We Wine Whenever's Podcast

The Diddy Chronicles Part 2

Season 1 Episode 103

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The Diddy Chronicles Part 2

Content Warning. ***This podcast discusses child sexual abuse.***

The P. Diddy-Oprah connection is a complex web of alleged associations, controversies, and accusations. Rose McGowan has criticized Oprah for purportedly turning a blind eye to the actions of figures like Russell Simmons, Harvey Weinstein, and P. Diddy. Similarly, 50 Cent has suggested that Oprah and Gayle King protect only black men who are part of the Illuminati, hinting at a deeper conspiracy. Recent events, including the raid on Diddy's property and rumors surrounding Jay Z and Beyonce's relationship, have added fuel to these speculations. Reports also suggest a darker side to Diddy, with claims of him being willing to resort to violence to protect himself and allegations of inappropriate behavior towards individuals like Orlando Brown.

Furthermore, the connections extend to figures like Michael Jackson, Kobe Bryant, and even Chris Brown, with accusations of Oprah's and Gayle's involvement in posthumous attacks and media scrutiny. Corey Gamble's association with Diddy raises questions about his role in the industry, particularly concerning his involvement with Justin Bieber. Additionally, Lou Taylor, a prominent figure in entertainment management, has been linked to various controversies, including allegations of exploiting vulnerable individuals and connections to Kris Jenner and the Kardashian family. The intricate network of relationships and allegations suggests a deeper undercurrent within the entertainment industry, where power, influence, and secrecy intersect.


  • Everything discussed is based on allegations and speculation.
  • The Diddy Chronicles reveal deeper connections to other celebrities.
  • Oprah's involvement in protecting certain individuals raises questions.
  • The entertainment industry is portrayed as a toxic environment for women and children.
  • There are claims of manipulation and grooming within the industry.
  • The hosts express concern for the safety of those who speak out.
  • Kanye West's comments about trauma and monetization resonate with the discussion.
  • The conversation highlights the need for accountability in Hollywood.
  • The impact of celebrity culture on societal norms is critically examined.
  • The episode encourages listeners to question the narratives presented by mainstream media.


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We Wine Whenever (00:24.408)
to We Wine Whenever. I'm Wendy. I'm Kelly. And I'm Lori. That's what I'm saying. All right. So today we're going to talk about something that I'm going to put a trigger warning out for. We're going to do a little bit deeper dive or additional dive into the whole Diddy Chronicles. So a lot more has come out. I don't have everything in depth, but I'm just going to drop some more little breadcrumbs out there. I want to Some tidbits. Yes. I want to say that these are all alleged. Everything that I'm saying here is alleged. So don't come for me.

Exactly. And if you want to come have at it, cause whatever, I'm not even going to respond. Cause no one watches and listens. okay. 

I wanted to put this little bit out there and then we're gonna go with what we have. So there's a connection to Oprah with this whole P. Diddy thing. And I'm gonna tell you, it went back so far as Rose McGowan called out Oprah to turning a blind eye on Russell Simmons, Harvey Weinstein, and P. Diddy, back when she came out with the Me Too against the Harvey Weinstein. Yeah, did, she...

She started it. really did. mean, Russell Simmons. Yeah, Russell Simmons. Russell Simmons. Yeah. Now, you know, when he married that Kimora, Kimora Lee, she was 16 when they met. What? Yes. But they. But I believe he knew her since like 14. Yes. You know, they had a reality TV show. Did you watch it? I did. I did, too, because that's who I am. Yeah, me too. I'm thinking he's a dog.

I did not know she, I knew she was a model. She came out recently. She's gorgeous. She's gorgeous. She came out recently talking that they used to try and get her to speak on their behalf when stuff would come out. And when I say them, I mean, Russell and P Diddy, would call, yep, yep. They would call her, they'd call her out and she'd come on, you know, on Instagram or wherever they wanted her and she would speak.

but now she's not doing it anymore. Why did she do it then though? If you knew what was going on, why would you do it then? Well, the same reason that anybody does it at that point. They're all victims. They're victims. same, mean, listen, Kim Porter's dead. Yeah. And it's very, very possible that that was not natural causes. Of course it wasn't. She was a beautiful, healthy young woman. Yeah. So.

We Wine Whenever (14:28.59)
I'm just putting that out there. Well, I just want to say this, that there have been quite a few people who have heart attacks and blah, blah, blah, died of pneumonia and blah, blah, blah. There are compounds that are non -traceable. Absolutely. That you can poison someone. And make it look like. And make it look like. Mm -hmm. Yes. Yes. And I will say some of the TikToks and the Instagram reels I've been watching, it's funny.

