We Wine Whenever's Podcast

Size Matters: Emily Confronts Heather Over Fashion and Feelings

Season 1 Episode 102

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 Size Matters: Emily Confronts Heather Over Fashion and Feelings

RHOC Season 18 Episode 11

In this episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County, emotions run high as friendships are tested. Gina visits Shannon, picking lemons from a neighbor’s tree, and they discuss Shannon’s ongoing legal issues with John, who’s holding incriminating videos as "insurance." Meanwhile, Jenn hosts a party where Shannon's absence is noted, potentially due to her show with Vicki.

Jenn, Emily, and Katie bond over personal struggles with their children. Jenn talks about her son Dawson’s difficulties adjusting to Ryan's household rules, while Emily opens up about her daughter Annabelle. Jenn later confronts Dawson about breaking curfew, leading to a heartfelt conversation where Dawson expresses a desire to live with his father.

Heather attends the GLADD Awards, reflecting on the importance of acceptance. Jenn’s fiesta party later takes center stage, with Emily confronting Heather about feeling excluded at a fashion show due to sizing issues. Heather apologizes, but the tension escalates when Alexis gets pulled into the drama, leading to tears and arguments. Emily’s emotions boil over, and she ends up calling Heather out in front of the group. The episode wraps up with Tamra trying to diffuse the chaos, but tensions remain high.


  • Gina's visit to Shannon highlights the complexities of friendships.
  • Parenting often involves overcompensating for our own childhood experiences.
  • Fashion shows can trigger insecurities about body image.
  • Legal issues can create emotional turmoil for families.
  • Acceptance and love are crucial in family dynamics.
  • Jen's struggles with her ex-husband's responsibilities are relatable.
  • Social gatherings can reveal underlying tensions among friends.
  • Comedy shows can serve as a platform for personal growth.
  • Generational perspectives on parenting can differ significantly.
  • Misunderstandings can escalate quickly in group settings.

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We Wine Whenever (00:01.167)
Hi, welcome to We Why Whenever, I'm Wendy. We are talking about Real Housewives of Orange County, Season 18, Episode Number 11.

Kelli (00:03.681)
I'm Kelly.

Kelli (00:12.686)
We're almost through this, right?

We Wine Whenever (00:14.174)
I know, we are. So we start with Gina goes over to Shannon's and she visits with her at her new place. And as she's walking over to visit with her, she picks two lemons off the tree of Shannon's neighbor, which is appropriate if you know Shannon and she likes her eight lemons in a bowl. I was gonna say it is, I think it is a nine. Yes, exactly.

Kelli (00:30.328)
Yep, I think it's nine.

It just brings good energy, so we want to be right. Yeah.

We Wine Whenever (00:40.046)
And Shannon's talking about her Dose Amigos show and what happened after she left Sonoma. And Gina lets her know about what Katie said about Gina using Heather for her wealthy connections for real estate, which we kind of agree that I don't think that she said that. I don't think that she needs to do that. She's got her own career and she's got her own agency that she's working for.

And then we see Emily, Jen and Katie, meet up for breakfast. And Emily's talking about Annabelle and how she's just like Emily. Her, Shane calls her Emily 2 .0, which I can definitely see. I mean, she's got that energy.

Kelli (01:18.422)
Yes. Yes. You can tell from her Instagram posts. Yeah.

We Wine Whenever (01:25.15)
Yes, yes. And then Emily kind of, you know, she feels like she overcompensates with her children because she didn't have much when she was growing up. So she just wants to make sure that her kids have everything. And listen, I think as parents, we can relate to that. We want our kids to have everything. And right, and I feel, right.

Kelli (01:36.237)

Kelli (01:45.282)
Yeah, more than what we had. You always want your kids to have more.

We Wine Whenever (01:50.848)
which I don't know, like why do we want that? You know, I think about it. I mean, I guess if you struggled, but I had everything I needed and then some when I was growing up, Right? I mean, I didn't want for anything. I mean, I maybe wanted for things, but I didn't need anything.

Kelli (02:00.728)
Me too. Yeah, for sure.

Kelli (02:09.814)
Right, right. You have the necessities in life. Yeah.

We Wine Whenever (02:12.508)
Right. And my children do not want for anything either, which again, is our doing.

Kelli (02:17.827)

Exactly. Yeah. Is this when Emily says about the lawsuit that it's going to backfire on John? Is this when she mentions extortion?

We Wine Whenever (02:30.539)
Yes. mean, I can, we can, well, before that, actually Jen says that she can relate because she's having a problem with her son Dawson when they're talking about how, you know, he's, she's really not really been a strict parent and she's, you know, let him kind of do whatever it is he's going to do. But now that they're living at Ryan's house, Ryan has rules and he doesn't want to follow the rules. But then yes, Emily does talk about

Kelli (02:32.238)

Kelli (02:52.163)

We Wine Whenever (03:00.234)
how John Jansen and his lawsuit, I mean, I'll actually even quote her. She quotes in her confessional, in the California Penal Code, Section 518, extortion is a criminal offense where the defendant threatens to expose a secret of another person, which is exactly what John Jansen is doing. And Alexis on camera.

