever (02:03.072)

We Wine Whenever (02:08.364)
no, it's a year in New Jersey. Yeah, first time offenders is a year in New Jersey. And I think second time, if I'm not mistaken, and I haven't read up on it recently, I think second time is three years and third time is 10 years.

Kelli (02:13.626)

Kelli (02:24.202)
That I knew. I knew third time was 10 years. And then if it happens again, then you just never get your license back, I think.

We Wine Whenever (02:26.72)

We Wine Whenever (02:30.685)
Yeah. So anyway, so she goes and she's having this installed in her car and she also wants it as a reminder to her about the stupid mistake that she made because she's owning her mistake, you know, and she wants to move forward from it.

Kelli (02:45.404)
interesting because it's like why doesn't every car just have that? Wouldn't that eliminate drunk driving?

We Wine Whenever (02:49.833)
Well, not when you saw how difficult it was.

Kelli (02:52.636)
No, and honestly, you could have somebody else do it for you and then get behind the wheel anyway. So I guess it.

We Wine Whenever (02:58.507)
Not really, because you have to keep blowing it at anywhere from every five to 20 minutes while you're driving. Yeah, that's what he said. While you're driving, it'll alert you anywhere from five to 20 minutes. Yeah.

Kelli (03:03.889)

Kelli (03:08.042)
Kelli (03:12.423)
wow, I didn't hear that part.

We Wine Whenever (03:13.97)
Yeah. And I'm like, gosh. I mean, she had a hard enough time sitting there in the parking lot, trying to get it right. can't imagine her getting the alert while she's driving.

Kelli (03:21.972)
Were you trying to do it as she was trying to do it? I was. I was watching her do it and I was trying to do it along with her. And it's not, it doesn't sound very easy. Like hum and blow out at the same time.

We Wine Whenever (03:24.49)
I wasn't, were you?

No, it doesn't sound easy.

We Wine Whenever (03:38.652)
You know, it doesn't sound easy. And then we see, she also talks about how her business has suffered since the DUI. Her real for real. I didn't know that she had a business called Real for Real and it was a health, it's like a health and wellness business.

Kelli (03:40.147)
Mm -hmm.

Kelli (03:58.186)
Well, she had that those meals remember those prepared meals. So was this like a spin -off of that?

We Wine Whenever (04:00.785)
Right, remember, yes. It may or may not be, I don't know, but it looked like it was more of like either supplement or something else. Cause I do remember one time she had like that lemon drink or something. So whatever it was, was, was the tincture, the tinctures, right, right. So.

Kelli (04:15.74)
Yeah, yeah. yeah, the tinge, the tinctures, tincture, yeah.

We Wine Whenever (04:23.665)
Whatever it was, it was promoting a healthy lifestyle. first of all, she felt hypocritical. She wanted to take her name off of it, which good for her, you know? Good for her. But she's trying to rebuild herself and I give her a lot of credit.

Kelli (04:31.156)

Kelli (04:37.906)
It's hard to promote something when you're going through that. like, even when we, cause I was thinking about this as I was watching, even when we started doing the podcast last year, something happened in my family and I was like, I can't, I can't just start posting on social media about this. Like I, I just felt that I didn't want people to think that I was minimizing what had gone on by promoting something that I was doing. So I, you know, much different, but.

We Wine Whenever (04:57.872)
Right, right.

Right. Right. And imagine if you're in the, imagine if you're in the public eye. Right.

Kelli (05:05.67)
Exactly. No, I totally agree with her for how she handled it. Yeah.

We Wine Whenever (05:10.032)
Right. The interesting thing is she got so much slack for the Trace Amigos.

Kelli (05:17.736)

We Wine Whenever (05:18.694)
So like, why did she think that the trace Amigos was okay? I guess maybe because it's entertainment and they took

Kelli (05:26.472)
and it was a job and she was getting paid and she needs the money.

We Wine Whenever (05:30.047)
And she already had commitments, the tickets were already sold and they did change the show to take out the drinking song and the drinking part of it. So, you know, she still could do the show. I just think it's interesting that, you know, like that wasn't brought up, you know, when she's talking about her real for real business and, you know, her and Vicki are talking about the show. Like it would have been a good opportunity for her to kind of explain her side of it, you know.

Kelli (05:38.459)


Kelli (05:54.163)

Kelli (05:58.909)
Yeah, address that.

We Wine Whenever (06:00.815)
Yeah. Then we see Jen is doing yoga with Katie and they're talking about how Katie's doing with the whole Heather situation.

Kelli (06:09.706)
Katie likes to talk about how hot she thinks her husband is, doesn't she?