They do, it cracks me up that they say this. What's gonna start happening is people are gonna be unliving. yes. They say illness is gonna come on and people are gonna be unliving. They don't say dead. being dead? Yes, it means dead, but they don't say dead. I'm thinking that it must be, there must be certain words that you can't say.

that TikTok will strike you out for. But I did definitely notice that. And they will say they were S -aid. Yes, yes. opposed to sexually assaulted. Yes. So there must be, that's why last time I put stuff of ours in regards to Diddy, I was like, I wonder if we'll get any flags, but I don't know what the.

Right, that's okay, that explains it. I was like, why are they saying unliving? Because they probably can't say. That's interesting, yeah. Yeah. So also 50 Cent has been dropping hints for a long time about Oprah, about Gayle King, about them only protecting black men who are a part of the Illuminati. Yes. 50 Cent is also exposing Jay -Z and Beyonce after the Diddy Raid, right?

So there is word that they are very close to one arresting P. Diddy. P. Diddy arresting him, because he hasn't been arrested yet. He has not been arrested yet. But also Solange has been supposedly helping Beyonce get away from Jay -Z. Her whole family, the whole Knowles family has been trying to help Beyonce get away from Jay -Z. Why? If Jay -Z is doing something, she's in on it too. Well, she probably is in on it, to be honest with you.

We Wine Whenever (16:44.694)
But she may be a victim as well. She may be a victim as well. When Jay -Z got this girl pregnant, not Beyonce, there was another girl before that. Like a side piece? Who died. Yep. When she was pregnant. Yep. What? yes, died when she was pregnant. Yes. And then. On living.

Right after that, was doing, Beyonce was trying to go out on her own and it was not really going well. And right after that, Beyonce and Jay -Z got together. Beyonce is with Jay -Z because she got sucked in to the vortex, to the vacuum. You can call it a vortex, but let's just call it what it is. It's the Illuminati. It's the Illuminati.

It's deluminati. She got sucked in. Now, whether she's an active participant or not. Or she's a victim. Right. Or both. She's been there long enough. Don't say that. no. I'm telling you right now. Don't say that. She's Beyonce. Don't say that. Kim Porter didn't have the kind of support that Beyonce has. Beyonce has it because she's married to Jay -Z who's connected to Diddy. So you try and leave that and you see what happens. You want to be unliving? You want to be unliving?

I'm telling you this right now. And also, very allegedly, something happened with Blue Ivy and Diddy's son. So. Wouldn't be a surprise to me. Yeah. I'm telling you right now, this is way deeper than anybody knows. It's way deeper than anybody knows. And it's been going on.

We Wine Whenever (18:37.698)
Yes. But I didn't get, haven't gotten a chance to, I've seen the little snippets of the Oprah thing, but I haven't got a chance to go into it fully. I know that there have been a lot of black actresses that even before this P Diddy thing were coming out to say that she is not supportive. So basically what Rose McGowan was saying. Yes, but yes. She's supportive of black males. Only.

black males that are part of the Illuminati. And she's had P. Diddy on her show many times. And there's talks of the partying. This is where all this goes down. So it's pretty, pretty much now it's pretty well known that P. Diddy has videos, surveillance cameras in every residence he has, including the bedrooms. So these people get sucked into these parties where they are drugged and they do things that they didn't plan on doing.

and then they are black males for the rest of their lives. They're black males and that's what happens. You you can either fall in line or you can be unliving or I mean, listen, the whole unsuccessful, the whole Tupac thing, bad boy.

The biggie. Changes everything I ever thought about telling you, it's real. These are real things. That's how far back this goes. That's how far back this goes. I just want to say one thing that's funny that I saw on TikTok this week. There's a big debate in my house who's the real goat, Michael Jordan or LeBron. Of course, Joe thinks it's LeBron. I think it's Michael Jordan. We both state our cases numerous times. So I sent him this video the other day. It's this guy and he's showing a video.

of LeBron's on the bottom of the screen and Diddy's on top. And LeBron's like, ain't no party like Diddy party. And Diddy's like, yeah, that's right. And then it goes to the guy and he's like, Michael Jordan would never say that. Well, then there you go. But not for nothing. I just was so funny. I just was seeing that LeBron may be involved. Well, he he's on camera saying, ain't no party like Diddy party. I'm just telling you right now, I just started to see it, but I didn't want to go down that hole because I wanted to finish going down this hole.

