We Wine Whenever's Podcast

Ganging Up and Making Up: A Ropes Course Reckoning

Season 1 Episode 104

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Ganging Up and Making Up: A Ropes Course Reckoning

The episode picks up after the previous night's drama, with Bronwyn and Lisa discussing Whitney’s confrontational entrance at the party. Bronwyn is upset with Angie for not having her back, and while discussing it, Angie calls. Whitney, meanwhile, is at home unpacking with her family. Angie recounts to her husband how Lisa lunged at Whitney.

Mary talks with her son, Robert, who isn't working or attending college, while Bronwyn supports her daughter Gwen’s dream of opening a coffee shop.

Bronwyn, Lisa, and Heather go through a drive-thru, and the conversation revolves around Angie and Whitney. Heather feels they ganged up on Whitney, but Bronwyn and Lisa disagree.

Meredith and Seth attend a private cooking lesson, where Meredith reflects on her Jewish heritage and contemplates having a Bat Mitzvah, surprising Seth. Lisa and Angie later meet up to clear the air, but their conversation escalates, with Lisa walking out.

Bronwyn's luxurious home and her family’s dynamics are explored, including her relationship with Todd, her husband. Later, Heather and Whitney reconcile over their previous issues, with Whitney inviting everyone to Milwaukee and hinting at more events.

The episode also focuses on Bronwyn and Angie catching up, Meredith’s quirky bath bomb-making session, and Heather organizing a ropes course team-building event. Tensions rise during the ziplining adventure, with Mary continuing her rude remarks, particularly toward Britani. The drama peaks as Britani shares her complicated romantic life and the strained relationship with her daughters, triggering emotions in Mary due to her past experiences.


  • Breast reduction surgery can lead to regrowth, but it's rare.
  • Meredith's honesty is often questioned by the hosts.
  • The dynamics between new and old cast members create tension.
  • Meredith and Seth's relationship raises questions about openness.
  • Meredith's Bat Mitzvah storyline feels manufactured.
  • Angie's business success is impressive and noteworthy.
  • Heather's apology to Whitney shows growth in their friendship.
  • Brittany's relationship struggles reflect deeper family issues.
  • The group dynamics often lead to confrontations and misunderstandings.
  • The hosts enjoy discussing the show as a guilty pleasure.

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We Wine Whenever (00:00.876)
Hi, welcome to We Why I'm a Never, I'm Wendy. Tonight we're talking about Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, season five, episode two, walking on a tightrope. And I just wanted to give some information that we mentioned last week on the episode. So we were talking about Meredith having the breast reduction surgery three times and I looked it up and it does say that breast growth can occur after breast reduction surgery, but the likelihood of regrowth is low.

Kelli (00:03.286)
I'm Kelly.

Kelli (00:11.608)

We Wine Whenever (00:30.537)
It also says that some reasons for breast growth after reduction surgery include medications, certain medications such as birth control or hormone replacement can affect breast size or also I guess revision surgeries. I guess the scar tissue, I don't know. But that's the one thing I wanted to clarify. I I still don't, I still think there's probably more to that than we're hearing.

Kelli (00:40.342)
that makes sense.

Kelli (00:58.858)
I don't ever believe anything Meredith says. So, but I'll tell you what, you know, I've gone back and forth about getting a reduction in lift. And if I, if I made, cause I'm a scaredy cat, I don't just go for surgery. If I finally took the jump and did it and then they grew back, I would be furious. I would be furious. Yeah.

We Wine Whenever (01:02.292)
No, no.

We Wine Whenever (01:08.566)
Mm -hmm.

We Wine Whenever (01:20.77)
my god, can you imagine?

We Wine Whenever (01:25.172)
Yeah, I don't blame you. I'd be furious too. And then the other thing we had mentioned is that we thought that Mary Cosby was getting a divorce. And that is not true. She shut down those rumors. They started just ahead of the season five. And she said, don't believe the lies. So we can clarify that. Mary Cosby is not getting a divorce.

Kelli (01:48.084)
imagine that she and her husband have an arrangement. If he's living in Las Vegas more months out of the year than he is in Utah they have some kind of arrangement and that's perfectly fine and works for them and good for them and have at it. Yep. Yep.

We Wine Whenever (01:51.925)
I'm with Devin.

We Wine Whenever (02:04.305)
Exactly, exactly. So we start with Bronwyn and Lisa, they're talking about the party and how Whitney came in hot. Bronwyn is saying how she was upset that Angie didn't have Lisa's back, which I thought was odd. Like, why does Bronwyn care that Angie didn't have Lisa's back? That's what Lisa's gripe was. And then all of a sudden, Angie calls while they're in the car together.

Kelli (02:23.895)
Yeah, right.

We Wine Whenever (02:35.882)
because she wants to have a sit down with Lisa one -on -one so she can discuss it. Then we see Whitney, Brooks, Bobby and Justin, they're all unpacking because we saw her new house that she just moved into. We saw Mary talking to her son, Robert.

Kelli (02:52.224)
Yes, I liked that scene quite honestly. So he's still at home and no mention of the wife, his wife. But yeah, but I liked seeing him. I think I read he had gotten into some trouble with drugs or something while they weren't filming, but he seems good. And I liked seeing a scene with her and him together.

We Wine Whenever (03:01.873)
Yeah, that was odd,

We Wine Whenever (03:11.261)

We Wine Whenever (03:17.629)
Yeah. And she, you know, she said he's not in college. She doesn't work. She does give him money and she has sheltered him. And honestly, I think it's just the two of them living there or maybe the wife, who knows? And I think she enjoys the company. So.

Kelli (03:30.104)
I do too. I do too. And she clearly has the means and not that I think that if you're very well off your kids shouldn't work, but I think that he seems like a good kid and I think he'll be okay. Like he'll find his way. I don't think he's going to be one of those kids that's just, you know, out of control and getting himself into trouble and stuff like that. I just don't see it.

We Wine Whenever (03:46.458)
I agree. I totally agree.

We Wine Whenever (03:55.768)
Yeah, I agree with you. Then we see Angie's telling her husband about what happened at the party and, you know, how she's going to talk to Lisa about it, but how Lisa actually lunged at Whitney. And she did. think Lisa was, this whole, I mean, it's only been two episodes, but she's been so unhinged.