Kelli (03:21.324)
and Alexis on camera.

We Wine Whenever (03:25.854)
Because at the same time this is happening, Shannon is telling Gina about that, that her attorney called her and said that, listen, John has so much is said that he's using these videos in case she gets out of hand. So he has ammunition against her.

Kelli (03:41.718)
He's blackmailing her with the videos.

We Wine Whenever (03:43.037)
Yes, yes, which I can't believe that her lawyer then didn't just, this is criminal, criminal, criminal. Yeah, I don't understand why that didn't happen to be quite honest with you. I really don't.

Kelli (03:51.512)
For sure, for sure.

Kelli (03:57.624)
I'm hoping it is now, now that the season is playing and now that we're all seeing how they are doing this on camera and it's documented, I'm hoping that Shannon's attorney is pursuing something against them. He should. If he's not, needs a new attorney because Emily said it, she's a California attorney and we listened to the Bravo docket and they're both attorneys in California and they both said the same thing. So come on.

We Wine Whenever (04:05.971)
Mm -hmm.

We Wine Whenever (04:13.279)
yeah, I think so.

We Wine Whenever (04:19.912)

We Wine Whenever (04:26.985)
Exactly. I agree. 100 % I agree. Jen is also talking about the party that she's having at her house and that

Kelli (04:27.872)
Let me do something on her behalf.

We Wine Whenever (04:40.744)
She reached out to Shannon, but Shannon didn't get back to her. And Katie said, well, maybe because she's busy with the show with Vicki, which it turns out that that's where she was. And they agree that it's probably best that Shannon doesn't come because Alexis is going to be there. Which again, if Shannon's busy.

Kelli (04:44.529)

We Wine Whenever (05:01.308)
I hear something weird in my ear. That's so weird. Anyway, I don't know what that was.

Kelli (05:06.658)
big truck just drove by my house, like a really loud truck, I thought that's what you heard, I'm like, wow, you hear that?

We Wine Whenever (05:11.899)
I must have to be quite honest with you. Yeah. Yeah, that was so, yeah, yeah, yeah, that must be what it was. It is funny. We really are neighbors. mean, we're in our own homes. It's so funny. So yeah, Emily.

Kelli (05:14.152)
it must have been that. It was like a big truck that just drove by. Or some loud vehicle.

my God, it's so funny.

Kelli (05:25.898)
We really are, see? But we're just that close. Yeah.

We Wine Whenever (05:40.55)
Emily asked for Katie and Jen's opinion when they're having the breakfast. She said, I want your opinion on something that happened at the fashion show. She said her dress was a size 12. And first of all, I'm not a size 12, which you and I kind of last week talked about. I kind of thought she was probably a 10 or a 12. And you said, no, she's probably an eight. But really that's not really relevant. I just was surprised that that even came up. And that.

Kelli (05:50.019)

Kelli (06:06.55)
I was too.

We Wine Whenever (06:07.47)
And then that Alexis had the same dress on as she, and she was a size two or a four. She felt like she looked like she was going to court, which they agreed. Like she did look very professional. I thought the dress fit her beautifully. I thought it looked beautiful on her.

Kelli (06:21.518)
By the way, that's what I was just going to say. The dress did fit her. despite what size, listen, I can get different sizes in a lot of different things and they're going to fit me differently. the dress, the bottom line is the dress did fit her beautifully. She looked great in it and it did not look too big on her. But the funny part was when she said to them that dress was a size 12, they were all like,

We Wine Whenever (06:25.188)

We Wine Whenever (06:37.636)
It did.

It did not.

Kelli (06:49.048)
They like gasped. I'm like, well, we can't hang out. I'm clearly too fat to hang out with them. They gasped.

We Wine Whenever (06:52.215)
No, no.

No, I mean, I'll be honest with you. I know they did guess and I was gonna say, like you said, like sizes vary by manufacturer. I can wear anywhere from a 12 to a 14 to a 16. I don't even look at the number. Whatever I feel comfortable wearing is what I wear. So I think people should.

Kelli (07:04.866)

Kelli (07:08.611)

Kelli (07:14.476)
Absolutely. I mean, they are in Orange County, California, so it is different than Brick, New Jersey, obviously. But ladies, do yourself a favor and just get comfortable in your own skin and just put things on that fit nice and make you feel good.

We Wine Whenever (07:23.138)
Right. Yeah.

We Wine Whenever (07:30.116)
Yeah, I thought it fit her perfectly. I thought it absolutely fit her perfectly. But then she went on to say, she realized at the end when everyone had on their white shirts that she was the only one wearing jeans. And that's when she realized that the clothes that Heather had that she was, know, in her fashion show probably didn't fit her. Which I don't, I mean, listen, if the dress fit her and that was a size 12, I'm sure,

Kelli (07:32.333)

We Wine Whenever (07:59.947)
that the clothes would have fit her.

Kelli (08:02.732)
Maybe they just didn't have pants in her size. I mean, it was on location. Maybe they just didn't bring black pants in her size. And we were like, shit, what are we going to do now?