We Wine Whenever (20:56.77)
And because my boys are big lovers of LeBron. Yeah, Joe is too. They're big fans of LeBron, but I don't know. Maybe not anymore. I don't know. I don't know. Orlando Brown has been talking about Diddy for a very long time, how Diddy tried to bring him in as his boy toy. Also, interesting enough, Oprah also attacked Michael Jackson after he died, as well as Gale.

going after Kobe Bryant. That's where some of these questions came in. Because Michael Jackson and Kobe were not a part of the Illuminati. What could you possibly, all right. So Gail King was interviewing, I think it was Lisa Lopes, WNBA player. I think it was Lisa Lopez. She was interviewing her and she was talking about how Kobe Bryant had allegedly been inappropriate with females. And she was very close with Kobe Bryant.

And this was after he had passed. Gail is kind of like going for her. After that happened, Gail kind of got canceled for a while. Good for her, And they were coming after her. Oprah went on the Today Show defending her friend, went out saying that, you know, this really happened. But Oprah did the same thing after Michael Jackson passed away, going after Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson was never indicted.

He was never indicted on anything. was brought to court many times, but he was never indicted. He was never found guilty. And you're gonna start talking about black men that are now dead and making accusations about them as black female reporters, both of them, Gayle and Oprah. 50 Cent was talking about this as well. And Snoop Dogg, Snoop is in there too.

I'm telling you this, snoops involved in snoops on the, on the other side snoops on the good side on 50 cents. That's what I thought. Snoop is on 50 cents side, but listen, you know, I'll be honest with you, Kanye, Kanye has been speaking out about it, especially, and I started telling you that the Corey Gamble association. So Corey Gamble is Chris Jenner's boyfriend, right? Prior to that, Corey Gamble was involved with P Diddy. He was like a handler of.

We Wine Whenever (23:13.102)
artist, right? Justin Bieber, he was a handler of Justin Bieber. And we know what happened with Justin Bieber and Diddy. It was supposed, because there's nothing, we don't know anything about Corey Gamble. Kanye has said this, we've never met his family, we know nothing about him. He's got very deep ties. He's got very deep ties. So 24 hours before the P Diddy raid, Kim Kardashian, this is fact, unfollowed P Diddy. Kris Jenner,

has made her girls pay tithes to this church that I was telling you about. The head of the church is Lou Taylor. This church pays off all the victims of Diddy. It's a washing machine. It's a washing machine. And the woman that - Lou Taylor is a female. She's also the CEO of TriStar Sports and Entertainment.

So she was the business manager of Britney Spears. She was responsible for the conservatorship of Britney Spears. And Michael Lohan went after her because Lindsay Lohan's mom and her, Taylor, got a conservatorship against, for Lindsay Lohan, but that Mike Lohan had no part of. So she has also been a part of this whole thing. And this has been going on.

in Hollywood, in the entertainment business, in the music business, for a very, very long time. There's a lot of money washing with that too. Yes. she's secured million dollar loans for the Kardashians. So she's uber involved. Supposedly, allegedly, in the raid, they found videotape

evidence of something that happened with Justin Bieber and Kim Kardashian on videotape. And I had read that a while back, Justin Bieber's mom knew about this and was going after the Kardashians. And then all of a sudden it got shut down. What the hell is on the video? Who knows? Who knows? But Ray J's been saying this, Kanye's been saying this, people that

We Wine Whenever (25:35.162)
Cat Williams, remember we were talking about Cat Williams. Also a girl that I just started following. Her name is Jaguar Wright. You want to talk about interesting. Does she have really short hair? Very short hair. She's the one that was saying about the corporation that there were five partners and she's the only one still alive. Absolutely. And that is Uptown Records. Yes. Was started with Andre Durrell, Albie Shure, Heavy D.

and Puff Daddy. Andre Durrell, heart attack. Heavy D, heart attack. Albie Shure, just got out of a coma. He's still alive, but he just got out of a coma. No, I haven't heard him. And no one has mentioned why. Now, Andre Durrell, his personal assistant was Kim Porter. She did too.

Right. And she was a partner in it too. So she's dead And this woman, what's her name? Jaguar? Jaguar, right. She said that they were all about to write books. Absolutely. all books. Everybody except for Albie Shore was getting ready to do a documentary on his life. Yes. Yep. So very interesting. Yep. And Kim Porter dated and has a child with Albie Shore. I didn't know that. was with him, right? Yes. She was with him before Diddy.