We Wine Whenever (06:12.916)
Yeah, and it's interesting that every single time we hear these one -on -ones with Katie, we find out like new and interesting information.

Kelli (06:21.566)
I think she's saying a little too much about her ex -husband though and his relationship with her kids. I just feel like that's gonna backfire on her and quite honestly, he didn't sign up for the show and neither did her kids who aren't on the show. So I don't feel like she should be talking about them the way because she's talking about them so negatively.

We Wine Whenever (06:41.762)
I agree with you. I agree with you. think it's going to be hard. It kind of goes back to what happened with Tamara and her daughter who doesn't talk to her.

Kelli (06:52.21)
Exactly. Right. You're definitely not going to get any closer with these kids that don't live with you if you keep doing this.

We Wine Whenever (06:58.541)
Right. Right. Exactly. Exactly. And I think it's interesting that her daughter is actually going so far as to changing her last name, like having to go to court and actually changing her last name. Like that's, you know, it reminds me of everything that's going on with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie with his kids.

Kelli (07:20.617)

Do you wonder if maybe her daughter's, maybe her husband said, her ex -husband said, I don't want my kids filming. And her daughter really wants to film. And that's why her daughter's doing this.

We Wine Whenever (07:37.572)
I don't think so. I don't think so.

Kelli (07:39.006)
But why wouldn't she have done it already?

We Wine Whenever (07:41.634)
Well, I think she just became of age. She's not that old. Her daughter's not that old.

Kelli (07:46.058)
So she's 18, so she's making this decision for herself. Okay, so he doesn't have to sign off on it. Okay.

We Wine Whenever (07:48.864)
Yes, yes, yes, yes. Right, right. No, no, no. She's of age where she's making this decision herself. She's graduated. And, you know, that's what kind of she's talking about with her daughter is that Tamara's daughter is also just graduated. And now she's able to be on camera because Simon wouldn't allow her to be on camera and that they have a lot in common. So she has made this decision herself. That's why we're seeing it. But I agree with you, like,

Kelli (07:56.51)
Got it.

Kelli (08:05.545)

Kelli (08:18.004)
That's wild that Tamra's daughters lived with her this whole time and just has never filmed because Simon and I, and I get it. He didn't, he didn't want her to, and he's her father and he has every right. It's just wild to me that she's been living there this whole time. Did you catch where Tamra said that Simon has two kids that don't talk to him?

We Wine Whenever (08:24.588)

We Wine Whenever (08:36.877)
Yes. Yes.

Kelli (08:38.686)
So I guess it's Sophia who lives with her and Spencer, the son, because the other, Sydney lives with him.

We Wine Whenever (08:45.738)
Yes, it must be because I don't I think but I think Ryan has a very bad relationship with Tamar right now. I think so. I'm not sure if that's true or not. I'm not sure but I know listen.

Kelli (08:48.498)
unless she's talking about Ryan, but that's not his kid.

Kelli (08:55.122)

We Wine Whenever (09:02.285)
Tamar is very self -centered and it's all about her. And I think that is evident to her kids.

Kelli (09:11.592)
Yeah, yeah. I have it written down somewhere, but I like that Sophia will say, I'm not talking about my father. I'm not talking about my sister. I'm not like, I like that she does that because Tamra relentlessly tries to talk about them all.

We Wine Whenever (09:20.48)
Right. Right.

We Wine Whenever (09:26.026)
Right. Exactly. Exactly. mean, even so much as last week when we were talking about the recap and Jen was crying about what was going on with her kids and, you know, how they had this, you know, this relationship with their father and she saw them on social media because Shannon pointed it out to her, Tamra pointed it out to her. And then Tamra brought up her daughter that she doesn't have a relationship with. again, she's always trying to put

Kelli (09:47.881)
Mm -hmm.

We Wine Whenever (09:55.819)
her stuff out there any way she can. Like, feel sorry for me. Feel sorry for me, you know?

Kelli (10:02.002)
Right. Yep. Absolutely.

We Wine Whenever (10:05.088)
what else? then Emily and Shane, I don't, I guess they were getting the spray. Why were Emily and Shane getting the spray tan? Was it for the traders party? I mean, she had tights on.

Kelli (10:13.832)
think that Emily just gets spray tan. Emily probably has somebody come spray tan her once a week. And then, you know, Shane just got involved because that and I thought that was hysterical when she was like, here, let me do your bald spot so it matches. That was great. That was great. I do too. They're great.

We Wine Whenever (10:18.355)

We Wine Whenever (10:22.721)
It was, it was hysterical. I love them together. I really do like them together.