Kelli (04:14.86)
Yeah, and why are they saying that Whitney came in hot? Did you think Whitney came in hot? And I'm not a big fan of Whitney, I'll be quite honest with you. I probably like her the least out of everybody on the show, but I did not think she came in hot at all.

We Wine Whenever (04:19.397)
Not at all.

We Wine Whenever (04:28.528)
I did not either. I don't know why they said that. Didn't make sense to me. It did not make sense to me. Then she's talking about Bronwyn's daughter. She's telling her, daughter Gwen is going to open up a coffee shop. And I like that she supports her in doing that. And then they go and they pick up Heather. And when Heather gets in the car, Lisa says, you're going to have to tell me how to get to Wendy's. And at first I thought, they have a friend named Wendy.

Kelli (04:31.51)
Yeah, no me neither.

Kelli (04:58.114)
Me too.

We Wine Whenever (04:58.319)
And then, right? And then they wind up at Wendy's drive -thru.

Kelli (05:03.274)
same thing. And how does Lisa Barlow not know how to get to Wendy's? Isn't fast food her thing?

We Wine Whenever (05:08.173)
That's what I was thinking. how? That's okay. That's what I was thinking too. Like I said, I thought it was a friend she was going to. I mean.

Kelli (05:10.306)
hitting this microphone, I'm sorry.

Kelli (05:16.396)
Yeah, and Wendy's is her friend because she loves her fast food.

We Wine Whenever (05:20.43)
And I mean, they must be sponsoring it. Wendy's, I mean, why else are they going to Wendy's unless they're sponsoring it? That was weird. I thought that whole thing was weird. So they're talking while they're getting the Wendy's, they're talking about what had happened the night before and Bronwyn and Lisa are still really going in hard on Whitney. And Heather's like, listen, I woke up in the morning and I kind of felt like, you know, maybe we were

Kelli (05:26.658)
Something, something's going on. Yep, for real.

We Wine Whenever (05:50.438)
piling on, like we were ganging up on her. And Braun was like, no, I don't think so. And really was not being kind at all to Whitney. And I thought, you're new to this group, just like Heather said, like you're brand new to this group. Why are you doing this? Because you want to look good for Lisa. And this is how you're going to start. You're going to start playing these games.

Kelli (05:51.682)
Yeah. Yeah.

Kelli (06:06.23)
Right. Right.

Kelli (06:12.438)
Yep, well, that's what they all, all these new housewives, think that's what they have to do. Except for Jen Pedranti on OC. Show your true self.

We Wine Whenever (06:18.031)

I know, I'm really liking Jen, I really am.

Then we see Meredith and Seth, going to the cooking lesson.

Kelli (06:30.082)
talking about how Seth has a new job in Ohio, which was where the original one was, but he's traveling more. I really do think that these two have an open marriage. I do think they love each other and I do think that they're great parents and they probably have so much fun together when they're with their kids because they really do seem like fun, but I think they have an open marriage.

We Wine Whenever (06:32.781)

We Wine Whenever (06:53.742)
You know what, I don't know if they do or they don't, but I don't really care. You know what I mean? Yeah, I'm not a big, I'm just not a big fan of hers. I really am not. think everything she does is so staged. he's in town. I'm gonna take advantage of it. They go and they cook the shakshuka. I can't say that. Shakshuka.

Kelli (06:57.09)
care either. I say have at it. You do you.

Kelli (07:09.1)

Kelli (07:13.976)
Shaxuka again, Shaxuka makes another appearance on the Housewives show.

We Wine Whenever (07:17.6)
I know. We're gonna have to do a shucks. You're gonna have to do it. yeah, cause I, you know, I can eat, but I can't cook. We'll have to do our own little. Yeah, I know you did. But while she's there, she's talking about her heritage and how she's really, you know, with what's going on in the world and what's going on with Israel that she wants to make her bad mitzvah because her roots are in Jerusalem and you know, she grew up with.

Kelli (07:22.582)
Do it.

Yeah, I'll do it. I've made it.

We Wine Whenever (07:46.551)
being Jewish, but her family didn't encourage the females to get bat mitzvahed. Now this whole thing is I call BS.

Kelli (07:56.844)
I call BS right behind you. For sure. How many Bat Mitzvahs? I went to quite a few Bat Mitzvahs. I don't know how old Meredith is, but I will tell you that I grew up with, you know, a handful of friends who were Jewish and I went to their Bat Mitzvahs. Bat Mitzvahs were certainly a thing for girls in Brick, New Jersey back in the eighties and nineties. So I don't know where you were, Meredith, but...

We Wine Whenever (08:00.17)
I mean...

We Wine Whenever (08:09.98)
Just in her 50s, at least.

We Wine Whenever (08:21.343)

Kelli (08:24.978)
I call BS right along with you and I think she's doing this for a storyline.

We Wine Whenever (08:30.326)
I do too. I do too, just like the whole manufactured going to learn how to cook. And then in her kitchen, because I'm going to jump to it because it just, it was irritating to me. In the kitchen with Chloe walks in and Brooks comes in and she's making bath salts. Come on. I mean, seriously, this is all you have to talk about is making bath salts and you're getting your bad mitzvah. And I did think like,

Kelli (08:36.28)

We Wine Whenever (09:00.64)
Was Seth fake crying? Like, I mean...

Kelli (09:02.584)
I mean, he possibly really shed a tear over that? I mean, could

We Wine Whenever (09:07.313)
That's what I was... I just was like, is he that good of an actor? Or... I don't know. He must be! He must be!

Kelli (09:14.872)
He's pretty good. He's pretty good. But that was a fake cry. He produced tears, which is more than Tamra does, but that was a fake cry.

We Wine Whenever (09:22.753)
That's so true. It's so true. I know that whole that whole thing is them. I'm not

Kelli (09:28.161)

Kelli (09:33.432)
And the coming attractions of her saying that, Whitney selling things for 20, $30 more, whatever she's saying. It's like, here you go again. Like the one year you were saying that Lisa was sleeping with some guy to get jazz tickets. Last year you were all over Angie Kay and her husband saying he's secretly gay. And now it's like, what are you doing? Just.

We Wine Whenever (09:49.855)
Mm -hmm.

Kelli (09:59.948)
Just live your life and stop coming for your co -stars.

We Wine Whenever (10:03.701)

I have not, there's not been a single season that I have liked Meredith. And I'm usually like, you know, like I give them a chance and maybe they grow on me, but there's nothing that she has done that I like. Not one season.

Kelli (10:10.252)
Me neither.