And she has a child with him. Yeah. So also Chris Brown is also exposing Jay Z. So we all hated Chris Brown, right? Cause we thought Chris Brown beat, beat Rihanna, but there's way more to that than we ever knew. So yes, there was an altercation and that is absolutely wrong, but it was because Rihanna was having an affair with Jay Z. She really was? Yes.

when he first brought her out, like when Umbrella came out. Yes. And he was with Beyonce. Yes. And Rihanna was a side piece. Yes. And I don't know if you remember just recently when she was doing the Super Bowl. She came out. Last year. Right, last year. And she came out and she showed her pregnant belly. I don't know if you remember at the end. She did the sign. The Illuminati. I saw that. She did. I saw that. She did.

We Wine Whenever (28:00.354)
She did. I'm telling you right now. again, I don't know if she's in it willingly or not, because I feel like some of these people are - But you can't say that all the women are victims and - But it's not just the women. But actually, you can. Yes. Because in the entertainment industry, starting back even from Judy Garland, in the entertainment industry, it is

horrible, horrible, horrible place for a woman. There is nowhere for you to go. There is nobody to run to because every motherfucker that you run to will want the money or the power more. So it really is a totally... horrible, horrible place to be a woman. So that's why when Wendy says stuff like that...

since I've done the research that I've done, I can definitely say I get it. There is nowhere to go. And look what happened to Kim Porter, she's dead. Look what happened to Jay -Z's pregnant, like they're dead. Like these people wind up dead. So you can't speak out and to think that you can, you can't. Because it's way bigger than I think anybody knows.

The other thing was, I also saw that Corey Gamble, when Kim Porter died, Corey Gamble was one of the first to arrive on scene. So he was involved with Diddy back then. And then all of a sudden, Corey Gamble shows up with Kris Jenner. Nobody knew where he came from. Nobody knew where Corey Gamble came from. only died a few years ago. He was with Kris way before that. He was with Kris way before Kim Porter died.

I'm just saying he's been with Diddy for a long time. He's been a Diddy guy for a long time. Then there's this other fellow, Sir Lucian Grange. He's the CEO of Universal Music Group. used to be named Michael G. He was the son of Cecil G, who was a tailor in London. Why he changed his name, nobody knows. But that is another person. a big jump. Yeah.

We Wine Whenever (30:16.334)
That's another person that really needs to be investigated because he also is involved in this whole ditty thing I don't know exactly how far back it goes and what's going on with it But I do I you know, I got that little bit of information

We Wine Whenever (30:34.674)
So the Kardashians are involved linked somehow with this Lou Taylor Yes, they absolutely are linked to this whole ditty thing. Yes. So the loose italy. Yeah, so Lou Taylor also There's this church that church also funds some Christian residential this church this church that the girls are giving their their ties to

and whoever else is putting money into is paying off all the victims of Diddy, is putting people in these residential Christian programs, which we know how screwed up that is based on what we've seen out there. And I looked up this woman. I mean, she's on LinkedIn. She's on LinkedIn. The woman was born Lou Mary Taylor.

On October 30th, 1965, she's an American businesswoman and entrepreneur. She became a public figure in 2008, acting as singer Britney Spears' family spokesperson amid the Dr. Phil allegations of violation of trust in a family intervention. So that's how this woman came up.

Crazy. Kanye West. She really parlayed that into something. Yeah, she sure did. Kanye West, his quote was, they want to traumatize you and monetize you. And listen, I know Kanye's crazy. And I know he has mental health issues, but you know what? He was on the inside. Right. He was on the inside. And he had said many times that he doesn't want Corey Gamble around his children. He did? Yes. Yes. Well, I would imagine he's losing.

Well, Corey Gamble also was, Corey and Chris were the ones trying to hospitalize him when they were going through the divorce. They were the ones trying to get him hospitalized. Wow. I listen, Kanye, like he said, he said this himself. again, I know that he's a little off, but there's some truth in what he says. He lost Adidas, he's lost everything. He lost Forbes, but you know what? He's still on top. He's still making money. Yeah, he's still got money. still making money.

We Wine Whenever (32:49.366)
and it has nothing to do with these other people, which is why he's one of the few people who can actually speak out and people won't listen to him because they think he's crazy. Because that's the narrative that's being put out by Kardashians. I mean, they really, they really, I have not watched that show and I watched it when it first came on. I think the Hulu show is getting canceled after this whole situation. I don't think we're gonna see it again. I don't think we're gonna see it again. Well, I mean, just the big fucking deal they made about.

ending the show and then really they just went from the E -channel to Hulu like assholes but they really... Because on the E -channel they didn't have full they weren't full producers it was Ryan Seacrest. it was a Ryan Seacrest production. Don't go to another network. to the other network and they had full they had full producer. They write their own storylines. They did whatever they wanted to do. So think about it this way. I know why you're doing that.