And she has that conversation with him about how she's done some soul searching and how she was speaking to Jen and how Gina called her out for being a mean girl and why she's so tough. And you could see she was being very vulnerable. mean, she was really realizing where it came from and it came from her upbringing and how she was raised and she had to be tough.

Kelli (10:59.398)
She had it rough, I mean, you know, aside from physical abuse, which obviously I don't think there was any of that, but she had no parental guidance whatsoever. I don't think her father was in the picture at all at this point when, you know, she's talking about when she's getting herself up and ready for school, no lunch, no breakfast, no nothing. Like her mom, I guess, was physically there, but absent otherwise.

Listen, I'm sure there's a lot of people out there that live that way. We were very blessed that we did not. And our children are even luckier because, you know, everything we do for them. But that's rough. And I think she's just trying to be the best mom she can be. And I thought that that was so sad when she said to Shane, like, do you think I'm a good mom? she just can't, she needs that. Yes, thank you.

We Wine Whenever (11:36.082)

We Wine Whenever (11:52.188)
Reassurance. Yeah, I agree. you know, we see later when she does get to see Jen that she pulls her aside and apologizes to her. you know, I think Jen posed a good question to her. Is it about, is it really about like you take more, you you have more value to money? And she's like, no, actually, that's not the case. But that's how Jen was taking it because that's what she was attacking.

Kelli (12:02.888)
Yeah. Yeah.

We Wine Whenever (12:22.086)
And it was more so that Emily was saying, how can you not know what's going on? How can you have been like your head in the sand for so long? Because Emily has been so independent her whole life that she just can't imagine. Yeah, okay, Shane's family is very wealthy. But besides that, she became an attorney on her own, you know?

Kelli (12:46.932)
For sure. she, think, you know, I don't know how old she is, Emily, but she has young kids. So she got married a little, not much, but a little bit later. So she accomplished everything she accomplished on her own. You know, she didn't have a trust fund sitting there waiting for her. And, you know, when you, guess when you do something like that and then you look at somebody, but I don't think she should be so hard on Jen for.

We Wine Whenever (12:51.645)
She's in her 40s. Right.

We Wine Whenever (13:00.807)

We Wine Whenever (13:04.326)

Kelli (13:12.446)
having her head in the sand and not knowing her finances. There's a lot of women out there that are like that. We're not, but there's a lot of women out there that don't know the family finances.

We Wine Whenever (13:22.83)
No, I agree. And listen, I think that Emily took accountability for that by apologizing. I don't know if you happen to hear Jen Pedranti was on Melissa Gorgas podcast. So it's good because, you know, Melissa kind of is like diving into that whole subject. Like she finds it interesting because when Jen tells Melissa her story, like they were both the same age when they got married, they were both young when they got married. You know, they had kids right away.

Kelli (13:27.7)

Kelli (13:33.844)
I didn't listen to it yet, but I want to.

We Wine Whenever (13:52.187)
Melissa and Joe happened to work out. So she, in the beginning, she wasn't taking care of that stuff. And it really wasn't until they got on the show where she started to do the, you know, she's tried the singing, but then that's when she opened Envy. And that's when she really learned more about it because she wasn't the one doing it before.

Kelli (13:59.39)

Kelli (14:16.882)
That's what I was going to say. I would imagine that Melissa didn't really have much to do with the finances. She was a stay at home mom and Joe was working and it was like, you know, he, he, I'm sure he took care of all that stuff.

We Wine Whenever (14:23.756)
Right. Right.

We Wine Whenever (14:30.071)
Exactly, exactly. So she could totally relate. You know, she could relate to Jen and I, you know, I thought it was a, it was a good conversation. So I definitely recommend that you listen to it because yeah. Then what happens then Tamara and Sophia are going out to practice driving and my God, like she talks about her daughter taking a gap year and she's totally supportive of that because of her anxiety. But then watching her drive with her,

Kelli (14:33.257)
Mm -hmm.

Kelli (14:40.584)
Yeah, I'll definitely listen to it.

We Wine Whenever (14:58.168)
It was giving me anxiety and I don't have anxiety.

Kelli (15:02.64)
I was like that when I drove with my kids. my God, you're in the street. They're like, no, I'm actually not. And she wasn't, but I was the same way. I actually, this is probably my least hated scene of Tamara when she was driving with her daughter. Cause I could identify with her and I liked that she was understanding that her daughter wanted to take a gap year. Cause I think you have to be understanding. Some kids are not ready to go to school.

We Wine Whenever (15:08.921)
I know. I know.

We Wine Whenever (15:21.737)

Kelli (15:30.76)
right when they graduate high school, and that's okay.