Kelli (10:19.092)
No. I don't like Brooks either quite honestly. But whatever I'll tolerate him. The son yeah.

We Wine Whenever (10:26.461)
Her son you're talking about. Yeah, well, don't, mean, at least him we don't see that often. Right? I mean, so then Lisa and Angie meet up and Lisa feels like she has been such a good friend to her all these years. I mean, that's what she keeps harping on. She's been such a good friend and how dare you not have my back and how dare you tell Whitney something I told you in confidence. And Angie says she felt like,

Kelli (10:30.804)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're right. You're right.

We Wine Whenever (10:55.792)
It was a gang up and it was, it absolutely was a gang up.

Kelli (11:00.012)
just feel like Lisa never listens to people. And I like Lisa, but she bulldozed that conversation. It really got to the point where Angie couldn't say anything. She wasn't listening. She wasn't receiving anything.

We Wine Whenever (11:13.864)
I wrote, this is exactly what I wrote down. Lisa is not letting Angie talk. Angie's trying to explain that sometimes you don't understand and you talk over people and you don't mean to it, but that's exactly what is happening right then and there. Like she wouldn't even let her talk, which is exactly what Angie was trying to explain to her. Like she just wouldn't let her get away. And then when she just gets up and leaves.

Kelli (11:30.925)

Kelli (11:35.948)
Yeah, she's like, okay, so I'll talk to you soon. Nothing was resolved. Absolutely nothing. Right.

We Wine Whenever (11:40.422)
Right. Okay. Love you. She even said, love you. was like, what?

Kelli (11:45.09)
Yeah. It's like a condescending love you.

We Wine Whenever (11:49.777)
Yeah, I hope we can continue the conversation. Okay. I mean, why couldn't you continue it then? Right? It didn't make any sense. Okay. So then we go to Bronwyn's house. Those cobalt blue lacquered kitchen cabinets.

Kelli (11:55.64)
We could do it right now, because you're here I'm here.

But okay.

Kelli (12:05.74)
me meet the husband.

Kelli (12:12.106)
I did see it. did see it. I honestly, you tell me what you think. I thought they were in like an office. I thought they were in like an office building.

We Wine Whenever (12:14.766)

We Wine Whenever (12:18.172)
I thought it was the kitchen. the outside of the outside of the house.

Kelli (12:22.282)
No, like, like inside, like I thought it was like, like, like a kitchen in like an office.

We Wine Whenever (12:28.881)
Well, I think the layout was a little odd, but it was hard to tell what the layout was because they were doing that cinematography that Laurie was talking about last week. Like they're like taking you like you're walking.

Kelli (12:36.886)
Yes, yes.

We Wine Whenever (12:41.936)
But I thought, I rewound it. was like, cause I was like, blew, I loved it. Cause I had never seen anything like it before. That's what it was. It's that I really had never seen anything like it before. And then I even rewound it again to see the outside of the house because the outside of the house is ugly. Like it does look like an office building. Like it's got no, it's got no curb appeal. It's got no character. And I was trying to figure out the rooms because it was hard to tell.

Kelli (12:47.586)
Yeah, yeah.

Kelli (13:03.885)

We Wine Whenever (13:08.923)
like the size and the scale of the rooms because she really didn't have much furniture like we find out she has been there 18 months and hasn't really decorated the house. I would like.

Kelli (13:09.037)

Kelli (13:18.166)
Yeah, I liked when she was like, people are gonna start thinking like we're creeps or something because I never let them come to my house. I thought that was so funny because I would feel the same way.

We Wine Whenever (13:27.3)
Mm -hmm.

So I did like that. And we find out a little bit about her husband, Todd, because she's, yeah, CEO.

Kelli (13:36.076)
Yeah, CEO of Palm Pilot, he must be bank with that.

We Wine Whenever (13:43.15)
Yeah, but that's not where he's making his money now. Now he's doing private equity and is in New York two to three days a week.

Kelli (13:45.591)

Kelli (13:50.776)
Mm -hmm. Yeah, that's crazy. He flies there. And he ran the torch at the 2012 Olympics? That's pretty awesome.

We Wine Whenever (13:55.161)

We Wine Whenever (13:58.722)
Yes, for London. Yeah. I was very impressed with him. I mean, I'll be honest with you. I thought that little Louis Vuitton box that he opened up was very cool too. was like a little chest for, guess, his knickknacks on his, I don't know where he put that, but I thought it was cool. I didn't get that designer's name that showed up. Did you get his name? It's okay. So then they all of a sudden start unboxing the sculpture that has been sitting there for eight,

Kelli (14:13.634)
Very cool. Very cool.

Kelli (14:20.235)
I did not. I did not.

We Wine Whenever (14:28.154)
months and

Kelli (14:30.232)
chairs with a light installation. You know what I thought of? Did you watch Sex and the City? Okay. So remember when she was dating the Russian and they had to go to Paris for his light installation debut?

That's all I could think about was that guy.

We Wine Whenever (14:51.929)
thought that was the weirdest thing I'd ever seen. And I also thought it was weird that she's opening it and Todd says to her, you should probably get scissors. She's like, I should get scissors. okay. He's like, I'll go upstairs and get them.

Kelli (15:05.27)
Yeah, like she was like, you're you want me to go get scissors? And he was like, I'll be right back. Let me go get them. Like, does she not know where they are? Or does she just not? Is that just not something she does? She doesn't go get scissors.

We Wine Whenever (15:08.982)

We Wine Whenever (15:19.864)
So my first thought is, does she know how old he is? She's sending him upstairs. Right? But then she started talking to the designer. I was like, no, she wanted to talk about things when he wasn't around. Because that's what she said. We'll have to talk about the closet when he's not here. Yeah, yeah. and that's that sculpture that there is a version in the Guggenheim. Did you pick that up too?

Kelli (15:23.192)

Kelli (15:32.726)
Mm -hmm.

Kelli (15:40.492)

Kelli (15:48.842)
Yes, yes, I heard her say that.

We Wine Whenever (15:51.243)
Where is the Guggenheim? that in DC or New York?

Kelli (15:54.296)
thought it was New York. Let me Google it though because...

We Wine Whenever (15:58.358)

Kelli (15:59.832)
Siri, where is the Guggenheim?

Kelli (16:04.312)
You'll need to turn on location services for that. First you have to tell me where you are. No, I don't. most absolutely do not have to tell you where I am.