No, it's good. Yeah. Yes. I love it. Is Kanye crazy? Or is he crazy like a fox? Now, same thing with Wendy Williams. Right. Yes. What about the possibility that she's crazy like a fucking fox too? Because she was singing the fucking tune about all these guys, black men in Hollywood.

that were gay on the down low. She started singing about that a long time ago. Yeah, then Diddy got her fired. Maybe. And sent the girl group after her. Maybe. And maybe poisoned her. Maybe she's crazy like a fox. Maybe she doesn't really have this dementia. Maybe it's keeping her safe. Maybe it's keeping her safe. Right, right, right, right. she's sitting on a bunch of shit.

and couldn't say nothing till the floodgates open. Maybe she's the next one who's gonna come back, fit as a fiddle, singing the song. Now in regards to Kanye, now like his mom, remember when his mom died? A plastic surgery. Now think about this. I don't think that was like... Well, why? Because she was on the table, she died on the table. It doesn't mean that it wasn't orchestrated.

We Wine Whenever (35:13.282)
It doesn't. Let's just say this. All that money that Kanye has, this plastic surgeon was a piece of shit. He was had horrible reviews. There was all he had judgments against him. After Kanye's mom died, this guy said in an interview, he said.

Kanye knows why his mother died. I wish he would tell the truth about it. The guy said that? And Kanye has said his mom was sacrificed. People acting like he's crazy. Is he crazy? Listen, I believe it. Or did somebody coerce his mother and say, you know, maybe...

They hired some friends of hers to lie and say, we had some procedures here. This guy was great. Just go and do it. You know, no. So that's crazy shit. That's what I'm saying. Like these people, you may think they're a part of it and they can speak up, but they can't even if they are a part of it. Right. Cause they will be dead. They'll be dead or their loved ones will be dead. Right. Now even think about.

Biggie. Yeah. Biggie was only 25. He had just recorded a record. That fucking record has never come out. His family has never been compensated. Diddy probably took that album and used all his fucking shit and has been making money on him for 25 years for the past 25 years. I think his last album was titled Ready to Die.

And he was just getting ready to leave Bad Boy and go out on his own. he was? Yeah. yes, he was. And the word is that Diddy walked up to his car and put a sticker on it to mark that that was his car. Don't you tell me Diddy had something to do with Biggie's death. yeah, he did. If I was the guest in Benton Woman, I would say, yeah. Yeah. yeah, he did. Listen, I'm telling you, Suge Knight, Suge Knight knows all this,

We Wine Whenever (37:31.148)
Well, what's interesting is We need to Suge Knight on this podcast. Suge, can you come on our podcast? I gotta be honest with I tried to listen. It's very difficult to listen to his podcast because he's literally on a phone call from jail. Right. Payphone. when Tess tried to listen too, she was like, it was a little hard. I'm like, I know, it a little difficult. Well, think about this. Well, why? Listen, I'm sorry. Go ahead. It's okay. Think about this. Cassie. Yeah.

$250 ,000 a month. That's he's paying her? That's what he was paying her when she was with him. And he dropped that from half of that. He used to pay her more. But what's going on? Right. What is going on that that's not good? Right. Right. What's that? It's a lot of money every year.

That's a lot of fucking money. $250 ,000 $250 ,000 a month. $3 million a year, right?

Isn't that like a million dollars? Well, it's 2 .5, 3 million. Yeah, it's 3 million a year. Right. So.

We Wine Whenever (38:47.842)
Well, it's a lot of dough, so you must really know something and you help it how bad was it right that you're gonna You're gonna stop that you're gonna risk you gonna stop that fucking money train

We Wine Whenever (39:03.754)
No, it's, I'm telling you, it's bad. It's bad. So now Jaguar Wright, she is like, I wanna hang out with her so do too, I do too. She's from Philly, she's awesome. Now how she connected to all of them though? How does she know all of this? Because she was coming up, I would say in like the 80s, as an MC, a rapper, a songwriter.

She admits her own self that she was drugged, raped, filmed. And then the person who filmed her was somebody who was one step above her. And it was a guy and he felt really bad and he couldn't go through with it. Cause they made him, they made him do it. They said, you have to fucking drug this chick. She's new and upcoming. You got to drug her. You got to fuck her. You got to film her. And you got to blackmail her.