We Wine Whenever (08:05.268)
Maybe they didn't.

We Wine Whenever (08:11.585)
Yeah. Right. mean, the bottom line is she felt like she didn't fit in and she, she, no, and she went to the bathroom and she had that minute, that mini breakdown, which, you know, we both said we totally relate to because you shouldn't feel uncomfortable, especially when you're at a group outing with all your friends. And, I know if it was me and I felt uncomfortable, I, I think I would say something just because

Kelli (08:16.652)
Yeah, and that's not good.

We Wine Whenever (08:40.752)
I'm surprised she didn't. I'm surprised she didn't because she is outspoken.

Kelli (08:45.806)
She is, however, think about where they were. They were at a charity event or an organization that's near and dear to Heather. So I can see why she didn't. I'm sure she didn't want to cause any drama. She just wanted to get through it.

We Wine Whenever (08:49.333)


We Wine Whenever (09:04.954)
And actually she did say she didn't realize it until the end. So at that point, what are you, right. Well, she saw, she saw every, right. That's when she's like, my God, I'm the only one wearing jeans.

Kelli (09:08.81)
Right, right. And she saw the picture. Right. Or when they were taking the picture.

Kelli (09:17.503)
Right, right. By the way, why is she putting testosterone in her ass?

We Wine Whenever (09:23.35)
Yeah, I was gonna ask about that too. Like, what is that about?

Kelli (09:27.423)

We Wine Whenever (09:29.547)
I don't know either. We should look that up and find out about that.

Kelli (09:32.108)
Yeah, yeah, I mean unless it's hormone replacement, but why would it be testosterone?

We Wine Whenever (09:39.433)
I don't know. Maybe that's what's needed for, because she did mention on the podcast that her and Teddy were both going, they're both peri -menopausal. So maybe that's something you do. I don't know. I never.

Kelli (09:50.542)
I don't know. I'll look into it though because I'm perimenopausal too.

We Wine Whenever (09:54.113)
Let us know, let our listeners know what that's all about. And Heather does, not Heather, Emily does say that she didn't think Heather had a malicious intent when it happened, that she just, yeah, she just doesn't realize all the work and effort that Emily puts in. And she asked the girls if she's being unreasonable and they all say, you're valid.

Kelli (10:00.346)
For sure.

Kelli (10:08.866)
He did say that.

Kelli (10:14.572)

We Wine Whenever (10:21.458)
in your opinion, and that's when she mentioned about the testosterone pellets, and she's afraid that she may be a little bit more aggressive than she is normally, and that she's gonna cry. But you know what, maybe, I'll be honest with you, because we have seen her cry a lot this season, and we don't normally see Emily cry. So maybe it has something to do with the testosterone pellets and being perimenopausal. Maybe that's all related, because we all know how emotional

Kelli (10:30.7)
Yeah. Yeah.

Kelli (10:39.468)

Kelli (10:47.33)

We Wine Whenever (10:50.739)
you know, we can all be at certain, you know, hormone levels depending on whether it's the time of the month or you're pregnant or whatever. Right.

Kelli (10:55.341)

Kelli (10:58.7)
week before. I'm like a raging lunatic the week before.

We Wine Whenever (11:02.919)
Right. So maybe, you know, that's something that is a part of it. And then then we see Heather's getting ready to go to the GLAAD Awards and she has been asked to be a presenter and her jeweler, Martin Katz, is there with her. She's getting ready. It's a great organization. you know, I'm glad that she was there. I'm glad that she gave the award. thought it was... Listen, I keep saying this, but her and Terry,

Kelli (11:08.268)

We Wine Whenever (11:32.209)
I really, I like them. really do like them. I know some people don't, but Terry says that his children are so loved and accepted in his family that he's not sure that they're even aware of the struggles that their community faces, which you know what? It's true. Like they may not be because they've never experienced that.

Kelli (11:34.891)

Kelli (11:46.349)

Kelli (11:53.517)

We Wine Whenever (11:54.578)
And it's sad that anyone has to experience it, but that's just how this world is. There's gonna be some people that accept things and some people that don't.

Kelli (11:57.045)

Kelli (12:02.508)
Yeah, where did I hear it? But one state got rid of that conversion therapy.

We Wine Whenever (12:08.293)
Yes, I just heard that too. I want to say it was, was it Florida?

Kelli (12:14.358)
I thought it was out in the Midwest, but that's, that's a big, that's a, that's a good step in the right direction for sure.

We Wine Whenever (12:17.453)
One of the states, yes.

We Wine Whenever (12:22.277)
It absolutely is a good step in the right direction. Actually, Matt and I today, went, we did a lot today, but we went to the Seafood Festival in Pointe.

Kelli (12:30.275)
you did? I didn't even know it was happening. I mean I was working anyway but...

We Wine Whenever (12:32.349)
Yep. Yep. We went to the seafood festival in Pointe and then he wanted to go to the Ocean County Library because they were having the gay men's chorus singing. So that was at two o 'clock. We left the seafood festival at 1 30 and we actually made it there by two o 'clock. I don't know how we did it. But in addition to that going on at the library, there was like this, what was it called? It was called the comfort food.