We Wine Whenever (16:14.743)
Alright, listen, I'm gonna find out and I'll let you know the next podcast. It's in New York, okay. Alright, maybe we will make a trip to the Guggenheim and see if there is an... Yes, right? Okay, we're going to the Guggenheim. Okay, I'm in. I'm in. So, we find out a little bit. She was 19 when she got pregnant with Gwen and...

Kelli (16:17.848)
Actually, yeah, it's in New York. It's in New York. Yeah fucking Siri creep out

We should go see the chair light installation. Yeah, we need to go to New York. And then we'll go to Lip Lab.

We Wine Whenever (16:44.631)
that the father's not involved at all. And she's very close with her daughter because of that. I mean, it's just been the two of them. Then Heather and Whitney are meeting up and they're going into the crystal shop. I think Heather was joking when she said you can pick out any crystal you want up to $500 because those crystals are like $5, right?

Kelli (16:49.896)
I sure, was just the two of them, yeah.

Kelli (17:05.861)
I was thinking the same thing! I hope so!

We Wine Whenever (17:07.52)
She had to be joking. think, yeah, she had to be joking. And then Heather says, can you pick a crystal that would have helped with that dinner the other night? And when she says, I don't think so. I felt like I was ganged up on it. And Whitney's saying, you like you also were yelling at me to Heather. And.

Heather apologized, ultimately Heather apologized. She said, you know what, you know, I shouldn't have piled on as well. shouldn't have jumped on that bandwagon. I should have had your back. And then she goes on to say how she wants to invite everybody to Milwaukee.

Kelli (17:46.228)
Milwaukee yeah but i do agree with heather when she said to whitney like you just basically like you just wanna be in your feelings and you don't want anybody to like. Have an opinion about it or call you out for it and i do agree with heather about that like what is a little immature in my opinion in that respect where it's.

We Wine Whenever (17:54.804)

Kelli (18:09.932)
I don't think it's like an all about me, like narcissistic selfish thing. I think it's her age, quite honestly. I think she's like, you know, this is how I feel.

We Wine Whenever (18:20.358)
Yeah, but the thing is, she did make this point and I kind of agreed with her about it. Everyone was yelling at her that she was lying, but what was she lying about? So she said on the podcast that she thought Lisa was a villain. I mean, that's her opinion, right? It's not like it's a factual thing. She said to Heather that she wasn't happy with what was written in the book.

Kelli (18:36.888)

We Wine Whenever (18:46.938)
Again, those are her feelings. She may have agreed to it earlier and then read it again and felt a certain way about it. Again, those are her feelings. And the Meredith thing, what was that about? I was it about the bath bombs? I don't understand why Meredith is so bothered by Whitney.

Kelli (19:07.852)
think that the Meredith thing had something to do with Monica. Remember all those DMs and they were trying to say it was Meredith? And when the big reveal that Monica was whatever that person was called. Yes, thank you.

We Wine Whenever (19:21.169)
reality bontis everybody was blaming it on meredith it wasn't just whitney

Kelli (19:26.776)
And just because we learned that Monica was reality volunteers does not mean that Meredith was not sending those DMS. Meredith very well could have been sending those DMS and I would 100 % believe it. So the Heather thing, I think if Whitney read it and didn't say it and then Heather published it, you can't really be mad at her. You knew it was coming out. You know,

We Wine Whenever (19:38.853)

Kelli (19:56.394)
If I hear the word trauma bond or my trauma, like trauma is like the word of the season and I'm kind of over it.

We Wine Whenever (19:59.203)
Ugh. Right.

We Wine Whenever (20:06.386)
Yeah, I agree with that. I 100 % agree with that.

Kelli (20:08.406)

We Wine Whenever (20:13.915)
So they're gonna go to Milwaukee to go to Trixie's new bar. And it's so funny, because just last week I said, I want you guys to do fun stuff. Why don't you go back to Trixie's Motel? And here we are. They're going to Trixie's bar. I will be honest with you. I don't really know that I would want to go to Milwaukee though either. it's... Me too, me too. I hope not.

Kelli (20:19.436)
That's awesome.

Kelli (20:25.782)
Yep. Yep. Yep.

Kelli (20:35.414)
I just think of Laverne and Shirley and it can't possibly still look like that. So I'm very interested to see what Milwaukee looks like right now. But I definitely thought of Laverne and Shirley.

We Wine Whenever (20:44.931)
I agree. totally agree. Yeah, no, I totally agree. So then Whitney says she met up with Bronwyn and she thinks that she's really cool. And that, you know, now that she's made up with Heather, that, you know, she can come, but she still has this issue with Lisa. So Heather's like, well, listen, I'm going to do this like bonding thing with the girl. So maybe you can fix it there. I'm going to do the ropes, you know, the ropes course.

Kelli (21:12.864)
Another team building bonding session for a Housewives franchise. I mean, the days were numbered that Salt Lake City was gonna have to jump on board of this. OC's done it, Jersey's done it. I don't think the Beverly Hills girls will ever do it, but maybe, maybe they'll surprise us.

We Wine Whenever (21:17.177)

We Wine Whenever (21:21.615)

We Wine Whenever (21:26.266)
It's true.

We Wine Whenever (21:31.472)
I'm looking forward to this season of Beverly Hills. Okay, good, good. So the next we see Brittany and Heather, they're going to play pickleball. And Brittany says that her mom had her own pickleball court in her yard because her HOA would not let her build a full tennis court. And this was totally produced because they didn't really know how to play pickleball. So the producers had to, well, actually Heather did and yeah.

Kelli (21:35.052)
Me too.

Me too.

We Wine Whenever (22:01.325)
So they played their little pickleball. And then Brittany opens up a little bit about her relationship with Jared, that she has been married and divorced twice, which that's a lot, because I don't think she's that old. And that

Kelli (22:01.941)

Kelli (22:19.138)
Well, it's a lot in what she said about Mormonism. You can get into heaven without kids, but not without a husband. That was crazy.

We Wine Whenever (22:25.528)

We Wine Whenever (22:29.443)
That was crazy. when Heather interjected about that, you know, in the confessional, like she understood that. And I think it explains a lot. I think it explains a lot about Salt Lake City and the secret lives of Mormon wives. Like, I think it explains a lot, you know.

Kelli (22:43.244)
for sure.

Kelli (22:53.568)
Yeah, like you have to prioritize your marriage over your kids.