And he did, and you're going to give it to us so we can blackmail her and then we'll further your career. Right. Right. He didn't do it. He gave her the tape. He couldn't do it. And he was never hurt. He was never had any success after that. He's gone. He's unliving. Well, no, he just is nobody. He's just working at Kentucky fried chicken. Right. So she said, what this thing is at Diddy's parties is it's called a 2C.

We Wine Whenever (40:30.634)
It is Viagra. Okay. It is cocaine, but then the cocaine gives you like a Lymph Pisha deal. So then that's why you need the Viagra. And then it has, then they do ketamine in with it because so now you have a hard Pisha deal. You got the Coke.

like Superman, you got the ketamine, know, 50 hundred pound gorillas can pound you all night long and you're good. And it's called a toosie. I never heard that cocaine gave you a lift, Dick. Is that true? I guess I don't have one. I don't really know. can't help you with that. Good to know. That's my favorite line of the night. Just in case anybody was wondering. don't have.

line. couldn't I couldn't tell you. never heard that before.

Everything we're saying here is alleged. Let me just repeat that. cocaine gives you a limp dick. Even that. Yeah. Because it may not. Because we don't have one. We don't have one. Not one of us. Nope. And if we had anyone who commented on anything of ours, we could ask them and they could tell us. since we don't have any, maybe we'll get some now. Maybe we'll get some now. So let us know. I got another one for you. Have you heard anything? Now this isn't exactly related to Diddy.

But there's another thing, and I think we're gonna dive into this one next week. Kyle Marissa Roth. Is she the TikToker? She's the TikToker. I heard about this. Who is dead. Yep. Two weeks after, she was a TikToker who was out there putting blind items out about celebrities. In particular, JLo. And after she had put this information out there, TikTok shut down her account. That was her form of income.

We Wine Whenever (42:29.698)
That was her form of income. what she did was she rolled a tape of J .Lo in a restaurant. the movie. A movie. Okay. And that's copyrighted. So J .Lo's team shut her down because she was using copyrighted film. Okay. That is what I heard. Okay. But she was referring to the way J .Lo treated. Yes. Waiters and waitresses. Yes.

which I have heard several times that she is not a nice person. I know two people who have met her and they both said the same thing. Two people who don't even know each other and they both said the same thing. She is a bitch. And I like JLo. I'm a fan. Both of those people said that. I was heartbroken.

Me too. I also was a fan. I also was a fan until I heard things about her too that were not, she's not a kind person. And I don't like that. I don't like that either because listen, where'd you come from? You were Jenny from the block. Like you, you know what it's like. You weren't raised like that. You didn't grow up like that. You grew up just like the rest of us. So yeah, I was very disappointed to hear that. So I would like to maybe next week do a little bit more of a deep dive into exactly what happened. I did also, she did.

She did have cancer. I didn't know that. Okay, no, no, she did. She did have cancer, but her family has said she was doing well. Okay. Her family has said she was doing well, and her family does not have a reason yet. There is not a cause of death. So again, this is all allegedly. Maybe next week we'll do a little bit more of a deep dive into Kyle Marissa Roth and see what we can find out. See like who she pissed off or.

what exactly was said and really what her medical condition was if we can find that out. But she did have cancer. Because at first I didn't know that and I was like, wait, and then I did a little more digging and I did find that out. But her family doesn't know what happened to her and they're not saying what happened to her. I mean, look at Whitney Houston. I mean, they're really going deep with that one and Bobby and Bobby, the daughter. She had.

We Wine Whenever (44:51.456)
a fight with Clive Davis two days before she died. I did not know that. that bastard was sending her out on tour and she was like a crack head. He was sending her to foreign countries and she was still making decent coin. He was making decent coin off her, but she was in no shape to perform. No shape at I mean, they're now alleging that, yes, her death was foul play.

and her daughters was foul play. And they said - Which is fucked up. And Bobby Brown probably like, I'm keeping my fucking mouth shut. Well, cause he doesn't want to be the next one. Exactly, cause I believe he went on to marry someone else and have other children. So I believe it was his sister that said that not only that, but Whitney Houston was, she was beat.

We Wine Whenever (45:47.48)
that when her, you know, when they, when they saw her body, she was beat. And the person that she was with.

We Wine Whenever (45:58.626)
let the drug dealer in, and she got some kind of bad shot. But that person went on to be quite famous. So they received something for their troubles. I forget what show that they got. It's a hip hop show. when she passed it coming out that she was really a lesbian and had this girlfriend for years. Did you hear that? Well that was that.