Kelli (12:35.671)

Kelli (12:46.51)

Kelli (12:53.186)
Wow. Wow.

We Wine Whenever (13:01.575)
Festival in downtown Tom's River.

Kelli (13:02.896)
you went to Tom's River! I thought you went to Brick Library. yeah, the food trucks! Laurieann was there, but Magala, yes!

We Wine Whenever (13:05.571)
No Ocean County.

Yes, so the food, was all these vendors and comfort food and yeah, was, I went to two festivals today. when I, yeah. But as we were walking into the library, Matt was dressed like Matt dresses in Matt's way with his gold shoes on and his pink pants and his pink shirt. And there's people out there protesting and trying, you know.

Kelli (13:18.638)
That's so nice. That's so nice.

We Wine Whenever (13:35.917)
Jesus loves you come to Jesus and I'm like Matt just walked by them We just walked by them, but I wanted to say like he believes in Jesus and Jesus loves him Jesus loves him Right. Jesus loves him and like leave him alone. Just leave him leave him alone

Kelli (13:45.218)
Yeah, he knows Jesus loves him. Right, right, right, right.

Right. I can't believe there were protesters there.

We Wine Whenever (13:55.437)
Yeah, it's so weird because I don't go to Tom's River that often for these things. I mean, I usually go for the gay pride parade. They're always there for that.

Kelli (14:01.89)
Yeah, but we didn't see protesters when we were there, did we?

We Wine Whenever (14:06.03)
There definitely were protesters. Yeah, think you were, I think because you showed up a little bit later. Yeah, no, there's protesters.

Kelli (14:12.3)
I did, I wound up meeting you guys there. I don't remember seeing protesters. That's awful. Just let people live for crying out loud. Nobody's hurting you.

We Wine Whenever (14:14.062)
Mm -hmm.


We Wine Whenever (14:21.016)
Yeah, exactly, exactly. Which is why I'm glad that there are these organizations like GLAAD, because you know what? My son is loved by his family, accepted by his family, but not everyone is, you know? Not everyone is. So next we see Jen, she's talking to her son Dawson. She sits down and has a talk with him. He's such a cute kid. And listen, I get it.

Kelli (14:28.267)

Kelli (14:35.142)
I know. I know. I know.

Kelli (14:45.07)
Super cute. Super cute.

We Wine Whenever (14:50.712)
You know, he's a teenager and he wants his freedom. He's not used to having everyone up in his business because he's used to doing his own thing. I was surprised.

Kelli (15:01.55)
thought it was interesting what she said about the father though, like he lets him do what he wants. It's like, yeah, he doesn't want to fight the fight.

We Wine Whenever (15:10.413)
Right, he doesn't want to fight the fight and he only has a one bedroom place and he still would rather be there. Which that's...

Kelli (15:16.192)
Yeah, because he's going to get away with everything because his father's either not paying attention or not fighting the fight. When she said, you know, waking him up for school, that, mean, knock on wood this year has been much different. I'm knocking on every piece of wood I can find this year. Thank God Joe's senior year much, much different, but we've had those battles in the morning. Trying to get him up and out of the door. You know, it's, it's a struggle and I, and I know we're not the only ones, so yeah.

We Wine Whenever (15:22.604)

We Wine Whenever (15:40.79)
It is, no, absolutely not. I was, I'm not sure what podcast it was, but I was listening to a podcast with Jen. Maybe I sent it to you and she was talking about her relationship with her ex and how he had sold the company. Was it Jeff Lewis? Yeah. And how much money he got and how he's still not paying her. Like that blows my mind.

Kelli (15:59.81)
Jeff Lewis. I believe so.

We Wine Whenever (16:11.979)
Doesn't that blow your mind?

Kelli (16:12.214)
It happens. It does blow my mind and I don't know why it happens. And I don't know why a judge doesn't get involved and, you know, put sanctions on people who aren't paying what according to their agreements that they have signed and has been entered into the court. If you've signed something and agreed to it and it's entered into the court, you are responsible for holding up your end of the deal. And if you don't, my personal opinion is that a judge should get involved.

We Wine Whenever (16:31.21)

Kelli (16:42.422)
and force you to do it. But there are people out there who do not think that the law applies to them. And it's very sad because it's a very immature way to live and irresponsible and not setting a good example for your children.

We Wine Whenever (16:59.594)
It is.

It is very sad. And I just hope that one, that Jen is okay and her children are okay because if her husband is not, her ex -husband is not paying his fair share and she's relying on her housewife's salary plus whatever Ryan is helping her with, after we listen to the Bravo docket about the whole Ryan case and really what that's about.

I'm a little fearful for her because although we don't know exactly what Ryan does and what exactly he's involved in, I mean, they did say during the Bravo docket that he has immunity. He has immunity, so he's not going to be charged with anything, I would assume.

Kelli (17:53.614)
So he made some kind of plague bargain.

We Wine Whenever (17:56.903)
Right, right, right.