We Wine Whenever (15:32.346)
And some kids don't have to go to school, you know, like we talked about that, even with the Manzos, you know, only one of her kids went to college. You know, the other two didn't want to go to college and that's okay. Like you have to support your kids and let them live their lives, you know, and it's trial and error, you know, it is. Yep, they will definitely figure it out. And then Katie's daughter, we talked about that. She wants to change her name.

Kelli (15:35.642)

Kelli (15:45.662)

Kelli (15:49.074)
Yeah, and figure it out. They'll figure it out.

Kelli (16:01.532)
I do wish that Katie would encourage her daughter more to repair her relationship with her father. I don't know what this guy did other than what was the story that when Katie's mom was ill, he wouldn't let his son see the grandmother? And then the daughter told him he was selfish and they haven't spoken since.

We Wine Whenever (16:17.132)
Yes, yes.

We Wine Whenever (16:22.309)
I think there has to be more to that story. Yeah, I agree.

Kelli (16:24.286)
There has to be. I mean, that guy really did that, that is douchey. I mean, that's the kid's grandmother and she's dying. So I get that, but I just feel like there's more to it.

We Wine Whenever (16:36.716)
Yeah, I agree. I agree that there is more to it. But I think that she doesn't speak to him at all. She doesn't speak to him at all. So it's kind of hard for her to encourage her daughter to have a relationship with someone that she can't even speak to. And her minor son is living with him.

Kelli (16:54.686)
How do you co -parent? They must not be co -parenting. So she has nothing to do with her son in Georgia, I guess.

We Wine Whenever (16:56.459)
I don't think that they are. I don't think that they are.

I, it's hard to say by what they, by what they told us, you know? But she does, you know, that is one of the things that Sophia and, Kylie have in common is neither one of them has a relationship with their father. So, I mean, honestly, they're both the same age. They, they have a lot of similarities. They may be good friends for each other. They have a lot in common, you know? So I'm up for that.

Kelli (17:07.54)

Kelli (17:18.835)

Kelli (17:26.898)

We Wine Whenever (17:33.174)
So the party theme we know is the Scottish, the traitors. Then we see Vicki is going in the car with Shannon. And the entire time, Shannon is trying to talk to her and she's taking work calls and text messages and emails.

Kelli (17:46.25)
That's like classic vintage Vicky.

We Wine Whenever (17:48.19)
It is classic, Vicki. really is.

Kelli (17:51.378)
Yeah, I was there for it. I was there for it. I love classic vintage Vicky.

We Wine Whenever (17:53.322)
Yeah. Then we find out Teddy's going to be the host and she starts out the welcome to the housewives and Vicki, which was according to her Tamar's idea to say that, which yeah, I'm sure it was. I'm sure it was. Yep. So then they have the questionnaires to fill out, you know, and they're

Kelli (18:11.4)
Yes, she did say that. was Tamra's idea. I'm sure it was too!

We Wine Whenever (18:21.375)
kind of shady questions so that the host can decide who the trader is going to be. Then Heather pulls Katie aside and she invites her to the event that she's having in Sonoma, which I thought was good, like because they really haven't spoken since the whole golf outing thing. And she didn't really want to address the situation, which is fine. Like I think that it.

Kelli (18:40.286)
Mm -hmm.

Kelli (18:44.254)

We Wine Whenever (18:49.17)
Really, it's nothing that needs to keep being addressed. think I said this last time. I don't want to hear about the damn paparazzi anymore. Let's just move forward. Invite her to the next event. Be cordial to her. Have fun with her. Laugh with her if you want. That's it. Move forward.

Kelli (18:55.358)
Me neither, I'm over it, I'm good, we're good.

Kelli (19:05.642)
Katie is so shady in her confessionals about Heather though, it's actually making me like Heather more. And you know how. Yes! Yes! I'm like, I... Like if this is what Bravo does, bravo, bravo, because I was not a Heather fan and Katie is making me a Heather fan. She's so shady in her confessionals about her.

We Wine Whenever (19:11.792)
Really? Now this is a surprise!

We Wine Whenever (19:20.692)

We Wine Whenever (19:28.029)
She really is. She definitely is.

And then Heather lets Gina know that she talked to Katie and that they're moving forward so that Gina can kind of have that little bit of weight lifted off her shoulder because she feels responsible for all that.

Kelli (19:42.899)

We Wine Whenever (19:44.64)
Then we see Emily tells Jen that that's when she does her apology that you know ever since they you know had that argument at Gina's dinner she really did some soul searching.

Kelli (19:55.368)
Yes, I thought that was the right thing by Emily.