We Wine Whenever (22:58.006)
And in what world does that happen?

Kelli (23:00.642)

We Wine Whenever (23:01.612)
I think this is the only world because then we do see jumping a bit.

Kelli (23:04.938)
I don't know though. think in the, I think in the Catholic faith, it's like God first, then your partner, then your kids. I'm going to check on that. I'm going to check on that, but I'll tell you what, I have a friend. I'm not very close with her anymore, but I went to her bridal shower and this was when we were all getting married, you know, early 2000s and her mother said at her bridal shower, you have to prioritize your spouse. And that does mean prioritize them over your kids.

We Wine Whenever (23:23.178)

Kelli (23:33.996)
Because once your kids are out of your house, it's just you and him. And I wasn't raised like that. My parents always put us first. Eric and I do the same thing. We prioritize our kids over each other. hopefully we're not making a mistake. I'll let you know to be continued. No.

We Wine Whenever (23:45.248)
Yeah, yeah.

We Wine Whenever (23:55.314)
Well, I think you'll be fine.

Kelli (24:01.442)
But that's just what we do because that's what our parents did for us. Yeah, she said that though.

We Wine Whenever (24:04.736)
Right, right. Yeah. I was very surprised about that. And she also tells us how she met Jared Osmond is that her ex -husband and his ex -fiance started dating and he found out and let her know. And at first they were trauma bonding also. And then they started dating and six, you know, we hear it again. She's

Kelli (24:17.613)

We Wine Whenever (24:30.251)
broken up 16 times in eight months, which is insane. That's insane. And then she does say that, you know, she sacrificed her kids for a man and Heather's like, well, what happened? And she's like, I'll tell you one day. you know, she didn't want.

Kelli (24:35.435)
a lot.

Kelli (24:49.462)
Because two of her daughters are, well, we don't even know that yet. Right. Right, right.

We Wine Whenever (24:52.017)
Not yet, but yeah. So then we see Angie at her salon and Bronwyn comes in.

Kelli (24:57.74)
That's a... Did you see that they flashed to a week earlier and it wasn't done?

We Wine Whenever (25:03.412)
Yep, because I did see that but I think they were referring to she said they are opening their tenth location So I think that week earlier was their tenth location. That's not open yet Yeah

Kelli (25:15.446)
I'm like, damn, they got shit done in a week. Okay, that makes sense. Thank you.

We Wine Whenever (25:19.475)
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Cause I did see that. was like, no, wait, she just said they're opening their 10th. Listen, that alone is impressive. That's a huge salon. That's a huge.

Kelli (25:29.976)
God bless her. And especially for the amount of years they've been in business, like 20 something years, that's outstanding. I mean, think all dolled up just celebrated 20 years, if I'm not mistaken, but that's outstanding for a salon to be in business that long and expand to 10 locations.

We Wine Whenever (25:35.678)

We Wine Whenever (25:51.774)
Yes, I was very impressed with that. really was. So I thought that Bronwyn was just going in to catch up with Angie, but it turns out I guess she had an appointment. And because she was getting her head massaged while they were talking and, you know,

Kelli (25:53.304)
Yeah. Yeah.

Kelli (26:11.394)
She must've been getting some kind of conditioning treatment because you saw the guy taking like sections and putting stuff on it, yeah.

We Wine Whenever (26:15.739)
Yeah. Yeah. And then Bronwyn says how she loves Lisa and what Whitney was saying wasn't wrong. Well, that's funny because that's not what you were saying in the car with Heather and Lisa. That's exact opposite of what you were saying in the car with Heather and Lisa. So that immediately, I was like, come on. Really? Now you're saying this to Angie?

Kelli (26:32.396)

Kelli (26:36.502)
Right, right.

Kelli (26:42.722)

We Wine Whenever (26:45.89)
when also you were giving Angie a hard time for even telling Whitney.

Kelli (26:46.029)

Kelli (26:51.576)
Right. Did you pick up on, I thought Angie said that she and Brittany were bowling the day before. Did you pick up on that? I'm going to have to rewatch it because I could swear when she was talking to Brahman about Brittany, she said we were just bowling yesterday. I should have, I didn't start this episode until 11 o 'clock last night.

We Wine Whenever (27:01.948)
No. No.

We Wine Whenever (27:10.492)

Kelli (27:19.434)
So I wasn't going to rewind and listen to it back, I will do that.

We Wine Whenever (27:23.655)
What I did write down is...

Braunwyn is saying that she doesn't think she's going to get along with Britney because her comment about her heart jacket. guess there was, you know, continued comments about the heart jacket even after the party.

Kelli (27:44.676)
that's why Angie brought up, that's why I thought she brought up bowling because she said Brittany was still talking about it.

We Wine Whenever (27:54.095)
Okay, maybe she did, maybe she did. I'll be honest with you, I...

Kelli (27:56.28)
Wherever Angie saw her after the party, she was still talking about it. And I thought she said, we just went bowling. And I thought, well, if they went bowling, why didn't they film it? And why didn't we see a scene? Even if it was a quick scene, why didn't we see a scene?

We Wine Whenever (28:00.804)

We Wine Whenever (28:10.758)
Yeah, maybe there wasn't enough, because whatever. Yeah, good point though. I miss that because I'll be honest with you, I watched this during my lunch break today. And I didn't finish watching it because I thought it was only an hour and it was an hour and 15. So I had to stop and you know, you know how that goes. So then they get to the zipline place and that girl Melee or Mellie, Mellie, Melee, I don't know how, Melee.

Kelli (28:26.816)
I do know how it goes. I do.

Kelli (28:36.629)

We Wine Whenever (28:38.328)
Mary, Lisa, Whitney, Brittany, Bronwyn, and Meredith all show up. But Meredith is not going to do it because she has tennis elbow. I mean, she had to be joking.

Kelli (28:51.928)
She's just so full of shit. Listen, I wouldn't go up, I have a fear of heights. I wouldn't go up there either. Or it would have taken me a Xanax and some real talking into to get up there. But Tennis Elbow, Meredith, from Churning Butter that you did last season, you did that last season.

We Wine Whenever (28:55.46)
from churning butter?

We Wine Whenever (29:10.726)

Right, right, right. Listen, I agree with you 100%. I was so surprised and to see Mary did it, I thought for sure Mary was gonna bail. I was very proud of Mary. Meredith, if you're not gonna do it because you're afraid of heights and you think you're better than them, just say that. Don't lie and say you have tennis elbow. Don't.