Kelli (18:01.71)
but what he did was ill

The thing is though that did he know, I mean, so the story is that that baseball players manager stole money from the baseball player and right. I'm sorry. You're right. And wired it to pay off a gambling debt. Now, obviously that's illegal activity anyway, because of the gambling. However, you know, with Venmo and Zelle and all that, you know, wires, can, you can pay people for things and

We Wine Whenever (18:15.933)
It was actually his interpreter, like his interpreter, right? Yeah, it was, yeah.

Kelli (18:35.48)
people don't know about it, you know, know the real reason. So the recipient of that wire, they don't know where that money's coming from because the interpreter probably took it from the baseball player's account and put it into his account and then wired it out of his account. I mean, if you wired it directly from the baseball player's, but again, like listen, I do wires all day at work. Like I receive them, I record them, I send them, I facilitate them, initiate them.

We Wine Whenever (18:52.937)

Kelli (19:05.974)
I only know, well, you do get wiring instructions. You do get wiring instructions and you do see who the beneficiary is, who the wire is going to. And when the wire comes through, you do see whose name is on the account.

We Wine Whenever (19:21.684)
Well, like you said, he could have sent it to himself and then wired it because he changed the account and made himself in control of it. He changed the email and the phone number.

Kelli (19:24.236)
For sure, that's what I'm thinking must have happened.

Kelli (19:31.51)
Yeah, so the recipient of that incoming wire would have no idea that that was stolen money from somebody else. So, I mean, the gambling activity, like basically he's, you know, he's a bookie. He's a glorified bookie. So that, yes, that's a legal activity, but I don't know what repercussions are involved, but he didn't steal the baseball player's money. Like, I feel like the Brab Bros are like hardcore against Ryan.

We Wine Whenever (19:39.015)

We Wine Whenever (19:45.563)
Right. Right.

We Wine Whenever (19:55.129)

Kelli (19:59.926)
with this whole thing. And I know they're big sports guys, but it's like, he didn't know that that money was stolen from that baseball player. Right. And neither did his friend who's running the whole operation that he's basically working for. Right.

We Wine Whenever (20:06.732)
No, how would he? How would he?

We Wine Whenever (20:12.602)
Right. No, how would he? I think it's because they're based, the one is a former baseball player. So baseball is like their thing. And I don't know, they go hard for Ryan. I mean, listen, we didn't like Ryan at first either, but I like him now. I like, I hope it works out. I think he's good for Jen.

Kelli (20:18.985)
right. Right. Yeah.

Kelli (20:27.478)
No, we didn't. No, we didn't. I do too. I do too. I hope it works out and I hope he comes out of this okay. This, you know, legal issue.

We Wine Whenever (20:36.122)
I do too. I do too. So Jen is having this fiesta party at his house and beautiful. I mean, when Gina walked up and said there's a water feature in the backyard.

Kelli (20:42.818)
which is beautiful, by the way.

Kelli (20:49.334)
I just thought of million dollar listing when Josh Flag dressed up as the shark and he was like, here's your water feature.

We Wine Whenever (20:53.307)
The shark. And then she has it catered and Emily's like, I'm gonna go get tacos. Emily and her tacos. And then she starts telling the girls about what happened with Dawson and how he's gonna go live with her dad. And then we see Vicki and Shannon, they're doing their show.

Kelli (20:58.541)

Kelli (21:07.564)

We Wine Whenever (21:20.008)
Shannon tells, actually before they were doing the show, see them like arrive at the venue and they're practicing to slingshot the t -shirts into the audience, which was hysterical to watch, hysterical.

Kelli (21:29.097)
my gosh.

Kelli (21:34.791)
He's like, aim up, aim high, they're like, boop, like it goes right down.

We Wine Whenever (21:37.028)
All right. Yeah. And Vicky's like, I saw this at the Adele concert and she had this big gun and nobody was injured. I'm like, okay, well you're not Adele and you have a slingshot. Right. I was surprised. was a cute, like it was a comedy club kind of audience. Like the setup, which I really liked. I thought it was, you know, a good setup for their show because of the way they do it.

Kelli (21:49.588)
Right. I don't think there's going to be quite that many people in your audience as adults.

Kelli (21:58.796)
Yeah, yeah.

We Wine Whenever (22:05.779)
And there was, you know, it was a packed house. I was glad to see that. So then afterwards we see Shannon, she, you know, she starts talking to the audience about how she was arrested and she made a horrible mistake and now she's working on herself. And listen, I like that she's owning it and she's talking about it because what else can she do? Right? She's got to move forward. What else can she do? And the audience seemed very receptive to her and you know, they knew what they were going to see. They knew it was going to be Vicki and Shannon.

Kelli (22:07.82)
Yeah. Yeah.

Kelli (22:24.46)
Yeah. Yeah.

Kelli (22:32.876)
Right. Right.

We Wine Whenever (22:36.376)
god, these crickets. I have two giant crickets in my basement.

Bill said he's gonna get me some sticky things. I'm just, yeah, yeah. All right, I'm sorry. I get so distracted. Yeah.

Kelli (22:45.127)
yeah, the sticky pads, just stick to them.