We Wine Whenever (19:57.511)
Yeah. I also thought it was nice that Jen said to Emily, like, I look up to you because you are such like, you know, a boss bitch, you know, like you do have your shit together and you are in charge. then Emily's like in her confessionals, she's like, my God, now I feel even worse. Like here she is looking up to me and.

Kelli (20:07.156)

Kelli (20:16.168)
And you know, even more than like, you know, getting herself together, like with a career and all that stuff with Emily, you know, her first season, Shane came off like a douche. Huge douche. And you know, that could have went one of two ways. But she and Hank, you know, did the work and came out the other side. And now like, you know, everybody loves them.

We Wine Whenever (20:29.286)
He sure did. He did. Yep.

We Wine Whenever (20:45.862)
Yeah. And I think it was that not so much that he was a douche, we didn't realize their dynamic. We didn't realize that. if you just see that snippet, you're like,

Kelli (20:52.647)

Kelli (20:58.492)
Right, exactly. just, you know, listen, and the first thing was that...

We Wine Whenever (21:05.915)
when they came in the house and they woke up the kids? Yep.

Kelli (21:08.692)
Gina was drunk in the house and he yelled at, listen, my husband would have done the same thing. Eric would do the same thing. Like you're causing a scene, you're waking my kids up. It's time for you to go. Get out.

We Wine Whenever (21:13.094)

We Wine Whenever (21:21.147)
And the kids were little then, like they were young. yeah. Noah, I agree with you. I don't think he did anything wrong, but he did come off like, yeah.

Kelli (21:23.647)
Right, right. So, you know.

Kelli (21:32.744)
Yeah, yeah, but not anymore. mean, they really, they really turned that around. Yeah, for sure.

We Wine Whenever (21:35.309)
No, no, we love him.

We Wine Whenever (21:40.305)
And then Shannon is over talking to Tamra and telling her about how she had the breathalyzer installed. And then we get Vicki, Tamra and Shannon are all together talking. And that's when I still don't know what they're referring to, but that's when Tamra tells Shannon that they want you to clear John's name.

Kelli (22:03.134)
Yeah, like what does that mean, clear his name?

We Wine Whenever (22:05.432)
I don't know, I don't know what, we still don't know what that means.

Kelli (22:08.829)
I mean...

I guess because of things that have come out, like remember, remember the one season they were talking about him being on the golf course with his father at some private club and got kicked out because he was too drunk? Like a couple of things have come out about him over the course of the show, but he can't blame, he can't blame Shannon for that.

We Wine Whenever (22:35.395)
Listen, how is she gonna clear his name? What is she gonna do to clear his name for that? Because she specifically said, I'm not gonna lie for him. And really the way stuff like that works, when crap like that comes out, you're not the one, once it's dead, it's dead, don't bring it back up again. Like that's the cardinal rule of PR. You know what I mean? Like once they've stopped talking about it, don't ever talk about it again.

Kelli (22:43.675)
Right, right.

Kelli (22:53.958)
Exactly, exactly.


Kelli (23:03.131)

We Wine Whenever (23:04.109)
let alone ask for an apology or let's make this right. Like that doesn't make any sense. Like there's got to be something that they're not telling us because it doesn't make sense.

Kelli (23:13.404)
It doesn't. And somebody needs to tell Shannon that there's videos out there that they're threatening to show. Somebody needs to tell her.

We Wine Whenever (23:22.486)
Yeah, I agree. I agree. And they're all they all are talking about it. They're like, well, sweet. She needs to know. But like, we don't want to upset her. But yeah, but you're going to have to upset her. And honestly, I feel like I mean, I don't know when she does find out. I certainly hope it is not from Alexis. But I hope somebody tells her off camera, because that's what a real friend would do. And honestly, I think if anybody at this point should be doing it, should be Gina.

Kelli (23:26.014)
They're all talking about it!

Kelli (23:32.649)

Kelli (23:51.401)
Or Vicky.

We Wine Whenever (23:54.337)
I don't know if Vicki knows, Vicki wasn't a part of that conversation. Vicki doesn't know. Vicki would tell her. I think Vicki would tell her. Vicki, yeah, Vicki doesn't know, because that's when Tamara and Shannon and Vicki were talking that they were all talking about it. When they were talking about the trace, they were talking about, yeah, she doesn't know. Vicki would definitely tell them. out of the, you know, the ones that are left, I think.

Kelli (23:57.466)
I was just trying to think that as we were talking if Vicky was there.

I think Vicki would too.

Kelli (24:13.859)
right. So, okay. So she wasn't part of that conversation.

We Wine Whenever (24:22.654)
especially because Gina has so much compassion for Shannon and has been in the situation. And I think that Gina should be really the one who talks, tells her. Like I said, even if it's, and I don't feel like Gina does things for the camera. don't think, like Tamara does. I don't think Gina does things for the camera. I think Gina.