Kelli (29:24.234)
Me too! Me too!

Kelli (29:32.918)
Exactly. I think Mary got a lot of flack last season for not participating in things and maybe she's trying. Listen, like you said last week and I totally agree with you, I'm enjoying Mary so far this season, except when she said, I thought Mealy was much thinner than that. Did you hear her say that?

We Wine Whenever (29:53.43)
I that down. did hear her say that. She doesn't even realize she's doing it. Like, it's not that that's an excuse. I mean, it is an excuse.

Kelli (29:56.952)
It's got to stop fat shaming people, Mary. Body shaming. Nobody's fat. Stop body shaming.

Kelli (30:09.272)
I like I would never want to be around her. I would be so self -conscious.

We Wine Whenever (30:15.158)
I don't know. Honestly, I'm still enjoying her despite that comment. I really am.

Kelli (30:19.222)
I am enjoying her for sure. Absolutely.

We Wine Whenever (30:26.388)
And then when they're up there, Whitney says, I'm never giving a hand job again because this hurts. What?

Kelli (30:35.286)
Yeah, and did you... She's borderline Tamra on this with her explanation because it's like you're under a desk reaching up, which she has been. So we all know she was Justin's side piece before she was his wife. So that's such a dig to his ex -wife that you clearly did that with him and his children.

We Wine Whenever (30:41.087)
I didn't, yeah, yeah, that was.

We Wine Whenever (31:02.273)

Kelli (31:05.238)
with his ex -wife. Like very disrespectful. It's just she's just like very immature Whitney. No. No.

We Wine Whenever (31:08.544)
I agree, not necessary.

Yeah, it just wasn't necessary, right? So then they finished that after Mary makes that comment and they all go to the food truck. And I just, again, I thought Mary was very engaging. I mean, even her order, listen, I'm here for it. The comments, no, give me gas.

Kelli (31:32.216)
Do you want salsa? No. Don't give me gas.

We Wine Whenever (31:41.555)
So then Brittany gets up and she makes the announcement that although her and Jared are on and off again, he brought her a ring and he made it Instagram official when he asked her to be his girlfriend. Lisa says no. Right. He did not. Lisa said, right. Right. And Mary says, why do we care? Brittany says rude. Mary says like,

Kelli (31:55.34)
and then they fact check it and he in fact did not. He did not make it Instagram official.

We Wine Whenever (32:10.983)
You were to me last time. Lisa says she feels like Jared is working her over and Whitney agrees that because she's been out to dinner with them, which she would have a little bit of insight. Right. She agrees with Lisa and the fact that she even agrees with Lisa, you know. Then, yeah, then Brittany says that she has a complicated relationship and she doesn't speak to either of her daughters and she doesn't want to talk about it. She says it's personal.

Kelli (32:23.627)
Sure, for sure.

Kelli (32:29.802)
Right, fixed volumes.

We Wine Whenever (32:40.818)
And Mary says, but you're telling me about your boyfriend. So why can't you tell me this story? And then she goes on in her confessional and we hear that, listen, this really triggers her. It reminds her of her mother who all she cared about was her man. Meanwhile, she had five children at home that she wasn't taking care of and she wasn't feeding and she wasn't there for. And it really triggers her. And she would never do that to her son, Robert, which that makes sense. That makes sense.

Kelli (33:06.018)
So, for sure. So she didn't grow up poor as Brittany misread. And I honestly, I don't think Brittany comes with any ill intent. I think she misread what Mary was saying during the conversation last week. She didn't grow up poor, but she grew up with an absent mom. And she's not Mormon. So it wasn't... She's Christian.

We Wine Whenever (33:10.59)

We Wine Whenever (33:20.136)

We Wine Whenever (33:23.529)

We Wine Whenever (33:27.049)
She's Christian. Right. I know. I thought that was very interesting, especially since they got off on the wrong foot to begin with. I don't think that that's, I don't really think that relationship is going to turn around, but I could be wrong. I could be wrong. I could be wrong.

Kelli (33:44.822)
I agree. We do you do remember first season Mary basically said her mother thought it should be her that married Robert when the grandmother passed. So.

We Wine Whenever (33:55.185)
Yes. Yes. And she doesn't speak to her mother. Like we know that she doesn't speak to her mother.

Kelli (34:01.707)
So maybe her mom was always trying to find that, for lack of a better word, sugar daddy. Yeah. Yeah. And was so bent when he married Mary and not her.

We Wine Whenever (34:07.22)
Cash cow.

Mm -hmm.

We Wine Whenever (34:16.328)
I mean, it would make sense too if it was her grandmother because her grandmother was probably the one taking care of her when her mother wasn't around. So that's why she, you know.

Kelli (34:26.178)
for sure.

We Wine Whenever (34:31.963)
I don't know. don't know. At the end of, they're still yelling at each other. It's still going back and forth. just like it, it did. It really did. Cause then Meredith starts jumping in about, then Lisa's pile. Again, it was like another pile on. Like I don't like it. I really don't like when everyone's yelling at each other for we don't even know what. And then all of a sudden Whitney's like, okay, well we're all good. I'm going to invite you on our trip.

Kelli (34:40.148)
I'm very confusing.

We Wine Whenever (35:01.181)
I was like, what? Are we, are you at the same place?

Kelli (35:04.792)
But at least Heather called Brahman out on her two -facedness.

We Wine Whenever (35:08.891)
Yes, she did. Yes, she did. But Whitney seemed to be okay with it because she said that she talked. She had talked to Bronwyn and that she admitted it to her. So that's interesting because Heather's her cousin and Heather was having her back like she was complaining that she wasn't the other day. I don't know.

Kelli (35:11.99)
Yeah, but.

Totally okay with it.

Kelli (35:26.484)
It is interesting.

Kelli (35:33.162)
Right. Right.

We Wine Whenever (35:35.258)
Right? So we'll have to see how this whole thing turns out. And then she says how she did some research and this place has a bathtub. And then Meredith announces that she may not be able to attend, that she would let her know. Come on, Meredith. You're not missing Milwaukee. I don't care if it's in the winter. You want your screen time. You'll be there. And you'll come up with some other cockamamie scheme that you're going to talk about.

Kelli (35:55.005)
for sure. Yep, she'll be there.

Kelli (36:02.456)
the fact that Whitney's overpricing her bath bombs.