I'm sorry. Before we get to the party though, the candle making with Katie and Tamara and their daughters. So I felt like when Sophia was talking about how, cause Tamara's like, well, you don't want kids. And she was like, well, I really think that you need to really want kids to have kids so you can be present. I felt like everything she was saying, she was saying to Tamara.

We Wine Whenever (22:58.509)
yeah, yeah, yeah. yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

Kelli (23:19.958)
And then Tamra totally, totally turns it around and makes it like it's Simon's fault. And then she starts fake crying with no tears again.

We Wine Whenever (23:27.981)
She did start the fake crying 100 % and I agree with you about that because I actually wrote down some quotes during that whole thing because I was like, I cannot believe that once again, Tamra is making it about herself because what Sophia was saying, she literally said, it would be irresponsible of me to have a child if I wasn't 100 % into it just because two people loved each other or they were trying to save their marriage.

Kelli (23:56.876)

We Wine Whenever (23:57.829)
And know, Kylie could relate to that because she has such a tough time with her father too. So before that happened, Tamar had asked Kylie about her boyfriend, because you know, she had this boyfriend and Kylie was saying how, you know, he, after a week of dating her, he texted her, I love you. And then she, he got mad that she didn't, she didn't say it back. And then he was gaslighting her to say it.

Kelli (24:18.722)

We Wine Whenever (24:27.216)
And she's like, you know, so that's done. So all I got was COVID from that. And Tamara's like, well, at least it wasn't an STD, because that stays with you forever. The look on Katie's face was like, my God.

Kelli (24:39.608)
Yeah, like you just said this on camera in front of the world and to my daughter, right?

We Wine Whenever (24:44.14)
Right, about her daughter. Right, about her daughter. About her daughter. And then the other thing that she said was, the moral of the story is when Sophia said that about having children, the moral of the story is be careful who you procreate with. Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me?

Kelli (25:02.38)
Right. Which, yeah, because it's such a dig to your kids.

We Wine Whenever (25:10.667)
And their father. Listen, you don't have to like Simon, but your other two children have a relationship with Simon.

Kelli (25:13.326)

Kelli (25:17.996)
Right. And we, listen, we don't even know if Sophia has a relationship with her father or not. We just learned this year that Sophia has lived with Tamar all along. Tamar is a liar. So I don't need, we don't know if Sophia doesn't speak to her father. Tamar's just saying that. Because every time Tamar brings up Simon in front of Sophia, she says, I'm not talking about my dad. That doesn't mean she doesn't talk to her dad. That means she's not discussing her dad.

We Wine Whenever (25:36.203)
It's true. It's true.

We Wine Whenever (25:42.421)
Mm -hmm.

Kelli (25:47.288)
with you, Tim.

We Wine Whenever (25:48.53)
Right, exactly, exactly. Listen, I think her daughter is very mature. I think that she had to grow up very fast, because she even says in the confessional, like, I was very young when this happened and it really affected me. I will also say that her daughter with the dark hair doesn't look anything like Tamra, but as soon as she dyed her hair blonde, I think she looks exactly like Tamra. Sophia, right? Like, I mean, she's a pretty girl.

Kelli (25:54.744)

Kelli (26:13.068)
Yeah, that was funny. Yeah.

Yeah, she's beautiful.

We Wine Whenever (26:18.089)
Listen, Tamara's beautiful, but she's just an asshole. She's just, yeah, she's just an asshole.

Kelli (26:21.334)
Yeah, she for sure is. She just is on this show. She is when she was just on the podcast. She was great.

We Wine Whenever (26:30.995)

All right, so then we'll jump back to the fiesta. Back to the fiesta. So Emily goes and gets her taco. And then Heather thanks Alexis for coming to the GLAAD Awards. Alexis says, seeing what you do gives me the strength to move forward. This is the other thing that got me crazy in my life with my battle. And then Heather's.

Kelli (26:33.515)
I don't know.

Kelli (26:37.016)

Kelli (26:57.73)
Yeah, what battle?

We Wine Whenever (26:59.241)
So then Heather says, you should have brought John because I know how he supports you. And the girls ask Alexa, what's going on? You see more. But not only do the girls ask Alexa, Tamar is yelling at her. What's happening? What's happening? Like in her face being obnoxious.

Kelli (27:14.178)
Because she wants her to start talking poorly about Shannon. She's egging her on to just... drag Shannon through the mud.

We Wine Whenever (27:20.317)

And then Heather's like, well, just calm down, you know, let her, let her speak. And what she says is first, Tamara says is, are you and John okay? And she's like, yeah. She goes, is it a Shannon thing? And she said, well, it's the legal issues and everything. And then she starts crying. I just lost my mom. I just broke up with my ex fiance and you know, the legal battles, which

really aren't your battles, so I don't know why you're making them your battles. Like, they're not your battles. But Alexis is very much like Tamar, making everything about her, which we'll see later on when Emily is trying to have her conversation with Heather, and Alexis keeps inserting herself. Just because she mentioned her name.

Kelli (27:54.018)

Kelli (28:09.578)
my God, was brutal, brutal. But Alexa's starting to cry. Your boyfriend is suing his ex -girlfriend. Tell him to stop and maybe that will stop all of your stress. Stop, just stop, drop it. It's stupid. You gave her money while you were together. You didn't think about getting the money back from her until two years after.