Kelli (24:42.822)
No, especially not in this situation because Gina's been through something similar. Gina's been through the DUI, not only the DUI, but then also having to talk about that situation with her ex -husband on the reunion where he got physical with her. you know, she's been through shit on this show, whether it was on camera or off camera. But so, yeah, I agree with you. I think she should be the one and hopefully will.

We Wine Whenever (24:56.011)

We Wine Whenever (25:02.548)
Right, right.

We Wine Whenever (25:08.298)
Yeah. Yeah, exactly. It was interesting though, that when they were all, when Vicki and Shannon and Tamar were talking, like they were getting along. They were really getting along. You know, they were, there was banter back and forth. Tamar tells Shannon that they, that,

There's no replacement for, actually, Vicky says it, there's no replacement for the Trace Amigas, and then the three of them hug. Like, you know, they were getting along. I feel like something drastic must have happened since then, because now they don't speak at all. And Vicky and Shannon have both said publicly that they will never be friends with her again, both of them.

Kelli (25:40.564)

Kelli (25:58.74)
I think that Tamara says and does what she needs to do in the moment depending on who's around her. And I really hope it doesn't have anything to do with the lawsuit that John Jansen filed against Shannon. I really hope Tamara didn't get involved in that because after being sued by Jim Bellino, shame on her if she did.

We Wine Whenever (26:13.342)
I hope so too.

We Wine Whenever (26:18.184)
Yeah, I hope so too.

Kelli (26:20.136)
I think Tamra's a shit friend. I don't think Tamra is a friend to anyone. And when she says, I, when she say I'm a truth teller? No, bullshit. No, you're not a truth teller. You're a potster. You're a bad friend. You're not a friend. You're just nobody's friend. Eddie better sleep with one eye open.

We Wine Whenever (26:24.211)

We Wine Whenever (26:28.264)
Yeah, bullshit. No, she's not a truth teller. No. Mm -hmm.

We Wine Whenever (26:44.01)
And that's the other thing that we see going forward too. When they showed like coming up this season where they show Eddie talking to

Ryan and Eddie's like, don't, you know, like, don't even talk to me, like dismisses him completely. Like they were friends.

Kelli (26:58.889)

Kelli (27:05.532)
Yeah. Yeah. I think when I see Jen, when we see Jen say to Tamara, like, you better, you better shut up if you're going to start talking about that. Because when she brings up the FBI thing, do you see her? And you see her put her FBI hat on.

We Wine Whenever (27:23.324)
Yeah, yeah.

Kelli (27:25.556)
You know, you're on a show and you're getting paid to do a job, but when it comes to people's livelihood and businesses, I mean, to me, the explanation, if Jen's telling the truth, and hopefully she is, the explanation she gave about Ryan doesn't seem so terrible, right? And it does seem that Tamara's trying to make it into something it's not, or I don't...

We Wine Whenever (27:45.158)
Right, right.

Kelli (27:54.218)
believe for a second that Tamra even understands what was going on.

We Wine Whenever (27:58.728)
Well, there's that, absolutely.

Kelli (28:00.4)
She's not smart enough. She's just not.

We Wine Whenever (28:03.452)
There's that. And you know, that's the other thing that kind of Jen talks about with Melissa on the podcast is about her relationship with Tamara. And you Melissa's like, you know, I don't want you to give anything away, but you know, I think it was really good that you could forgive her from what happened last season, how she came for you. And Jen was saying that like, it's not even so much as that, like, you know, we were really friends. Like we would go out together.

Eddie and Ryan would have, you know, they all went out as couples together. And if she had some feeling or she felt some kind of way about Ryan, why was it never brought up until she got on camera? And, you know, listen, I think Jen has given her more than many opportunities to be a good friend and something, you know, I don't get why Eddie follows her so blindly.

Kelli (28:34.172)

Kelli (28:43.56)

Kelli (28:58.044)
I don't either. I don't either. mean, he's younger than her, right?

We Wine Whenever (29:04.271)
A little bit, not that much.

Kelli (29:06.226)
Not that much. She was on the show when they met. Like, I'm not trying to say he's with her for the money, but... I don't know. Opportunity? I don't know. I don't know.

We Wine Whenever (29:17.68)
I don't know either.

Kelli (29:19.166)
I mean, I think he was working for a law firm when she met him and I, you know, I think he was like a file clerk. Not that there's anything wrong with this. I'm just saying he, he's not an attorney. He was like a file clerk, which is a very good job in a big firm for sure. But I don't know, maybe opportunities, money, but he does follow her blindly.