That was the Whitney Houston story. Like the show, there was a movie, there was a documentary that came out. Like was that true or did they just make that up? These people who are now, now we're finding out responsible. Like, did they just make that up or was that true? That was in a documentary, but I don't, we have to look into that because I do know that her family had stuff to say about it. So I would like to hear what her family had to say about that. We'll have to look and see if we can find anything more, but you really got me thinking about this Wendy Williams thing. No, I agree. Wendy Williams is a hundred percent.

very possible that this is all wrapped up in Diddy, allegedly. So the bottom line is that it's been a highly toxic, toxic, the entertainment industry in general has been a highly toxic place for women and children. And that it's been going on honestly, gay men. mean, gay men.

or even straight men who have been sodomized. You know, enough already, know, enough. So what did, did Justin Bieber come out and say anything yet? No, but you know what it was interesting about him also is.

He, his pastor actually put out a post and said, please pray for Justin. There are things that are weighing heavily on his mind. Recently? And please pray for him. He's sober and he's married to what's her face. And she's a Christian. Hallie Baldwin Bieber. And supposedly, and then I think after that, the

We Wine Whenever (48:09.998)
parents actually put something out also. Justin's parents? Yes. See. God. No, because that's what I'm saying. Like these parents, like, I feel like they are victims themselves too. Why do you not blame yourself? Well, that's the whole thing. You know, like how do you... my God, my kid's gonna be a star. Right. And I'm not saying that because I'm judging anybody. No, but that's the thing is like these poor parents, like they, my heart breaks for them too because... Sure.

They too are victims in this whole situation. I mean, that's their child, you know? That's their child. This goes deep, man. It does go deep. This entertainment industry is not good at all. And it never has been. I had no idea about Rihanna. Yeah. I think it's a very difficult place for women. know, like starting with like, especially, well you had...

Even like think about the beginning of rap, right? How the music industry pushed all this gang rap. I'll shoot you, I'll kill you. And then the whole East Coast, West Coast. yeah, no, they said that was like on purpose. Absolutely. And then these record companies, not only that, they push that and then they take these young artists and they get control of all their stuff.

And they, you know what they do? They take up big insurance policies on them. Why they keep pushing the rap whole thing, gang rap. you know what? Yeah, give yourself some street cred. Pop him off. They don't give a shit. They're hoping they get killed. Yeah, because they own the rights to all their songs anyway. That's what it comes down to. They own the rights to the songs and even everything that Tupac, like he didn't own the rights to his songs. So all that, all that.

Those producers are still making money off that. still making money off of him. They're still making money off Yeah. Still making money off of Biggie. Biggie, absolutely. They're still making money off of Biggie. So they own all the rights and they own the insurance, the life insurance policy, so don't give a shit.

We Wine Whenever (50:24.834)
But you so you go from that to now the, especially the women in rap or R &B or soul or anything like that. You can't, they're all like strippers. It's all about being a hoe. You really think that all those girls are right in those songs and wanna put those songs out? No, and some of them aren't even talented.

But if you say no, you lose your spot. You're done. You lose your spot. So it's all a part of... It's manipulation. Like conditioning, like grooming. It's okay to fuck with kids. It's okay to make all girls whores. That's the narrative that they're trying to...

Trying to make acceptable trying to push. Yeah, mean if you think about it, that's what made Kim K popular Absolutely was her sex tape. I mean, that's what blew her up Listen think about Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears Britney Spears first hit baby one more time She's walking down a hallway in a school in a Catholic schoolgirl outfit like but looked like a whore Mm -hmm, know the shirt up to here the skirt up to here and then Christina Aguilera's was I'm a genie in a bottle You got to rub me the right way

Like these were young girls. These were Disney girls. These were Disney girls. And that's why Pink was always like, fuck you. I'm not singing that. I'm not dressing like that. I'm not doing it because I don't have to do it. And if you I used to get so mad because I'm a huge Pink fan. I love Pink. She never won any awards. She would never win any awards. Of course not. talented. But who would always win? Britney.

Christina, you know what I mean? And I don't fault them. No. But think about the breakdown poor Britney Spears had. I mean, she really... Who knows what happened to her? Who knows what happened to her now? This poor girl.

We Wine Whenever (52:39.48)
So, you know, after that, like Little Kim, like that's when the beginning of, like if you weren't selling sex at the same time you were selling your music, you're not doing it. She was nasty. You're not doing it. Little Kim was nasty on her records. And then Nicki Minaj came out and she was just as nasty. Cardi B. Cardi B, yep. Lizzo.