We Wine Whenever (28:11.825)

Kelli (28:36.812)
You gave it to her because now you're dating somebody else? Like, come on, dude. It's terrible. It's terrible.

We Wine Whenever (28:41.88)
Exactly. Exactly. So then at one point, Tamar and Emily are in the kitchen talking about what Alexis is saying and how it's crazy town. And then Tamar says, well, I guess John has a type, meaning Shannon and Alexis are both crazy. Again, right.

Kelli (29:01.42)
What an asshole! Alexis is supposed to be your friend!

We Wine Whenever (29:05.698)
Well, Shannon was your friend too, remember? So then Jen brings out the giant Jenga, which I thought would have been fine until they put the stupid questions on the giant Jenga.

Kelli (29:07.572)
Well, that's what saying, like...

Kelli (29:19.05)
She - Tamra is such an asshole. Is she the one that wrote, me your butthole?

We Wine Whenever (29:25.211)
I'm sure it was her.

Kelli (29:26.68)
She's so stupid. How fucking old are you? How old are you? And who did it, Katie?

We Wine Whenever (29:31.609)
Yeah. Yes, Katie. So the first question is Alexis pulls the first one and it's the first question is who do you hate? And she says, I hate the devil. And then she throws the block in the fire. Okay. Really? Like, all right, that's dumb. And then Gina pulls hers and she says, and hers is how big is his dick? And she says, not big enough, which was a fine answer. Like these are stupid questions. Then

Kelli (29:48.13)
Yeah, right.

We Wine Whenever (30:01.549)
Heather pulls one and it says bark like a dog. So Heather barked like a dog. What?

Kelli (30:06.69)
You know what? Heather did a pretty good job barking like a dog. I'm not gonna lie.

We Wine Whenever (30:10.475)
She did, I'm surprised. Can you imagine if she got the one that said, me your asshole?

Kelli (30:16.056)

think producers played a part in this.

We Wine Whenever (30:25.7)
Okay, so then Katie gets the one that says, me your butthole. And she picks up her dress and shows Tamara and Emily. Then Tamara gets the one that says, take off your pants and pee in the yard. She didn't have pants on, so she just sat there on the patio and peed on the patio.

Kelli (30:25.998)
for sure.

Kelli (30:44.108)
On the patio, on their beautiful stamped concrete patio. What a piece of shit. She, listen, she's white trash. And I don't like to use that term. Tamra is the poster child for white trash.

We Wine Whenever (30:59.427)
i mean jan even said the the dogs know not to pee on the concrete

Kelli (31:03.086)
How juvenile and rude and disgusting.

We Wine Whenever (31:09.133)
So then after that, then Tamara says to Heather, when does your clothing line come out? And she says, in a few months. And that's when Emily says, listen, I have a question to ask you. When you asked for our measurements, you texted us and told us all the things to bring. You told me to bring jeans. When I got there, I thought everyone else was going to be bringing jeans, too. Heather's like, no, everyone had different things to bring. Emily says, well, what hurt me was when I walked out in the end and I saw that everyone had on stuff by

Susan Bender and I didn't and I had to bring my own pants and you know I felt out of place and Heather says

She said, no, I am so sorry. She said, I'm so sorry. She's like, I didn't, you she did absolutely apologize. And she apologized, she actually apologized more than once. She's like, I didn't, you know, I didn't want you to feel bad. She was apologizing. So I will give her that. But I think Emily just needed a little more than an apology. And honestly, I think if Alexis and Tamar weren't there, it may have happened because then when she brought up

Kelli (31:58.062)
She did apologize. She did apologize.

Kelli (32:16.236)
Yes, I agree with you.

We Wine Whenever (32:20.767)
the Alexis wearing the same dress, then Alexis brought it back to her. And then she started yelling when it had nothing to do with her.

Kelli (32:31.246)
100 % nothing to do with her.

We Wine Whenever (32:33.247)
And then when Emily got up and tried to pull Heather aside to talk to her alone, Heather was already upset that she had called her out in front of everybody and just, you I don't know how much time went on between that, but she was like, you know, like you should have just talked to me alone. Again, Tamra got involved and Alexa's still getting involved. So I just feel like the two of them kept like fueling this for no reason.

Kelli (32:55.511)

We Wine Whenever (33:02.674)
If it was just Heather and Emily, it would have been resolved. Emily would have got to say what she felt and she would have got, Heather would have heard her and would have apologized, she did apologize. I mean, she apologized more than once. She absolutely apologized. But I don't think Emily heard it because of all the commotion that was going on around it. Do you agree with that?

Kelli (33:02.776)

Kelli (33:17.443)

Kelli (33:23.638)
Right. Yes. Yes.

We Wine Whenever (33:26.854)
And it's sad because it, listen, it painted Heather in a bad light when it really shouldn't have.

Kelli (33:34.776)
Well, at first I'm like, my God, she's not taking any accountability. But then she did apologize. And I was like, okay, good, good, good, good. But yet once Alexis, just Alexis just inserted herself and just consumed the whole thing. And I agree with you. If that had not happened, I think that Heather would have been able to fully explain herself.