We Wine Whenever (29:32.163)

We Wine Whenever (29:42.095)

Kelli (29:42.878)
He lets her, and she has said it, like, he lets me be me. Where Simon, you know, obviously Simon had some control issues, but I would imagine if you're married to somebody like Tamara, somebody has to be in control.

We Wine Whenever (29:57.305)

Kelli (30:00.627)
I couldn't do it.

We Wine Whenever (30:00.835)
Yeah, no, I'm curious to see how this all ends though.

I don't know. I don't like Tamra. haven't liked her in a long time. I did like her for the short amount of time I was listening to her. I skip over almost every one of her podcasts now. I don't listen to them unless somebody's on there that I want to hear. But I don't want to hear her. I just don't want to hear her.

Kelli (30:10.334)

Kelli (30:23.539)
Yes, me too.

I read where and I don't I haven't listened to I haven't listened to Teddy recap OC because I'm not a huge Alexia fan and that's she was doing it with.

We Wine Whenever (30:39.179)
I won't listen to that either because I can't stand her either.

Kelli (30:41.822)
Well, now she's doing it with Erika Jayne. And I read that Alexia, and the person who wrote this article on social media, or did the post, said, I'm not an Alexia fan. However, listening to her recap OC with Teddy, I became more of a fan because she would call Tamra out on her bad behavior, where Teddy never will. Alexia is not doing the recaps anymore. Now they got Erika Jayne doing them.

So this woman was basically saying like, I think that Alexia was doing what we all wanted her to do and call Tamra out for her bad behavior. And Teddy put a stop to it and got now and now has Erica Jean doing it with her. But again, I haven't listened to see if Erica calls Tamra out. I mean, anybody who recaps this show has to call Tamra out for her bad behavior. She's awful. I really hope they don't. I really hope they don't bring her back next season. I don't know if you've noticed, but Heather

Jen, Shannon, Gina, Emily, they're all getting together now. Like current day. Posting it on social media, they're all going out to lunch, they're all rallying around each other. No sight of Tamra. No. It's been Shannon, Heather, Jen, Emily and Gina.

We Wine Whenever (31:50.86)

We Wine Whenever (31:58.028)
Did you mention Katie? Did you mention Katie in there? No Katie.

Kelli (32:08.55)
Not all together, but like Shannon will be out with Heather and Jen and then she'll be with Emily and Gina and you know, Jen will be with this one and no Katie, no Tamra.

We Wine Whenever (32:08.588)
I like those. Right.

Right. Right. Right.

We Wine Whenever (32:20.885)

Kelli (32:22.396)
I would like it's the same. I don't want to bring up Teresa, but it's it. I know I always do. It's so frustrating, but it's like the same thing with Jersey. Like take Teresa and Jen out and let's just watch the rest of them have a good time. Take Tamara out of this. Take the toxicity away and let's just watch the rest of them have a good time. I'll happily listen to Fancy Pants talk about all of her real estate and how much she's worth and,

We Wine Whenever (32:37.857)

Kelli (32:50.92)
and the distance between her house and Drake's.

We Wine Whenever (32:53.408)
You know, the funny thing is I just watched the most recent million dollar listing. L .A. Did you watch it? Where she bought, where she actually bought the house and yeah, got it for 16 .1 million when it was listed for 20. It was listed for 20, but it's originally in the 40s. Like that is a deal. Yes.

Kelli (32:58.941)
I sure did.

Kelli (33:02.877)
next to drinks.

Kelli (33:07.272)
down from like... Exactly.

crazy, crazy. I enjoy watching her on there. cause I see again, perfect example, million dollar listing. They're down to three agents now, Josh Altman, Josh Flagg and Tracy. They all get along. There's no drama and it's very enjoyable to watch. I hated when Frederick was on. That was the worst thing they did was bring him from New York to LA.

We Wine Whenever (33:25.855)

We Wine Whenever (33:29.79)
Mm -hmm. Right.


We Wine Whenever (33:40.682)

Kelli (33:42.002)
I think those two brothers were dramatic or anything like that, but this is a good dynamic. It's the three of them. get along. It's enjoyable to watch. Like, please, can we try this with housewives again? Get rid of Tamra, get rid of Teresa, get rid of the toxicity and let's just watch these people have a good time.

We Wine Whenever (33:44.634)
No, they weren't, but yeah.

We Wine Whenever (33:54.591)

We Wine Whenever (34:01.088)
agree, and I agree that's a perfect example. I mean, to watch Josh Flagg walk in Tracy's house and get in her bed, just look

Kelli (34:04.328)

Kelli (34:10.41)
That was amazing. And when they were co -listing that, well, he was going to France, so she had to take care of his listing. And she was like, I'm up and down the stairs. He's like, sit down. Why are you working so hard? Like, he's like, I could have 14 people here in an hour and one of them's gonna buy this house. Like so good.