We Wine Whenever (36:05.979)
Yes, there you go. That she's been making now for how many years? Like eight, hasn't she been making them for like eight years?

Kelli (36:09.826)
What better storyline for Meredith?


Yeah. Yep. So ridiculous.

We Wine Whenever (36:20.837)
So that's all I have for Salt Lake City. I did not get to watch Watch What Happens Live, but you watched a little bit of it.

Kelli (36:30.71)
I did and it was good. know, Angie K was on with Lance Bass. I don't really, I was cooking and I, it was on in the background. So I don't really, I don't really remember too much of what Angie K was saying. Quite honestly, they did some good questions and answers and she answered well. Like she had to pick between Lisa and Meredith for certain things. They did ask her who is Mary closer with right now, Lisa or Meredith and, and, Angie said Lisa.

but Lance Bass told a very interesting story that when in sync was still touring their last, their very last tour did he opened for them.

And Andy was like, wow. And Lance Bass was like, yeah, I don't like him. He said, because after the show, we're all backstage and we overhear Diddy saying to Justin Timberlake, you gotta lose these fuckers and go out on your own. What are you doing? You need to go solo. And Lance Bass was like, I just thought that that was really messed up that he did that. We were all there. It was our show.

We Wine Whenever (37:40.481)
Right, right in front of everybody.

Kelli (37:43.19)
So Andy's response was so funny. He's like, well, I don't think that he's worrying about that right now. He's like, I think he's got a little bit more to worry about right now, so you're okay. So it was funny, but.

We Wine Whenever (37:50.617)
That's true.

We Wine Whenever (37:57.547)
Yeah. Every day something new comes out. Every day.

Kelli (38:05.324)
Did you see the thing I sent you about, was it Ice Cube?

We Wine Whenever (38:09.974)
Yes. Yes. Yeah, think he's, I think he's honestly, think he's just covering his own ass. That's what my take on that was. But I think it's interesting that the Mayor Adams, the indictment. Yes, in New York, which did he got the key to the city in New York. All those other, the chief of police in New York stepped down.

Kelli (38:11.81)
He said he thinks that he's being set up.

Kelli (38:18.53)

Kelli (38:26.699)
in New York.

Kelli (38:32.962)
Mm -hmm.

We Wine Whenever (38:39.985)
the school chancellor and I just heard New York City school chancellor. And Atlantic City mayor just stepped down today too. Yeah. I'm telling you there's there's a lot of stuff going on. There's a lot of stuff going on.

Kelli (38:44.418)
What school? I didn't hear about that.

Kelli (38:58.698)

Kelli (39:05.88)
That's crazy.

We Wine Whenever (39:07.681)
So I don't know when we're gonna do this next episode because I don't know, like, I feel like we're gonna, well, maybe we'll just do it. We'll just pick a time and we'll do it and then we'll do another one like we did last time. Yeah, because we're gonna have to do an update, you know? read, yeah, there is a lot. There is a lot. And a bunch of the people that we mentioned, because I was listening to it again.

Kelli (39:17.996)
What about Danny?

Kelli (39:21.9)
We're definitely going to to an update. There's so much. Yeah.

We Wine Whenever (39:32.599)
like Lucian Gray, like all those people stepped down. A bunch of people we had mentioned in our podcast, they stepped down. So I think it's gonna be interesting. It's gonna be interesting.

Kelli (39:41.238)
Yep. Yep.

Kelli (39:47.903)
It really is.

We Wine Whenever (39:50.167)
you know what else came out?

Kim Porter's children made a statement. Did you see this? Yes.

Kelli (39:59.074)
her kids with Diddy. Yeah, I think she, no, she's got one with Albie Shure and then Diddy.

We Wine Whenever (40:03.879)
Yeah, no, her daughter and I think it was her son, made a statement, Heather McDonald, it was on the Heather McDonald podcast, made a statement that their mother did not have this tell all memoir and anyone says that it was their mother is wrong. Yep. And that they have gone through a terrible time. They lost their mother, they loved their mother and now

this, you know, what's going on with their father. They're just asking, you know, to give them grace. And they were also talking about they don't have a place to live in L .A. So now they're looking for a place to rent because his place was seized when they did that raid. Heather was also mentioning that he had just paid off his place in Florida for 50 million dollars. So they could go there because that's paid off.

And the reason that they found out that he did that is because supposedly in Florida, they can't take it from you. They can't. If it's paid in full, they can't take it. So if he has it in a trust for them.

Kelli (41:10.198)
if it's paid in full.

Kelli (41:16.904)
probably what he did. He probably put it into a trust for his kids. Like paid it off, but the value, you know, the, you know.

We Wine Whenever (41:18.333)
Yes. Right.

We Wine Whenever (41:29.426)
Yeah, so I thought that was interesting, you know. I do too, I do too. I do too. You know, nobody asks for this, right?

Kelli (41:32.258)
I do feel bad for his kids.

We Wine Whenever (41:43.389)
I don't know.

Kelli (41:44.83)
I feel like there's somebody, there's somebody else.

pulling all the strings. And I'm not saying that I don't think Diddy's guilty and that he shouldn't face consequences for, because he clearly has hurt a lot of people and needs to face consequences. I just feel like there's somebody else pulling the strings.

We Wine Whenever (42:02.087)
Mm -hmm.

We Wine Whenever (42:08.051)
I agree. I 100 % agree. think that he's not the highest one. I think he's probably one of the lower men on the totem pole. And I also think that this is a distraction for something else that's going on that we don't know about. So we all need to keep our eyes open and pay attention.

Kelli (42:22.336)


Do you remember me telling you that, remember Terry lived next door to us when COVID first happened. And I was outside smoking a cigarette by the fence with her like we did every night. And she said that this woman came into Costco and she's like, she sounded nuts, but she said to her, this whole COVID thing, it's just a distraction. It's just a distraction. goes, you wait.

We Wine Whenever (42:34.803)
Mm -hmm.

We Wine Whenever (42:52.701)
Mm -hmm.

Kelli (42:55.456)
in the next two weeks, you're going to hear all about Epstein Island. And Terry was like, what the hell are you talking about? I never knew about Jeffrey Epstein before this. And Terry said, she said, watch this Netflix documentary. And she did. And then she told us about it and we watched it. And that's exactly what, I mean, you know, I'm not saying that COVID wasn't, you know, I'm not trying to get political here. I'm just saying that.