To just, to just, and how is that anything that's effective for womanhood in general? No. No. No, and that's - Who's the other one, Foxy Brown? Yeah, we are way more than that. Yeah, a lot of them, yeah. yeah. I actually feel, I feel really bad. It makes me feel even worse for black women. For sure. Because -

That's what's being peddled as success. That's what's being peddled as how you should be. no, Mary J's. Mary J. Blige is not a good one either. But I'm just saying, she didn't have to do that. no, she did. Mary J is wrapped up in this too. But I'm saying her songs.

weren't like Lil' Kim They weren't like that, but I'm telling you right now, she's wrapped up in the P. Diddy thing. I believe it. she's wrapped up in the P. But he brought her up and she wasn't forced to sing those songs or act that way or dress that she wasn't that kind of artist. She's talented. But she didn't have that. She didn't have that. You couldn't mold her into that. Right. But she's, I mean, she's a victim too, I'm sure. I'm sure she's a victim. on everything? Yeah.

Absolutely. Now another one I heard is good, on the good side, is Denzel Washington. Really? I'm glad to hear that. Yeah, me too. I always loved Denzel Washington. Yeah. It's just sad to me. It's sad that these people had to go, because that's what they are. These are people. Yeah. These are people who wanted a career. Right. And they had to do horrific things, not by their choice, because they were blackmailed.

We Wine Whenever (54:56.696)
They were blackmailed. And that's horrible. It's horrible. Now there was a young kid I sent to you guys. You probably didn't have a chance to watch it. But he talks about how, and this was years ago, he was a YouTuber, influencer. And he went out to LA with his friends. And they had an agent and the agent invited them to a party. I did watch that.

was not interesting. Yes, the agent invited him to a party. Invited them to a party. And they both went and you had to wear a mask. And each room was something different. So he went in one room and they had all this food. It's almost like the Seven Deadly Sins. like, but he said the way that people were eating it, like they were just...

getting stuff with their hands if they didn't like something, they spit it out on the floor. There was a room that was just gambling. Then there was another room that was just like, everybody started acting real different and like rubbing up on you and like being like super provocative and sexual. And then one of the last rooms they got into, everybody started talking really nasty to each other.

and saying shit about each other that would end someone's friendship together. Like just being really... And then, when you got to the end, before you got to the last room, they had on the table, Bibles, Korans, works by Buddha, and the guy asked you before you got to go into the final room, which one is yours? So if you picked the Bible, then they...

put like something on top of it and then made you say this thing like your only religion was yourself or something weird. So when the kid got to that part, he was like, no way, bro, I'm fucking out of here. I'm out. So he left and he went outside and was waiting for his friend and he went around the house.

We Wine Whenever (57:14.188)
And he kind of figured out where that last room was and had all these like stained glass windows, but there was one little thing that had like clear and he looked and he wishes he never looked. He said, when you got into that room, everybody's mask was off. There were, he saw all these cameras all around the room and the things that they were having them do were unspeakable. And then he saw his friend the next day and was like, bro, are you all right? Like.

and then the guy like cut him right off. And had all stuff. Did the friend go into the final room? The friend went into the final room. then the kid said that for months afterwards, he would come home and shit would be moved in his house. He was out half and half, he'd come home, there was a full thing. Something was wrong with his car, next day he started up, it worked. They were fucking with him. They were fucking with him.

And before he went, he had told somebody that he was going to be going to this thing and the guy, his face got like white and he begged him. said, don't go, don't go, don't go. And he tried to tell his friend and his friend wouldn't hear it. So he decided, all right, I'll go. But yeah, crazy, crazy, crazy messed up. Crazy. This was out in LA. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I Laurel Canyon.

party. So that's our deep dive unless you have anything else to do. I will stay unfamous in the basement. there you go. you guys have anything else you want us to deep dive on please give us some comments let us know what you think about this if you have some opinions put them in the comments share it let other people know about us here at We Wine Whenever. Yes and we will keep you informed.

We will. Yeah, we're trying. Yep. It's all alleged, though. Everything is alleged. I'm sorry, but you know me. I believe it. I've been talking about conspiracy theories for quite some time. I don't need the Illuminati coming after me. No, no, we don't. I do not have the resources to fight the Illuminati. OK, no, we don't. No, we don't. We don't. Thank you for watching and listening to We Wine Whenever. I'm Wendy. I'm Kelly. I'm Laurie. Bye. Until next time.

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