We Wine Whenever (33:59.626)

Kelli (34:01.802)
and Emily, listen, Emily's a reasonable, rational person. Like she's not gonna be like, you know, that's not good enough for me. She's not gonna be like that. You show her a sincere apology, she's going to accept it. But it just got all jacked up because of Alexis. Why did they bring her? mean, bravo. Bad move. You have to see that this was a bad move.

We Wine Whenever (34:14.833)

We Wine Whenever (34:24.84)
It really.

We Wine Whenever (34:28.638)
I mean all the girls are on the couch trying to tell Alexis it's not about her. And the more they're trying to tell her, the louder and more obnoxious she's getting.

Kelli (34:36.696)
Right, right.

We Wine Whenever (34:38.566)
And then, know, Tamar walks out saying, this is not okay. Again, fueling the fire. And then Gina goes up to Emily and hugs her and she's like, listen, I know, like, I know you're upset about this, you know?

Kelli (34:44.771)

We Wine Whenever (34:53.374)
It didn't have to end that way. Like it didn't have to be like that. like I said, I wish that Alexis wasn't there. I wish that Tamra wasn't there. Give Tamra and Alexis their own show. Bring back Vicky and Shannon.

Kelli (34:56.93)

Kelli (35:01.623)
Me too.

Kelli (35:07.02)
Nah, just get rid of them. Yeah, yep, yep.

We Wine Whenever (35:12.358)
I'm done with those two. I seriously am done with those two.

Kelli (35:14.956)
Yeah, they should bring Vicky back. They should get rid of Tamra. You know, I hate, I hate when somebody thinks the show surrounds, them. Yes, thank you. It's an ensemble cast. Every Housewives franchise is an ensemble cast. I don't, there's not one franchise where I think one person carries the show. I don't think Kyle carries Beverly Hills.

We Wine Whenever (35:27.236)
One person? Yeah.

Kelli (35:43.254)
I don't think Teresa carries Jersey. I mean, I don't even, don't think Candy carried Atlanta. Like, don't, just, there's not one that I could be like, yeah, okay. It's an ensemble cast. Tamra, I think, thinks she saved the show because the ratings were so bad after they got rid of her. I don't agree with it.

We Wine Whenever (35:50.062)
No, I agree with you. I don't think

We Wine Whenever (36:07.376)
No, listen, I agree with you. I didn't like her last season. I didn't like her when she was on originally. She was annoying to me. I was glad that she was off. I think it's time for her to go again. I really think it's time for her to go again. And I hope Bravo sees that. I really do. I'd rather see Gina come back. Kiyo. Right?

Kelli (36:13.219)
Kelli (36:25.341)

Kelli (36:31.214)
Keo. How fabulous does she look for 70? Crying out loud. Yes! That would be great. Bring Gina and Vicky back. Yeah. Let's see if we can get Laurie Peterson too.

We Wine Whenever (36:35.578)
With Vicki? I would love to see that.

We Wine Whenever (36:46.16)
Yeah, why not? Why not?

Kelli (36:47.948)
How amazing for her that that all worked out with her husband. I mean, I feel terrible. She lost her son, but I mean, she really got, I mean, that guy really loves her. If there was ever any doubt in anyone's mind, like she really, she met a good guy that just wanted to take care of her. God bless her. Not take care, you know what I'm saying. Just that wanted to love her and treat her right. Yeah. Yeah.

We Wine Whenever (36:53.355)
Yeah, it is terrible.

We Wine Whenever (36:58.158)
Yeah, yeah.

We Wine Whenever (37:06.52)
Yeah. Yeah, no, I know what you're saying. Yeah. Yes. Yes.

All right, I think that's all I have for OC, unless anything you have.

Kelli (37:16.13)
That's all I got for O's sake. I was glad to see it go.

We Wine Whenever (37:19.852)
Yeah, well, we're not done yet, but.

Kelli (37:21.45)
I know it's so funny because you remember last year, Braavros was like, this is the worst show. I can't sit through it. And they think the season's great, which I guess it is good, but

We Wine Whenever (37:30.906)
I see. don't, I don't even listen to them anymore because I really don't agree with them anymore. It's so weird because I used to agree with them and I don't know if I've changed or they've changed. What do you think it is? Cause you used to agree with them too.

Kelli (37:40.536)

I did, I did. the OC right now, I'm like with them on stuff. Because, especially because Steele talks about how Tamra's coming too hard at Shannon for the drinking. Like, you can't tell someone they're an alcoholic. You can't do that. Yes, and I'd like to hear his perspective. I don't think I listened to them through Jersey because we did not agree. Yeah.

We Wine Whenever (37:59.084)
Right, right. Well, cause he understands that. He understands that whole. Yes.

We Wine Whenever (38:10.265)
see eye to eye. Okay. Yeah. Until next time, thank you for watching and listening to We Why Whenever. I'm Wendy. Bye.

Kelli (38:15.757)
Alright people.

Kelli (38:20.81)
I'm Kelly. Bye.

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