We Wine Whenever (34:11.807)
loved it. I seriously loved it.

We Wine Whenever (34:17.222)
Right, right.

We Wine Whenever (34:29.788)
Right, right. I love, yeah, I love the relationship between the three of them. And I like it with Heather. And the fact that, like you said, Josh Flagg was off in France, which we find out he's with Candy Spelling for Fashion Week. And he, and he buys that Hermes bag and Tracy's like, I gotta be doing this next time. Like that's just, yes.

Kelli (34:34.708)
Mm -hmm.

Kelli (34:44.234)
How about that?

Kelli (34:51.068)
Yes, yes. And I love Josh Altman's wife. Her kids are so cute. They are like this almost the same ages as my office managers kids. And I just love that. Like I always think of them when I'm watching the show. They're just so cute.

We Wine Whenever (35:07.078)
Yeah. Yeah, she's got her hands full.

Kelli (35:10.746)
Right. And you know me, I'm always like, they're doing that for a storyline. But with her, like, this is, this is real life. This is her real life, Heather Altman. Like, how do you, I mean, I didn't, I only worked three days a week when my kids were that age. You know, Eric was commuting and you know, gone a good portion of the day, but I only worked three days a week and it was difficult getting my kids, never went to

We Wine Whenever (35:14.546)

We Wine Whenever (35:25.213)

Kelli (35:39.402)
Well, over the summer they would go to the same babysitter's house. like by the time Joe was going to the babysitter's house, Tess was in pre -K. So there were two separate job offices in the morning, two separate pickups in the afternoon after I worked all day. I come home, I got to cook dinner. Like I can't imagine being her where, not that I didn't have a career, I had a career, but real estate is a 24 hour a day job.

We Wine Whenever (36:04.698)
Yeah. No, I agree.

Kelli (36:06.566)
and building another office an hour away. That's a lot.

We Wine Whenever (36:11.044)
It's a lot. really is a lot. I mean, I might take my hat off to her because she's killing it. She's killing it. I mean, I feel bad for her too because you can see in her confessionals, it's killing her. It's killing her. Like she needs to just slow down or she's going to get sick. She's just going to get sick. Like that's what we do as women though. We just keep on going. We keep on going until God says to us, you know what? You're going to slow down.

Kelli (36:15.419)

Kelli (36:22.868)

Kelli (36:27.273)

Kelli (36:37.256)
Yeah, right. In any way, shape, or form it comes. And normally it's physical and you have no choice but to slow down.

We Wine Whenever (36:40.741)

We Wine Whenever (36:45.614)
Exactly, exactly. Yeah. I don't know how we got off on that tangent, but that's just what happens when we do this. That's it. mean, I have nothing really else to talk about. I have zero to say about the stupid trader game and it was dumb.

Kelli (36:52.426)
It is. Girls rule the world.

Kelli (37:05.79)
That was dumb. And man, are they getting heat on social media for bringing Teddy on. Like people cannot stand Teddy. But but look how like it was a good episode because there was no Alexis. She's the Jen Aiden of the OC.

We Wine Whenever (37:19.908)
Mm -hmm.

We Wine Whenever (37:24.675)
Yeah, that's true. You always have to bring it back to Jersey. I love how you do that. Gee, I wonder who the Teresa is of the OC.

Kelli (37:28.06)
I know, it's like a fixation I have, I gotta stop.

Yeah, exactly. Amazing they don't get along, you know, in real life. I wonder how the party like a housewife went with Danielle, Rachel and Melissa. We didn't get to go to that.

We Wine Whenever (37:38.619)

We Wine Whenever (37:46.917)
I know, I don't know, I I saw some videos that looked good. I feel bad for Rachel, she lost her grandmother.

Kelli (37:53.611)
my god, that's right, her nana who we saw on the show. absolutely. I got the chills. Yeah.

We Wine Whenever (37:55.501)
Yes, yes. Yeah, we send our condolences to her and her family during this difficult time. Yeah, yeah. Because we love Rachel Fuda and her family.

Kelli (38:07.452)
We do, we do, and her nana seemed very sweet.

We Wine Whenever (38:10.143)
Yes, yes. I hope they did well with their party like a housewife. I do. So until next time, thank you for watching and listening to We Wine Whenever. I'm Wendy. Bye.

Kelli (38:14.876)
Me too. Me too.

Kelli (38:21.882)
I'm Kelly. Bye.

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