We Wine Whenever (43:11.827)

Kelli (43:23.456)
It was crazy that this woman came in and said that at the time and that all of a sudden everybody knew all about Jeffrey Epstein and then he commit suicide.

We Wine Whenever (43:31.761)
Right. Yeah. Yeah. It's a distraction. And I don't even know if you heard this in New York, that the guy who was the COVID czar, who was giving all the recommendations, they just did a recording of him. They had this recording that they released where he was out in a bar saying that in the midst of COVID in 2020, he was out going to these sex parties.

Kelli (43:34.978)
So I agree with you. I do think that this is a distraction.

We Wine Whenever (44:00.067)
not practicing what he was out there preaching. And meanwhile, all the first responders in New York City that lost their jobs because they wouldn't get the vaccine, all these first responders who wouldn't get the vaccine, who lost their jobs because he was the one recommending it and he was out there not following his own protocol. This just came out.

Kelli (44:10.552)
companies having to close.

Kelli (44:17.42)
Right. Yes.

Kelli (44:28.694)
What a piece of shit.

We Wine Whenever (44:29.947)
Yep, yep. Crazy, like just crazy. It's crazy.

Kelli (44:32.792)
Yeah, this is the world we're living in. You can't believe anybody.

We Wine Whenever (44:38.383)
No, you can't. I mean, you can believe us. That's true. That's true.

Kelli (44:40.706)
Well, yeah, we're telling the truth.

Listen, we got no skin in the game. We're just three girls from Brick, New Jersey who like to drink together and talk about stuff.

We Wine Whenever (44:50.181)
That's it.

Yep. That's it. That's who we are. Yep.

Kelli (44:56.652)
That's who we are. We're wives, we're mothers. Everybody in our houses drives us fucking crazy. So this is our guilty pleasure.

We Wine Whenever (45:08.812)
Yes, this is it. All right, until next time. Yep, thank you for watching and listening. Bye.

Kelli (45:11.787)
Yep, let's end on that.

Kelli (45:22.336)
Why is it still going?

Kelli (45:28.662)
I hit stop. it says stopping.

We Wine Whenever (45:31.598)
No, it just started again. This is 4533.

Kelli (45:36.034)
Mine says stopping.

We Wine Whenever (45:41.388)
Mine's still going.

Well, let me hit stop on mine. I've never hit stop before. I just hit stop.

Kelli (45:55.222)
It's still going.

but it also says 99 % uploading up top. Does yours say that?

We Wine Whenever (46:03.63)
No, but mine never tells me what percentage I just will get. But it's I'm seeing the countdown. It says 4609, right? Is that what you're seeing?

Kelli (46:12.183)

We Wine Whenever (46:22.382)
My number's still going. Did my upload complete too?

We Wine Whenever (46:31.852)
Alright, that's weird.

We Wine Whenever (46:35.917)
That is weird. All right, did Laurie's friend come or is that tomorrow?

We Wine Whenever (46:48.384)

We Wine Whenever (46:54.997)

We Wine Whenever (47:02.784)
What happens in Lakewood?

We Wine Whenever (47:12.724)

We Wine Whenever (47:26.528)
All right, and then so tomorrow we'll do OC.

We Wine Whenever (47:34.27)
Okay, yeah, whatever time.

We Wine Whenever (47:38.858)
Yeah, that's fine. That's fine. I'll try and watch that one on my lunch, too. I've been just downloading it on my phone so that I can watch it on the go because I feel like it's... My iPad... I guess I could download it on my iPad, but I use my iPad to take the notes. I type on the iPad while I watch it on the phone.

so it's easier.

We Wine Whenever (48:15.57)
Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Let's do that. Let's do that. Yeah. Yeah. All right. So we'll do that. All right. So we'll do it. I'll move it to Saturday.

Alright, that sounds good.

We Wine Whenever (48:47.283)
Since we dropped Diddy today, I won't do this one. I won't do this one until tomorrow to drop for Saturday. And then Saturday we'll drop it on Monday, right?

We Wine Whenever (49:04.647)

We Wine Whenever (49:15.643)
Now, when did he pass away?

We Wine Whenever (49:33.383)
Yes, yes, yes.

We Wine Whenever (49:41.628)
Wait a second, what's Dennis' last name? because on this Diddy podcast, you were talking about it was Andrew's birthday and that you were out with somebody and this guy is a good guy. But I deleted all that stuff. Remember when it was, you wished Andrew a happy birthday?

This was back on April 24th.

We Wine Whenever (50:09.211)
Weren't you at the arrowhead?

I think it might have been. And the only reason I know about it is because like I said, just re -listened to it to edit it and I was like, we don't need to talk about this. Like, we don't need to do that. Just put the Diddy stuff in. my God.

We Wine Whenever (51:13.713)

We Wine Whenever (51:18.853)
Right. Right. Just be honest with her. Right. Right.

We Wine Whenever (52:41.534)
my god.

We Wine Whenever (52:52.281)
Mm -hmm.

That's insane. That's insane. Ugh.

We Wine Whenever (53:49.079)
Isn't that our witches?

We Wine Whenever (54:25.475)
kind of jewelry party?

We Wine Whenever (54:30.189)
how expensive was that?

We Wine Whenever (54:35.353)
But how much was the bracelet?

We Wine Whenever (54:41.901)
Was it nice? No.

We Wine Whenever (54:59.925)
You don't have a job. Right, you don't have a job. Right. I have two jobs. I teach CCD. I fucking am the treasurer or whatever the hell you are for the basketball team. My son plays basketball. I have a husband. I have a fucking podcast.

We Wine Whenever (55:24.862)
What time is that which is thing?

That little fucker is a big crick cricket.

Okay. And we're doing the witches, right? We're doing the...

I pulled it out. I pulled them out. I pulled mine out. Because I was down in the basement today, Matt needed something for something. So I pulled it out. So okay, that's good. And then the witches day out, we're just wearing witches hats, right? Okay. And Victoria's going there.

We Wine Whenever (56:06.153)

We Wine Whenever (56:28.404)
Wait, it's at her house? Where is it? It's in the town? I'm confused. Yeah.

okay, it's at the campground. okay, okay, okay. Okay, so we can drink. Okay. And it's outside, so we'll need to dress accordingly.

Okay, alright. Alright, sounds good.

Yeah, hopefully it will be.

It rained. Yeah, it was not good. Saturday sounds good. Okay. Thanks, you too. Bye.

People on this episode